diff --git a/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/ViewEscalation.ihtml b/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/ViewEscalation.ihtml
deleted file mode 100644
index b45da37e695..00000000000
--- a/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/ViewEscalation.ihtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/ViewEscalation.php b/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/ViewEscalation.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 68d4e157511..00000000000
--- a/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/ViewEscalation.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
- * combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License cover the whole combination.
- *
- * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give Centreon
- * permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
- * regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
- * distribute the resulting executable under terms of Centreon choice, provided that
- * Centreon also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
- * of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
- * derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
- * exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
- * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
- *
- * For more information : contact@centreon.com
- *
- * SVN : $URL$
- * SVN : $Id$
- *
- */
-if (!isset($oreon)) {
- exit();
-## Database retrieve information for Host
-global $path;
-$path = "./include/configuration/configObject/escalation/";
-$form = new HTML_QuickFormCustom('Form', 'post', "?p=".$p);
-$tpl = new Smarty();
-$tpl = initSmartyTpl($path, $tpl);
-$hostgroup_ary = array(null=>null);
-$cmd = "SELECT hg_id, hg_name FROM hostgroup";
-$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query($cmd);
-while ($hostgroup = $DBRESULT->fetchRow()) {
- $hostgroup_ary[$hostgroup["hg_id"]] = $hostgroup["hg_name"];
-$hgs = array(null=>null);
-if (isset($_POST["hostgroup_escalation"]) && $_POST["hostgroup_escalation"] != null) {
- $cmd = "SELECT h.host_id, h.host_name ".
- "FROM host h, hostgroup_relation hr ".
- "WHERE h.host_id = hr.host_host_id ".
- "AND hr.hostgroup_hg_id = '".$_POST["hostgroup_escalation"]."' ";
- $res = $pearDB->query($cmd);
- while ($hg = $res->fetchRow()) {
- $hgs[$hg["host_id"]] = $hg["host_name"];
- }
- $res->closeCursor();
-} else {
- $res = $pearDB->query("SELECT host_id, host_name FROM host WHERE host_register = '1' ORDER by host_name");
- while ($hg = $res->fetchRow()) {
- $hgs[$hg["host_id"]] = $hg["host_name"];
- }
- $res->closeCursor();
-$svcs = array();
-if (isset($_POST["hostgroup_escalation"])) {
- $tpl->assign('hostgroup_id', $_POST["hostgroup_escalation"]);
-if (isset($_POST["host_escalation"])) {
- $svcs = getMyHostServices($_POST["host_escalation"]);
- $svcs[null]= null;
- $tpl->assign('host_id', $_POST["host_escalation"]);
- if (isset($_POST["service_escalation"])) {
- $tpl->assign('service_id', $_POST["service_escalation"]);
- }
-$attrsText = array("size"=>"30");
-$attrsText2 = array("size"=>"6");
-$attrsAdvSelect = array("style" => "width: 200px; height: 200px;");
-$attrsTextarea = array("rows"=>"5", "cols"=>"40");
-$template =
- "{unselected} | {add}" .
- "
{remove} | {selected} |
-$form->addElement('header', 'title', _("Escalations View"));
- 'select',
- 'hostgroup_escalation',
- _("Hostgroups Escalation"),
- $hostgroup_ary,
- array("onChange" =>"this.form.submit();")
- 'select',
- 'host_escalation',
- _("Hosts Escalation"),
- $hgs,
- array("onChange" =>"this.form.submit();")
- 'select',
- 'service_escalation',
- _("Services Escalation"),
- $svcs,
- array("onChange" =>"this.form.submit();")
-$valid = false;
-#Apply a template definition
-$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty($tpl);
-$renderer->setRequiredTemplate('{$label} *');
-$tpl->assign('form', $renderer->toArray());
diff --git a/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/img_gantt.php b/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/img_gantt.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fbebb04733..00000000000
--- a/www/include/configuration/configObject/escalation/img_gantt.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
- * combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License cover the whole combination.
