diff --git a/www/include/Administration/corePerformance/getStats.php b/www/include/Administration/corePerformance/getStats.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 455a9bd1f64..00000000000
--- a/www/include/Administration/corePerformance/getStats.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
- * combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License cover the whole combination.
- *
- * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give Centreon
- * permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
- * regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
- * distribute the resulting executable under terms of Centreon choice, provided that
- * Centreon also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
- * of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
- * derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
- * exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
- * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
- *
- * For more information : contact@centreon.com
- *
- * SVN : $URL$
- * SVN : $Id$
- *
- */
- /*
- * Filter get parameters
- *
- *
- * $_GET["o"] = filter_get($_GET["o"]);
- *
- *
- * @param{TAB}string{TAB}$str{TAB}a get string
- * @return{TAB}string{TAB}return get string
- */
-function filter_get($str)
- if (preg_match("/([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\%\ ]*)/", $str, $matches)) {
- return $matches[1];
- }
- return null;
-foreach ($_GET as $key => $get) {
- $tab = preg_split('/\;/', $_GET[$key]);
- $_GET[$key] = $tab[0];
- if (function_exists("filter_var")) {
- $_GET[$key] = filter_var($_GET[$key], FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
- } else {
- $_GET[$key] = filter_get($_GET[$key]);
- }
- /*
- * escape special char for commands
- *
- *
- * $string = escape_command($string);
- *
- *
- * @param{TAB}string{TAB}$command{TAB}command line
- * @return{TAB}string{TAB}command line
- */
-function escape_command($command)
- return preg_replace("/[\\\$|`]/", "", $command);
- require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../../config/centreon.config.php");
- require_once _CENTREON_PATH_."/www/class/centreonGMT.class.php";
- require_once _CENTREON_PATH_."/www/class/centreonDB.class.php";
- /*
- * Connect DB
- */
- $pearDB = new CentreonDB();
- $pearDBO = new CentreonDB("centstorage");
- /*
- * Init GMT Class
- */
- $CentreonGMT = new CentreonGMT($pearDB);
- /*
- * Check Session activity
- */
- session_start();
- session_write_close();
- $sid = session_id();
- $session = $pearDB->query("SELECT * FROM `session` WHERE session_id = '".$pearDB->escape($sid)."'");
-if (!$session->numRows()) {
- ;
-} else {
- /*
- * Get GMT for current user
- */
- $gmt = $CentreonGMT->getMyGMTFromSession($sid, $pearDB);
- /*
- * Get RRDTool binary Path
- */
- $DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT * FROM `options`");
- while ($option = $DBRESULT->fetchRow()) {
- $optGen[$option["key"]] = $option["value"];
- if ($option["key"] == 'rrdtool_path_bin') {
- $rrdtoolPath = $option["value"];
- }
- }
- $DBRESULT->free();
- $title = array(
- "active_host_check" => _("Host Check Execution Time"),
- "active_host_last" => _("Hosts Actively Checked"),
- "host_latency" => _("Host check latency"),
- "active_service_check" => _("Service Check Execution Time"),
- "active_service_last" => _("Services Actively Checked"),
- "service_latency" => _("Service check latency"),
- "cmd_buffer" => _("Commands in buffer"),
- "host_states" => _("Host status"),
- "service_states" => _("Service status"));
- $options = array(
- "active_host_check" => "nagios_active_host_execution.rrd",
- "active_host_last" => "nagios_active_host_last.rrd",
- "host_latency" => "nagios_active_host_latency.rrd",
- "active_service_check" => "nagios_active_service_execution.rrd",
- "active_service_last" => "nagios_active_service_last.rrd",
- "service_latency" => "nagios_active_service_latency.rrd",
- "cmd_buffer" => "nagios_cmd_buffer.rrd",
- "host_states" => "nagios_hosts_states.rrd",
