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311 lines (210 loc) · 12.1 KB

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311 lines (210 loc) · 12.1 KB

How to contribute

Getting Started

Before you can build the project, you'll need to set up your development environment. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Install the required software:

    This project requires CMake and a C++ compiler with C++20 standard supported. You can check what compiler has C++20 at cppreference.

    You can install these required tools on Ubuntu with the following command:

    sudo apt-get install cmake g++

    If you're using a different operating system, you'll need to install these tools in a way that's appropriate for your system.

  2. Clone the forked repository:

    In order to send contributions, first you need to Fork the repository on GitHub

    So, you can clone the repository with the following command:

    git clone<yourusername>/faker-cxx.git

    Replace yourusername with the correct values for this project.

  3. Get into a discussion:

    Pick an issue from issues or you can refactor the code or implement features that you find useful.

Making Changes

  1. Create a feature/bug branch from main branch:
git checkout -b feature/feature-name

Please avoid working directly on the main branch.

  1. Follow the code style guide:

    This project uses a .clang-format file to define its coding style. This file is automatically used by the clang-format tool to format code.

    The .clang-format file ensures that all code adheres to the project's coding style, providing consistency across the codebase. It includes settings for various formatting rules, such as indentation, spacing, and alignment.

    Before making changes, make sure you have clang-format installed. If you're using Visual Studio Code, you can install the clang-format extension.

    If you want to format all files in project manually, you can run the following script:

  2. Make commits of logical units:

This means that each commit should contain a complete and coherent piece of work that can be understood independently of other changes. For example, if you're fixing two different bugs, it's better to make two separate commits (one for each bug) rather than one commit that contains fixes for both bugs. This makes it easier to understand the purpose of each commit, and allows each change to be reviewed and applied separately.

  1. Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes:

If you're adding a new feature or changing existing functionality, it's important to update or add tests that verify your changes. This helps to ensure that your changes work as expected and don't introduce new bugs. It also helps other developers understand what your code is supposed to do.

  1. Run all the tests to assure nothing else was accidentally broken:

Before you submit your changes, you should run all the project's tests to make sure your changes haven't inadvertently broken anything. Even if you think your changes are isolated, there could be unexpected interactions with other parts of the codebase.

  1. If you've added a new file to your project with non-Latin characters, ensure that the file encoding is set to Unicode (UTF-8 without signature) - Codepage 65001 in Microsoft Visual Studio Code:

If a file contains non-Latin characters (such as characters from Chinese, Arabic, or many other non-Latin alphabets), it's important to save the file with the correct encoding to ensure that the characters are displayed correctly. In Visual Studio Code, you can set the encoding for a file by clicking on the "UTF-8" button in the status bar at the bottom of the window, and then selecting "Save with Encoding" and choosing "UTF-8 without BOM".

Building and Testing the Project

Building the Project with CMake

To build the project, we use CMake with presets. This allows for a standardized and simplified build process across different environments. Follow the steps below to build the project:

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd /path/to/faker-cxx
  2. Configure the build using the desired preset:

    Presets are predefined sets of configuration options. This project has a preset for each compiler. To list the available presets, use the following command:

    cmake --list-presets
    "unixlike-gcc-debug-static"     - Unixlike GCC Debug Static library
    "unixlike-gcc-debug-shared"     - Unixlike GCC Debug Shared library
    "unixlike-gcc-release-static"   - Unixlike GCC Release Static library
    "unixlike-gcc-release-shared"   - Unixlike GCC Release Shared library
    "unixlike-clang-debug-static"   - Unixlike Clang Debug Static library
    "unixlike-clang-debug-shared"   - Unixlike Clang Debug Shared library
    "unixlike-clang-release-static" - Unixlike Clang Release Static library
    "unixlike-clang-release-shared" - Unixlike Clang Release Shared library
    "windows-msvc-debug-static"     - Windows MSVC Debug Static library
    "windows-msvc-debug-shared"     - Windows MSVC Debug Shared library
    "windows-msvc-release-static"   - Windows MSVC Release Static library
    "windows-msvc-release-shared"   - Windows MSVC Release Shared library

    For instance, if you are in Ubuntu and want to build using GCC in Debug mode and static library (faker-cxx.a), you should use the preset unixlike-gcc-debug=static. The unixlike-clang- preset should work for both Linux and macOS when using the CLang compiler.