- *
- * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give Centreon
- * permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
- * regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
- * distribute the resulting executable under terms of Centreon choice, provided that
- * Centreon also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
- * of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
- * derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
- * exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
- * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
- *
- * For more information : contact@centreon.com
- *
- * SVN : $URL$
- * SVN : $Id$
- *
- */
-# connect DB oreon
-$oreon = $_SESSION["oreon"];
-/* Connect to Centreon DB */
-is_file("../../../../lang/" . $oreon->user->get_lang() . ".php")
- ? include_once("../../../../lang/" . $oreon->user->get_lang() . ".php")
- : include_once("../../../../lang/en.php");
-require_once "../../../common/common-Func.php";
-$pearDB = new CentreonDB();
-# get info from database
-if (isset($_GET["service_id"]) && $_GET["service_id"] != null) {
- # get number of max last_notification service
- $max_notif = "SELECT max(esc.last_notification) nb_max_service, "
- . "min(esc.last_notification) nb_min_lastservice, "
- . "min(esc.first_notification) nb_firstmin_service, "
- . "max(esc.first_notification) nb_firstmax_service "
- . "FROM escalation_service_relation ehr, escalation esc "
- . "WHERE ehr.service_service_id = " . $_GET["service_id"] . " "
- . "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id "
- . "ORDER BY esc.first_notification";
- $res_max = $pearDB->query($max_notif);
- $nb_max = $res_max->fetchRow();
- $nb_max["nb_firstmin_service"] != null
- ? $min_notif = $nb_max["nb_firstmin_service"]
- : $min_notif = 1;
- $nb_max["nb_firstmax_service"] != null
- ? $max_min_notif = $nb_max["nb_firstmax_service"]
- : $max_min_notif = 1;
- $min_max_notif = $nb_max["nb_min_lastservice"];
- $nb_max["nb_max_service"] != null
- ? $max_notif = $nb_max["nb_max_service"]
- : $max_notif = 1;
- $max_notif == 0
- ? $max_notif = (($max_min_notif < 42) ? 42 : $max_min_notif + 42)
- : $max_notif = $max_notif;
- $res_max->closeCursor();
- # retrieve all escalation correspond to service
- $cmd = "SELECT esc.esc_id, esc.esc_name, esc.first_notification, " .
- "esc.last_notification, esc.notification_interval, esc.esc_comment " .
- "FROM escalation_service_relation ehr, escalation esc " .
- "WHERE ehr.service_service_id = " . $_GET["service_id"] . " " .
- "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "ORDER BY esc.first_notification desc ";
- $res_esc_svc = $pearDB->query($cmd);
- $nb_esc = $res_esc_svc->rowCount();
- $nb_esc_default = $nb_esc;
- $nb_esc != null ? $nb_esc = $nb_esc : $nb_esc = 1;
- # calc all row for service escalation (service escalation + contactgroup escalation)
- $cmd = "SELECT cg.cg_name, esc.esc_id, esc.esc_name, " .
- "esc.first_notification, esc.last_notification, " .
- "esc.notification_interval, esc.esc_comment " .
- "FROM escalation_service_relation ehr, escalation esc, " .
- "contactgroup cg, escalation_contactgroup_relation ecr " .
- "WHERE ehr.service_service_id = " . $_GET["service_id"] . " " .
- "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "AND ecr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "AND ecr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id " .
- "ORDER BY esc.first_notification desc ";
- $nb_svc = $pearDB->query($cmd);
- $nb_esc_tot = $nb_svc->rowCount();
- $nb_esc_tot != null ? $nb_esc_tot = $nb_esc_tot : $nb_esc_tot = 1;
- # retrieve all contactgroup correspond to service
- $cg_host = "SELECT cg.cg_name " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, contactgroup_service_relation csr " .