- "service_states" => "nagios_services_states.rrd");
- $differentStats = array(
- "nagios_active_host_execution.rrd" => array("Min", "Max", "Average"),
- "nagios_active_host_last.rrd" => array("Last_Min", "Last_5_Min", "Last_15_Min", "Last_Hour"),
- "nagios_active_host_latency.rrd" => array("Min", "Max", "Average"),
- "nagios_active_service_execution.rrd" => array("Min", "Max", "Average"),
- "nagios_active_service_last.rrd" => array("Last_Min", "Last_5_Min", "Last_15_Min", "Last_Hour"),
- "nagios_active_service_latency.rrd" => array("Min", "Max", "Average"),
- "nagios_cmd_buffer.rrd" => array("In_Use", "Max_Used", "Total_Available"),
- "nagios_hosts_states.rrd" => array("Up", "Down", "Unreach"),
- "nagios_services_states.rrd" => array("Ok", "Warn", "Crit", "Unk"));
- /*
- * Verify if start and end date
- */
- if (!isset($_GET["start"])) {
- $start = time() - (60*60*24);
- } else {
- switch ($_GET["start"]) {
- case "last3hours":
- $start = time() - (60*60*3);
- break;
- case "today":
- $start = time() - (60*60*24);
- break;
- case "yesterday":
- $start = time() - (60*60*48);
- break;
- case "last4days":
- $start = time() - (60*60*96);
- break;
- case "lastweek":
- $start = time() - (60*60*168);
- break;
- case "lastmonth":
- $start = time() - (60*60*24*30);
- break;
- case "last6month":
- $start = time() - (60*60*24*30*6);
- break;
- case "lastyear":
- $start = time() - (60*60*24*30*12);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get end values
- */
- if (!isset($_GET["end"])) {
- $end = time();
- } else {
- $end = $_GET["end"];
- }
- /*
- * Begin Command Line
- */
- $command_line = " graph - --start=".$start." --end=".$end;
- if ($optGen["rrdtool_version"] == "1.3") {
- if (isset($optGen["rrdtool_title_font"]) && isset($optGen["rrdtool_title_fontsize"])) {
- $command_line .= " --font TITLE:".$optGen["rrdtool_title_fontsize"].":".$optGen["rrdtool_title_font"]." ";
- }
- if (isset($optGen["rrdtool_unit_font"]) && isset($optGen["rrdtool_unit_fontsize"])) {
- $command_line .= " --font UNIT:".$optGen["rrdtool_unit_fontsize"].":".$optGen["rrdtool_unit_font"]." ";
- }
- if (isset($optGen["rrdtool_axis_font"]) && isset($optGen["rrdtool_axis_fontsize"])) {
- $command_line .= " --font AXIS:".$optGen["rrdtool_axis_fontsize"].":".$optGen["rrdtool_axis_font"]." ";
- }
- if (isset($optGen["rrdtool_title_font"]) && isset($optGen["rrdtool_title_fontsize"])) {
- $command_line .= " --font WATERMARK:".$optGen["rrdtool_title_fontsize"].":".$optGen["rrdtool_title_font"]." ";
- }
- if (isset($optGen["rrdtool_legend_title"]) && isset($optGen["rrdtool_legend_fontsize"])) {
- $command_line .= " --font LEGEND:".$optGen["rrdtool_legend_fontsize"].":".$optGen["rrdtool_legend_title"]." ";
- }
- }
- $command_line .= " --color BACK#FFFFFF --color FRAME#FFFFFF --color SHADEA#e7e7e8 --color SHADEB#e7e7e8 ";
- /*
- * get all template infos
- */
- $command_line .= " --interlaced --imgformat PNG --width=400 --height=150 --title='".$title[$_GET["key"]]."' --vertical-label='".$_GET["key"]."' --slope-mode --rigid --alt-autoscale-max ";
- /*
- * Init DS template For each curv
- */
- $colors = array("Min"=>"#88b917", "Max"=>"#e00b3d", "Average"=>"#00bfb3",
- "Last_Min"=>"#00bfb3", "Last_5_Min"=>"#88b917", "Last_15_Min"=>"#ff9a13",
- "Last_Hour"=>"#F91D05", "Up"=>"#88b917", "Down"=>"#e00b3d",
- "Unreach"=>"#818285", "Ok"=>"#88b917", "Warn"=>"#ff9a13",
- "Crit"=>"#F91D05", "Unk"=>"#bcbdc0", "In_Use"=>"#88b917",
- "Max_Used"=>"#F91D05", "Total_Available"=>"#00bfb3");
- $metrics = $differentStats[$options[$_GET["key"]]];
- $DBRESULT = $pearDBO->query("SELECT RRDdatabase_nagios_stats_path FROM config");
- $nagios_stats = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
- $nagios_stats_path = $nagios_stats['RRDdatabase_nagios_stats_path'];
- $cpt = 1;
- foreach ($metrics as $key => $value) {
- $command_line .= " DEF:v".$cpt."=".$nagios_stats_path."perfmon-".$_GET["ns_id"]."/".$options[$_GET["key"]].":".$value.":AVERAGE ";
- $cpt++;
- }
- /*
- * Add comment start and end time inf graph footer.
