Table of Contents
- Scripts specific to the Sun Grid Engine (SGE)
- New style scripts that allow customization and refer to common scripts under
- Old style scripts
- Running simulations on an SGE cluster
- Example SGE usage scenarios that can be adapted to other HPC platforms
- Examples for Matlab and other simulator job submissions
- Other commonly used SGE commands
- Cluster queue priorities
- New style scripts that allow customization and refer to common scripts under
All scripts provide documentation when run without arguments. To learn
about the Sun Grid Engine (SGE) on how to submit and monitor jobs,
start from the man sge_intro
manual page.
Use the qsub
command to submit jobs to the SGE or PBS/MOAB.
Copy this script locally and
Extracts parameters from SGE variables and calls../param_file/
Convenience script to submit an SGE array job for GENESIS to run all rows in given parameter file.
SGE script that runs any generic executable with 1 parameter
SGE script that runs a
SGE script that runs
Blank SGE script for testing purposes. Creates output files.
First, create a parameter file (.par
) using any method as explained
in the param_file subfolder.
The new method to call any simulator is:
$ qsub -t N:M [args...]
is a copy of
contains your SGE environment settings and finishes with a call to a
job script like
. The
argument N:M indicates the range of rows from the parameter file to
execute (if your executable needs a parameter file). These examples
can be followed to make generic scripts for other HPC platforms.
To submit ALL parameter sets in GENESIS jobs, do:
$ ./sge_submit_genesis my_gen_script.g 5rows9pars.par [options-to-qsub]
which will create the db from the parameter file, and submit an array
job to SGE by calling the
for each job
during runtime.
GENESIS Example with Parameter File 1:
$ sge_submit_genesis setup_newscan.g exc-subset-simple-scan-2.par
GENESIS script: setup_newscan.g; param. file: exc-subset-simple-scan-2.par
with 440 trials.
440 rows and 11 parameters in file exc-subset-simple-scan-2.par.
Your job 22538.1-440:1 ("sge_run") has been submitted.
GENESIS Example with Parameter File 1 (by specifying cluster variables):
$ sge_submit_genesis setup_newscan.g exc-subset-simple-scan-2.par -l immediate=TRUE
GENESIS Example by specifying a subset of parameter sets:
$ my_conductances.par
$ qsub -t 1:100 my_gen_script.g my_conductances.par
GENESIS Example w/o Parameter File:
$ qsub my_gen_script.g
MATLAB Example 1:
$ qsub -t 1:60 ~/scripts/ calculate(%d)
This will call the matlab functions calculate(1), calculate(2),
... etc. in each job.
MATLAB Example 2:
$ qsub -t 1:60 ~/scripts/ load_part%d
This will call load_part1, load_part2, ..., load_part60
in each matlab process.
Any executable with Parameter File:
$ my_conductances.par
$ qsub -t 1:100 ~/scripts/ myexec my_conductances.par
$ qcountcpus
will give you a list of queues and the number of CPUs currently available in each.
$ qstat
will give you a list of all scheduled jobs on the cluster.
$ qstat | grep yourusername
will only show the lines with your jobs.
$ qstat -f
will show the status of all nodes on the cluster.
$ qstat -j jobnumber
will give you detailed info about your job, including error messages.
$ qmod -cj jobnumber
will clear the error state of a job and let it re-run.
$ qsub -p <priority> ...
will specify that the priority of the current job.
Priority convention for the fast_run queue:
Job time Priority
<1hr 0
1-5 hrs -100
5-24 hrs -200
> 24 hrs not appropriate for fast_run