- "WHERE csr.service_service_id = " . $_GET["service_id"] . " " .
- "AND csr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_cg_service = $pearDB->query($cg_host);
- $max_contact_service = $res_cg_service->rowCount();
- # retrieve max length contactgroup of service
- $cg_svc_length = "SELECT max(length(cg.cg_name)) max_length " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, contactgroup_service_relation csr " .
- "WHERE csr.service_service_id = " . $_GET["service_id"] . " " .
- "AND csr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_svc_max = $pearDB->query($cg_svc_length);
- $cg_contactgroup_svc_max = $res_svc_max->fetchRow();
- $max_contact_length = $cg_contactgroup_svc_max["max_length"];
-} elseif (isset($_GET["host_id"]) && $_GET["host_id"] != null) {
- # get number of max last_notification host
- $max_notif = "SELECT max(esc.last_notification) nb_max_host, " .
- "min(esc.last_notification) nb_min_lasthost, " .
- "min(esc.first_notification) nb_firstmin_host ," .
- "max(esc.first_notification) nb_firstmax_host " .
- "FROM escalation_host_relation ehr, escalation esc " .
- "WHERE ehr.host_host_id = " . $_GET["host_id"] . " " .
- "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "ORDER BY esc.first_notification";
- $res_max = $pearDB->query($max_notif);
- $nb_max = $res_max->fetchRow();
- $nb_max["nb_firstmax_host"] != null
- ? $max_min_notif = $nb_max["nb_firstmax_host"]
- : $max_min_notif = 1;
- $nb_max["nb_firstmin_host"] != null
- ? $min_notif = $nb_max["nb_firstmin_host"]
- : $min_notif = 1;
- $min_max_notif = $nb_max["nb_min_lasthost"];
- $nb_max["nb_max_host"] != null
- ? $max_notif = $nb_max["nb_max_host"]
- : $max_notif = 1;
- $max_notif == 0
- ? $max_notif = (($max_min_notif < 42) ? 42 : $max_min_notif + 42)
- : $max_notif = $max_notif;
- $res_max->closeCursor();
- # retrieve all escalation correspond to host
- $cmd = "SELECT esc.esc_id, esc.esc_name, esc.first_notification, " .
- "esc.last_notification, esc.notification_interval, esc.esc_comment " .
- "FROM escalation_host_relation ehr, escalation esc " .
- "WHERE ehr.host_host_id = " . $_GET["host_id"] . " " .
- "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "ORDER BY esc.first_notification desc ";
- $res_esc_host = $pearDB->query($cmd);
- $nb_esc = $res_esc_host->rowCount();
- $nb_esc_default = $nb_esc;
- $nb_esc != null ? $nb_esc = $nb_esc : $nb_esc = 1;
- # calc all row for host escalation (host escalation + contactgroup escalation)
- $cmd = "SELECT cg.cg_name, esc.esc_id, esc.esc_name, " .
- "esc.first_notification, esc.last_notification, " .
- "esc.notification_interval, esc.esc_comment " .
- "FROM escalation_host_relation ehr, escalation esc, " .
- "contactgroup cg, escalation_contactgroup_relation ecr " .
- "WHERE ehr.host_host_id = " . $_GET["host_id"] . " " .
- "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "AND ecr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "AND ecr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id " .
- "ORDER BY esc.first_notification desc ";
- $nb_host = $pearDB->query($cmd);
- $nb_esc_tot = $nb_host->rowCount();
- $nb_esc_tot != null ? $nb_esc_tot = $nb_esc_tot : $nb_esc_tot = 1;
- # retrieve all contactgroup correspond to host
- $cg_host = "SELECT cg.cg_name " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, contactgroup_host_relation chr " .
- "WHERE chr.host_host_id = " . $_GET["host_id"] . " " .
- "AND chr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_cg_host = $pearDB->query($cg_host);
- $max_contact_service = $res_cg_host->rowCount();
- # retrieve the max length contactgroup
- $cg_max_length = "SELECT max(length(cg.cg_name)) max_length " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, contactgroup_host_relation chr " .
