This repository contains a MATLAB implementation to compute and evaluate frequency robust tailored and universal kT-points pTx pulses in the human heart. The 31 channel-wise invivo B1+ datasets of the human body at 7T are available at
- Christoph S. Aigner (
- Felix Krüger (
- Max Lutz (
- Sebastian Dietrich (
- Sebastian Schmitter (
Run script main_frequRobUPs.m
main_frequRobUPs.m test script to compute and evaluate tailored respiration specific and respiration robust pulses at 7T
cmap.mat 256x3 double matrix with the used colormap of the manuscript
kTrandphases.mat 200x8 double matrix with randomized phase initials The 31 channel-wise invivo B1+ datasets of the human body at 7T are available at
These routines were tested under MATLAB R2019a under Windows, but should also run under older versions.
The 36 channel-wise invivo B1+ datasets of the human body at 7T are available at: and were computed as described in [2].
The optimization of the kT-points is performed using code by Will Grissom and Zhipeng Cao ([3,4] and who have given permission for inclusion within this package.
Please cite appropriately.
This software is published under GNU GPLv3. In particular, all source code is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. For details, see the attached LICENSE.
[1] Christoph S. Aigner, Sebastian Dietrich, Felix Krüger, Max Lutz and Sebastian Schmitter, Towards frequency robust tailored and universal pulses in the human heart at 7T, submitted to ISMRM 2022
[2] Dietrich, S, Aigner, CS, Kolbitsch, C, et al. 3D Free-breathing multichannel absolute B1+ Mapping in the human body at 7T. Magn Reson Med. 2021; 85: 2552– 2567.
[3] Grissom, W.A., Khalighi, M.-M., Sacolick, L.I., Rutt, B.K. and Vogel, M.W. (2012), Small-tip-angle spokes pulse design using interleaved greedy and local optimization methods. Magn Reson Med, 68: 1553-1562.
[4] Cao, Z., Yan, X. and Grissom, W.A. (2016), Array-compressed parallel transmit pulse design. Magn. Reson. Med., 76: 1158-1169.
Created by Christoph S. Aigner, PTB, November 2021. Email: