diff --git a/hooks/order-dispatch/index.html b/hooks/order-dispatch/index.html index b7219281..83351080 100644 --- a/hooks/order-dispatch/index.html +++ b/hooks/order-dispatch/index.html @@ -707,7 +707,7 @@

ContextContext\" }, \"context\": { \"userId\": \"Practitioner/example\", \"...\": \"\" }, \"prefetch\": { \"patientToGreet\": { \"resourceType\": \"Patient\", \"...\": \"\" } } } CDS Service Response Body \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary cards REQUIRED an array of Card s with a combination of information, suggested actions, and links Card \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary summary REQUIRED <140-character summary sentence for display to the user inside of this card detail OPTIONAL optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown) indicator REQUIRED urgency/importance of what this card conveys ( info/warning/critical ) source REQUIRED grouping structure for the Source of information displayed on this card suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestion s for changes in the context of the current activity selectionBehavior OPTIONAL intended behavior of the suggestions. If suggestions present, value must be at-most-one links OPTIONAL array of Link s to suggest an app or other additional information Source \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED short, human-readable label to display source of the card\u2019s information url OPTIONAL optional absolute URL to load to learn more about the organization or data set icon OPTIONAL absolute url for an icon for the source of this card (100x100 pixel PNG without any transparent regions) Suggestion \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED human-readable label to display for this suggestion uuid OPTIONAL unique identifier for auditing and logging suggestions actions OPTIONAL array of suggested Actions (logically AND\u2019d together) Action \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary type REQUIRED type of action being performed ( create/update/delete ) description REQUIRED human-readable description of the suggested action resource OPTIONAL FHIR resource to create/update or id of resource to delete Link \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED human-readable label to display url REQUIRED URL to GET when link is clicked type REQUIRED type of the given URL ( absolute/smart ) appContext OPTIONAL additional context to share with a linked SMART app Example \u00b6 { \"cards\": [ { \"summary\": \"<140 char Summary Message\", \"detail\": \"optional GitHub Markdown details\", \"indicator\": \"info\", \"source\": { \"label\": \"Human-readable source label\", \"url\": \"https://example.com\", \"icon\": \"https://example.com/img/icon-100px.png\" }, \"suggestions\": [ { \"label\": \"Human-readable suggestion label\", \"uuid\": \"e1187895-ad57-4ff7-a1f1-ccf954b2fe46\", \"actions\": [ { \"type\": \"create\", \"description\": \"Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG\", \"resource\": { \"resourceType\": \"MedicationRequest\", \"...\": \"\" } } ] } ], \"links\": [ { \"label\": \"SMART Example App\", \"...\": \"\" } ] } ] }","title":"Overview"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#overview","text":"","title":"Overview"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#links","text":"Spec: https://cds-hooks.hl7.org/1.0/ Sandbox: http://sandbox.cds-hooks.org/ Quick Start: https://cds-hooks.org/quickstart/","title":"Links"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#cds-service-discovery","text":"GET {baseUrl}/cds-services","title":"CDS Service Discovery"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#response-body","text":"services - An array of CDS Service s","title":"Response Body"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#cds-service","text":"Field Optionality Summary hook REQUIRED hook this service should be invoked on title RECOMMENDED human-friendly name of this service description REQUIRED description of this service id REQUIRED {id} portion of service URL: {baseUrl}/cds-services/{id} prefetch OPTIONAL Object containing key/value pairs of FHIR queries that this service is requesting the CDS Client to include on service calls","title":"CDS Service:"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#example","text":"{ \"services\": [ { \"hook\": \"hook-noun-verb\", \"title\": \"CDS Service Example\", \"description\": \"An example of a CDS Service that returns a card\", \"id\": \"patient-greeter\", \"prefetch\": { \"patientToGreet\": \"Patient/{{context.patientId}}\" } } ] }","title":"Example"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#cds-service-request","text":"POST {baseUrl}/cds-services/{id}","title":"CDS Service Request"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#request-body","text":"Field Optionality Summary hook REQUIRED hook that triggered this CDS Service call hookInstance REQUIRED UUID for this hook call fhirServer OPTIONAL base URL for CDS Client\u2019s FHIR server fhirAuthorization OPTIONAL structure with FHIR Authorization information for the above url context REQUIRED hook-specific contextual data prefetch OPTIONAL FHIR data prefetched by the CDS Client","title":"Request Body"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#fhir-authorization","text":"Field Optionality Summary access_token REQUIRED OAuth 2.0 access token token_type REQUIRED fixed value: Bearer expires_in REQUIRED lifetime in seconds of the access token scope REQUIRED scopes the access token grants to the CDS Service subject REQUIRED OAuth 2.0 client id of the CDS Service\u2019s auth server registration","title":"FHIR Authorization"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#example_1","text":"{ \"hook\": \"hook-noun-verb\", \"hookInstance\": \"d1577c69-dfbe-44ad-ba6d-3e05e953b2ea\", \"fhirServer\": \"https://fhir.client.com/version\", \"fhirAuthorization\": { \"access_token\": \"opaque-token\", \"...\": \"\" }, \"context\": { \"userId\": \"Practitioner/example\", \"...\": \"\" }, \"prefetch\": { \"patientToGreet\": { \"resourceType\": \"Patient\", \"...\": \"\" } } }","title":"Example ##"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#cds-service-response-body","text":"Field Optionality Summary cards REQUIRED an array of Card s with a combination of information, suggested actions, and links","title":"CDS Service Response Body"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#card","text":"Field Optionality Summary summary REQUIRED <140-character summary sentence for display to the user inside of this card detail OPTIONAL optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown) indicator REQUIRED urgency/importance of what this card conveys ( info/warning/critical ) source REQUIRED grouping structure for the Source of information displayed on this card suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestion s for changes in the context of the current activity selectionBehavior OPTIONAL intended behavior of the suggestions. If suggestions present, value must be at-most-one links OPTIONAL array of Link s to suggest an app or other additional information","title":"Card"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#source","text":"Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED short, human-readable label to display source of the card\u2019s information url OPTIONAL optional absolute URL to load to learn more about the organization or data set icon OPTIONAL absolute url for an icon for the source of this card (100x100 pixel PNG without any transparent regions)","title":"Source"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#suggestion","text":"Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED human-readable label to display for this suggestion uuid OPTIONAL unique identifier for auditing and logging suggestions actions OPTIONAL array of suggested Actions (logically AND\u2019d together)","title":"Suggestion"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#action","text":"Field Optionality Summary type REQUIRED type of action being performed ( create/update/delete ) description REQUIRED human-readable description of the suggested action resource OPTIONAL FHIR resource to create/update or id of resource to delete","title":"Action"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#link","text":"Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED human-readable label to display url REQUIRED URL to GET when link is clicked type REQUIRED type of the given URL ( absolute/smart ) appContext OPTIONAL additional context to share with a linked SMART app","title":"Link"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#example_2","text":"{ \"cards\": [ { \"summary\": \"<140 char Summary Message\", \"detail\": \"optional GitHub Markdown details\", \"indicator\": \"info\", \"source\": { \"label\": \"Human-readable source label\", \"url\": \"https://example.com\", \"icon\": \"https://example.com/img/icon-100px.png\" }, \"suggestions\": [ { \"label\": \"Human-readable suggestion label\", \"uuid\": \"e1187895-ad57-4ff7-a1f1-ccf954b2fe46\", \"actions\": [ { \"type\": \"create\", \"description\": \"Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG\", \"resource\": { \"resourceType\": \"MedicationRequest\", \"...\": \"\" } } ] } ], \"links\": [ { \"label\": \"SMART Example App\", \"...\": \"\" } ] } ] }","title":"Example"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/","text":"appointment-book \u00b6 Looking for Feedback Hey implementers, we want to hear from you! - What obstacles are there to limiting this hook to firing only when the appointment is confirmed or finalized as booked? - For which users should this hook fire? - Many appointments are scheduled directly into the EHR by the patient, without provider staff involvement ... Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted Workflow \u00b6 This hook is invoked when the user is scheduling one or more future encounters/visits for the patient. For example, the appointment-book hook may be triggered for an appointment with the appointment creator, a clinician within the same organization as the appointment creator or even for an appointment outside the creator's organization. It may be invoked at the start and end of the booking process and/or any time between those two points. This hook enables CDS Services to intervene in the decision of when future appointments should be scheduled, where they should be scheduled, what services should be booked, to identify actions that need to occur prior to scheduled appointments, etc. Context \u00b6 The Patient whose appointment(s) are being booked, as well as the proposed Appointment records. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user could be of type Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Patient , or RelatedPerson . For example, PractitionerRole/123 . Patient or RelatedPerson are appropriate when a patient or their proxy are booking the appointment. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of Patient appointment(s) is/are for encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of Encounter where booking was initiated appointments REQUIRED No object DSTU2/STU3/R4 - FHIR Bundle of Appointments in 'proposed' state Examples (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"appointments\" : [ { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"apt1\" , \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"serviceType\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"code\" : \"183\" , \"display\" : \"Sleep Medicine\" } ] } ], \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0276\" , \"code\" : \"FOLLOWUP\" , \"display\" : \"A follow up visit from a previous appointment\" } ] }, \"reason\" : { \"coding\" : { \"system\" : \"\" , \"code\" : \"1023001\" , \"display\" : \"Apnea\" } }, \"description\" : \"CPAP adjustments\" , \"start\" : \"2019-08-10T09:00:00-06:00\" , \"end\" : \"2019-08-10T09:10:00:00-06:00\" , \"created\" : \"2019-08-01\" , \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" } ] }, { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"apt1\" , \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0276\" , \"code\" : \"CHECKUP\" , \"display\" : \"A routine check-up, such as an annual physical\" } ] }, \"description\" : \"Regular physical\" , \"start\" : \"2020-08-01T13:00:00-06:00\" , \"end\" : \"2020-08-01T13:30:00:00-06:00\" , \"created\" : \"2019-08-01\" , \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" } ] } ] } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" , \"appointments\" : [ { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"example\" , \"text\" : { \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Brian MRI results discussion
\" }, \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"serviceCategory\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/service-category\" , \"code\" : \"gp\" , \"display\" : \"General Practice\" } ] }, \"serviceType\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"code\" : \"52\" , \"display\" : \"General Discussion\" } ] } ], \"specialty\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/specialty\" , \"code\" : \"gp\" , \"display\" : \"General Practice\" } ] } ], \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/appointment-type\" , \"code\" : \"follow\" , \"display\" : \"Followup\" } ] }, \"indication\" : [ { \"reference\" : \"Condition/example\" , \"display\" : \"Severe burn of left ear\" } ], \"priority\" : 5 , \"description\" : \"Discussion on the results of your recent MRI\" , \"start\" : \"2013-12-10T09:00:00Z\" , \"end\" : \"2013-12-10T11:00:00Z\" , \"created\" : \"2013-10-10\" , \"comment\" : \"Further expand on the results of the MRI and determine the next actions that may be appropriate.\" , \"incomingReferral\" : [ { \"reference\" : \"ReferralRequest/example\" } ], \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"type\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ParticipationType\" , \"code\" : \"ATND\" } ] } ], \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Location/1\" , \"display\" : \"South Wing, second floor\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"action-needed\" } ] } ] } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"appointment-book 1"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#appointment-book","text":"Looking for Feedback Hey implementers, we want to hear from you! - What obstacles are there to limiting this hook to firing only when the appointment is confirmed or finalized as booked? - For which users should this hook fire? - Many appointments are scheduled directly into the EHR by the patient, without provider staff involvement ... Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted","title":"appointment-book"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#workflow","text":"This hook is invoked when the user is scheduling one or more future encounters/visits for the patient. For example, the appointment-book hook may be triggered for an appointment with the appointment creator, a clinician within the same organization as the appointment creator or even for an appointment outside the creator's organization. It may be invoked at the start and end of the booking process and/or any time between those two points. This hook enables CDS Services to intervene in the decision of when future appointments should be scheduled, where they should be scheduled, what services should be booked, to identify actions that need to occur prior to scheduled appointments, etc.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#context","text":"The Patient whose appointment(s) are being booked, as well as the proposed Appointment records. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user could be of type Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Patient , or RelatedPerson . For example, PractitionerRole/123 . Patient or RelatedPerson are appropriate when a patient or their proxy are booking the appointment. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of Patient appointment(s) is/are for encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of Encounter where booking was initiated appointments REQUIRED No object DSTU2/STU3/R4 - FHIR Bundle of Appointments in 'proposed' state","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#examples-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"appointments\" : [ { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"apt1\" , \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"serviceType\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"code\" : \"183\" , \"display\" : \"Sleep Medicine\" } ] } ], \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0276\" , \"code\" : \"FOLLOWUP\" , \"display\" : \"A follow up visit from a previous appointment\" } ] }, \"reason\" : { \"coding\" : { \"system\" : \"\" , \"code\" : \"1023001\" , \"display\" : \"Apnea\" } }, \"description\" : \"CPAP adjustments\" , \"start\" : \"2019-08-10T09:00:00-06:00\" , \"end\" : \"2019-08-10T09:10:00:00-06:00\" , \"created\" : \"2019-08-01\" , \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" } ] }, { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"apt1\" , \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0276\" , \"code\" : \"CHECKUP\" , \"display\" : \"A routine check-up, such as an annual physical\" } ] }, \"description\" : \"Regular physical\" , \"start\" : \"2020-08-01T13:00:00-06:00\" , \"end\" : \"2020-08-01T13:30:00:00-06:00\" , \"created\" : \"2019-08-01\" , \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" } ] } ] } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" , \"appointments\" : [ { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"example\" , \"text\" : { \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Brian MRI results discussion
\" }, \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"serviceCategory\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/service-category\" , \"code\" : \"gp\" , \"display\" : \"General Practice\" } ] }, \"serviceType\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"code\" : \"52\" , \"display\" : \"General Discussion\" } ] } ], \"specialty\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/specialty\" , \"code\" : \"gp\" , \"display\" : \"General Practice\" } ] } ], \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/appointment-type\" , \"code\" : \"follow\" , \"display\" : \"Followup\" } ] }, \"indication\" : [ { \"reference\" : \"Condition/example\" , \"display\" : \"Severe burn of left ear\" } ], \"priority\" : 5 , \"description\" : \"Discussion on the results of your recent MRI\" , \"start\" : \"2013-12-10T09:00:00Z\" , \"end\" : \"2013-12-10T11:00:00Z\" , \"created\" : \"2013-10-10\" , \"comment\" : \"Further expand on the results of the MRI and determine the next actions that may be appropriate.\" , \"incomingReferral\" : [ { \"reference\" : \"ReferralRequest/example\" } ], \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"type\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ParticipationType\" , \"code\" : \"ATND\" } ] } ], \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Location/1\" , \"display\" : \"South Wing, second floor\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"action-needed\" } ] } ] }","title":"Examples (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/","text":"encounter-discharge \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted Workflow \u00b6 This hook is invoked when the user is performing the discharge process for an encounter where the notion of 'discharge' is relevant - typically an inpatient encounter. It may be invoked at the start and end of the discharge process or any time between those two points. It allows hook services to intervene in the decision of whether discharge is appropriate, to verify discharge medications, to check for continuity of care planning, to ensure necessary documentation is present for discharge processing, etc. Context \u00b6 The patient who is being discharged and the encounter being ended. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the being discharged encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being ended Examples \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"encounter-discharge 1"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#encounter-discharge","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted","title":"encounter-discharge"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#workflow","text":"This hook is invoked when the user is performing the discharge process for an encounter where the notion of 'discharge' is relevant - typically an inpatient encounter. It may be invoked at the start and end of the discharge process or any time between those two points. It allows hook services to intervene in the decision of whether discharge is appropriate, to verify discharge medications, to check for continuity of care planning, to ensure necessary documentation is present for discharge processing, etc.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#context","text":"The patient who is being discharged and the encounter being ended. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the being discharged encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being ended","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#examples","text":"1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" }","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/","text":"encounter-start \u00b6 Looking for Feedback Hey implementers, we want to hear from you! - What's the greatest opportunity for delivering remote CDS at the start of an encounter? - For which users should this hook fire? - When in a hospitalization workflow, an ambulatory workflow, does an encounter start? - How many and what types of encounters are there in a single hospitalization, a single ambulatory visit? - Is there value in an encounter start hook pairing with an (typically inpatient) encounter discharge hook? - Please explain your encounter workflow. Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted Workflow \u00b6 This hook is invoked when the user is initiating a new encounter. In an inpatient setting, this would be the time of admission. In an outpatient/community environment, this would be the time of patient-check-in for a face-to-face or equivalent for a virtual/telephone encounter. The Encounter should either be in one of the following states: planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress . Note that there can be multiple 'starts' for the same encounter as each user becomes engaged. For example, when a scheduled encounter is presented at the beginning of the day for planning purposes, when the patient arrives, when the patient first encounters a clinician, etc. Hooks may present different information depending on user role and Encounter.status. Note: This is distinct from the patient-view hook which occurs any time the patient's record is looked at - which might be done outside the context of any encounter and will often occur during workflows that are not linked to the initiation of an encounter. The intention is that the cards from any invoked CDS Services are available at the time when decisions are being made about what actions are going to occur during this encounter. For example, identifying that the patient is due for certain diagnostic tests or interventions, identifying additional information that should be collected to comply with protocols associated with clinical studies the patient is enrolled in, identifying any documentation or other requirements associated with patient insurance, etc. Context \u00b6 Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the Patient the Encounter is for encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being started Examples \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"encounter-start 1"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#encounter-start","text":"Looking for Feedback Hey implementers, we want to hear from you! - What's the greatest opportunity for delivering remote CDS at the start of an encounter? - For which users should this hook fire? - When in a hospitalization workflow, an ambulatory workflow, does an encounter start? - How many and what types of encounters are there in a single hospitalization, a single ambulatory visit? - Is there value in an encounter start hook pairing with an (typically inpatient) encounter discharge hook? - Please explain your encounter workflow. Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted","title":"encounter-start"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#workflow","text":"This hook is invoked when the user is initiating a new encounter. In an inpatient setting, this would be the time of admission. In an outpatient/community environment, this would be the time of patient-check-in for a face-to-face or equivalent for a virtual/telephone encounter. The Encounter should either be in one of the following states: planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress . Note that there can be multiple 'starts' for the same encounter as each user becomes engaged. For example, when a scheduled encounter is presented at the beginning of the day for planning purposes, when the patient arrives, when the patient first encounters a clinician, etc. Hooks may present different information depending on user role and Encounter.status. Note: This is distinct from the patient-view hook which occurs any time the patient's record is looked at - which might be done outside the context of any encounter and will often occur during workflows that are not linked to the initiation of an encounter. The intention is that the cards from any invoked CDS Services are available at the time when decisions are being made about what actions are going to occur during this encounter. For example, identifying that the patient is due for certain diagnostic tests or interventions, identifying additional information that should be collected to comply with protocols associated with clinical studies the patient is enrolled in, identifying any documentation or other requirements associated with patient insurance, etc.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#context","text":"Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the Patient the Encounter is for encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being started","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#examples","text":"1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" }","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/","text":"medication-prescribe \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 2 - Tested Deprecation Notice \u00b6 This hook is deprecated in favor of the order-select and order-sign hooks, with the goal of clarifying workflow trigger points and supporting orders beyond medications. In this refactoring, medication-prescribe and order-review hooks are being deprecated in favor of newly created order-select and order-sign hooks. This notice is a placeholder to this effect while CDS Hooks determines the appropriate process for deprecating hooks . Workflow \u00b6 The user is in the process of prescribing one or more new medications. Context \u00b6 The set of medications proposed or in progress of being prescribed. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the medications object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context medications REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of draft MedicationOrder resources STU3 - FHIR Bundle of draft MedicationRequest resources Example (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-104\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:26:48.124-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax] (rxnorm: 211307)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"medication-prescribe \ud83d\udeab"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#medication-prescribe","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 2 - Tested","title":"medication-prescribe"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#deprecation-notice","text":"This hook is deprecated in favor of the order-select and order-sign hooks, with the goal of clarifying workflow trigger points and supporting orders beyond medications. In this refactoring, medication-prescribe and order-review hooks are being deprecated in favor of newly created order-select and order-sign hooks. This notice is a placeholder to this effect while CDS Hooks determines the appropriate process for deprecating hooks .","title":"Deprecation Notice"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#workflow","text":"The user is in the process of prescribing one or more new medications.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#context","text":"The set of medications proposed or in progress of being prescribed. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the medications object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context medications REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of draft MedicationOrder resources STU3 - FHIR Bundle of draft MedicationRequest resources","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#example-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-104\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:26:48.124-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax] (rxnorm: 211307)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/","text":"medication-refill \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 2.0 hookVersion 0.1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted Workflow \u00b6 The medication-refill hook fires when a medication refill request for an existing prescription of a specific medication is received. A refill request may be made as part of an encounter or out-of-band through a pharmacy or patient portal. Since a prescription refill is requested outside of the prescriber's workflow, there often is not a user in context. Similarly, the encounter may be an auto-generated refill encounter or there may not be an encounter in context when the refill request is received. A CDS service may use this hook to deliver medication refill protocol guidance to a clinician. Given the asynchronous workflow of refill requests, the guidance returned by the service may be viewed immediately, or not. This hook does not fire for an initial prescription (see order-sign). \"Re-prescribing\" or replacing a previously active prescription with a new perscription for the same medication does not fire the medication-refill. Context \u00b6 The set of medications in the process of being refilled. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the medications object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId OPTIONAL Yes string In the case when this field is empty, consider the FHIR resource's requestor and recorder elements. The id of the current user entering the refill request within the CPOE. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole. For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the encounter associated with the refill of the prescription. medications REQUIRED No object R4 - FHIR Bundle of draft , order MedicationRequest resources Example (R4) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationReference\" : { \"reference\" : \"Medication/eFnx9hyX.YTNJ407PR9g4zpiT8lXCElOXkldLgGDYrAU-fszvYmrUZlYzRfJl-qKj3\" , \"display\" : \"oxybutynin (DITROPAN XL) CR tablet\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 0.1.0 Initial Release","title":"medication-refill 1"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#medication-refill","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 2.0 hookVersion 0.1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted","title":"medication-refill"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#workflow","text":"The medication-refill hook fires when a medication refill request for an existing prescription of a specific medication is received. A refill request may be made as part of an encounter or out-of-band through a pharmacy or patient portal. Since a prescription refill is requested outside of the prescriber's workflow, there often is not a user in context. Similarly, the encounter may be an auto-generated refill encounter or there may not be an encounter in context when the refill request is received. A CDS service may use this hook to deliver medication refill protocol guidance to a clinician. Given the asynchronous workflow of refill requests, the guidance returned by the service may be viewed immediately, or not. This hook does not fire for an initial prescription (see order-sign). \"Re-prescribing\" or replacing a previously active prescription with a new perscription for the same medication does not fire the medication-refill.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#context","text":"The set of medications in the process of being refilled. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the medications object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId OPTIONAL Yes string In the case when this field is empty, consider the FHIR resource's requestor and recorder elements. The id of the current user entering the refill request within the CPOE. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole. For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the encounter associated with the refill of the prescription. medications REQUIRED No object R4 - FHIR Bundle of draft , order MedicationRequest resources","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#example-r4","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationReference\" : { \"reference\" : \"Medication/eFnx9hyX.YTNJ407PR9g4zpiT8lXCElOXkldLgGDYrAU-fszvYmrUZlYzRfJl-qKj3\" , \"display\" : \"oxybutynin (DITROPAN XL) CR tablet\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (R4)"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#change-log","text":"Version Description 0.1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/","text":"order-dispatch \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 2.0 hookVersion 1.1 hookMaturity 0 - Draft Workflow \u00b6 The order-dispatch hook fires when a practitioner is selecting a candidate performer for a pre-existing order or (set of orders) that was not assigned to a specific performer. For example, selecting an imaging center to satisfy a radiology order, selecting a cardiologist to satisfy a referral, etc. This hook only occurs in situations where the order is agnostic as to who the performer should be and a separate process (which might be performed by back-office staff, a central dispatch service, or even the ordering clincian themselves at a later time) is used to select and seek action by a specific performer. It is possible that the same order might be dispatched multiple times, either because initial selected targets refuse or are otherwise unable to satisfy the order, or because the performer is only asked to perform a 'portion' of what's authorized (the first monthly lab test of a year-long set, the first dispense of a 6 month order, etc.). Note that the order isn't updated to include the performer in this situation, as the authorization of who could theoretically perform the order isn't changed by seeking fulfillment by a specific provider. This \"request for fulfillment\" process is typically represented in FHIR using Task . This resource allows identifying the order to be acted upon, who is being asked to act on it, the time-period in which they're expected to act, and any limitations/qualifications to 'how much' of the order should be acted on. Decision support that may be relevant for this hook might include information related to coverage, prior-authorization and/or in-network/out-of-network evaluations with respect to the chosen performer; determination of practitioner availability or qualification; enforcement/guidance with respect to patient performer preferences; etc. Context \u00b6 Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context dispatched-orders REQUIRED Yes array Collection of the FHIR local references for the Request resource(s) for which fulfillment is sought E.g. ServiceRequest/123 performer REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR local reference for the Practitioner, PractitionerRole, Organization, CareTeam, etc. who is being asked to execute the order. E.g. Practitioner/456 fulfillment-tasks OPTIONAL No array DSTU2/STU3/R4/R5 - Collection of the Task instances (as objects) that provides a full description of the fulfillment request - including the timing and any constraints on fulfillment. If Tasks are provided, each will be for a separate order and SHALL reference one of the dispatched-orders. Examples \u00b6 Example (R4) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"dispatched-orders\" : [ \"ServiceRequest/proc002\" ], \"performer\" : \"Organization/some-performer\" , \"fulfillment-tasks\" : [{ \"resourceType\" : \"Task\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"code\" : { \"coding\" : [{ \"system\" : \"\" , \"code\" : \"\" }] }, \"focus\" : { \"reference\" : \"ServiceRequest/proc002\" }, \"for\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"authoredOn\" : \"2016-03-10T22:39:32-04:00\" , \"lastModified\" : \"2016-03-10T22:39:32-04:00\" , \"requester\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/456\" }, \"owner\" : { \"reference\" : \"Organziation/some-performer\" } }] } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.1 Adjusted context names and cardinalities based on feedback","title":"order-dispatch 0"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#order-dispatch","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 2.0 hookVersion 1.1 hookMaturity 0 - Draft","title":"order-dispatch"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#workflow","text":"The order-dispatch hook fires when a practitioner is selecting a candidate performer for a pre-existing order or (set of orders) that was not assigned to a specific performer. For example, selecting an imaging center to satisfy a radiology order, selecting a cardiologist to satisfy a referral, etc. This hook only occurs in situations where the order is agnostic as to who the performer should be and a separate process (which might be performed by back-office staff, a central dispatch service, or even the ordering clincian themselves at a later time) is used to select and seek action by a specific performer. It is possible that the same order might be dispatched multiple times, either because initial selected targets refuse or are otherwise unable to satisfy the order, or because the performer is only asked to perform a 'portion' of what's authorized (the first monthly lab test of a year-long set, the first dispense of a 6 month order, etc.). Note that the order isn't updated to include the performer in this situation, as the authorization of who could theoretically perform the order isn't changed by seeking fulfillment by a specific provider. This \"request for fulfillment\" process is typically represented in FHIR using Task . This resource allows identifying the order to be acted upon, who is being asked to act on it, the time-period in which they're expected to act, and any limitations/qualifications to 'how much' of the order should be acted on. Decision support that may be relevant for this hook might include information related to coverage, prior-authorization and/or in-network/out-of-network evaluations with respect to the chosen performer; determination of practitioner availability or qualification; enforcement/guidance with respect to patient performer preferences; etc.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#context","text":"Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context dispatched-orders REQUIRED Yes array Collection of the FHIR local references for the Request resource(s) for which fulfillment is sought E.g. ServiceRequest/123 performer REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR local reference for the Practitioner, PractitionerRole, Organization, CareTeam, etc. who is being asked to execute the order. E.g. Practitioner/456 fulfillment-tasks OPTIONAL No array DSTU2/STU3/R4/R5 - Collection of the Task instances (as objects) that provides a full description of the fulfillment request - including the timing and any constraints on fulfillment. If Tasks are provided, each will be for a separate order and SHALL reference one of the dispatched-orders.","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#examples","text":"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#example-r4","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"dispatched-orders\" : [ \"ServiceRequest/proc002\" ], \"performer\" : \"Organization/some-performer\" , \"fulfillment-tasks\" : [{ \"resourceType\" : \"Task\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"code\" : { \"coding\" : [{ \"system\" : \"\" , \"code\" : \"\" }] }, \"focus\" : { \"reference\" : \"ServiceRequest/proc002\" }, \"for\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"authoredOn\" : \"2016-03-10T22:39:32-04:00\" , \"lastModified\" : \"2016-03-10T22:39:32-04:00\" , \"requester\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/456\" }, \"owner\" : { \"reference\" : \"Organziation/some-performer\" } }] }","title":"Example (R4)"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.1 Adjusted context names and cardinalities based on feedback","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/","text":"order-review \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 3 - Considered Deprecation Notice \u00b6 This hook is deprecated in favor of the order-sign hooks, with the goal of clarifying workflow trigger points and supporting orders beyond medications. In this refactoring, medication-prescribe and order-review hooks are being deprecated in favor of newly created order-select and order-sign hooks. This notice is a placeholder to this effect while CDS Hooks determines the appropriate process for deprecating hooks . Workflow \u00b6 The user is in the process of reviewing a set of orders to sign. Context \u00b6 The set of orders being reviewed for signature on-screen. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the orders object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context orders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status Example (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"orders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"orders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"order-review \ud83d\udeab"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#order-review","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 3 - Considered","title":"order-review"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#deprecation-notice","text":"This hook is deprecated in favor of the order-sign hooks, with the goal of clarifying workflow trigger points and supporting orders beyond medications. In this refactoring, medication-prescribe and order-review hooks are being deprecated in favor of newly created order-select and order-sign hooks. This notice is a placeholder to this effect while CDS Hooks determines the appropriate process for deprecating hooks .","title":"Deprecation Notice"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#workflow","text":"The user is in the process of reviewing a set of orders to sign.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#context","text":"The set of orders being reviewed for signature on-screen. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the orders object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context orders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#example-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"orders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"orders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/","text":"order-select \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 4 - Documented Workflow \u00b6 The order-select hook fires when a clinician selects one or more orders to place for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). If supported by the CDS Client, this hook may also be invoked each time the clinician selects a detail regarding the order. This hook is among the first workflow events for an order entering a draft status. The context of this hook may include defaulted order details as it first occurs immediately upon the clinician selecting the order from the order catalogue of the CPOE, or upon her manual selection of order details (e.g. dose, quantity, route, etc). CDS services should expect some of the order information to not yet be specified. Additionally, the context may include previously selected orders that are not yet signed from the same ordering session. The order-select hook occurs after the clinician selects the order and before signing. This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe hook. Context \u00b6 Decision support should focus on the 'selected' orders - those that are newly selected or actively being authored. The non-selected orders are included in the context to provide context and to allow decision support to take into account other pending actions that might not yet be stored in the system (and therefore not queryable). The context of this hook distinguishes between the list of unsigned orders from the clinician's ordering session, and the one or more orders just added to this list. The selections field contains a list of ids of these newly selected orders; the draftOrders Bundle contains an entry for all unsigned orders from this session, including newly selected orders. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc . patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context selections REQUIRED No array The FHIR id of the newly selected order(s). The selections field references FHIR resources in the draftOrders Bundle. For example, MedicationRequest/103 . draftOrders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status R4 - FHIR Bundle of DeviceRequest, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, ServiceRequest, VisionPrescription with draft status Examples \u00b6 Example (R4) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" : [ \"NutritionOrder/pureeddiet-simple\" , \"MedicationRequest/smart-MedicationRequest-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseAndRate\" :{ \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" : [ \"NutritionOrder/pureeddiet-simple\" , \"MedicationRequest/smart-MedicationRequest-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" :[ \"NutritionOrder/nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"MedicationOrder/smart-MedicationOrder-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 Small documentation correction 1.0.2 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4.","title":"order-select 4"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#order-select","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 4 - Documented","title":"order-select"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#workflow","text":"The order-select hook fires when a clinician selects one or more orders to place for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). If supported by the CDS Client, this hook may also be invoked each time the clinician selects a detail regarding the order. This hook is among the first workflow events for an order entering a draft status. The context of this hook may include defaulted order details as it first occurs immediately upon the clinician selecting the order from the order catalogue of the CPOE, or upon her manual selection of order details (e.g. dose, quantity, route, etc). CDS services should expect some of the order information to not yet be specified. Additionally, the context may include previously selected orders that are not yet signed from the same ordering session. The order-select hook occurs after the clinician selects the order and before signing. This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe hook.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#context","text":"Decision support should focus on the 'selected' orders - those that are newly selected or actively being authored. The non-selected orders are included in the context to provide context and to allow decision support to take into account other pending actions that might not yet be stored in the system (and therefore not queryable). The context of this hook distinguishes between the list of unsigned orders from the clinician's ordering session, and the one or more orders just added to this list. The selections field contains a list of ids of these newly selected orders; the draftOrders Bundle contains an entry for all unsigned orders from this session, including newly selected orders. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc . patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context selections REQUIRED No array The FHIR id of the newly selected order(s). The selections field references FHIR resources in the draftOrders Bundle. For example, MedicationRequest/103 . draftOrders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status R4 - FHIR Bundle of DeviceRequest, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, ServiceRequest, VisionPrescription with draft status","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#examples","text":"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#example-r4","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" : [ \"NutritionOrder/pureeddiet-simple\" , \"MedicationRequest/smart-MedicationRequest-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseAndRate\" :{ \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (R4)"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#example-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" : [ \"NutritionOrder/pureeddiet-simple\" , \"MedicationRequest/smart-MedicationRequest-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" :[ \"NutritionOrder/nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"MedicationOrder/smart-MedicationOrder-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 Small documentation correction 1.0.2 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4.","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/","text":"order-sign \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 5 - Mature Workflow \u00b6 The order-sign hook fires when a clinician is ready to sign one or more orders for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). This hook is among the last workflow events before an order is promoted out of a draft status. The context contains all order details, such as dose, quantity, route, etc, although the order has not yet been signed and therefore still exists in a draft status. Use this hook when your service requires all order details. This hook can also be used when an order or set of orders is being 're-signed' after revision (e.g. change to status, extending dates, or other changes allowed to signed orders within the system's workflow). In this case, the orders would typically have a status other than 'draft'. In some cases, the hook might fire with a mixture of new and revised orders. This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe and order-review hooks. Context \u00b6 Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc . patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context draftOrders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) R4 - FHIR Bundle of DeviceRequest, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, ServiceRequest, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) Examples \u00b6 Example (R4) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseAndRate\" :{ \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/abc\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4. 1.1.0 Updated hook to all for use in order-revision situations","title":"order-sign 5"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#order-sign","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 5 - Mature","title":"order-sign"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#workflow","text":"The order-sign hook fires when a clinician is ready to sign one or more orders for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). This hook is among the last workflow events before an order is promoted out of a draft status. The context contains all order details, such as dose, quantity, route, etc, although the order has not yet been signed and therefore still exists in a draft status. Use this hook when your service requires all order details. This hook can also be used when an order or set of orders is being 're-signed' after revision (e.g. change to status, extending dates, or other changes allowed to signed orders within the system's workflow). In this case, the orders would typically have a status other than 'draft'. In some cases, the hook might fire with a mixture of new and revised orders. This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe and order-review hooks.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#context","text":"Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc . patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context draftOrders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) R4 - FHIR Bundle of DeviceRequest, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, ServiceRequest, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status)","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#examples","text":"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#example-r4","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (R4)"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#example-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseAndRate\" :{ \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/abc\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4. 1.1.0 Updated hook to all for use in order-revision situations","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/","text":"patient-view \u00b6 Info This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a build at the level of Trial Use . Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 5 - Mature Workflow \u00b6 The user has just opened a patient's record; typically called only once at the beginning of a user's interaction with a specific patient's record. Context \u00b6 The patient whose record was opened, including their encounter, if applicable. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. Must be in the format [ResourceType]/[id] . For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Patient , or RelatedPerson . Patient or RelatedPerson are appropriate when a patient or their proxy are viewing the record. For example, Practitioner/abc or Patient/123. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context Examples \u00b6 1 2 3 4 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" } 1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/abc\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"patient-view 5"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#patient-view","text":"Info This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a build at the level of Trial Use . Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 5 - Mature","title":"patient-view"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#workflow","text":"The user has just opened a patient's record; typically called only once at the beginning of a user's interaction with a specific patient's record.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#context","text":"The patient whose record was opened, including their encounter, if applicable. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. Must be in the format [ResourceType]/[id] . For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Patient , or RelatedPerson . Patient or RelatedPerson are appropriate when a patient or their proxy are viewing the record. For example, Practitioner/abc or Patient/123. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#examples","text":"1 2 3 4 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" } 1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/abc\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" }","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/template/","text":"hook-name-expressed-as-noun-verb \u00b6 Info This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a build | snapshot | ballot | release at the level of Draft | Trial Use | Normative | Informative | Deprecated Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 0 - Draft Workflow \u00b6 Describe when the hook occurs in a workflow. Hook creators SHOULD include as much detail and clarity as possible to minimize any ambiguity or confusion amongst implementers. The hook name should take the form noun-verb , such as encounter-start , or order-select according to the Hook Definition Format . Context \u00b6 Define context values that are available when this hook occurs, and indicate whether they must be provided, and whether they are available for parameterizing prefetch templates. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description exampleId REQUIRED Yes string Describe the context value encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string Describe the context value Examples \u00b6 1 2 3 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" } 1 2 3 4 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"new-hook-template"},{"location":"hooks/template/#hook-name-expressed-as-noun-verb","text":"Info This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a build | snapshot | ballot | release at the level of Draft | Trial Use | Normative | Informative | Deprecated Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 0 - Draft","title":"hook-name-expressed-as-noun-verb"},{"location":"hooks/template/#workflow","text":"Describe when the hook occurs in a workflow. Hook creators SHOULD include as much detail and clarity as possible to minimize any ambiguity or confusion amongst implementers. The hook name should take the form noun-verb , such as encounter-start , or order-select according to the Hook Definition Format .","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/template/#context","text":"Define context values that are available when this hook occurs, and indicate whether they must be provided, and whether they are available for parameterizing prefetch templates. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description exampleId REQUIRED Yes string Describe the context value encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string Describe the context value","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/template/#examples","text":"1 2 3 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" } 1 2 3 4 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" }","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/template/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"specification/current/","text":"Current (draft) This is the continuous integration, community release of the CDS Hooks specification. All stable releases are available at https://cds-hooks.hl7.org . Overview \u00b6 The CDS Hooks specification describes the RESTful APIs and interactions using JSON over HTTPS to integrate Clinical Decision Support (CDS) between CDS Clients (typically Electronic Health Record Systems (EHRs) or other health information systems) and CDS Services. Conformance Language \u00b6 The key words \"MUST\", \"MUST NOT\", \"REQUIRED\", \"SHALL\", \"SHALL NOT\", \"SHOULD\", \"SHOULD NOT\", \"RECOMMENDED\", \"MAY\", and \"OPTIONAL\" in this specification are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 . Further, the key word \"CONDITIONAL\" indicates that a particular item is either REQUIRED or OPTIONAL, based upon another item. Use of JSON \u00b6 All data exchanged through production RESTful APIs MUST be sent and received as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) structures and are transmitted over HTTPS. See Security and Safety section. Null and empty JSON elements JSON elements SHALL NOT be null, unless otherwise specified. JSON elements SHALL NOT be empty, unless otherwise specified (e.g. to indicate no guidance with an empty array of cards in the CDS Hooks response). If a JSON attribute is defined as OPTIONAL, and does not have a value, implementers MUST omit it. For instance, OPTIONAL JSON string and array attributes are omitted rather than having a null or empty value. Unless otherwise specified, JSON attribute values SHALL NOT be null or empty, so null , \"\" , [] , or {} are prohibited. If a JSON attribute is defined with as OPTIONAL, and does not have a value, implementers SHALL omit it. CDS Hooks Anatomy \u00b6 This specification describes a \"hook\" -based pattern for invoking decision support from within a clinician's workflow. The API supports: Synchronous, workflow-triggered CDS calls returning information and suggestions Launching a web page to provide additional information to the user Launching a user-facing SMART app when CDS requires additional interaction The main concepts of the specification are Services, CDS Clients, and Cards. CDS Services \u00b6 A CDS Service is a service that provides recommendations and guidance through the RESTful APIs described by this specification. The primary APIs are Discovery , which allows a CDS Developer to publish the types of CDS Services it provides. The Service API that CDS Clients use to request decision support. The Feedback API through which services learn the outcomes of their recommendations and guidance. CDS Clients \u00b6 A CDS Client is an Electronic Health Record (EHR), or other clinical information system that uses decision support by calling CDS Services at specific points in the application's workflow called hooks . Each hook defines the hook context (contextual information available within the CDS Client and specific to the workflow) that is provided as part of the request. Each service advertises which hooks it supports and what prefetch data (information needed by the CDS Service to determine what decision support should be presented) it requires. In addition, CDS Clients typically provide the FHIR resource server location and associated authorization information as part of the request to enable services to request additional information. Cards \u00b6 Decision support is then returned to the CDS Client in the form of cards , which the CDS Client MAY display to the end-user as part of their workflow. Cards may be informational, or they may provide suggestions that the user may accept or reject they may provide a link to additional information or even launch a SMART app when additional user interaction is required. Discovery \u00b6 A CDS Service is discoverable via a stable endpoint by CDS Clients. The Discovery endpoint includes information such as a description of the CDS Service, when it should be invoked, and any data that is requested to be prefetched. A CDS Service provider exposes its discovery endpoint at: 1 { baseURL } /cds-services HTTP Request \u00b6 The Discovery endpoint SHALL always be available at {baseUrl}/cds-services . For example, if the baseUrl is https://example.com, the CDS Client can retrieve the list of CDS Services by invoking: GET https://example.com/cds-services Response \u00b6 The response to the discovery endpoint SHALL be an object containing a list of CDS Services. Field Description services array . An array of CDS Services . If your CDS server hosts no CDS Services, the discovery endpoint should return a 200 HTTP response with an empty array of services. Each CDS Service SHALL be described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description hook REQUIRED string The hook this service should be invoked on. See Hooks . title RECOMMENDED string The human-friendly name of this service. description REQUIRED string The description of this service. id REQUIRED string The {id} portion of the URL to this service which is available at {baseUrl}/cds-services/{id} prefetch OPTIONAL object An object containing key/value pairs of FHIR queries that this service is requesting the CDS Client to perform and provide on each service call. The key is a string that describes the type of data being requested and the value is a string representing the FHIR query. See Prefetch Template . usageRequirements OPTIONAL string Human-friendly description of any preconditions for the use of this CDS Service. Note that a CDS server can host multiple entries of CDS service with the same id for different hook s. This allows a service to update its advice based on changes in workflow as discussed in update stale guidance . HTTP Status Codes \u00b6 Code Description 200 OK A successful response. CDS Services MAY return other HTTP statuses, specifically 4xx and 5xx HTTP error codes. Discovery Example \u00b6 1 curl \"https://example.com/cds-services\" The above command returns JSON structured like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 { \"services\" : [ { \"hook\" : \"patient-view\" , \"title\" : \"Static CDS Service Example\" , \"description\" : \"An example of a CDS Service that returns a static set of cards\" , \"id\" : \"static-patient-greeter\" , \"prefetch\" : { \"patientToGreet\" : \"Patient/{{context.patientId}}\" } }, { \"hook\" : \"order-select\" , \"title\" : \"Order Echo CDS Service\" , \"description\" : \"An example of a CDS Service that simply echoes the order(s) being placed\" , \"id\" : \"order-echo\" , \"prefetch\" : { \"patient\" : \"Patient/{{context.patientId}}\" , \"medications\" : \"MedicationRequest?patient={{context.patientId}}\" } }, { \"hook\" : \"order-sign\" , \"title\" : \"Pharmacogenomics CDS Service\" , \"description\" : \"An example of a more advanced, precision medicine CDS Service\" , \"id\" : \"pgx-on-order-sign\" , \"usageRequirements\" : \"Note: functionality of this CDS Service is degraded without access to a FHIR Restful API as part of CDS recommendation generation.\" } ] } Calling a CDS Service \u00b6 HTTP Request \u00b6 A CDS Client SHALL call a CDS Service by POST ing a JSON document to the service as described in this section. The CDS Service endpoint can be constructed from the CDS Service base URL and an individual service id as {baseUrl}/cds-services/{service.id} . CDS Clients may add additional requirements for the triggering of a hook, based upon the user, workflow, CDS Service or other reasons (e.g. if the service is provided by a payer, the patient has active coverage with that payer). See Trusting CDS Services for additional considerations. The request SHALL include a JSON POST body with the following input fields: Field Optionality Type Description hook REQUIRED string The hook that triggered this CDS Service call. See Hooks . hookInstance REQUIRED string A universally unique identifier (UUID) for this particular hook call (see more information below). fhirServer CONDITIONAL URL The base URL of the CDS Client's FHIR server. If fhirAuthorization is provided, this field is REQUIRED. The scheme MUST be https when production data is exchanged. fhirAuthorization OPTIONAL object A structure holding an OAuth 2.0 bearer access token granting the CDS Service access to FHIR resources, along with supplemental information relating to the token. See the FHIR Resource Access section for more information. context REQUIRED object Hook-specific contextual data that the CDS service will need. For example, with the patient-view hook this will include the FHIR id of the Patient being viewed. For details, see the Hooks specific specification page (example: patient-view ). prefetch OPTIONAL object The FHIR data that was prefetched by the CDS Client (see more information below). hookInstance \u00b6 While working in the CDS Client, a user can perform multiple actions in series or in parallel. For example, a clinician might prescribe two drugs in a row; each prescription action would be assigned a unique hookInstance . This allows a CDS Service to uniquely identify each hook invocation. Note: the hookInstance is globally unique and should contain enough entropy to be un-guessable. Example \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 curl -X POST \\ -H 'Content-type: application/json' \\ --data @hook-details-see-example-below \"https://example.com/cds-services/static-patient-greeter\" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 { \"hookInstance\" : \"d1577c69-dfbe-44ad-ba6d-3e05e953b2ea\" , \"fhirServer\" : \"http://hooks.smarthealthit.org:9080\" , \"hook\" : \"patient-view\" , \"fhirAuthorization\" : { \"access_token\" : \"some-opaque-fhir-access-token\" , \"token_type\" : \"Bearer\" , \"expires_in\" : 300 , \"scope\" : \"user/Patient.read user/Observation.read\" , \"subject\" : \"cds-service4\" }, \"context\" : { \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" }, \"prefetch\" : { \"patientToGreet\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Patient\" , \"gender\" : \"male\" , \"birthDate\" : \"1925-12-23\" , \"id\" : \"1288992\" , \"active\" : true } } } Providing FHIR Resources to a CDS Service \u00b6 CDS Services require specific FHIR resources in order to compute the recommendations the CDS Client requests. If real-world performance were no issue, a CDS Client could launch a CDS Service passing only context data (such as the current user and patient ids), and the CDS Service could obtain authorization to access the CDS Client's FHIR API, retrieving any resources required via FHIR read or search interactions. Given that CDS Services SHOULD respond quickly (on the order of 500 ms.), this specification defines mechanisms that allow a CDS Service to request and obtain FHIR resources more efficiently. Two optional methods are provided. In the first method, FHIR resources MAY be obtained by passing \"prefetched\" data from the CDS Client to the CDS Service in the service call. If data is to be prefetched, the CDS Service registers a set of \"prefetch templates\" with the CDS Client, as described in the Prefetch Template section below. These \"prefetch templates\" are defined in the CDS Service discovery response . The FHIR resources are passed as key-value pairs, with each key matching a key described in the discovery response, and each value being a FHIR resource. Note that in the case of searches, this resource may be a searchset Bundle. The second method enables the CDS Service to retrieve FHIR resources for itself, without the need to request and obtain its own authorization. If the CDS Client decides to have the CDS Service fetch its own FHIR resources, the CDS Client obtains and passes directly to the CDS Service a bearer token issued for the CDS Service's use in executing FHIR API calls against the CDS Client's FHIR server to obtain the required resources. Some CDS Clients MAY pass prefetched data, along with a bearer token for the CDS Service to use if additional resources are required. Each CDS Client SHOULD decide which approach, or combination, is preferred, based on performance considerations and assessment of attendant security and safety risks. CDS Services should be capable of accessing FHIR resources via either prefetch or from the CDS Client's FHIR server. For more detail, see the FHIR Resource Access section below. Similarly, each CDS Client will decide what FHIR resources to authorize and to prefetch, based on the CDS Service discovery response's \"prefetch\" request and on the provider's assessment of the \"minimum necessary.