cfg4j sample app (uses git as configuration store)
App demonstrating how to access configuration stored in a Git repository using cfg4j library. Uses simple method access.
> cd cfg4j-sample-apps/
> ./gradlew build
> java -jar git-simple/build/libs/git-simple-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
You can:
- use any git repository: -DconfigRepoPath=<repositoryUrl> parameter. Both local and remote repos are supported.
- use non-default branch: -DconfigBranch=<branchName>
> java -DconfigRepoPath=/tmp/myRepo.git -DconfigBranch=myBranch -jar git-simple/build/libs/git-simple-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
private String configRepoPath; // Run with -DconfigRepoPath=<repositoryUrl> parameter to override
private String branch; // Run with -DconfigBranch=<branchName> parameter to override
public ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider() {
// Use Git repository as configuration store
ConfigurationSource source = new GitConfigurationSourceBuilder()
// Select branch to use (use new DefaultEnvironment()) for master
Environment environment = new ImmutableEnvironment(branch);
// Reload configuration every 5 seconds
ReloadStrategy reloadStrategy = new PeriodicalReloadStrategy(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Create provider
return new ConfigurationProviderBuilder()
String newSettingValue = configurationProvider.getProperty("some.setting", String.class);