- "WHERE chr.host_host_id = " . $_GET["host_id"] . " " .
- "AND chr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_length_contact = $pearDB->query($cg_max_length);
- $cg_contactgroup_host_max = $res_length_contact->fetchRow();
- $max_contact_length = $cg_contactgroup_host_max["max_length"];
-} elseif (isset($_GET["hostgroup_id"]) && $_GET["hostgroup_id"] != null) {
- # get number of max last_notification hostgroup
- $max_notif = "SELECT max(esc.last_notification) nb_max_hostgroup, " .
- "min(esc.last_notification) nb_min_lasthostgroup, " .
- "min(esc.first_notification) nb_firstmin_hostgroup, " .
- "max(esc.first_notification) nb_firstmax_hostgroup " .
- "FROM escalation_hostgroup_relation ehr, escalation esc " .
- "WHERE ehr.hostgroup_hg_id = " . $_GET["hostgroup_id"] . " " .
- "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "ORDER BY esc.first_notification";
- $res_max = $pearDB->query($max_notif);
- $nb_max = $res_max->fetchRow();
- $nb_max["nb_firstmin_hostgroup"] != null
- ? $min_notif = $nb_max["nb_firstmin_hostgroup"]
- : $min_notif = 1;
- $nb_max["nb_firstmax_hostgroup"] != null
- ? $max_min_notif = $nb_max["nb_firstmax_hostgroup"]
- : $max_min_notif = 1;
- $min_max_notif = $nb_max["nb_min_lasthostgroup"];
- $nb_max["nb_max_hostgroup"] != null
- ? $max_notif = $nb_max["nb_max_hostgroup"]
- : $max_notif = 1;
- $max_notif == 0
- ? $max_notif = (($max_min_notif < 42) ? 42 : $max_min_notif + 42)
- : $max_notif = $max_notif;
- $res_max->closeCursor();
- # retrieve all escalation correspond to hostgroup
- $cmd = "SELECT esc.esc_id, esc.esc_name, esc.first_notification, " .
- "esc.last_notification, esc.notification_interval, esc.esc_comment " .
- "FROM escalation_hostgroup_relation ehr, escalation esc " .
- "WHERE ehr.hostgroup_hg_id = " . $_GET["hostgroup_id"] . " " .
- "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "ORDER BY esc.first_notification desc ";
- $res_esc_hostgroup = $pearDB->query($cmd);
- $nb_esc = $res_esc_hostgroup->rowCount();
- $nb_esc_default = $nb_esc;
- $nb_esc != null ? $nb_esc = $nb_esc : $nb_esc = 1;
- # calc all row for hostgroup escalation (hostgroup escalation + contactgroup escalation)
- $cmd = "SELECT cg.cg_name, esc.esc_id, esc.esc_name, " .
- "esc.first_notification, esc.last_notification, " .
- "esc.notification_interval, esc.esc_comment " .
- "FROM escalation_hostgroup_relation ehr, escalation esc, " .
- "contactgroup cg, escalation_contactgroup_relation ecr " .
- "WHERE ehr.hostgroup_hg_id = " . $_GET["hostgroup_id"] . " " .
- "AND ehr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "AND ecr.escalation_esc_id = esc.esc_id " .
- "AND ecr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id " .
- "ORDER BY esc.first_notification desc ";
- $nb_hostgroup = $pearDB->query($cmd);
- $nb_esc_tot = $nb_hostgroup->rowCount();
- $nb_esc_tot != null ? $nb_esc_tot = $nb_esc_tot : $nb_esc_tot = 1;
- # retrieve all contactgroup correspond to hostgroup
- $cg_host = "SELECT cg.cg_name " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, contactgroup_hostgroup_relation chr " .