\" The CDS Client provider and the CDS Service provider will negotiate the set of FHIR resources to be provided, and how these data will be provided, as part of their service agreement. Prefetch Template \u00b6 A prefetch template is a FHIR read or search request that describes relevant data needed by the CDS Service. For example, the following is a prefetch template for hemoglobin A1c observations: 1 Observation?patient={{context.patientId}}&code=4548-4&_count=1&sort:desc=date To allow for prefetch templates that are dependent on the workflow context, prefetch templates may include references to context using prefetch tokens . In the above example, {{context.patientId}} is a prefetch token. The prefetch field of a CDS Service discovery response defines the set of prefetch templates for that service, providing a prefetch key for each one that is used to identify the prefetch data in the CDS request. For example: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"prefetch\" : { \"hemoglobin-a1c\" : \"Observation?patient={{context.patientId}}&code=4548-4&_count=1&sort:desc=date\" } } In this prefetch , hemoglobin-a1c is the prefetch key for this prefetch template. For a complete worked example, see below . A CDS Client MAY choose to honor zero, some, or all of the desired prefetch templates, and is free to choose the most appropriate source for these data. For example: The CDS Client MAY have some of the desired prefetched data already in memory, thereby removing the need for any network call The CDS Client MAY compute an efficient set of prefetch templates from multiple CDS Services, thereby reducing the number of calls to a minimum The CDS Client MAY satisfy some of the desired prefetched templates via some internal service or even its own FHIR server. The CDS Client SHALL only provide access to resources that are within the user's authorized scope. As part of preparing the request, a CDS Client processes each prefetch template it intends to satisfy by replacing the prefetch tokens in the prefetch template to construct a relative FHIR request URL. This specification is not prescriptive about how this request is actually processed. The relative URL may be appended to the base URL for the CDS Client's FHIR server and directly invoked, or the CDS Client may use internal infrastructure to satisfy the request in the same way that invoking against the FHIR server would. Regardless of how the CDS Client satisfies the prefetch templates (if at all), the prefetched data given to the CDS Service MUST be equivalent to the data the CDS Service would receive if it were making its own call to the CDS Client's FHIR server using the parameterized prefetch template. Note that this means that CDS services will receive only the information they have requested and are authorized to receive. Prefetch data for other services registered to the same hook MUST NOT be provided. In other words, services SHALL only receive the data they requested in their prefetch. The resulting response is passed along to the CDS Service using the prefetch parameter (see below . Note that a CDS Client MAY paginate prefetch results. The intent of allowing pagination is to ensure that prefetch queries that may be too large for a single payload can still be retrieved by the service. The decision to paginate and the size of pages is entirely at the CDS Client's discretion. CDS Clients are encouraged to only use pagination when absolutely necessary, keeping performance and user experience in mind. The CDS Client MUST NOT send any prefetch template key that it chooses not to satisfy. If the CDS Client encounters errors prefetching the requested data, OperationOutcome(s) SHOULD be used to communicate those errors to prevent the CDS Service from incurring an unneeded follow-up query. CDS Clients MUST omit the prefetch key if relevant details cannot be provided (e.g. intermittent connectivity issues). CDS Services SHOULD check any prefetched data for the existence of OperationOutcomes. If the CDS Client has no data to populate a template prefetch key, the prefetch template key MUST have a value of null . Note that the null result is used rather than a bundle with zero entries to account for the possibility that the prefetch url is a single-resource request. It is the CDS Service's responsibility to check prefetched data against its template to determine what requests were satisfied (if any) and to programmatically retrieve any additional necessary data. If the CDS Service is unable to obtain required data because it cannot access the FHIR server and the request did not contain the necessary prefetch keys, the service SHALL respond with an HTTP 412 Precondition Failed status code. Prefetch tokens \u00b6 A prefetch token is a placeholder in a prefetch template that is replaced by information from the hook's context to construct the FHIR URL used to request the prefetch data. Prefetch tokens MUST be delimited by {{ and }} , and MUST contain only the qualified path to a hook context field or one of the following user identifiers: userPractitionerId , userPractitionerRoleId , userPatientId , or userRelatedPersonId . Individual hooks specify which of their context fields can be used as prefetch tokens. Only root-level fields with a primitive value within the context object are eligible to be used as prefetch tokens. For example, {{context.medication.id}} is not a valid prefetch token because it attempts to access the id field of the medication field. Prefetch tokens identifying the user \u00b6 A prefetch template enables a CDS Service to learn more about the current user through a FHIR read, like so: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"prefetch\": { \"user\": \"{{context.userId}}\" } } or though a FHIR search: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"prefetch\": { \"user\": \"PractitionerRole?_id={{userPractitionerRoleId}}&_include=PractitionerRole:practitioner\" } } A prefetch template may include any of the following prefetch tokens: Token Description {{userPractitionerId}} FHIR id of the Practitioner resource corresponding to the current user. {{userPractitionerRoleId}} FHIR id of the PractitionerRole resource corresponding to the current user. {{userPatientId}} FHIR id of the Patient resource corresponding to the current user. {{userRelatedPersonId}} FHIR id of the RelatedPerson resource corresponding to the current user. No single FHIR resource represents a user, rather Practitioner and PractitionerRole may be jointly used to represent a provider, and Patient or RelatedPerson are used to represent a patient or their proxy. Hook definitions typically define a context.userId field and corresponding prefetch token. Prefetch query restrictions \u00b6 To reduce the implementation burden on CDS Clients that support CDS Services, this specification RECOMMENDS that prefetch queries only use a subset of the full functionality available in the FHIR specification. When using this subset, valid prefetch templates MUST only make use of: instance level read interactions (for resources with known ids such as Patient , Practitioner , or Encounter ) type level search interactions; e.g. patient={{context.patientId}} Resource references (e.g. patient={{context.patientId}} ) token search parameters using equality (e.g. code=4548-4 ) and optionally the :in modifier (no other modifiers for token parameters) date search parameters on date , dateTime , instant , or Period types only, and using only the prefixes eq , lt , gt , ge , le the _count parameter to limit the number of results returned the _sort parameter to allow for most recent and first queries Example prefetch token \u00b6 Often a prefetch template builds on the contextual data associated with the hook. For example, a particular CDS Service might recommend guidance based on a patient's conditions when the chart is opened. The FHIR query to retrieve these conditions might be Condition?patient=123 . In order to express this as a prefetch template, the CDS Service must express the FHIR id of the patient as a token so that the CDS Client can replace the token with the appropriate value. When context fields are used as tokens, their token name MUST be context.name-of-the-field . For example, given a context like: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"context\" : { \"patientId\" : \"123\" } } The token name would be {{context.patientId}} . Again using our above conditions example, the complete prefetch template would be Condition?patient={{context.patientId}} . Only the first level fields in context may be considered for tokens. For example, given the following context that contains amongst other things, a MedicationRequest FHIR resource: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 { \"context\" : { \"encounterId\" : \"456\" , \"draftOrders\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" : [ { \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"123\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }]}, \"subject\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" } } } ] } } } Only the encounterId field in this example is eligible to be a prefetch token as it is a first level field and the datatype (string) can be placed into the FHIR query. The MedicationRequest.id value in the context is not eligible to be a prefetch token because it is not a first level field. If the hook creator intends for the MedicationRequest.id value to be available as a prefetch token, it must be made available as a first level field. Using the aforementioned example, we simply add a new medicationRequestId field: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 { \"context\" : { \"medicationRequestId\" : \"123\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" , \"draftOrders\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" : [ { \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"123\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }]}, \"subject\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" } } } ] } } } Example prefetch templates \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { \"prefetch\" : { \"patient\" : \"Patient/{{context.patientId}}\" , \"hemoglobin-a1c\" : \"Observation?patient={{context.patientId}}&code=4548-4&_count=1&sort:desc=date\" , \"diabetes-type2\" : \"Condition?patient={{context.patientId}}&code=44054006&category=problem-list-item&status=active\" , \"user\" : \"PractitionerRole?_id={{userPractitionerRoleId}}\" } } Here is an example prefetch field from a CDS Service discovery endpoint. The goal is to know, at call time: Key Description patient Patient demographics. hemoglobin-a1c Most recent Hemoglobin A1c reading for this patient. diabetes-type2 If the patient has an active condition of diabetes mellitus on their problem list. user Information on the current user. Example prefetch data \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 { \"prefetch\" : { \"patient\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Patient\" , \"gender\" : \"male\" , \"birthDate\" : \"1974-12-25\" , \"...\" : \"\" }, \"hemoglobin-a1c\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"type\" : \"searchset\" , \"entry\" : [ { \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Observation\" , \"code\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://loinc.org\" , \"code\" : \"4548-4\" , \"display\" : \"Hemoglobin A1c\" } ] }, \"...\" : \"\" } } ] }, \"user\" : \"123\" } } The CDS Hooks request is augmented to include two prefetch values, where the dictionary keys match the request keys ( patient and hemoglobin-a1c in this case). Note that the missing diabetes-type2 key indicates that either the CDS Client has decided not to satisfy this particular prefetch template or it was not able to retrieve this prefetched data. The CDS Service is responsible for retrieving the FHIR resource representing the user from the FHIR server (if required). FHIR Resource Access \u00b6 If the CDS Client provides both fhirServer and fhirAuthorization request parameters, the CDS Service MAY use the FHIR server to obtain any FHIR resources for which it's authorized, beyond those provided by the CDS Client as prefetched data. This is similar to the approach used by SMART on FHIR wherein the SMART app requests and ultimately obtains an access token from the CDS Client's Authorization server using the SMART launch workflow, as described in SMART App Launch Implementation Guide . Like SMART on FHIR, CDS Hooks requires that CDS Services present a valid access token to the FHIR server with each API call. Thus, a CDS Service requires an access token before communicating with the CDS Client's FHIR resource server. While CDS Hooks shares the underlying technical framework and standards as SMART on FHIR, the CDS Hooks workflow MUST accommodate the automated, low-latency delivery of an access token to the CDS service. With CDS Hooks, if the CDS Client wants to provide the CDS Service direct access to FHIR resources, the CDS Client creates or obtains an access token prior to invoking the CDS Service, passing this token to the CDS Service as part of the service call. This approach remains compatible with OAuth 2.0's bearer token protocol while minimizing the number of HTTPS round-trips and the service invocation latency. The CDS Client remains in control of providing an access token that is associated with the specific CDS Service, user, and context of the invocation. As the CDS Service executes on behalf of a user, the data to which the CDS Service is given access by the CDS Client MUST be limited to the same restrictions and authorizations afforded the current user. As such, the access token SHALL be scoped to: The CDS Service being invoked The current user Passing the Access Token to the CDS Service \u00b6 The access token is specified in the CDS Service request via the fhirAuthorization request parameter. This parameter is an object that contains both the access token as well as other related information as specified below. If the CDS Client chooses not to pass along an access token, the fhirAuthorization parameter is omitted. Field Optionality Type Description access_token REQUIRED string This is the OAuth 2.0 access token that provides access to the FHIR server. token_type REQUIRED string Fixed value: Bearer expires_in REQUIRED integer The lifetime in seconds of the access token. scope REQUIRED string The scopes the access token grants the CDS Service. subject REQUIRED string The OAuth 2.0 client identifier of the CDS Service, as registered with the CDS Client's authorization server. 'patient` CONDITIONAL string If the granted SMART scopes include patient scopes (i.e. \"patient/\"), the access token is restricted to a specific patient. This field SHOULD be populated to identify the FHIR id of that patient. The scopes granted to the CDS Service via the scope field are defined by the SMART on FHIR specification . The expires_in value is established by the authorization server and SHOULD BE very short lived, as the access token MUST be treated as a transient value by the CDS Service. CDS Clients SHOULD revoke an issued access token upon the completion of the CDS Hooks request/response to limit the validity period of the token. Below is an example fhirAuthorization parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"fhirAuthorization\" : { \"access_token\" : \"some-opaque-fhir-access-token\" , \"token_type\" : \"Bearer\" , \"expires_in\" : 300 , \"scope\" : \"user/Patient.read user/Observation.read\" , \"subject\" : \"cds-service4\" } } CDS Service Response \u00b6 For successful responses, CDS Services SHALL respond with a 200 HTTP response with an object containing a cards array and optionally a systemActions array as described below. Each card contains decision support guidance from the CDS Service. Cards are intended for display to an end user. The data format of a card defines a very minimal set of required attributes with several more optional attributes to suit a variety of use cases, such as: narrative informational decision support, actionable suggestions to modify data, and links to SMART apps. Note that because the CDS client may be invoking multiple services from the same hook, there may be multiple responses related to the same information. This specification does not address these scenarios specifically; both CDS Services and CDS Clients should consider the implications of multiple CDS Services in their integrations and are invited to consider card attributes when determining prioritization and presentation options. HTTP Status Codes \u00b6 Code Description 200 OK A successful response. 412 Precondition Failed The CDS Service is unable to retrieve the necessary FHIR data to execute its decision support, either through a prefetch request or directly calling the FHIR server. CDS Services MAY return other HTTP statuses, specifically 4xx and 5xx HTTP error codes. HTTP Response \u00b6 Field Optionality Type Description cards REQUIRED array of Cards An array of Cards . Cards can provide a combination of information (for reading), suggested actions (to be applied if a user selects them), and links (to launch an app if the user selects them). The CDS Client decides how to display cards, but this specification recommends displaying suggestions using buttons, and links using underlined text. systemActions OPTIONAL array of Actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply. Each action follows the schema of a card-based suggestion.action . The CDS Client decides whether to auto-apply actions. If your CDS Service has no decision support for the user, your service should return a 200 HTTP response with an empty array of cards, for example: 1 2 3 { \"cards\" : [] } Clients SHOULD remove cards returned by previous invocations of a hook to a service with the same id when a new hook is triggered (see update stale guidance ). Card Attributes \u00b6 Each Card is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description uuid OPTIONAL string Unique identifier of the card. MAY be used for auditing and logging cards and SHALL be included in any subsequent calls to the CDS service's feedback endpoint. summary REQUIRED string One-sentence, <140-character summary message for display to the user inside of this card. detail OPTIONAL string Optional detailed information to display; if provided MUST be represented in (GitHub Flavored) Markdown . (For non-urgent cards, the CDS Client MAY hide these details until the user clicks a link like \"view more details...\"). indicator REQUIRED string Urgency/importance of what this card conveys. Allowed values, in order of increasing urgency, are: info , warning , critical . The CDS Client MAY use this field to help make UI display decisions such as sort order or coloring. source REQUIRED object Grouping structure for the Source of the information displayed on this card. The source should be the primary source of guidance for the decision support the card represents. suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestions Allows a service to suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity (e.g. changing the dose of a medication currently being prescribed, for the order-sign activity). If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided. selectionBehavior CONDITIONAL string Describes the intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card. Allowed values are: at-most-one , indicating that the user may choose none or at most one of the suggestions; any , indicating that the end user may choose any number of suggestions including none of them and all of them. CDS Clients that do not understand the value MUST treat the card as an error. overrideReasons OPTIONAL array of Coding Override reasons can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations. The CDS service MAY return a list of override reasons to the CDS client. If override reasons are present, the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding . The CDS Client SHOULD present these reasons to the clinician when they dismiss a card. A CDS Client MAY augment the override reasons presented to the user with its own reasons. links OPTIONAL array of Links Allows a service to suggest a link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision. Source \u00b6 The Source is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string A short, human-readable label to display for the source of the information displayed on this card. If a url is also specified, this MAY be the text for the hyperlink. url OPTIONAL URL An optional absolute URL to load (via GET , in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link to learn more about the organization or data set that provided the information on this card. Note that this URL should not be used to supply a context-specific \"drill-down\" view of the information on this card. For that, use card.link.url instead. icon OPTIONAL URL An absolute URL to an icon for the source of this card. The icon returned by this URL SHOULD be a 100x100 pixel PNG image without any transparent regions. The CDS Client may ignore or scale the image during display as appropriate for user experience. topic OPTIONAL Coding A topic describes the content of the card by providing a high-level categorization that can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display of related cards in the CDS client's UI. This specification does not prescribe a standard set of topics. Below is an example source parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 { \"source\" : { \"label\" : \"Zika Virus Management\" , \"url\" : \"https://example.com/cdc-zika-virus-mgmt\" , \"icon\" : \"https://example.com/cdc-zika-virus-mgmt/100.png\" , \"topic\" : { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/topics\" , \"code\" : \"12345\" , \"display\" : \"Mosquito born virus\" } } } Suggestion \u00b6 Each Suggestion is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the text on a button tied to this suggestion). uuid OPTIONAL string Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions. isRecommended OPTIONAL boolean When there are multiple suggestions, allows a service to indicate that a specific suggestion is recommended from all the available suggestions on the card. CDS Hooks clients may choose to influence their UI based on this value, such as pre-selecting, or highlighting recommended suggestions. Multiple suggestions MAY be recommended, if card.selectionBehavior is any . actions OPTIONAL array of Actions Array of objects, each defining a suggested action. Within a suggestion, all actions are logically AND'd together, such that a user selecting a suggestion selects all of the actions within it. When a suggestion contains multiple actions, the actions SHOULD be processed as per FHIR's rules for processing transactions with the CDS Client's fhirServer as the base url for the inferred full URL of the transaction bundle entries. (Specifically, deletes happen first, then creates, then updates). Action \u00b6 Each Action is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description type REQUIRED string The type of action being performed. Allowed values are: create , update , delete . description REQUIRED string Human-readable description of the suggested action MAY be presented to the end-user. resource CONDITIONAL object A FHIR resource. When the type attribute is create , the resource attribute SHALL contain a new FHIR resource to be created. For update , this holds the updated resource in its entirety and not just the changed fields. Use of this field to communicate a string of a FHIR id for delete suggestions is DEPRECATED and resourceId SHOULD be used instead. resourceId CONDITIONAL string A relative reference to the relevant resource. SHOULD be provided when the type attribute is delete . The following example illustrates a create action: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"type\" : \"create\" , \"description\" : \"Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"medrx001\" , \"...