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Andrew Lambert edited this page Jun 7, 2015 · 13 revisions

Module libcURL.Opts

Contains option number constants for EasyHandle.SetOption and MultiHandle.SetOption.


	Protected Const ACCEPT_ENCODING = 10102
	Protected Const CAINFO = 10065
	Protected Const CAPATH = 10097
	Protected Const CLOSESOCKETDATA = 10209
	Protected Const CLOSESOCKETFUNCTION = 20208
	Protected Const CONNECT_ONLY = 141
	Protected Const COOKIE = 10022
	Protected Const COOKIEFILE = 10031
	Protected Const COOKIEJAR = 10082
	Protected Const COOKIELIST = 10135
	Protected Const CRLFILE = 10169
	Protected Const CUSTOMREQUEST = 10036
	Protected Const DEBUGDATA = 10095
	Protected Const DEBUGFUNCTION = 20094
	Protected Const DIRLISTONLY = 48
	Protected Const DNS_INTERFACE = 10221
	Protected Const DNS_LOCAL_IP4 = 10222
	Protected Const DNS_LOCAL_IP6 = 10223
	Protected Const EGDSOCKET = 10077
	Protected Const FTPPORT = 10017
	Protected Const FTP_ACCOUNT = 10134
	Protected Const FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER = 10147
	Protected Const HEADERDATA = 10029
	Protected Const HEADERFUNCTION = 20079
	Protected Const HTTPGET = 80
	Protected Const HTTPHEADER = 10023
	Protected Const HTTPPOST = 10024
	Protected Const ISSUERCERT = 10170
	Protected Const KEYPASSWD = 10026
	Protected Const KRBLEVEL = 10063
	Protected Const MAIL_FROM = 10186
	Protected Const NETINTERFACE = 10062
	Protected Const NETRC_FILE = 10118
	Protected Const NOPROGRESS = 43
	Protected Const NOPROXY = 10177
	Protected Const OPENSOCKETDATA = 10164
	Protected Const OPENSOCKETFUNCTION = 20163
	Protected Const PASSWORD = 10174
	Protected Const PORT = 3
	Protected Const POSTFIELDS = 10015
	Protected Const POSTQUOTE = 10039
	Protected Const PREQUOTE = 10093
	Protected Const PROGRESSDATA = 10057
	Protected Const PROGRESSFUNCTION = 20056
	Protected Const PROXY = 10004
	Protected Const PROXYHEADER = 10228
	Protected Const PROXYPASSWORD = 10176
	Protected Const PROXYUSERNAME = 10175
	Protected Const PROXYUSERPWD = 10006
	Protected Const QUOTE = 10028
	Protected Const RANDOM_FILE = 10076
	Protected Const RANGE = 10007
	Protected Const READDATA = 10009
	Protected Const READFUNCTION = 20012
	Protected Const REFERER = 10016
	Protected Const RTSP_SESSION_ID = 10190
	Protected Const RTSP_STREAM_URI = 10191
	Protected Const RTSP_TRANSPORT = 10192
	Protected Const SEEKFUNCTION = 20167
	Protected Const SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICE = 10179
	Protected Const SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5 = 10162
	Protected Const SSH_KNOWNHOSTS = 10183
	Protected Const SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE = 10153
	Protected Const SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE = 10152
	Protected Const SSLCERT = 10025
	Protected Const SSLCERTTYPE = 10086
	Protected Const SSLENGINE = 10089
	Protected Const SSLKEY = 10087
	Protected Const SSLKEYTYPE = 10088
	Protected Const SSL_CIPHER_LIST = 10083
	Protected Const SSL_CTX_DATA = 10109
	Protected Const SSL_CTX_FUNCTION = 20108
	Protected Const SSL_VERIFYHOST = 81
	Protected Const SSL_VERIFYPEER = 64
	Protected Const TIMEOUT = 13
	Protected Const UPLOAD = 46
	Protected Const URL = 10002
	Protected Const USERAGENT = 10018
	Protected Const USERNAME = 10173
	Protected Const VERBOSE = 41
	Protected Const WRITEDATA = 10001
	Protected Const WRITEFUNCTION = 20011
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