Note as FOSRestBundle is not yet declared stable, this document will be updated to list important BC breaks.
- the view response listener is now disabled by default. See enable view listener for how to enable it.
- renamed "query" fetcher to "param" fetcher, this affects the configuration as well as the name of interfaces and request attributes
- ViewHandler now only calls "createView()" in a single form instance set as "form" in the data array
- removed "serializer_version" config option on favor of "serializer: ['version': ..]"
- renamed [get|set]Objects*() to [get|set]Serializer*()
- renamed the "objects_version: XXX" configuration option to "serializer: [version: XXX]"
- moved serializer configuration code from ViewHandler::createResponse() to ViewHandler::getSerializer()
- made ViewHandler::getSerializer() protected again
- Change route fallback action to PATCH instead of POST
Automatically generated routes will now fall back to the PATCH instead of the POST method.
More information in the docs, at this issue and this PR.
The ViewInterface is gone so you might have to change your controller config if you refer to the fos_rest.view service.
The View class is now split into a View (simple data container) and a ViewHandler (contains the actual rendering logic).
The following code would need to be changed:
public function indexAction($name = null) { $view = $this->container->get('fos_rest.view'); if (!$name) { $view->setResourceRoute('_welcome'); } else { $view->setParameters(array('name' => $name)); $view->setTemplate(new TemplateReference('LiipHelloBundle', 'Hello', 'index')); } return $view->handle(); }
To the following code:
public function indexAction($name = null) { if (!$name) { $view = \FOS\RestBundle\View\RouteRedirectView::create('_welcome'); } else { $view = \FOS\RestBundle\View\View::create(array('name' => $name)) ->setTemplate(new TemplateReference('LiipHelloBundle', 'Hello', 'index')); ; } return $this->container->get('fos_rest.view_handler')->handle($view); }
The custom Serializer class was removed instead JMSSerializerBundle is now used, which replaces the concept of normalizers/encoders with the concept of visitors and handler