\" : \"\" } } The following example illustrates an update action: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"type\" : \"update\" , \"description\" : \"Update the order to record the appropriateness score\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"ServiceRequest\" , \"id\" : \"procedure-request-1\" , \"...\" : \"\" } } The following example illustrates a delete action: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"type\" : \"delete\" , \"description\" : \"Remove the inappropriate order\" , \"resourceId\" : \"ServiceRequest/procedure-request-1\" } Reasons for rejecting a card \u00b6 overrideReasons is an array of Coding that captures a codified set of reasons an end user may select from as the rejection reason when rejecting the advice presented in the card. When using the coding object to represent a reason, CDS Services MUST provide a human readable text in the display property and CDS Clients MAY incorporate it into their user interface. This specification does not prescribe a standard set of override reasons; implementers are encouraged to submit suggestions for standardization. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 { \"overrideReasons\" : [ { \"code\" : \"reason-code-provided-by-service\" , \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/override-reasons\" , \"display\" : \"Patient refused\" }, { \"code\" : \"12354\" , \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/override-reasons\" , \"display\" : \"Contraindicated\" } ] } Link \u00b6 Each Link is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link). url REQUIRED URL URL to load (via GET , in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a \"deep link\" with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash. type REQUIRED string The type of the given URL. There are two possible values for this field. A type of absolute indicates that the URL is absolute and should be treated as-is. A type of smart indicates that the URL is a SMART app launch URL and the CDS Client should ensure the SMART app launch URL is populated with the appropriate SMART launch parameters. appContext OPTIONAL string An optional field that allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app. The appContext field should only be valued if the link type is smart and is not valid for absolute links. The appContext field and value will be sent to the SMART app as part of the OAuth 2.0 access token response, alongside the other SMART launch parameters when the SMART app is launched. Note that appContext could be escaped JSON, base64 encoded XML, or even a simple string, so long as the SMART app can recognize it. CDS Client support for appContext requires additional coordination with the authorization server that is not described or specified in CDS Hooks nor SMART. autolaunchable OPTIONAL boolean This field serves as a hint to the CDS Client suggesting this link be immediately launched, without displaying the card and without manual user interaction. Note that CDS Hooks cards which contain links with this field set to true, may not be shown to the user. Sufficiently advanced CDS Clients may support automatically launching multiple links or multiple cards. Implementer guidance is requested to determine if the specification should preclude these advanced scenarios. Considerations for autolaunchable and user experience \u00b6 The intent of this optional feature is to improve individual user experience by removing the otherwise unnecessary click of a link by the user. Appropriate support of this feature includes guardrails from both the CDS Service developer and the CDS Client, as well as additional local control by the organization using the service. The CDS Client ultimately determines if a link can be automatically launched, taking into consideration user interface needs, workflow considerations, or even absence of support for this optional feature. If a CDS Hooks response contains guidance in addition to an autolaunchable link, it's the CDS Service's responsibility to ensure that any decision support that exists in the CDS Hooks response's card(s) is communicated via the launched app. System Action \u00b6 A systemAction is the same Action which may be returned in a suggestion, but is instead returned alongside the array of cards. A systemAction is not presented to the user within a card, but rather may be auto-applied without user intervention. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 { \"cards\" : [], \"systemActions\" : [ { \"type\" : \"update\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"ServiceRequest\" , \"id\" : \"example-MRI-59879846\" , \"...\" : \"\" }, \"hemoglobin-a1c\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"type\" : \"searchset\" , \"entry\" : [ { \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Observation\" , \"code\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://loinc.org\" , \"code\" : \"4548-4\" , \"display\" : \"Hemoglobin A1c\" } ] }, \"...\" : \"\" } } ] }, \"user\" : \"123\" } } The CDS Hooks request is augmented to include two prefetch values, where the dictionary keys match the request keys ( patient and hemoglobin-a1c in this case). Note that the missing diabetes-type2 key indicates that either the CDS Client has decided not to satisfy this particular prefetch template or it was not able to retrieve this prefetched data. The CDS Service is responsible for retrieving the FHIR resource representing the user from the FHIR server (if required).","title":"Example prefetch data"},{"location":"specification/current/#fhir-resource-access","text":"If the CDS Client provides both fhirServer and fhirAuthorization request parameters, the CDS Service MAY use the FHIR server to obtain any FHIR resources for which it's authorized, beyond those provided by the CDS Client as prefetched data. This is similar to the approach used by SMART on FHIR wherein the SMART app requests and ultimately obtains an access token from the CDS Client's Authorization server using the SMART launch workflow, as described in SMART App Launch Implementation Guide . Like SMART on FHIR, CDS Hooks requires that CDS Services present a valid access token to the FHIR server with each API call. Thus, a CDS Service requires an access token before communicating with the CDS Client's FHIR resource server. While CDS Hooks shares the underlying technical framework and standards as SMART on FHIR, the CDS Hooks workflow MUST accommodate the automated, low-latency delivery of an access token to the CDS service. With CDS Hooks, if the CDS Client wants to provide the CDS Service direct access to FHIR resources, the CDS Client creates or obtains an access token prior to invoking the CDS Service, passing this token to the CDS Service as part of the service call. This approach remains compatible with OAuth 2.0's bearer token protocol while minimizing the number of HTTPS round-trips and the service invocation latency. The CDS Client remains in control of providing an access token that is associated with the specific CDS Service, user, and context of the invocation. As the CDS Service executes on behalf of a user, the data to which the CDS Service is given access by the CDS Client MUST be limited to the same restrictions and authorizations afforded the current user. As such, the access token SHALL be scoped to: The CDS Service being invoked The current user","title":"FHIR Resource Access"},{"location":"specification/current/#passing-the-access-token-to-the-cds-service","text":"The access token is specified in the CDS Service request via the fhirAuthorization request parameter. This parameter is an object that contains both the access token as well as other related information as specified below. If the CDS Client chooses not to pass along an access token, the fhirAuthorization parameter is omitted. Field Optionality Type Description access_token REQUIRED string This is the OAuth 2.0 access token that provides access to the FHIR server. token_type REQUIRED string Fixed value: Bearer expires_in REQUIRED integer The lifetime in seconds of the access token. scope REQUIRED string The scopes the access token grants the CDS Service. subject REQUIRED string The OAuth 2.0 client identifier of the CDS Service, as registered with the CDS Client's authorization server. 'patient` CONDITIONAL string If the granted SMART scopes include patient scopes (i.e. \"patient/\"), the access token is restricted to a specific patient. This field SHOULD be populated to identify the FHIR id of that patient. The scopes granted to the CDS Service via the scope field are defined by the SMART on FHIR specification . The expires_in value is established by the authorization server and SHOULD BE very short lived, as the access token MUST be treated as a transient value by the CDS Service. CDS Clients SHOULD revoke an issued access token upon the completion of the CDS Hooks request/response to limit the validity period of the token. Below is an example fhirAuthorization parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"fhirAuthorization\" : { \"access_token\" : \"some-opaque-fhir-access-token\" , \"token_type\" : \"Bearer\" , \"expires_in\" : 300 , \"scope\" : \"user/Patient.read user/Observation.read\" , \"subject\" : \"cds-service4\" } }","title":"Passing the Access Token to the CDS Service"},{"location":"specification/current/#cds-service-response","text":"For successful responses, CDS Services SHALL respond with a 200 HTTP response with an object containing a cards array and optionally a systemActions array as described below. Each card contains decision support guidance from the CDS Service. Cards are intended for display to an end user. The data format of a card defines a very minimal set of required attributes with several more optional attributes to suit a variety of use cases, such as: narrative informational decision support, actionable suggestions to modify data, and links to SMART apps. Note that because the CDS client may be invoking multiple services from the same hook, there may be multiple responses related to the same information. This specification does not address these scenarios specifically; both CDS Services and CDS Clients should consider the implications of multiple CDS Services in their integrations and are invited to consider card attributes when determining prioritization and presentation options.","title":"CDS Service Response"},{"location":"specification/current/#http-status-codes_1","text":"Code Description 200 OK A successful response. 412 Precondition Failed The CDS Service is unable to retrieve the necessary FHIR data to execute its decision support, either through a prefetch request or directly calling the FHIR server. CDS Services MAY return other HTTP statuses, specifically 4xx and 5xx HTTP error codes.","title":"HTTP Status Codes"},{"location":"specification/current/#http-response","text":"Field Optionality Type Description cards REQUIRED array of Cards An array of Cards . Cards can provide a combination of information (for reading), suggested actions (to be applied if a user selects them), and links (to launch an app if the user selects them). The CDS Client decides how to display cards, but this specification recommends displaying suggestions using buttons, and links using underlined text. systemActions OPTIONAL array of Actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply. Each action follows the schema of a card-based suggestion.action . The CDS Client decides whether to auto-apply actions. If your CDS Service has no decision support for the user, your service should return a 200 HTTP response with an empty array of cards, for example: 1 2 3 { \"cards\" : [] } Clients SHOULD remove cards returned by previous invocations of a hook to a service with the same id when a new hook is triggered (see update stale guidance ).","title":"HTTP Response"},{"location":"specification/current/#card-attributes","text":"Each Card is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description uuid OPTIONAL string Unique identifier of the card. MAY be used for auditing and logging cards and SHALL be included in any subsequent calls to the CDS service's feedback endpoint. summary REQUIRED string One-sentence, <140-character summary message for display to the user inside of this card. detail OPTIONAL string Optional detailed information to display; if provided MUST be represented in (GitHub Flavored) Markdown . (For non-urgent cards, the CDS Client MAY hide these details until the user clicks a link like \"view more details...\"). indicator REQUIRED string Urgency/importance of what this card conveys. Allowed values, in order of increasing urgency, are: info , warning , critical . The CDS Client MAY use this field to help make UI display decisions such as sort order or coloring. source REQUIRED object Grouping structure for the Source of the information displayed on this card. The source should be the primary source of guidance for the decision support the card represents. suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestions Allows a service to suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity (e.g. changing the dose of a medication currently being prescribed, for the order-sign activity). If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided. selectionBehavior CONDITIONAL string Describes the intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card. Allowed values are: at-most-one , indicating that the user may choose none or at most one of the suggestions; any , indicating that the end user may choose any number of suggestions including none of them and all of them. CDS Clients that do not understand the value MUST treat the card as an error. overrideReasons OPTIONAL array of Coding Override reasons can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations. The CDS service MAY return a list of override reasons to the CDS client. If override reasons are present, the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding . The CDS Client SHOULD present these reasons to the clinician when they dismiss a card. A CDS Client MAY augment the override reasons presented to the user with its own reasons. links OPTIONAL array of Links Allows a service to suggest a link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision.","title":"Card Attributes"},{"location":"specification/current/#source","text":"The Source is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string A short, human-readable label to display for the source of the information displayed on this card. If a url is also specified, this MAY be the text for the hyperlink. url OPTIONAL URL An optional absolute URL to load (via GET , in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link to learn more about the organization or data set that provided the information on this card. Note that this URL should not be used to supply a context-specific \"drill-down\" view of the information on this card. For that, use card.link.url instead. icon OPTIONAL URL An absolute URL to an icon for the source of this card. The icon returned by this URL SHOULD be a 100x100 pixel PNG image without any transparent regions. The CDS Client may ignore or scale the image during display as appropriate for user experience. topic OPTIONAL Coding A topic describes the content of the card by providing a high-level categorization that can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display of related cards in the CDS client's UI. This specification does not prescribe a standard set of topics. Below is an example source parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 { \"source\" : { \"label\" : \"Zika Virus Management\" , \"url\" : \"https://example.com/cdc-zika-virus-mgmt\" , \"icon\" : \"https://example.com/cdc-zika-virus-mgmt/100.png\" , \"topic\" : { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/topics\" , \"code\" : \"12345\" , \"display\" : \"Mosquito born virus\" } } }","title":"Source"},{"location":"specification/current/#suggestion","text":"Each Suggestion is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the text on a button tied to this suggestion). uuid OPTIONAL string Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions. isRecommended OPTIONAL boolean When there are multiple suggestions, allows a service to indicate that a specific suggestion is recommended from all the available suggestions on the card. CDS Hooks clients may choose to influence their UI based on this value, such as pre-selecting, or highlighting recommended suggestions. Multiple suggestions MAY be recommended, if card.selectionBehavior is any . actions OPTIONAL array of Actions Array of objects, each defining a suggested action. Within a suggestion, all actions are logically AND'd together, such that a user selecting a suggestion selects all of the actions within it. When a suggestion contains multiple actions, the actions SHOULD be processed as per FHIR's rules for processing transactions with the CDS Client's fhirServer as the base url for the inferred full URL of the transaction bundle entries. (Specifically, deletes happen first, then creates, then updates).","title":"Suggestion"},{"location":"specification/current/#action","text":"Each Action is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description type REQUIRED string The type of action being performed. Allowed values are: create , update , delete . description REQUIRED string Human-readable description of the suggested action MAY be presented to the end-user. resource CONDITIONAL object A FHIR resource. When the type attribute is create , the resource attribute SHALL contain a new FHIR resource to be created. For update , this holds the updated resource in its entirety and not just the changed fields. Use of this field to communicate a string of a FHIR id for delete suggestions is DEPRECATED and resourceId SHOULD be used instead. resourceId CONDITIONAL string A relative reference to the relevant resource. SHOULD be provided when the type attribute is delete . The following example illustrates a create action: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"type\" : \"create\" , \"description\" : \"Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"medrx001\" , \"...\" : \"\" } } The following example illustrates an update action: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"type\" : \"update\" , \"description\" : \"Update the order to record the appropriateness score\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"ServiceRequest\" , \"id\" : \"procedure-request-1\" , \"...\" : \"\" } } The following example illustrates a delete action: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"type\" : \"delete\" , \"description\" : \"Remove the inappropriate order\" , \"resourceId\" : \"ServiceRequest/procedure-request-1\" }","title":"Action"},{"location":"specification/current/#reasons-for-rejecting-a-card","text":"overrideReasons is an array of Coding that captures a codified set of reasons an end user may select from as the rejection reason when rejecting the advice presented in the card. When using the coding object to represent a reason, CDS Services MUST provide a human readable text in the display property and CDS Clients MAY incorporate it into their user interface. This specification does not prescribe a standard set of override reasons; implementers are encouraged to submit suggestions for standardization. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 { \"overrideReasons\" : [ { \"code\" : \"reason-code-provided-by-service\" , \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/override-reasons\" , \"display\" : \"Patient refused\" }, { \"code\" : \"12354\" , \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/override-reasons\" , \"display\" : \"Contraindicated\" } ] }","title":"Reasons for rejecting a card"},{"location":"specification/current/#link","text":"Each Link is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link). url REQUIRED URL URL to load (via GET , in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a \"deep link\" with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash. type REQUIRED string The type of the given URL. There are two possible values for this field. A type of absolute indicates that the URL is absolute and should be treated as-is. A type of smart indicates that the URL is a SMART app launch URL and the CDS Client should ensure the SMART app launch URL is populated with the appropriate SMART launch parameters. appContext OPTIONAL string An optional field that allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app. The appContext field should only be valued if the link type is smart and is not valid for absolute links. The appContext field and value will be sent to the SMART app as part of the OAuth 2.0 access token response, alongside the other SMART launch parameters when the SMART app is launched. Note that appContext could be escaped JSON, base64 encoded XML, or even a simple string, so long as the SMART app can recognize it. CDS Client support for appContext requires additional coordination with the authorization server that is not described or specified in CDS Hooks nor SMART. autolaunchable OPTIONAL boolean This field serves as a hint to the CDS Client suggesting this link be immediately launched, without displaying the card and without manual user interaction. Note that CDS Hooks cards which contain links with this field set to true, may not be shown to the user. Sufficiently advanced CDS Clients may support automatically launching multiple links or multiple cards. Implementer guidance is requested to determine if the specification should preclude these advanced scenarios.","title":"Link"},{"location":"specification/current/#considerations-for-autolaunchable-and-user-experience","text":"The intent of this optional feature is to improve individual user experience by removing the otherwise unnecessary click of a link by the user. Appropriate support of this feature includes guardrails from both the CDS Service developer and the CDS Client, as well as additional local control by the organization using the service. The CDS Client ultimately determines if a link can be automatically launched, taking into consideration user interface needs, workflow considerations, or even absence of support for this optional feature. If a CDS Hooks response contains guidance in addition to an autolaunchable link, it's the CDS Service's responsibility to ensure that any decision support that exists in the CDS Hooks response's card(s) is communicated via the launched app.","title":"Considerations for autolaunchable and user experience"},{"location":"specification/current/#system-action","text":"A systemAction is the same Action which may be returned in a suggestion, but is instead returned alongside the array of cards. A systemAction is not presented to the user within a card, but rather may be auto-applied without user intervention. