CZGE's Backend application is built with the following stack:
- FastAPI is an async Python API framework
- pydantic is a data validation library used to de/serialize and validate api requests and responses
- SQLAlchemy is an ORM
- Alembic is a tool for managing database migrations
- pytest is a testing framework
In addition it depends on some core external tools for data storage
- PostgreSQL is an RDBMS that stores most of our metadata
- Amazon S3 is a blob storage service that stores most of our job output
The root of our backend application is in src/backend
. noteworthy subdirectories are annotated here:
- Most of our backend application lives hereapi
- entrypoint for our backend API serviceschemas
- API input/output validation models live hereutils
- Code used by multiple endpoints (this could be better organized)views
- API endpoint code lives here
- code related to our compute jobsdatabase
- code related to establishing DB connections / sessionsmodels
- SQLAlchemy models used across our backend application
- alembic migrationsetc
- some basic setup configuration for our backend container
Our backend API is self-documenting via OpenAPI and JSON-Schema:
- API documentation:
- JSON Schema:
Some endpoints will only need the last few steps, but this is the maximal case:
- Create a new module in
and add a router:
# src/backend/aspen/api/views/
from fastapi import APIRouter
router = APIRouter()
- Import it into
and create a route for it:
# src/backend/aspen/api/
import new_module from api.views
dependencies=[Depends(get_auth_user)], # If all endpoints require authentication
- Add any new pydantic validation schemas as necessary:
# src/backend/aspen/api/schemas/
from aspen.api.schemas.base import BaseResponse, BaseRequest
class NewRequest(BaseRequest):
foo: str
class NewResponseItem(BaseResponse):
id: int
bar: str
class NewResponseList(BaseResponse):
rows: List[NewResponseItem]
- Add endpoints to your view module.
# src/backend/aspen/api/schemas/
import sqlalchemy as sa
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from aspen.api.auth import get_auth_user
from aspen.api.deps import get_db, get_settings
from aspen.api.schemas.new_module import NewRequest, NewResponseList
from aspen.api.settings import Settings
from aspen.database.models import User, SomeModel
router = APIRouter()
# Specify the HTTP method, sub-path (appending to the path added to and response model type.
# The response model type here populates our API documentation.
@router.get("/", response_model=NewResponseList) # All endpoints that return a list must end with a trailing slash
async def list_items(
request: NewRequest, # GET requests often don't need input model validation, but this is here for completeness.
db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_db),
settings: Settings = Depends(get_settings),
# If this endpoint requires authentication, we need to make sure to depend on get_auth_user
# or get_admin_user here to validate the user's credentials and return 401/403 responses
# if their credentials are invalid. For most endpoints, get_auth_user is added at the root
# router in aspen/api/, and it only needs to be included again here if we want to
# *use* the user object in our endpoint.
user: User = Depends(get_auth_user),
) -> NewResponseList:
rows = (await db.execute( ==
return NewResponseList.parse_obj({"rows": rows})
You can also connect to your local psql console by running:
aspen% make local-pgconsole
psql (13.1)
Type "help" for help.
aspen_db=> select * from aspen.users;
id | name | email | auth0_user_id | group_admin | system_admin | group_id
(0 rows)
It is possible to interact with the local database in ipython:
aspen% make local-dbconsole
docker-compose exec backend aspen-cli db --local interact
Python 3.9.1 (default, Feb 9 2021, 07:55:26)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.21.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: session = engine.make_session()
In [2]: session.query(User).all()
Out[2]: []
In [3]:
aspen-cli db interact
has a --profile
option that prints out every query that's executed and how long they take:
aspen% make local-dbconsole-profile
docker-compose exec backend aspen-cli db --local interact --profile
Python 3.9.1 (default, Feb 9 2021, 07:55:26)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.21.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: session = engine.make_session()
In [2]: results = session.query(Sample).all()
DEBUG:sqltime:Start Query: SELECT AS aspen_samples_id, aspen.samples.submitting_group_id AS aspen_samples_submitting_group_id, aspen.samples.private_identifier AS aspen_samples_private_identifier, aspen.samples.original_submission AS aspen_samples_original_submission, aspen.samples.public_identifier AS aspen_samples_public_identifier, aspen.samples.sample_collected_by AS aspen_samples_sample_collected_by, aspen.samples.sample_collector_contact_email AS aspen_samples_sample_collector_contact_email, aspen.samples.sample_collector_contact_address AS aspen_samples_sample_collector_contact_address, aspen.samples.authors AS aspen_samples_authors, aspen.samples.collection_date AS aspen_samples_collection_date, aspen.samples.location AS aspen_samples_location, aspen.samples.division AS aspen_samples_division, AS aspen_samples_country, aspen.samples.organism AS aspen_samples_organism, AS aspen_samples_host, aspen.samples.purpose_of_sampling AS aspen_samples_purpose_of_sampling, aspen.samples.specimen_processing AS aspen_samples_specimen_processing
FROM aspen.samples
DEBUG:sqltime:Query Complete!
DEBUG:sqltime:Total Time: 0.012416
In [3]:
We previously had nicer DB profiling in code, but it appears to have broken at some point. In the meantime, if you just need very, very basic profiling, you can just add an echo=True
argument to whatever runs the create_engine()
call and then remove it when you're done. If you need something more complete, you'll probably want to fix the below. Also check out these docs on SQLAlchemy for more guidance/context.
FIXME (Vince) As of Nov 14, 2022, the following does not appear to work. The code is present, but invoking enable_profiling
, etc has no effect right now. We should fix that. --- OLD README: The module aspen.database.connection
contains a number of methods to manage the capture of queries issued by sqlalchemy. enable_profiling()
can be used to enable and disable profiling, and enable_profiling_ctx()
is a context manager that can be used to manage a block of code that requires profiling.
- after modifying/adding any database table/schema code run:
make backend-alembic-autogenerate MESSAGE="descriptive message"
- this will create a migration file under
- make sure you look this file over and verify that alembic made the appropriate changes
- run
make backend-alembic-upgrade-head
- this updates your local running database, make sure you use either
make pg-console
ormake db-console
to check that changes were applied appropriately!
- this updates your local running database, make sure you use either
To update python dependencies, update the Pipfile
and run make update-deps
. This will update Pipfile.lock
and requirements.txt
(used by
You will also need to rebuild local running docker containers by running make local-rebuild
If you add a third-party library (directly or indirectly) that does not support python typing, then you may need to add an entry to mypy.ini
to let mypy know not to expect type hints for that library.
Create a new user to the auth0 covidtracker tenet, take note of auth0 user id
connect to staging aspen_db
make remote-pgconsole ENV=<staging|prod> DB=aspen_db
execute insert sql:
aspen_db=> INSERT INTO users (name, email, auth0_user_id, group_admin, system_admin, group_id) VALUES ('<name>', '<email>', '<auth0 user ID>', 'f', 't', <group ID>);
- to see all possible group ids:
select * from groups;
- to see all possible group ids:
the cli is useful to call api endpoints through the terminal. To start using the cli you must be logged into rdev, staging, or prod with your aspen system admin account.
Example endpoint call to update public_ids based on private to public id mapping csv file (column headers must be named private_identifier
, no line numbering)
python src/cli/ --env <local|staging|prod|rdev> samples update_public_ids --group-id 1 --private-to-public-id-mapping ~/Downloads/test_rename_public_identifiers.csv
- if using rdev also specify the stack name with
--stack <stack-name>
- if using rdev also specify the stack name with