- The goal of the hiring process is to hire people, not to eliminate them.
- Interview questions should be tailored for each candidate. Companies who ask different candidates for the same role the same questions are process-driven, not people-driven.
- Standardized interview questions lead to standardized answers which, in turn, leads to standardized people.
- If a piece of knowledge is easy to acquire, it’s not worth testing for.
- Ask questions with multiple hurdles. After giving the candidate a hint, the question becomes slightly easier, but there’s still room for the candidate to show off their skills.
- Ask hard questions. Extraordinary candidates can write up a simple solution within an hour, and there’s no upper bound on how much a candidate can improve the solution. Asking hard questions shows that you think about and work on hard problems, which attracts people who want to solve hard problems.
- A good interview is a question that turns into a conversation.
- For long-term hires, interviews should focus on critical thinking and problem-solving skills instead of techniques. Techniques change over time, but critical thinking and problem-solving skills will always be relevant.
- Both interviewers’ and candidates’ time should be respected.
- Interviews should be transparent. For each interview, not only the final evaluation but also the log of the questions and answers should be submitted.