This library provides two test suite types:
- Unit tests: They are available in the
folder and they test every single component (class/function). - End to end tests: They are available in the
folder and they test the interaction with a real bluetooth device that you spawn on your own.
In order to run the available test suites you have to set up right D-Bus permissions. Execute the following script on a bash terminal
echo '<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<policy user="__USERID__">
<allow own="org.test"/>
<allow send_destination="org.test"/>
<allow send_interface="org.test.iface"/>
</busconfig>' | sed "s/__USERID__/$(id -un)/" | sudo tee /etc/dbus-1/system.d/node-ble-test.conf > /dev/null
npm test
The end to end test will try to connect to a real bluetooth device and read some characteristics. To do that, you need two different devices a central and a peripheral. The test suite will act as a central, but you to need to create a fake peripheral (test device). You can follow fake device setup guide.
After you have prepared the device, you have to read via USB its mac address, then launch the test suite.
TEST_DEVICE=00:00:00:00:00:00 npm run test:e2e