u-msgpack-python is a lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer module written in pure Python, compatible with both Python 2 and 3, as well CPython and PyPy implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the latest MessagePack specification.
u-msgpack-python is currently distributed on PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/u-msgpack-python and as a single file: umsgpack.py
With pip:
$ pip install u-msgpack-python
With easy_install:
$ easy_install u-msgpack-python
or simply drop umsgpack.py into your project!
$ wget https://raw.github.com/vsergeev/u-msgpack-python/master/umsgpack.py
Basic Example:
>>> import umsgpack
>>> umsgpack.packb({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0})
>>> umsgpack.unpackb(_)
{u'compact': True, u'schema': 0}
A more complicated example:
>>> umsgpack.packb( \
[1, True, False, 0xffffffff, {u"foo": b"\x80\x01\x02", \
u"bar": [1,2,3, {u"a": [1,2,3,{}]}]}, -1, 2.12345] )
>>> umsgpack.unpackb(_)
[1, True, False, 4294967295, {u'foo': '\x80\x01\x02', \
u'bar': [1, 2, 3, {u'a': [1, 2, 3, {}]}]}, -1, 2.12345]
The more complicated example in Python 3:
>>> umsgpack.packb( \
[1, True, False, 0xffffffff, {u"foo": b"\x80\x01\x02", \
u"bar": [1,2,3, {u"a": [1,2,3,{}]}]}, -1, 2.12345] )
>>> umsgpack.unpackb(_)
[1, True, False, 4294967295, {'foo': b'\x80\x01\x02', \
'bar': [1, 2, 3, {'a': [1, 2, 3, {}]}]}, -1, 2.12345]
An example of encoding and decoding an application ext type:
>>> # Create an Ext object with type 0x05 and data b"\x01\x02\x03"
... foo = umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x01\x02\x03")
>>> umsgpack.packb({u"special stuff": foo, u"awesome": True})
b'\x82\xadspecial stuff\xc7\x03\x05\x01\x02\x03\xa7awesome\xc3'
>>> bar = umsgpack.unpackb(_)
>>> print(bar["special stuff"])
Ext Object (Type: 0x05, Data: 01 02 03)
>>> bar["special stuff"].type
>>> bar["special stuff"].data
Python standard library style loads
and dumps
functions are also available as aliases:
>>> import umsgpack
>>> umsgpack.dumps({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0})
>>> umsgpack.loads(_)
{u'compact': True, u'schema': 0}
See the project page for more information on old specification compatibility mode, exceptions, behavior, and testing.
u-msgpack-python is MIT licensed. See the included LICENSE
file for more details.