    The -S . option in the following command specifies the source directory:

    cmake -S . --preset unixlike-gcc-debug-static
  3. Build the project:

    The following command generates the build files and compiles the project using the settings specified in the unixlike-gcc-debug-static preset:

    cmake --build --preset unixlike-gcc-debug-static

Building the Project with Bazel

As alternative, this project can be built using Bazel. The dependencies are managed directly by Bazel modules, downloading and building all external dependencies. Follow the steps below to build the project:

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd /path/to/faker-cxx
  2. Build the project:

    bazel build //:faker-cxx

Testing the Project with CMake/CTest

After building the project, you can run the tests to ensure everything is working correctly. We use CTest for running tests. Follow the steps below to test the project:

1. Run the tests using the same preset:

ctest --preset unixlike-gcc-debug-static

Testing the Project with Bazel

As alternative, tests and be built and validated using Bazel as well. Follow the steps below to test the project:

1. Build the tests using Bazel

bazel build //tests:faker-cxx-ut

2. Run the tests generated by Bazel:


Installing the Project

When wanting to install those generated artifacts like headers files and library, you can use CMake to operate as installer as well:

   cmake --build --preset unixlike-gcc-debug-static --target install

By default, CMake will install in the subfolder install in the source folder.

In order to change the installation folder, you can use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to configure the destination folder:

   cmake -S . --preset unixlike-gcc-debug-static -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/faker-cxx
   cmake --build --preset unixlike-gcc-debug-static --target install

This configuration will install all artifacts in /opt/faker-cxx. The permission to write in the folder should be granted before executing the installation command.

Submitting Changes

Once you've made your changes and ensured they adhere to the project's coding style and pass all tests, you can submit them for review. Here's how:

  1. Push your changes:

    First, you'll need to push your changes to the branch in your fork of the repository. You can do this with the following command:

    git push origin your-branch-name

    Replace your-branch-name with the name of the branch you created for your changes.

  2. Create a pull request:

    After pushing your changes, you'll need to create a pull request. This is a way of proposing your changes to the project maintainers and allowing them to review your code.

    To create a pull request, go to the main page of the repository on GitHub, and click on the "Pull requests" tab. Then click on the "New pull request" button.

    In the "base" dropdown, select the main branch of the original repository, and in the "compare" dropdown, select the branch in your fork with your changes.

    Fill out the pull request form with a title and description that explain your changes, and then click "Create pull request".

    For more detailed instructions, see GitHub's guide on creating a pull request from a fork.


Pull Request Titles need to follow our semantic convention.

PR Titles are written in following convention: type: subject

type is required and indicates the intent of the PR

The types feat and fix will be shown in the changelog as ### Features or ### Bug Fixes

Allowed types are:

type description
feat A new feature is introduced
fix A bug was fixed
chore No user affected code changes were made
refactor A refactoring that affected also user (e.g. log a deprecation warning)
docs Docs were changed
test Test were changed
ci CI were changed
build Build scripts were changed
infra Infrastructure related things were made (e.g. issue-template was updated)
revert A revert was triggered via git

subject is required and describes what the PR does

Some examples of valid pull request Titles:

feat: add book module
fix: fix randomizer function
chore: add naming convention rule
refactor: migrate from std::string to std::string_view
docs: remove unused docs
ci: add clang16 support

Additional Resources

To assist you in contributing to the project, we've compiled a list of useful resources:

  1. Community Support:

    If you have any questions or need help understanding a feature, feel free to join our Discord Channel. It's a great place to connect with other contributors and get answers to your questions.

  2. Reference Implementations:

    If you're implementing a feature, you might find it helpful to look at Faker.js. It's a similar project in JavaScript, and its implementations could serve as a useful reference.

  3. CMake and CTest Documentation:

    If you're new to CMake and CTest, or if you need a refresher, check out their official documentation:

Remember, the best way to learn is by doing. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and ask questions. We're here to help!