Bitmessage client for the API written in Node.js.
npm install bitmessage-node
//establish connection to Bitmessage server
var bm = require('bitmessage-node')(host, port, username, password);
//get inbox list
bm.messages.inbox.list(cb); //returns list of messages
//get message by id
bm.messages.inbox.single(id, cb, read);
//send message
bm.messages.send(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message, cb);
//get sent messages
//get sent message by id
bm.messages.sent.single(id, cb);
//get sent message by ack
bm.messages.sent.singleByAck(ack, cb);
//move message to trash by id
bm.messages.inbox.moveToTrash(id, cb);
//move message to trash by ack
bm.messages.sent.moveToTrashByAck(ack, cb);
//list identities
bm.addresses.list(cb); //returns identities
//create random address
bm.addresses.createRandom(label, cb); //returns address id
//create deterministic address
bm.addresses.createDeterministic(passphrase, cb); //returns address id
//list subscriptions
bm.subscriptions.list(cb); //returns subscriptions
bm.subscriptions.subscribe(address, label, cb); //returns string with status
bm.subscriptions.unsubscribe(address, cb); //returns string with status
//list contacts
bm.addressbook.list(cb); //returns contacts
//add contact
bm.addressbook.addEntry(address, label, cb);
//delete contact
bm.addressbook.deleteEntry(address, cb);
A Bitmessage server running on a local machine. Download from
If you plan on connecting to a remote Bitmessage server, you should absolutely use SSH tunneling to establish a secure connection and connect via a local port.
ssh -N -L 8442:localhost:8442 <remote-bitmessage-server-hostname>
The MIT License (MIT)