- "WHERE chr.hostgroup_hg_id = " . $_GET["hostgroup_id"] . " " .
- "AND chr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_cg_hostgroup = $pearDB->query($cg_host);
- $max_contact_service = $res_cg_hostgroup->rowCount();
- # retrieve max length contactgroup of hostgroup
- $cg_svc_length = "SELECT max(length(cg.cg_name)) max_length " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, contactgroup_hostgroup_relation chr " .
- "WHERE chr.hostgroup_hg_id = " . $_GET["hostgroup_id"] . " " .
- "AND chr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_svc_max = $pearDB->query($cg_svc_length);
- $cg_contactgroup_svc_max = $res_svc_max->fetchRow();
- $max_contact_length = $cg_contactgroup_svc_max["max_length"];
-# init IMAGE
-$largeur = ($max_notif > 50) ? 1024 : 800;
-//$hauteur = ($nb_esc > 5) ? 768 : 400;
-$hauteurData = ($max_contact_service == 0) ? $nb_esc : $max_contact_service;
-$hauteur = ($nb_esc_tot * 35) + (($hauteurData) * 35) + 70;
-$marge_left = ($max_contact_length) ? $max_contact_length * 13 : 10 * 13;
-$marge_legende = 20;
-$marge_bottom = 50 + $marge_legende;
-$image = imagecreate($largeur, $hauteur);
-# init color
-$blanc = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
-$rouge = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0);
-$bleuclair = imagecolorallocate($image, 156, 227, 254);
-$noir = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
-$orange_dark = imagecolorallocate($image, 112, 211, 255);
-$orange = imagecolorallocate($image, 104, 188, 255);
-# Cadre
-ImageSetThickness($image, 3);
-ImageRectangle($image, 0, 0, $largeur - 1, $hauteur - 1, $noir);
-ImageSetThickness($image, 1);
-# AXE Ordonnée
-ImageLine($image, $marge_left, 20, $marge_left, $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 20, $noir);
-# AXE abscisse
- $image,
- $marge_left - 20,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom,
- $largeur,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom,
- $noir
- $image,
- $largeur / 2 - 50,
- $hauteur - $marge_legende + 5,
- $largeur / 2,
- $hauteur - $marge_legende + 5,
- $rouge
- $image,
- 2,
- $largeur / 2,
- $hauteur - $marge_legende,
- ' : Basic notification',
- $noir
- $largeur / 2 + 160,
- $hauteur - $marge_legende,
- $largeur / 2 + 200,
- $hauteur - $marge_legende + 10,
- ""
- $image,
- 2,
- $largeur / 2 + 205,
- $hauteur - $marge_legende,
- ' : Escalations',
- $noir
-function trace_bat($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $esc_name)
- global $image, $orange, $noir, $orange_dark;
- ImageFilledRectangle($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $orange);
- ImageFilledRectangle($image, $x1, $y1 + 3, $x2, $y2 - 4, $orange_dark);
- ImageRectangle($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $noir);
- imagestring($image, 3, $x1, $y1, $esc_name, $noir);
-# pas graduation y
-$pas_graduation_y = ($hauteur - ($marge_bottom)) / $nb_esc;
-# pas graduation x
-$pas_graduation_x = ($largeur - ($marge_left)) / $max_notif;
-//imagestring($image, 3, 700, 50, $min_max_notif, $noir);
-if (isset($_GET["service_id"]) && $_GET["service_id"] != null) {
- #show contactgroup link with the service
- $pas_tmp_svc =
- ($max_contact_service * 20 > $pas_graduation_y
- ? $pas_graduation_y / ($max_contact_service > 0
- ? $max_contact_service : 1) : 20);
- for ($cnt = 0, $i = 0; $contactgroup_service = $res_cg_service->fetchRow(); $cnt++) {
- ($cnt == 0) ? $i += 15 : $i += $pas_tmp_svc;
- imagestring(
- $image,
- 3,
- 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $contactgroup_service["cg_name"],
- $rouge
- );
- ImageFilledRectangle(
- $image,
- $marge_left,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $marge_left + ($pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $rouge
- );
- if ($min_max_notif != 0 || $nb_esc_default == 0) {
- ImageFilledRectangle(
- $image,
- $marge_left + (($max_notif - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $largeur,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $rouge
- );
- ImageFilledPolygon(
- $image,
- array(
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5 - $i,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5 - $i,
- $largeur,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i
- ),
- 3,
- $rouge
- );
- }
- }
- $res_cg_service->closeCursor();
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring($image, 2, $largeur - 10, $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10, 'x', $noir);
- for ($i = 0, $tmp_x = 0, $flag = 0; $esc_svc_data = $res_esc_svc->fetchRow();) {
- # retrieve contactgroup associated with the escalation service
- $cmd_contactgroup = "SELECT cg.cg_name " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, escalation_contactgroup_relation ecr " .