- */
- $rrd_time = addslashes($CentreonGMT->getDate("Y\/m\/d G:i", $start, $gmt));
- $rrd_time = str_replace(":", "\:", $rrd_time);
- $rrd_time2 = addslashes($CentreonGMT->getDate("Y\/m\/d G:i", $end, $gmt)) ;
- $rrd_time2 = str_replace(":", "\:", $rrd_time2);
- $command_line .= " COMMENT:\" From $rrd_time to $rrd_time2 \\c\" ";
- /*
- * Create Legende
- */
- $cpt = 1;
- foreach ($metrics as $key => $tm) {
- $command_line .= " LINE1:v".$cpt.$colors[$tm].":\"".$tm."\"";
- $command_line .= " GPRINT:v". ($cpt) .":LAST:\"\:%7.2lf%s\l\"";
- $cpt++;
- }
- $command_line = "$rrdtoolPath ".$command_line." 2>&1";
- /*
- * Add Timezone for current user.
- */
- $timezone = $CentreonGMT->getMyTimezone();
- $timezone = trim($timezone);
- if (empty($timezone)) {
- $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
- }
- $command_line = "export TZ='".$timezone."' ; ".$command_line;
- $command_line = escape_command("$command_line");
- /*
- * Debug
- */
- //print $command_line;
- $fp = popen($command_line, 'r');
- if (isset($fp) && $fp) {
- $str ='';
- while (!feof($fp)) {
- $buffer = fgets($fp, 4096);
- $str = $str . $buffer ;
- }
- print $str;
- }
diff --git a/www/include/views/graphs/common/makeXML_ListServices.php b/www/include/views/graphs/common/makeXML_ListServices.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0612d047e28..00000000000
--- a/www/include/views/graphs/common/makeXML_ListServices.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
- * combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License cover the whole combination.
- *
- * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give Centreon
- * permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
- * regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
- * distribute the resulting executable under terms of Centreon choice, provided that
- * Centreon also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
- * of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
- * derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
- * exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
- * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
- *
- * For more information : contact@centreon.com
- *
- * SVN : $URL$
- * SVN : $Id$
- *
- */
- header('Content-Type: text/xml');
- header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
- require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../../../config/centreon.config.php");
- require_once _CENTREON_PATH_."/www/class/centreonDB.class.php";
- require_once _CENTREON_PATH_."/www/class/centreonXML.class.php";
- /*
- * Get session
- */
- require_once(_CENTREON_PATH_ . "www/class/centreonSession.class.php");
- require_once(_CENTREON_PATH_ . "www/class/centreon.class.php");
-if (!isset($_SESSION['centreon'])) {
- CentreonSession::start();
-if (isset($_SESSION['centreon'])) {
- $oreon = $_SESSION['centreon'];
-} else {
- exit;
- $pearDBO = new CentreonDB("centstorage");
- /*
- * Get language
- */
- $locale = $oreon->user->get_lang();
- putenv("LANG=$locale");
- setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale);
- bindtextdomain("messages", _CENTREON_PATH_ . "www/locale/");
- bind_textdomain_codeset("messages", "UTF-8");
- textdomain("messages");
- # replace array
- $a_this = array( "#S#", "#BS#" );
- $a_that = array( "/", "\\" );
- #
- # Existing services data comes from DBO -> Store in $s_datas Array
- $s_datas = array(""=> sprintf("%s%s", _("Service list"), " "));
- $mx_l = strlen($s_datas[""]);
-if (isset($_GET["host_id"]) && $_GET["host_id"] != 0) {
- $pq_sql = $pearDBO->query("SELECT id index_id, service_description FROM index_data WHERE host_id='".$_GET['host_id']."'ORDER BY service_description");
- while ($fw_sql = $pq_sql->fetchRow()) {
- $fw_sql["service_description"] = str_replace($a_this, $a_that, $fw_sql["service_description"]);
- $s_datas[$fw_sql["index_id"]] = $fw_sql["service_description"]." ";
- $sd_l = strlen($fw_sql["service_description"]);
- if ($sd_l > $mx_l) {
- $mx_l = $sd_l;
- }
- }
- $pq_sql->free();
-for ($i = strlen($s_datas[""]); $i != $mx_l; $i++) {
- $s_datas[""] .= " ";
- $buffer->output();