- Updated
to work without nonhost chronology #2- Thanks for the contribution of @MaxenceMartin on this
- @chguiterman added a unit test, cleaned up a RCMD note, some linting, Also updated the function description for this new option
- Changed use of {vdiffr} in
files to be conditional- {vdiffr} does not load on Apply M1 machines, and thanks to @lionel- for code example on how to fix the issue https://github.com/lionel-/ggstance/commit/eac216f6
- Removed Travis CI and implemented GitHub Actions
- Thanks to @brews for this helpful resource: https://deanattali.com/blog/migrating-travis-to-github/
- New feature to allow users to change the y-axis label on the bottom tile of
- Thanks to Ann Lynch and Wojciech Kędziora for the suggestion. This should provide greater flexibility for users that are not only looking at defoliation but other causes of growth suppression
- Removed
data objects in preference forefk_*
- Readme edits
- Edits to function descriptions
- Adding new logo
- Fixed a bug in
regarding series_end_events - Added updated East Fork data, new objects are
- Fix up
with flexible Y-axis labels and shaded area - Address issues pertaining to ongoing defoliations when users select
series_end_events = TRUE
.- Duration is no longer calculated for series-end-events in
- A new factor, "se_outbreak" was added to
results to identify ongoing events - Duration and other statistics are not calculated for ongoing events in
- Duration is no longer calculated for series-end-events in
- Add examples to plotting functions
- dfoliatR is now published in Dendrochronologia
- Accepted to CRAN
- preparation for CRAN release
- adding examples to primary functions
- checking spelling and code format
- Updating man files with
- running diagnostic utilities in
R CMD Check 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 notesdevtools::check_rhub()
0 errors, 0 warnings, 1 note- The note relates to spelling of "Swetnam" and "dfoliatR" in the DESCRIPTION. Both are correct.
seems to check out.- Update README
- Update pkgdown site
- Add data from Demi John; change built-in data naming scheme to help differentiate host series from nonhost chronologies
- Added provision to prevent defoliation events two years following one, unless bridge_events is set to true.
- Reduced event levels for more meaningful interpretation
- Added Gantt plot to plotting options. This required adding several new helper functions, including the useful get_defol_events function
- Revised
to catch series with no defol events - Gantt plot is now the default tree-level plotting option
- Added unit tests to defoliate and outbreak functions
- plotting is now stable to ggplot2 v3.2.0
- testing of plots via vdiffr
- Add "Maturing" as a lifecycle badge
- Add new constructor functions to (re)establish object classes for defol and outbreak. This is particularly useful when batch processing with {purrr} functions like
- Changed the
object code toobr
. And updated several functions to account for the change. - Bug fix in
to pass non-defoliated series through to final table. - Spell check and code flow fixes
- Added MIT License
- Adding Zenodo DOI
- Ready for v.0.0.4
- Changed package name
- Add parameter to allow for events that are ongoing at the time of sampling, called series end events. This is for users who know, with certainty, that they sampling during an outbreak event. The parameter allows for events to be recorded regardless of duration, but only the recent end of the series.
- Add parameter to allow for bridging of two defoliation events on a single tree. This was done after observing instances where two successive events were separated by a single year, and in the case of western spruce budworm more likely represented a single, long event. The option should be used with caution and scrutinized closely.
- Update author list to reflect significant contributions to dfoliatR development by Ann Lynch and Jodi Axelson.
- Replaced the correct_host_series function with gsi to better capture the process of calculating the growth suppression index.
- This version in response to validation trials with real data
- Improve id_defoliation to prevent overlapping defol events
- Add both corrected and normalized index series to outputs of defoliate_trees and outbreak functions
- Initial uploads of basic functions
- Includes detecting defoliation signals following protocols of Swetnam, Lynch, and Holmes studies and programs
- Adds basic tree and site level stats
- Adds basic plots for tree- and site-level objects
- Add some data for educational purpose