- "WHERE ecr.escalation_esc_id = " . $esc_svc_data["esc_id"] . " " .
- "AND ecr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_cg = $pearDB->query($cmd_contactgroup);
- $max_contact = $res_cg->rowCount();
- $pas_tmp =
- ($max_contact * 20 > $pas_graduation_y
- ? $pas_graduation_y / ($max_contact > 0 ? $max_contact : 1)
- : 20);
- for ($cnt = 0; $contactgroup = $res_cg->fetchRow(); $cnt++) {
- #show contactgroup link with the escalation of the service
- ($cnt == 0) ? $i += $pas_graduation_y / 2 : $i += $pas_tmp;
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $marge_left + 5,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring($image, 3, 10, $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i, $contactgroup["cg_name"], $noir);
- if ($esc_svc_data["last_notification"] == 0) {
- trace_bat(
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i + 10,
- $esc_svc_data["esc_name"]
- );
- } else {
- trace_bat(
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i + 10,
- $esc_svc_data["esc_name"]
- );
- }
- }
- $res_cg->closeCursor();
- #graduation Axe X
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring(
- $image,
- 2,
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10,
- $esc_svc_data["first_notification"],
- $noir
- );
- if ($esc_svc_data["last_notification"] != 0) {
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring(
- $image,
- 2,
- $marge_left + (($esc_svc_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10,
- $esc_svc_data["last_notification"],
- $noir
- );
- }
- }
- $res_esc_svc->closeCursor();
-} elseif (isset($_GET["host_id"]) && $_GET["host_id"] != null) {
- #show contactgroup link with the host
- $pas_tmp_host =
- ($max_contact_service * 20 > $pas_graduation_y
- ? $pas_graduation_y / ($max_contact_service > 0 ? $max_contact_service : 1)
- : 20);
- for ($cnt = 0, $i = 0; $contactgroup_host = $res_cg_host->fetchRow(); $cnt++) {
- ($cnt == 0) ? $i += 15 : $i += $pas_tmp_host;
- imagestring($image, 3, 10, $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i, $contactgroup_host["cg_name"], $rouge);
- ImageFilledRectangle(
- $image,
- $marge_left,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $marge_left + ($pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $rouge
- );
- if ($min_max_notif != 0 || $nb_esc_default == 0) {
- ImageFilledRectangle(
- $image,
- $marge_left + (($max_notif - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $largeur,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $rouge
- );
- ImageFilledPolygon(
- $image,
- array(
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5 - $i,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5 - $i,
- $largeur,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i
- ),
- 3,
- $rouge
- );
- }
- }
- $res_cg_host->closeCursor();
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring($image, 2, $largeur - 10, $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10, 'x', $noir);
- for ($i = 0; $esc_host_data = $res_esc_host->fetchRow();) {
- # retrieve contactgroup associated with the escalation host
- $cmd_contactgroup = "SELECT cg.cg_name " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, escalation_contactgroup_relation ecr " .
- "WHERE ecr.escalation_esc_id = " . $esc_host_data["esc_id"] . " " .
- "AND ecr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_cg = $pearDB->query($cmd_contactgroup);
- $max_contact = $res_cg->rowCount();
- $pas_tmp =
- ($max_contact * 20 > $pas_graduation_y
- ? $pas_graduation_y / ($max_contact > 0 ? $max_contact : 1)
- : 20);
- for ($cnt = 0; $contactgroup = $res_cg->fetchRow(); $cnt++) {
- #show contactgroup link with the escalation of the host
- ($cnt == 0) ? $i += $pas_graduation_y / 2 : $i += $pas_tmp;
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $marge_left + 5,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring($image, 3, 10, $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i, $contactgroup["cg_name"], $noir);
- if ($esc_host_data["last_notification"] == 0) {
- trace_bat(
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i + 10,
- $esc_host_data["esc_name"]
- );
- } else {
- trace_bat(
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i + 10,
- $esc_host_data["esc_name"]
- );
- }
- }
- $res_cg->closeCursor();
- #graduation Axe X
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring(
- $image,
- 2,
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10,
- $esc_host_data["first_notification"],
- $noir
- );
- if ($esc_host_data["last_notification"] != 0) {
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring(
- $image,
- 2,
- $marge_left + (($esc_host_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10,
- $esc_host_data["last_notification"],
- $noir
- );
- }
- }
- $res_esc_host->closeCursor();
-} elseif (isset($_GET["hostgroup_id"]) && $_GET["hostgroup_id"] != null) {
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring($image, 2, $largeur - 10, $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10, 'x', $noir);
- for ($i = 0, $tmp_x = 0; $esc_hostgroup_data = $res_esc_hostgroup->fetchRow();) {
- # retrieve contactgroup associated with the escalation hostgroup
- $cmd_contactgroup = "SELECT cg.cg_name " .
- "FROM contactgroup cg, escalation_contactgroup_relation ecr " .
- "WHERE ecr.escalation_esc_id = " . $esc_hostgroup_data["esc_id"] . " " .
- "AND ecr.contactgroup_cg_id = cg.cg_id";
- $res_cg = $pearDB->query($cmd_contactgroup);
- $max_contact = $res_cg->rowCount();
- $pas_tmp =
- ($max_contact * 20 > $pas_graduation_y
- ? $pas_graduation_y / ($max_contact > 0 ? $max_contact : 1)
- : 20);
- for ($cnt = 0; $contactgroup = $res_cg->fetchRow(); $cnt++) {
- #show contactgroup link with the escalation of the hostgroup
- ($cnt == 0) ? $i += $pas_graduation_y / 2 : $i += $pas_tmp;
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $marge_left + 5,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring(
- $image,
- 3,
- 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $contactgroup["cg_name"],
- $noir
- );
- if ($esc_hostgroup_data["last_notification"] == 0) {
- trace_bat(
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $largeur - 10,
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i + 10,
- $esc_hostgroup_data["esc_name"]
- );
- } else {
- trace_bat(
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i,
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - $i + 10,
- $esc_hostgroup_data["esc_name"]
- );
- }
- }
- $res_cg->closeCursor();
- #graduation Axe X
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring(
- $image,
- 2,
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["first_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10,
- $esc_hostgroup_data["first_notification"],
- $noir
- );
- if ($esc_hostgroup_data["last_notification"] != 0) {
- ImageLine(
- $image,
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom - 5,
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 5,
- $noir
- );
- imagestring(
- $image,
- 2,
- $marge_left + (($esc_hostgroup_data["last_notification"] - $min_notif + 1) * $pas_graduation_x),
- $hauteur - $marge_bottom + 10,
- $esc_hostgroup_data["last_notification"],
- $noir
- );
- }
- }
- $res_esc_hostgroup->closeCursor();
-//imagecolortransparent($image, $blanc);