- Optimizations
- Caching Manager
- General stability
- Cleanup code
- Remove unused code / files / whatever
- Rate limiting, Token validation, etc.
- Quests / Challenges
- Medal punchcards (on c2+)
- Save the World
- Fully universal (with no bugs!)
- Arena or whatever
- Leaderboards (live updates)
- Tournaments
- Season by season gamemodes (only modes that were available in that original season)
- Ban assists
- Bans
- Matchmaking (duh)
- Friends
- PartyV2
- Matchmaker (obviously)
- More commands
- Basic TCP Support
- Move XmppClients and MUC to the database
- Basically make everything handled by the database
- Admin Panel
- Full rewrite of profile manager (it works fine but the code is a mess)
- Rewrite of the database manager (probably not)
- Creative matchmaking
- Custom matches (Support a creator only)
- Be as performant and efficent as possible
- Be able to handle a lot of players
- Be able to handle multiple servers
- Be able to handle parties