- A comparative study of multi-layer neural network and the coral reefs optimization modeling in time series prediction
- The coral reefs optimization and multi-layer neural network model for forecasting time series
- Applying The coral reefs optimization and multi-layer neural network to Time Series Predictable
- Time series prediction with multi-layer neural networks trained by the coral reefs optimization algorithm
- Using The coral reefs optimization and multi-layer neural network for time series prediction
- Forecasting Time series models using multi-layer neural network and the coral reefs optimization algorithm
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Time series prediction using Feed-forward NN, Multi-Layer NN and show the drawbacks
- Time series prediction using RNN and LSTM and show the drawbacks
- The Global Optimization of GA Algorithm in MLNN and show the drawbacks
- The Coral Reefs applications and the advantages
- Our contributions
Coral Reefs Optimization Multi-layer Neural Network 3.1 - CRO hoặc biến thể của CRO 3.2 - MLNN 3.3 - CRO-MLNN for time series forecasting
Experiments 4.1 Setup a - Dataset:
- Univariate : Worldcup 5minute, Traffic EU and UK 5m,
- Multivariate: CPU and RAM in Google Trace b - Method :
- Accuracy : RMSE, MAE, MAPE
- Speed: Time (second/epoch), Total time (second) c - Parameters settings for Models and Algorithms
- MLNN (1 Hidden Layer)
- RNN (1 HL)
- LSTM (1 HL, 2 HL)
4.2 Results and Dicussion a. Worldcup 5m + Accuracy + Speed b. Traffic EU and UK 5m + Accuracy + Speed c. CPU and RAM in google trace + Accuracy + Speed
- Conclusion
Acknowledgment References
3. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS)
Link: https://www.atlantis-press.com/journals/ijcis
Latex template:
+ https://www.atlantis-press.com/journals/ijcis/author-guidelines
2. Memetic Computing (algo is not very memetic, no-review)
Link: https://link.springer.com/journal/12293
1. JCSS (out-of-scope no-review)
Link: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-computer-and-system-sciences
Latex template:
+ https://www.elsevier.com/authors/author-schemas/latex-instructions
+ https://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-of-computer-and-system-sciences/0022-0000/guide-for-authors