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Gentzen is an attempt at writing a proof checker and basic assistant for performing proofs within arbitrary first and second order systems of Sequent Calculi with shared contexts.

I made Gentzen after reading parts of "Structural Proof Theory" (Negri, Von Plato), my goal was to better understand how the different systems relate as well as to have a machine check my proofs.

Gentzen supports user-defined systems of sequent calculi.

Gentzen is still very early in development and is missing most features that might make it useful to anyone else.


We can look at examples/hypothetical_syllogism.gtzn to see a definition of a sequent calculi system (G3ip from Structural Proof Theory), as well as a proof within that system:

$ cat examples/hypothetical_syllogism.gtzn 
system G3ip
    axiom         (a)    (L |- R) = [(a in L), (a in R)].()
    left_and      (a^b)  (L |- R) = L-(a^b)+a+b |- R
    right_and     (a^b)  (L |- R) = (L+a |- R-(a^b)), (L+b |- R-(a^b))
    left_or       (a∨b)  (L |- R) = (L-(a∨b)+a |- R), (L-(a∨b)+b |- R)
    right_or1     (a∨b)  (L |- R) = L |- R-(a∨b)+a
    right_or2     (a∨b)  (L |- R) = L |- R-(a∨b)+b
    left_implies  (a->b) (L |- R) = (L |- a), (L-(a->b)+b |- R)
    right_implies (a->b) (L |- R) = L+a |- R-(a->b)+b
    left_bottom   ()     (L |- R) = [(_ in L)].()

theorem hypothetical_syllogism
system G3ip
sequent |- ((a->b) ^ (b->c)) -> (a -> c)
    apply right_implies [((a->b)^(b->c))->(a->c)]
    expect (a->b) ^ (b->c) |- a->c
    apply right_implies [a->c]
    apply left_and [(a->b)^(b->c)]
    apply left_implies [a->b]
        apply axiom [a]
        apply left_implies [b->c]
            apply axiom [b]
            apply axiom [c]

We can run Gentzen over this proof to have it perform a check:

$ make && stack exec gentzen-exe -- examples/hypothetical_syllogism.gtzn 
stack build

Parsing results:
WorkUnit system 'G3ip' (Theorem {name = "hypothetical_syllogism", system = "G3ip", sequent = [] |- [a->b^b->c->a->c], steps = [Apply "right_implies" [a->b^b->c->a->c],Expect [a->b^b->c] |- [a->c],Apply "right_implies" [a->c],Apply "left_and" [a->b^b->c],Apply "left_implies" [a->b],Branch [Apply "axiom" [a]] [Apply "left_implies" [b->c],Branch [Apply "axiom" [b]] [Apply "axiom" [c]]]]})

check successful

proof tree:
    unproven: []
    aborted:  []
        0 : [] |- [a->b^b->c->a->c]
        1 : [a->b^b->c] |- [a->c]
        2 : [a,a->b^b->c] |- [c]
        3 : [b->c,a->b,a] |- [c]
        4 : [b->c,a->b,a] |- [a]
        5 : [b,b->c,a] |- [c]
        6 : [b,b->c,a] |- [b]
        7 : [c,b,a] |- [c]
        0 : Straight 0 "right_implies" [a->b^b->c->a->c] 1
        1 : Straight 1 "right_implies" [a->c] 2
        2 : Straight 2 "left_and" [a->b^b->c] 3
        3 : Split 3 "left_implies" [a->b] 4 5
        4 : Axiom 4 "axiom" [a]
        5 : Split 5 "left_implies" [b->c] 6 7
        6 : Axiom 6 "axiom" [b]
        7 : Axiom 7 "axiom" [c]

run successful