Your user needs sudo privileges.
Install Xcode from app store and start
Download and install Xcode CLI tools from preferences
Install zsh and oh-my-zsh
chsh -s /bin/zsh [username] curl -L | sh
Install homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install macvim node using homebrew
brew install macvim node
Test node:
node --version
Install npm:
curl | sh
Generate ssh-keys, I recommend you use a password and let keychain manage it for you:
Upload ssh public key to your github account
Install dropbox - good place to keep config files like
setup your
, user at the very least -
Install compass - needed for sass -
sudo gem install compass
Install httpie - better curl
sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install httpie
Install yeoman, coffee-script, jsonlint, uglify-js and bower
npm install -g yo grunt-cli coffee-script jsonlint uglify-js bower
Install generators:
npm install generator-webapp
Test yeoman install:
yo webapp
Test generated project:
grunt server