A simple PHP command line tool to generate a CodeIgniter blank migration class file. It is very similiar to doctrine:migrations:generate
of Symfony DoctrineMigrationsBundle.
composer require phplucidframe/bare-migration
php composer.phar require phplucidframe/bare-migration
If you don't want to use Composer, you can download the zip file and unzip it to your project vendor folder. However, make sure the directory path is /vendor/phplucidframe/bare-migration/
where the script file ci
should exist.
$ php vendor/phplucidframe/bare-migration/ci migration:bare add_new_post_table
OR, you can also CD to the package directory.
$ cd vendor/phplucidframe/bare-migration
$ php ci migration:bare add_new_post_table
The above example will create a new migration file application/migrations/{YmdHis}_add_new_post_table.php
where {YmdHis}
would be the current timestamp.