General info in main Readme
Gradient Boosting Method (GBM) to predict flight delays. A H2O generated GBM Java model (POJO) is instantiated and used in a Kafka Streams application to do interference on new events.
- H2O
- Check the H2O demo to understand the test and and how the model was built
- You can re-use the generated Java model attached to this project ( or build your own model using R, Python, Flow UI or any other technologies supported by H2O framework.
Business Logic (applying the analytic model to do the prediction):
Specification of the used model:
Unit Test using TopologyTestDriver:
Integration Test using EmbeddedKafkaCluster:
You can easily test this by yourself. Here are the steps:
Start Kafka, e.g. with Confluent CLI:
confluent local start kafka
Create topics AirlineInputTopic and AirlineOutputTopic
kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic AirlineInputTopic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1 kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic AirlineOutputTopic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1
Start the Kafka Streams app:
java -cp h2o-gbm/target/h2o-gbm-CP53_AK23-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.github.megachucky.kafka.streams.machinelearning.Kafka_Streams_MachineLearning_H2O_GBM_Example
Send messages, e.g. with kafkacat:
echo -e "1987,10,14,3,741,730,912,849,PS,1451,NA,91,79,NA,23,11,SAN,SFO,447,NA,NA,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,YES,YES" | kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -P -t AirlineInputTopic
Consume predictions:
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic AirlineOutputTopic --from-beginning
Find more details in the unit test...
The project includes another example with similar code to use a H2O Deep Learning model instead of H2O GBM Model: This shows how you can easily test or replace different analytic models for one use case, or even use them for A/B testing.
Business Logic (applying the analytic model to do the prediction):
Specification of the used model:
Unit Test using TopologyTestDriver:
Integration Test using
Same as above but change class to start app:
Start the Kafka Streams app:
java -cp h2o-gbm/target/h2o-gbm-CP53_AK23-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.github.megachucky.kafka.streams.machinelearning.Kafka_Streams_MachineLearning_H2O_DeepLearning_Example