AutoCompleteSuffixView helps to complete account's suffix automatically when user type characters in UITextField. For more details, please see the screenshot below.
Normal installation
- put AutoCompleteSuffixView.h and AutoCompleteSuffixView.m (here)into your project.
CocoaPods style installation
Install CocoaPods if you do not have it installed.
$[sudo] gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
create Podfile right under your project directory, and its content is:
pod 'AutoCompleteSuffixView', '~> 0.3'
pod install
on your terminal. -
open ${projectname}.xcworkspace from now on,do not open ${projectname}.xcodeproj anymore.
import header file:
import "AutoCompleteSuffixView.h"
Sample usage:
NSArray *suffixs = @[@"", @"", @"", @""];
AutoCompleteSuffixView *autoBindUrs = [[AutoCompleteSuffixView alloc] initWithInputField:self.ursTextField suffixs:suffixs];
[self.view addSubview:autoBindUrs];
- tips:self.ursTextField(UITextField) is the UITextField that you want to bind AutoCompleteSuffixView to, and
is the completion suffixs array.
- tips:self.ursTextField(UITextField) is the UITextField that you want to bind AutoCompleteSuffixView to, and
Memo:AutoCompleteSuffixExample's Xcode project can only run in Xcode 5+