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 { \"cards\" : [], \"systemActions\" : [ { \"type\" : \"update\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"ServiceRequest\" , \"id\" : \"example-MRI-59879846\" , \"...\" : \"\" }, \"context\": { \"userId\": \"Practitioner/example\", \"...\": \"\" }, \"prefetch\": { \"patientToGreet\": { \"resourceType\": \"Patient\", \"...\": \"\" } } } CDS Service Response Body \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary cards REQUIRED an array of Card s with a combination of information, suggested actions, and links Card \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary summary REQUIRED <140-character summary sentence for display to the user inside of this card detail OPTIONAL optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown) indicator REQUIRED urgency/importance of what this card conveys ( info/warning/critical ) source REQUIRED grouping structure for the Source of information displayed on this card suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestion s for changes in the context of the current activity selectionBehavior OPTIONAL intended behavior of the suggestions. If suggestions present, value must be at-most-one links OPTIONAL array of Link s to suggest an app or other additional information Source \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED short, human-readable label to display source of the card\u2019s information url OPTIONAL optional absolute URL to load to learn more about the organization or data set icon OPTIONAL absolute url for an icon for the source of this card (100x100 pixel PNG without any transparent regions) Suggestion \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED human-readable label to display for this suggestion uuid OPTIONAL unique identifier for auditing and logging suggestions actions OPTIONAL array of suggested Actions (logically AND\u2019d together) Action \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary type REQUIRED type of action being performed ( create/update/delete ) description REQUIRED human-readable description of the suggested action resource OPTIONAL FHIR resource to create/update or id of resource to delete Link \u00b6 Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED human-readable label to display url REQUIRED URL to GET when link is clicked type REQUIRED type of the given URL ( absolute/smart ) appContext OPTIONAL additional context to share with a linked SMART app Example \u00b6 { \"cards\": [ { \"summary\": \"<140 char Summary Message\", \"detail\": \"optional GitHub Markdown details\", \"indicator\": \"info\", \"source\": { \"label\": \"Human-readable source label\", \"url\": \"https://example.com\", \"icon\": \"https://example.com/img/icon-100px.png\" }, \"suggestions\": [ { \"label\": \"Human-readable suggestion label\", \"uuid\": \"e1187895-ad57-4ff7-a1f1-ccf954b2fe46\", \"actions\": [ { \"type\": \"create\", \"description\": \"Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG\", \"resource\": { \"resourceType\": \"MedicationRequest\", \"...\": \"\" } } ] } ], \"links\": [ { \"label\": \"SMART Example App\", \"...\": \"\" } ] } ] }","title":"Overview"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#overview","text":"","title":"Overview"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#links","text":"Spec: https://cds-hooks.hl7.org/1.0/ Sandbox: http://sandbox.cds-hooks.org/ Quick Start: https://cds-hooks.org/quickstart/","title":"Links"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#cds-service-discovery","text":"GET {baseUrl}/cds-services","title":"CDS Service Discovery"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#response-body","text":"services - An array of CDS Service s","title":"Response Body"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#cds-service","text":"Field Optionality Summary hook REQUIRED hook this service should be invoked on title RECOMMENDED human-friendly name of this service description REQUIRED description of this service id REQUIRED {id} portion of service URL: {baseUrl}/cds-services/{id} prefetch OPTIONAL Object containing key/value pairs of FHIR queries that this service is requesting the CDS Client to include on service calls","title":"CDS Service:"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#example","text":"{ \"services\": [ { \"hook\": \"hook-noun-verb\", \"title\": \"CDS Service Example\", \"description\": \"An example of a CDS Service that returns a card\", \"id\": \"patient-greeter\", \"prefetch\": { \"patientToGreet\": \"Patient/{{context.patientId}}\" } } ] }","title":"Example"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#cds-service-request","text":"POST {baseUrl}/cds-services/{id}","title":"CDS Service Request"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#request-body","text":"Field Optionality Summary hook REQUIRED hook that triggered this CDS Service call hookInstance REQUIRED UUID for this hook call fhirServer OPTIONAL base URL for CDS Client\u2019s FHIR server fhirAuthorization OPTIONAL structure with FHIR Authorization information for the above url context REQUIRED hook-specific contextual data prefetch OPTIONAL FHIR data prefetched by the CDS Client","title":"Request Body"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#fhir-authorization","text":"Field Optionality Summary access_token REQUIRED OAuth 2.0 access token token_type REQUIRED fixed value: Bearer expires_in REQUIRED lifetime in seconds of the access token scope REQUIRED scopes the access token grants to the CDS Service subject REQUIRED OAuth 2.0 client id of the CDS Service\u2019s auth server registration","title":"FHIR Authorization"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#example_1","text":"{ \"hook\": \"hook-noun-verb\", \"hookInstance\": \"d1577c69-dfbe-44ad-ba6d-3e05e953b2ea\", \"fhirServer\": \"https://fhir.client.com/version\", \"fhirAuthorization\": { \"access_token\": \"opaque-token\", \"...\": \"\" }, \"context\": { \"userId\": \"Practitioner/example\", \"...\": \"\" }, \"prefetch\": { \"patientToGreet\": { \"resourceType\": \"Patient\", \"...\": \"\" } } }","title":"Example ##"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#cds-service-response-body","text":"Field Optionality Summary cards REQUIRED an array of Card s with a combination of information, suggested actions, and links","title":"CDS Service Response Body"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#card","text":"Field Optionality Summary summary REQUIRED <140-character summary sentence for display to the user inside of this card detail OPTIONAL optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown) indicator REQUIRED urgency/importance of what this card conveys ( info/warning/critical ) source REQUIRED grouping structure for the Source of information displayed on this card suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestion s for changes in the context of the current activity selectionBehavior OPTIONAL intended behavior of the suggestions. If suggestions present, value must be at-most-one links OPTIONAL array of Link s to suggest an app or other additional information","title":"Card"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#source","text":"Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED short, human-readable label to display source of the card\u2019s information url OPTIONAL optional absolute URL to load to learn more about the organization or data set icon OPTIONAL absolute url for an icon for the source of this card (100x100 pixel PNG without any transparent regions)","title":"Source"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#suggestion","text":"Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED human-readable label to display for this suggestion uuid OPTIONAL unique identifier for auditing and logging suggestions actions OPTIONAL array of suggested Actions (logically AND\u2019d together)","title":"Suggestion"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#action","text":"Field Optionality Summary type REQUIRED type of action being performed ( create/update/delete ) description REQUIRED human-readable description of the suggested action resource OPTIONAL FHIR resource to create/update or id of resource to delete","title":"Action"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#link","text":"Field Optionality Summary label REQUIRED human-readable label to display url REQUIRED URL to GET when link is clicked type REQUIRED type of the given URL ( absolute/smart ) appContext OPTIONAL additional context to share with a linked SMART app","title":"Link"},{"location":"cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet/#example_2","text":"{ \"cards\": [ { \"summary\": \"<140 char Summary Message\", \"detail\": \"optional GitHub Markdown details\", \"indicator\": \"info\", \"source\": { \"label\": \"Human-readable source label\", \"url\": \"https://example.com\", \"icon\": \"https://example.com/img/icon-100px.png\" }, \"suggestions\": [ { \"label\": \"Human-readable suggestion label\", \"uuid\": \"e1187895-ad57-4ff7-a1f1-ccf954b2fe46\", \"actions\": [ { \"type\": \"create\", \"description\": \"Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG\", \"resource\": { \"resourceType\": \"MedicationRequest\", \"...\": \"\" } } ] } ], \"links\": [ { \"label\": \"SMART Example App\", \"...\": \"\" } ] } ] }","title":"Example"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/","text":"appointment-book \u00b6 Looking for Feedback Hey implementers, we want to hear from you! - What obstacles are there to limiting this hook to firing only when the appointment is confirmed or finalized as booked? - For which users should this hook fire? - Many appointments are scheduled directly into the EHR by the patient, without provider staff involvement ... Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted Workflow \u00b6 This hook is invoked when the user is scheduling one or more future encounters/visits for the patient. For example, the appointment-book hook may be triggered for an appointment with the appointment creator, a clinician within the same organization as the appointment creator or even for an appointment outside the creator's organization. It may be invoked at the start and end of the booking process and/or any time between those two points. This hook enables CDS Services to intervene in the decision of when future appointments should be scheduled, where they should be scheduled, what services should be booked, to identify actions that need to occur prior to scheduled appointments, etc. Context \u00b6 The Patient whose appointment(s) are being booked, as well as the proposed Appointment records. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user could be of type Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Patient , or RelatedPerson . For example, PractitionerRole/123 . Patient or RelatedPerson are appropriate when a patient or their proxy are booking the appointment. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of Patient appointment(s) is/are for encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of Encounter where booking was initiated appointments REQUIRED No object DSTU2/STU3/R4 - FHIR Bundle of Appointments in 'proposed' state Examples (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"appointments\" : [ { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"apt1\" , \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"serviceType\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"code\" : \"183\" , \"display\" : \"Sleep Medicine\" } ] } ], \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0276\" , \"code\" : \"FOLLOWUP\" , \"display\" : \"A follow up visit from a previous appointment\" } ] }, \"reason\" : { \"coding\" : { \"system\" : \"\" , \"code\" : \"1023001\" , \"display\" : \"Apnea\" } }, \"description\" : \"CPAP adjustments\" , \"start\" : \"2019-08-10T09:00:00-06:00\" , \"end\" : \"2019-08-10T09:10:00:00-06:00\" , \"created\" : \"2019-08-01\" , \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" } ] }, { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"apt1\" , \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0276\" , \"code\" : \"CHECKUP\" , \"display\" : \"A routine check-up, such as an annual physical\" } ] }, \"description\" : \"Regular physical\" , \"start\" : \"2020-08-01T13:00:00-06:00\" , \"end\" : \"2020-08-01T13:30:00:00-06:00\" , \"created\" : \"2019-08-01\" , \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" } ] } ] } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" , \"appointments\" : [ { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"example\" , \"text\" : { \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Brian MRI results discussion
\" }, \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"serviceCategory\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/service-category\" , \"code\" : \"gp\" , \"display\" : \"General Practice\" } ] }, \"serviceType\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"code\" : \"52\" , \"display\" : \"General Discussion\" } ] } ], \"specialty\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/specialty\" , \"code\" : \"gp\" , \"display\" : \"General Practice\" } ] } ], \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/appointment-type\" , \"code\" : \"follow\" , \"display\" : \"Followup\" } ] }, \"indication\" : [ { \"reference\" : \"Condition/example\" , \"display\" : \"Severe burn of left ear\" } ], \"priority\" : 5 , \"description\" : \"Discussion on the results of your recent MRI\" , \"start\" : \"2013-12-10T09:00:00Z\" , \"end\" : \"2013-12-10T11:00:00Z\" , \"created\" : \"2013-10-10\" , \"comment\" : \"Further expand on the results of the MRI and determine the next actions that may be appropriate.\" , \"incomingReferral\" : [ { \"reference\" : \"ReferralRequest/example\" } ], \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"type\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ParticipationType\" , \"code\" : \"ATND\" } ] } ], \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Location/1\" , \"display\" : \"South Wing, second floor\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"action-needed\" } ] } ] } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"appointment-book 1"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#appointment-book","text":"Looking for Feedback Hey implementers, we want to hear from you! - What obstacles are there to limiting this hook to firing only when the appointment is confirmed or finalized as booked? - For which users should this hook fire? - Many appointments are scheduled directly into the EHR by the patient, without provider staff involvement ... Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted","title":"appointment-book"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#workflow","text":"This hook is invoked when the user is scheduling one or more future encounters/visits for the patient. For example, the appointment-book hook may be triggered for an appointment with the appointment creator, a clinician within the same organization as the appointment creator or even for an appointment outside the creator's organization. It may be invoked at the start and end of the booking process and/or any time between those two points. This hook enables CDS Services to intervene in the decision of when future appointments should be scheduled, where they should be scheduled, what services should be booked, to identify actions that need to occur prior to scheduled appointments, etc.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#context","text":"The Patient whose appointment(s) are being booked, as well as the proposed Appointment records. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user could be of type Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Patient , or RelatedPerson . For example, PractitionerRole/123 . Patient or RelatedPerson are appropriate when a patient or their proxy are booking the appointment. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of Patient appointment(s) is/are for encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of Encounter where booking was initiated appointments REQUIRED No object DSTU2/STU3/R4 - FHIR Bundle of Appointments in 'proposed' state","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#examples-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"appointments\" : [ { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"apt1\" , \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"serviceType\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"code\" : \"183\" , \"display\" : \"Sleep Medicine\" } ] } ], \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0276\" , \"code\" : \"FOLLOWUP\" , \"display\" : \"A follow up visit from a previous appointment\" } ] }, \"reason\" : { \"coding\" : { \"system\" : \"\" , \"code\" : \"1023001\" , \"display\" : \"Apnea\" } }, \"description\" : \"CPAP adjustments\" , \"start\" : \"2019-08-10T09:00:00-06:00\" , \"end\" : \"2019-08-10T09:10:00:00-06:00\" , \"created\" : \"2019-08-01\" , \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" } ] }, { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"apt1\" , \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0276\" , \"code\" : \"CHECKUP\" , \"display\" : \"A routine check-up, such as an annual physical\" } ] }, \"description\" : \"Regular physical\" , \"start\" : \"2020-08-01T13:00:00-06:00\" , \"end\" : \"2020-08-01T13:30:00:00-06:00\" , \"created\" : \"2019-08-01\" , \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" } ] } ] } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" , \"appointments\" : [ { \"resourceType\" : \"Appointment\" , \"id\" : \"example\" , \"text\" : { \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Brian MRI results discussion
\" }, \"status\" : \"proposed\" , \"serviceCategory\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/service-category\" , \"code\" : \"gp\" , \"display\" : \"General Practice\" } ] }, \"serviceType\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"code\" : \"52\" , \"display\" : \"General Discussion\" } ] } ], \"specialty\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/specialty\" , \"code\" : \"gp\" , \"display\" : \"General Practice\" } ] } ], \"appointmentType\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/appointment-type\" , \"code\" : \"follow\" , \"display\" : \"Followup\" } ] }, \"indication\" : [ { \"reference\" : \"Condition/example\" , \"display\" : \"Severe burn of left ear\" } ], \"priority\" : 5 , \"description\" : \"Discussion on the results of your recent MRI\" , \"start\" : \"2013-12-10T09:00:00Z\" , \"end\" : \"2013-12-10T11:00:00Z\" , \"created\" : \"2013-10-10\" , \"comment\" : \"Further expand on the results of the MRI and determine the next actions that may be appropriate.\" , \"incomingReferral\" : [ { \"reference\" : \"ReferralRequest/example\" } ], \"participant\" : [ { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/example\" , \"display\" : \"Peter James Chalmers\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"tentative\" }, { \"type\" : [ { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ParticipationType\" , \"code\" : \"ATND\" } ] } ], \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"accepted\" }, { \"actor\" : { \"reference\" : \"Location/1\" , \"display\" : \"South Wing, second floor\" }, \"required\" : \"required\" , \"status\" : \"action-needed\" } ] } ] }","title":"Examples (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/appointment-book/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/","text":"encounter-discharge \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted Workflow \u00b6 This hook is invoked when the user is performing the discharge process for an encounter where the notion of 'discharge' is relevant - typically an inpatient encounter. It may be invoked at the start and end of the discharge process or any time between those two points. It allows hook services to intervene in the decision of whether discharge is appropriate, to verify discharge medications, to check for continuity of care planning, to ensure necessary documentation is present for discharge processing, etc. Context \u00b6 The patient who is being discharged and the encounter being ended. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the being discharged encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being ended Examples \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"encounter-discharge 1"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#encounter-discharge","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted","title":"encounter-discharge"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#workflow","text":"This hook is invoked when the user is performing the discharge process for an encounter where the notion of 'discharge' is relevant - typically an inpatient encounter. It may be invoked at the start and end of the discharge process or any time between those two points. It allows hook services to intervene in the decision of whether discharge is appropriate, to verify discharge medications, to check for continuity of care planning, to ensure necessary documentation is present for discharge processing, etc.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#context","text":"The patient who is being discharged and the encounter being ended. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the being discharged encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being ended","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#examples","text":"1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" }","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-discharge/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/","text":"encounter-start \u00b6 Looking for Feedback Hey implementers, we want to hear from you! - What's the greatest opportunity for delivering remote CDS at the start of an encounter? - For which users should this hook fire? - When in a hospitalization workflow, an ambulatory workflow, does an encounter start? - How many and what types of encounters are there in a single hospitalization, a single ambulatory visit? - Is there value in an encounter start hook pairing with an (typically inpatient) encounter discharge hook? - Please explain your encounter workflow. Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted Workflow \u00b6 This hook is invoked when the user is initiating a new encounter. In an inpatient setting, this would be the time of admission. In an outpatient/community environment, this would be the time of patient-check-in for a face-to-face or equivalent for a virtual/telephone encounter. The Encounter should either be in one of the following states: planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress . Note that there can be multiple 'starts' for the same encounter as each user becomes engaged. For example, when a scheduled encounter is presented at the beginning of the day for planning purposes, when the patient arrives, when the patient first encounters a clinician, etc. Hooks may present different information depending on user role and Encounter.status. Note: This is distinct from the patient-view hook which occurs any time the patient's record is looked at - which might be done outside the context of any encounter and will often occur during workflows that are not linked to the initiation of an encounter. The intention is that the cards from any invoked CDS Services are available at the time when decisions are being made about what actions are going to occur during this encounter. For example, identifying that the patient is due for certain diagnostic tests or interventions, identifying additional information that should be collected to comply with protocols associated with clinical studies the patient is enrolled in, identifying any documentation or other requirements associated with patient insurance, etc. Context \u00b6 Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the Patient the Encounter is for encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being started Examples \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"encounter-start 1"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#encounter-start","text":"Looking for Feedback Hey implementers, we want to hear from you! - What's the greatest opportunity for delivering remote CDS at the start of an encounter? - For which users should this hook fire? - When in a hospitalization workflow, an ambulatory workflow, does an encounter start? - How many and what types of encounters are there in a single hospitalization, a single ambulatory visit? - Is there value in an encounter start hook pairing with an (typically inpatient) encounter discharge hook? - Please explain your encounter workflow. Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted","title":"encounter-start"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#workflow","text":"This hook is invoked when the user is initiating a new encounter. In an inpatient setting, this would be the time of admission. In an outpatient/community environment, this would be the time of patient-check-in for a face-to-face or equivalent for a virtual/telephone encounter. The Encounter should either be in one of the following states: planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress . Note that there can be multiple 'starts' for the same encounter as each user becomes engaged. For example, when a scheduled encounter is presented at the beginning of the day for planning purposes, when the patient arrives, when the patient first encounters a clinician, etc. Hooks may present different information depending on user role and Encounter.status. Note: This is distinct from the patient-view hook which occurs any time the patient's record is looked at - which might be done outside the context of any encounter and will often occur during workflows that are not linked to the initiation of an encounter. The intention is that the cards from any invoked CDS Services are available at the time when decisions are being made about what actions are going to occur during this encounter. For example, identifying that the patient is due for certain diagnostic tests or interventions, identifying additional information that should be collected to comply with protocols associated with clinical studies the patient is enrolled in, identifying any documentation or other requirements associated with patient insurance, etc.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#context","text":"Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the Patient the Encounter is for encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being started","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#examples","text":"1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/A2340113\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" }","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/encounter-start/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/","text":"medication-prescribe \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 2 - Tested Deprecation Notice \u00b6 This hook is deprecated in favor of the order-select and order-sign hooks, with the goal of clarifying workflow trigger points and supporting orders beyond medications. In this refactoring, medication-prescribe and order-review hooks are being deprecated in favor of newly created order-select and order-sign hooks. This notice is a placeholder to this effect while CDS Hooks determines the appropriate process for deprecating hooks . Workflow \u00b6 The user is in the process of prescribing one or more new medications. Context \u00b6 The set of medications proposed or in progress of being prescribed. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the medications object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context medications REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of draft MedicationOrder resources STU3 - FHIR Bundle of draft MedicationRequest resources Example (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-104\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:26:48.124-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax] (rxnorm: 211307)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"medication-prescribe \ud83d\udeab"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#medication-prescribe","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 2 - Tested","title":"medication-prescribe"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#deprecation-notice","text":"This hook is deprecated in favor of the order-select and order-sign hooks, with the goal of clarifying workflow trigger points and supporting orders beyond medications. In this refactoring, medication-prescribe and order-review hooks are being deprecated in favor of newly created order-select and order-sign hooks. This notice is a placeholder to this effect while CDS Hooks determines the appropriate process for deprecating hooks .","title":"Deprecation Notice"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#workflow","text":"The user is in the process of prescribing one or more new medications.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#context","text":"The set of medications proposed or in progress of being prescribed. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the medications object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context medications REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of draft MedicationOrder resources STU3 - FHIR Bundle of draft MedicationRequest resources","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#example-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-104\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:26:48.124-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax] (rxnorm: 211307)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/medication-prescribe/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/","text":"medication-refill \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 2.0 hookVersion 0.1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted Workflow \u00b6 The medication-refill hook fires when a medication refill request for an existing prescription of a specific medication is received. A refill request may be made as part of an encounter or out-of-band through a pharmacy or patient portal. Since a prescription refill is requested outside of the prescriber's workflow, there often is not a user in context. Similarly, the encounter may be an auto-generated refill encounter or there may not be an encounter in context when the refill request is received. A CDS service may use this hook to deliver medication refill protocol guidance to a clinician. Given the asynchronous workflow of refill requests, the guidance returned by the service may be viewed immediately, or not. This hook does not fire for an initial prescription (see order-sign). \"Re-prescribing\" or replacing a previously active prescription with a new perscription for the same medication does not fire the medication-refill. Context \u00b6 The set of medications in the process of being refilled. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the medications object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId OPTIONAL Yes string In the case when this field is empty, consider the FHIR resource's requestor and recorder elements. The id of the current user entering the refill request within the CPOE. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole. For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the encounter associated with the refill of the prescription. medications REQUIRED No object R4 - FHIR Bundle of draft , order MedicationRequest resources Example (R4) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationReference\" : { \"reference\" : \"Medication/eFnx9hyX.YTNJ407PR9g4zpiT8lXCElOXkldLgGDYrAU-fszvYmrUZlYzRfJl-qKj3\" , \"display\" : \"oxybutynin (DITROPAN XL) CR tablet\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 0.1.0 Initial Release","title":"medication-refill 1"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#medication-refill","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 2.0 hookVersion 0.1.0 hookMaturity 1 - Submitted","title":"medication-refill"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#workflow","text":"The medication-refill hook fires when a medication refill request for an existing prescription of a specific medication is received. A refill request may be made as part of an encounter or out-of-band through a pharmacy or patient portal. Since a prescription refill is requested outside of the prescriber's workflow, there often is not a user in context. Similarly, the encounter may be an auto-generated refill encounter or there may not be an encounter in context when the refill request is received. A CDS service may use this hook to deliver medication refill protocol guidance to a clinician. Given the asynchronous workflow of refill requests, the guidance returned by the service may be viewed immediately, or not. This hook does not fire for an initial prescription (see order-sign). \"Re-prescribing\" or replacing a previously active prescription with a new perscription for the same medication does not fire the medication-refill.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#context","text":"The set of medications in the process of being refilled. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the medications object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId OPTIONAL Yes string In the case when this field is empty, consider the FHIR resource's requestor and recorder elements. The id of the current user entering the refill request within the CPOE. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole. For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the encounter associated with the refill of the prescription. medications REQUIRED No object R4 - FHIR Bundle of draft , order MedicationRequest resources","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#example-r4","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationReference\" : { \"reference\" : \"Medication/eFnx9hyX.YTNJ407PR9g4zpiT8lXCElOXkldLgGDYrAU-fszvYmrUZlYzRfJl-qKj3\" , \"display\" : \"oxybutynin (DITROPAN XL) CR tablet\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (R4)"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"medications\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-104\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"211307\" , \"display\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" } ], \"text\" : \"Azithromycin 20 MG/ML Oral Suspension [Zithromax]\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"15 mL daily x 3 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-18\" }, \"frequency\" : 1 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 15 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 3 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/medication-refill/#change-log","text":"Version Description 0.1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/","text":"order-dispatch \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 2.0 hookVersion 1.1 hookMaturity 0 - Draft Workflow \u00b6 The order-dispatch hook fires when a practitioner is selecting a candidate performer for a pre-existing order or (set of orders) that was not assigned to a specific performer. For example, selecting an imaging center to satisfy a radiology order, selecting a cardiologist to satisfy a referral, etc. This hook only occurs in situations where the order is agnostic as to who the performer should be and a separate process (which might be performed by back-office staff, a central dispatch service, or even the ordering clincian themselves at a later time) is used to select and seek action by a specific performer. It is possible that the same order might be dispatched multiple times, either because initial selected targets refuse or are otherwise unable to satisfy the order, or because the performer is only asked to perform a 'portion' of what's authorized (the first monthly lab test of a year-long set, the first dispense of a 6 month order, etc.). Note that the order isn't updated to include the performer in this situation, as the authorization of who could theoretically perform the order isn't changed by seeking fulfillment by a specific provider. This \"request for fulfillment\" process is typically represented in FHIR using Task . This resource allows identifying the order to be acted upon, who is being asked to act on it, the time-period in which they're expected to act, and any limitations/qualifications to 'how much' of the order should be acted on. Decision support that may be relevant for this hook might include information related to coverage, prior-authorization and/or in-network/out-of-network evaluations with respect to the chosen performer; determination of practitioner availability or qualification; enforcement/guidance with respect to patient performer preferences; etc. Context \u00b6 Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context dispatchedOrders REQUIRED Yes array Collection of the FHIR local references for the Request resource(s) for which fulfillment is sought E.g. ServiceRequest/123 performer REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR local reference for the Practitioner, PractitionerRole, Organization, CareTeam, etc. who is being asked to execute the order. E.g. Practitioner/456 fulfillmentTasks OPTIONAL No array DSTU2/STU3/R4/R5 - Collection of the Task instances (as objects) that provides a full description of the fulfillment request - including the timing and any constraints on fulfillment. If Tasks are provided, each will be for a separate order and SHALL reference one of the dispatched-orders. Examples \u00b6 Example (R4) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"dispatched-orders\" : [ \"ServiceRequest/proc002\" ], \"performer\" : \"Organization/some-performer\" , \"fulfillment-tasks\" : [{ \"resourceType\" : \"Task\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"code\" : { \"coding\" : [{ \"system\" : \"\" , \"code\" : \"\" }] }, \"focus\" : { \"reference\" : \"ServiceRequest/proc002\" }, \"for\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"authoredOn\" : \"2016-03-10T22:39:32-04:00\" , \"lastModified\" : \"2016-03-10T22:39:32-04:00\" , \"requester\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/456\" }, \"owner\" : { \"reference\" : \"Organziation/some-performer\" } }] } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.1 Adjusted context names and cardinalities based on feedback","title":"order-dispatch 0"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#order-dispatch","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 2.0 hookVersion 1.1 hookMaturity 0 - Draft","title":"order-dispatch"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#workflow","text":"The order-dispatch hook fires when a practitioner is selecting a candidate performer for a pre-existing order or (set of orders) that was not assigned to a specific performer. For example, selecting an imaging center to satisfy a radiology order, selecting a cardiologist to satisfy a referral, etc. This hook only occurs in situations where the order is agnostic as to who the performer should be and a separate process (which might be performed by back-office staff, a central dispatch service, or even the ordering clincian themselves at a later time) is used to select and seek action by a specific performer. It is possible that the same order might be dispatched multiple times, either because initial selected targets refuse or are otherwise unable to satisfy the order, or because the performer is only asked to perform a 'portion' of what's authorized (the first monthly lab test of a year-long set, the first dispense of a 6 month order, etc.). Note that the order isn't updated to include the performer in this situation, as the authorization of who could theoretically perform the order isn't changed by seeking fulfillment by a specific provider. This \"request for fulfillment\" process is typically represented in FHIR using Task . This resource allows identifying the order to be acted upon, who is being asked to act on it, the time-period in which they're expected to act, and any limitations/qualifications to 'how much' of the order should be acted on. Decision support that may be relevant for this hook might include information related to coverage, prior-authorization and/or in-network/out-of-network evaluations with respect to the chosen performer; determination of practitioner availability or qualification; enforcement/guidance with respect to patient performer preferences; etc.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#context","text":"Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context dispatchedOrders REQUIRED Yes array Collection of the FHIR local references for the Request resource(s) for which fulfillment is sought E.g. ServiceRequest/123 performer REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR local reference for the Practitioner, PractitionerRole, Organization, CareTeam, etc. who is being asked to execute the order. E.g. Practitioner/456 fulfillmentTasks OPTIONAL No array DSTU2/STU3/R4/R5 - Collection of the Task instances (as objects) that provides a full description of the fulfillment request - including the timing and any constraints on fulfillment. If Tasks are provided, each will be for a separate order and SHALL reference one of the dispatched-orders.","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#examples","text":"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#example-r4","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"dispatched-orders\" : [ \"ServiceRequest/proc002\" ], \"performer\" : \"Organization/some-performer\" , \"fulfillment-tasks\" : [{ \"resourceType\" : \"Task\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"code\" : { \"coding\" : [{ \"system\" : \"\" , \"code\" : \"\" }] }, \"focus\" : { \"reference\" : \"ServiceRequest/proc002\" }, \"for\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"authoredOn\" : \"2016-03-10T22:39:32-04:00\" , \"lastModified\" : \"2016-03-10T22:39:32-04:00\" , \"requester\" : { \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/456\" }, \"owner\" : { \"reference\" : \"Organziation/some-performer\" } }] }","title":"Example (R4)"},{"location":"hooks/order-dispatch/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.1 Adjusted context names and cardinalities based on feedback","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/","text":"order-review \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 3 - Considered Deprecation Notice \u00b6 This hook is deprecated in favor of the order-sign hooks, with the goal of clarifying workflow trigger points and supporting orders beyond medications. In this refactoring, medication-prescribe and order-review hooks are being deprecated in favor of newly created order-select and order-sign hooks. This notice is a placeholder to this effect while CDS Hooks determines the appropriate process for deprecating hooks . Workflow \u00b6 The user is in the process of reviewing a set of orders to sign. Context \u00b6 The set of orders being reviewed for signature on-screen. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the orders object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context orders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status Example (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"orders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"orders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"order-review \ud83d\udeab"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#order-review","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 3 - Considered","title":"order-review"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#deprecation-notice","text":"This hook is deprecated in favor of the order-sign hooks, with the goal of clarifying workflow trigger points and supporting orders beyond medications. In this refactoring, medication-prescribe and order-review hooks are being deprecated in favor of newly created order-select and order-sign hooks. This notice is a placeholder to this effect while CDS Hooks determines the appropriate process for deprecating hooks .","title":"Deprecation Notice"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#workflow","text":"The user is in the process of reviewing a set of orders to sign.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#context","text":"The set of orders being reviewed for signature on-screen. All FHIR resources in this context MUST be based on the same FHIR version. All FHIR resources in the orders object MUST have a status of draft . Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner . For example, Practitioner/123 patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context orders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#example-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"orders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"orders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/order-review/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/","text":"order-select \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 4 - Documented Workflow \u00b6 The order-select hook fires when a clinician selects one or more orders to place for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). If supported by the CDS Client, this hook may also be invoked each time the clinician selects a detail regarding the order. This hook is among the first workflow events for an order entering a draft status. The context of this hook may include defaulted order details as it first occurs immediately upon the clinician selecting the order from the order catalogue of the CPOE, or upon her manual selection of order details (e.g. dose, quantity, route, etc). CDS services should expect some of the order information to not yet be specified. Additionally, the context may include previously selected orders that are not yet signed from the same ordering session. The order-select hook occurs after the clinician selects the order and before signing. This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe hook. Context \u00b6 Decision support should focus on the 'selected' orders - those that are newly selected or actively being authored. The non-selected orders are included in the context to provide context and to allow decision support to take into account other pending actions that might not yet be stored in the system (and therefore not queryable). The context of this hook distinguishes between the list of unsigned orders from the clinician's ordering session, and the one or more orders just added to this list. The selections field contains a list of ids of these newly selected orders; the draftOrders Bundle contains an entry for all unsigned orders from this session, including newly selected orders. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc . patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context selections REQUIRED No array The FHIR id of the newly selected order(s). The selections field references FHIR resources in the draftOrders Bundle. For example, MedicationRequest/103 . draftOrders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status R4 - FHIR Bundle of DeviceRequest, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, ServiceRequest, VisionPrescription with draft status Examples \u00b6 Example (R4) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" : [ \"NutritionOrder/pureeddiet-simple\" , \"MedicationRequest/smart-MedicationRequest-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseAndRate\" :{ \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" : [ \"NutritionOrder/pureeddiet-simple\" , \"MedicationRequest/smart-MedicationRequest-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" :[ \"NutritionOrder/nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"MedicationOrder/smart-MedicationOrder-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 Small documentation correction 1.0.2 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4.","title":"order-select 4"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#order-select","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 4 - Documented","title":"order-select"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#workflow","text":"The order-select hook fires when a clinician selects one or more orders to place for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). If supported by the CDS Client, this hook may also be invoked each time the clinician selects a detail regarding the order. This hook is among the first workflow events for an order entering a draft status. The context of this hook may include defaulted order details as it first occurs immediately upon the clinician selecting the order from the order catalogue of the CPOE, or upon her manual selection of order details (e.g. dose, quantity, route, etc). CDS services should expect some of the order information to not yet be specified. Additionally, the context may include previously selected orders that are not yet signed from the same ordering session. The order-select hook occurs after the clinician selects the order and before signing. This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe hook.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#context","text":"Decision support should focus on the 'selected' orders - those that are newly selected or actively being authored. The non-selected orders are included in the context to provide context and to allow decision support to take into account other pending actions that might not yet be stored in the system (and therefore not queryable). The context of this hook distinguishes between the list of unsigned orders from the clinician's ordering session, and the one or more orders just added to this list. The selections field contains a list of ids of these newly selected orders; the draftOrders Bundle contains an entry for all unsigned orders from this session, including newly selected orders. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc . patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context selections REQUIRED No array The FHIR id of the newly selected order(s). The selections field references FHIR resources in the draftOrders Bundle. For example, MedicationRequest/103 . draftOrders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription with draft status R4 - FHIR Bundle of DeviceRequest, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, ServiceRequest, VisionPrescription with draft status","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#examples","text":"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#example-r4","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" : [ \"NutritionOrder/pureeddiet-simple\" , \"MedicationRequest/smart-MedicationRequest-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseAndRate\" :{ \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (R4)"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#example-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" : [ \"NutritionOrder/pureeddiet-simple\" , \"MedicationRequest/smart-MedicationRequest-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"selections\" :[ \"NutritionOrder/nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"MedicationOrder/smart-MedicationOrder-103\" ], \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/order-select/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 Small documentation correction 1.0.2 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4.","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/","text":"order-sign \u00b6 Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 5 - Mature Workflow \u00b6 The order-sign hook fires when a clinician is ready to sign one or more orders for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). This hook is among the last workflow events before an order is promoted out of a draft status. The context contains all order details, such as dose, quantity, route, etc, although the order has not yet been signed and therefore still exists in a draft status. Use this hook when your service requires all order details. This hook can also be used when an order or set of orders is being 're-signed' after revision (e.g. change to status, extending dates, or other changes allowed to signed orders within the system's workflow). In this case, the orders would typically have a status other than 'draft'. In some cases, the hook might fire with a mixture of new and revised orders. This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe and order-review hooks. Context \u00b6 Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc . patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context draftOrders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) R4 - FHIR Bundle of DeviceRequest, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, ServiceRequest, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) Examples \u00b6 Example (R4) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (STU3) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseAndRate\" :{ \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } } Example (DSTU2) \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/abc\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4. 1.1.0 Updated hook to all for use in order-revision situations","title":"order-sign 5"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#order-sign","text":"Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 Hook maturity 5 - Mature","title":"order-sign"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#workflow","text":"The order-sign hook fires when a clinician is ready to sign one or more orders for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). This hook is among the last workflow events before an order is promoted out of a draft status. The context contains all order details, such as dose, quantity, route, etc, although the order has not yet been signed and therefore still exists in a draft status. Use this hook when your service requires all order details. This hook can also be used when an order or set of orders is being 're-signed' after revision (e.g. change to status, extending dates, or other changes allowed to signed orders within the system's workflow). In this case, the orders would typically have a status other than 'draft'. In some cases, the hook might fire with a mixture of new and revised orders. This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe and order-review hooks.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#context","text":"Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole . For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc . patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context draftOrders REQUIRED No object DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, DiagnosticOrder, DeviceUseRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ReferralRequest, ProcedureRequest, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status) R4 - FHIR Bundle of DeviceRequest, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, ServiceRequest, VisionPrescription (typically with draft status)","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#examples","text":"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#example-r4","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (R4)"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#example-stu3","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 { \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"pureeddiet-simple\" , \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-requests\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"orderer\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"226211001\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228055009\" , \"display\" : \"Liquidized food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Pureed\" } } ], \"fluidConsistencyType\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"439021000124105\" , \"display\" : \"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid\" } ], \"text\" : \"Nectar thick liquids\" } ] }, \"supplement\" :[ { \"type\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"442971000124100\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy formula\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/supplement-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1040\" , \"display\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" } ], \"text\" : \"Adult high energy pudding\" }, \"productName\" : \"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container\" , \"instruction\" : \"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper\" } ] } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationRequest-103\" , \"meta\" :{ \"lastUpdated\" : \"2018-04-30T13:25:40.845-04:00\" }, \"text\" :{ \"status\" : \"generated\" , \"div\" : \"
Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)
\" }, \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"subject\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnit\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseAndRate\" :{ \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } } }","title":"Example (STU3)"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#example-dstu2","text":"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/abc\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" , \"draftOrders\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" :[ { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"NutritionOrder\" , \"id\" : \"nest-patient-1-NUTR1\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"orderer\" :{ \"display\" : \"Dr Adam Careful\" }, \"identifier\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/nutrition-orders\" , \"value\" : \"123\" } ], \"dateTime\" : \"2014-09-17\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"oralDiet\" :{ \"type\" :[ { \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"435801000124108\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" }, { \"system\" : \"http://goodhealthhospital.org/diet-type-codes\" , \"code\" : \"1010\" , \"display\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"text\" : \"Texture modified diet\" } ], \"schedule\" :[ { \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2015-02-10\" }, \"frequency\" : 3 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } } ], \"texture\" :[ { \"modifier\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"228049004\" , \"display\" : \"Chopped food\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" }, \"foodType\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://snomed.info/sct\" , \"code\" : \"22836000\" , \"display\" : \"Vegetable\" } ], \"text\" : \"Regular, Chopped Meat\" } } ] } } }, { \"resource\" :{ \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationOrder\" , \"id\" : \"smart-MedicationOrder-103\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"patient\" :{ \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" }, \"medicationCodeableConcept\" :{ \"coding\" :[ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" } ], \"text\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }, \"dosageInstruction\" :[ { \"text\" : \"5 mL bid x 10 days\" , \"timing\" :{ \"repeat\" :{ \"boundsPeriod\" :{ \"start\" : \"2005-01-04\" }, \"frequency\" : 2 , \"period\" : 1 , \"periodUnits\" : \"d\" } }, \"doseQuantity\" :{ \"value\" : 5 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" } } ], \"dispenseRequest\" :{ \"numberOfRepeatsAllowed\" : 1 , \"quantity\" :{ \"value\" : 1 , \"unit\" : \"mL\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"mL\" }, \"expectedSupplyDuration\" :{ \"value\" : 10 , \"unit\" : \"days\" , \"system\" : \"http://unitsofmeasure.org\" , \"code\" : \"d\" } } } } ] } }","title":"Example (DSTU2)"},{"location":"hooks/order-sign/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4. 1.1.0 Updated hook to all for use in order-revision situations","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/","text":"patient-view \u00b6 Info This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a build at the level of Trial Use . Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 5 - Mature Workflow \u00b6 The user has just opened a patient's record; typically called only once at the beginning of a user's interaction with a specific patient's record. Context \u00b6 The patient whose record was opened, including their encounter, if applicable. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. Must be in the format [ResourceType]/[id] . For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Patient , or RelatedPerson . Patient or RelatedPerson are appropriate when a patient or their proxy are viewing the record. For example, Practitioner/abc or Patient/123. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context Examples \u00b6 1 2 3 4 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" } 1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/abc\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"patient-view 5"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#patient-view","text":"Info This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a build at the level of Trial Use . Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 5 - Mature","title":"patient-view"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#workflow","text":"The user has just opened a patient's record; typically called only once at the beginning of a user's interaction with a specific patient's record.","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#context","text":"The patient whose record was opened, including their encounter, if applicable. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user. Must be in the format [ResourceType]/[id] . For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Patient , or RelatedPerson . Patient or RelatedPerson are appropriate when a patient or their proxy are viewing the record. For example, Practitioner/abc or Patient/123. patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the current patient in context encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the current encounter in context","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#examples","text":"1 2 3 4 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"PractitionerRole/123\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" } 1 2 3 4 5 \"context\" :{ \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/abc\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" }","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/patient-view/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"hooks/template/","text":"hook-name-expressed-as-noun-verb \u00b6 Info This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a build | snapshot | ballot | release at the level of Draft | Trial Use | Normative | Informative | Deprecated Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 0 - Draft Workflow \u00b6 Describe when the hook occurs in a workflow. Hook creators SHOULD include as much detail and clarity as possible to minimize any ambiguity or confusion amongst implementers. The hook name should take the form noun-verb , such as encounter-start , or order-select according to the Hook Definition Format . Context \u00b6 Define context values that are available when this hook occurs, and indicate whether they must be provided, and whether they are available for parameterizing prefetch templates. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description exampleId REQUIRED Yes string Describe the context value encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string Describe the context value Examples \u00b6 1 2 3 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" } 1 2 3 4 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" } Change Log \u00b6 Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"new-hook-template"},{"location":"hooks/template/#hook-name-expressed-as-noun-verb","text":"Info This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a build | snapshot | ballot | release at the level of Draft | Trial Use | Normative | Informative | Deprecated Metadata Value specificationVersion 1.0 hookVersion 1.0 hookMaturity 0 - Draft","title":"hook-name-expressed-as-noun-verb"},{"location":"hooks/template/#workflow","text":"Describe when the hook occurs in a workflow. Hook creators SHOULD include as much detail and clarity as possible to minimize any ambiguity or confusion amongst implementers. The hook name should take the form noun-verb , such as encounter-start , or order-select according to the Hook Definition Format .","title":"Workflow"},{"location":"hooks/template/#context","text":"Define context values that are available when this hook occurs, and indicate whether they must be provided, and whether they are available for parameterizing prefetch templates. Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description exampleId REQUIRED Yes string Describe the context value encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string Describe the context value","title":"Context"},{"location":"hooks/template/#examples","text":"1 2 3 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" } 1 2 3 4 \"context\" :{ \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" }","title":"Examples"},{"location":"hooks/template/#change-log","text":"Version Description 1.0 Initial Release","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"specification/current/","text":"Current (draft) This is the continuous integration, community release of the CDS Hooks specification. All stable releases are available at https://cds-hooks.hl7.org . Overview \u00b6 The CDS Hooks specification describes the RESTful APIs and interactions using JSON over HTTPS to integrate Clinical Decision Support (CDS) between CDS Clients (typically Electronic Health Record Systems (EHRs) or other health information systems) and CDS Services. Conformance Language \u00b6 The key words \"MUST\", \"MUST NOT\", \"REQUIRED\", \"SHALL\", \"SHALL NOT\", \"SHOULD\", \"SHOULD NOT\", \"RECOMMENDED\", \"MAY\", and \"OPTIONAL\" in this specification are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 . Further, the key word \"CONDITIONAL\" indicates that a particular item is either REQUIRED or OPTIONAL, based upon another item. Use of JSON \u00b6 All data exchanged through production RESTful APIs MUST be sent and received as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) structures and are transmitted over HTTPS. See Security and Safety section. Null and empty JSON elements JSON elements SHALL NOT be null, unless otherwise specified. JSON elements SHALL NOT be empty, unless otherwise specified (e.g. to indicate no guidance with an empty array of cards in the CDS Hooks response). If a JSON attribute is defined as OPTIONAL, and does not have a value, implementers MUST omit it. For instance, OPTIONAL JSON string and array attributes are omitted rather than having a null or empty value. Unless otherwise specified, JSON attribute values SHALL NOT be null or empty, so null , \"\" , [] , or {} are prohibited. If a JSON attribute is defined with as OPTIONAL, and does not have a value, implementers SHALL omit it. CDS Hooks Anatomy \u00b6 This specification describes a \"hook\" -based pattern for invoking decision support from within a clinician's workflow. The API supports: Synchronous, workflow-triggered CDS calls returning information and suggestions Launching a web page to provide additional information to the user Launching a user-facing SMART app when CDS requires additional interaction The main concepts of the specification are Services, CDS Clients, and Cards. CDS Services \u00b6 A CDS Service is a service that provides recommendations and guidance through the RESTful APIs described by this specification. The primary APIs are Discovery , which allows a CDS Developer to publish the types of CDS Services it provides. The Service API that CDS Clients use to request decision support. The Feedback API through which services learn the outcomes of their recommendations and guidance. CDS Clients \u00b6 A CDS Client is an Electronic Health Record (EHR), or other clinical information system that uses decision support by calling CDS Services at specific points in the application's workflow called hooks . Each hook defines the hook context (contextual information available within the CDS Client and specific to the workflow) that is provided as part of the request. Each service advertises which hooks it supports and what prefetch data (information needed by the CDS Service to determine what decision support should be presented) it requires. In addition, CDS Clients typically provide the FHIR resource server location and associated authorization information as part of the request to enable services to request additional information. Cards \u00b6 Decision support is then returned to the CDS Client in the form of cards , which the CDS Client MAY display to the end-user as part of their workflow. Cards may be informational, or they may provide suggestions that the user may accept or reject they may provide a link to additional information or even launch a SMART app when additional user interaction is required. Discovery \u00b6 A CDS Service is discoverable via a stable endpoint by CDS Clients. The Discovery endpoint includes information such as a description of the CDS Service, when it should be invoked, and any data that is requested to be prefetched. A CDS Service provider exposes its discovery endpoint at: 1 { baseURL } /cds-services HTTP Request \u00b6 The Discovery endpoint SHALL always be available at {baseUrl}/cds-services . For example, if the baseUrl is https://example.com, the CDS Client can retrieve the list of CDS Services by invoking: GET https://example.com/cds-services Response \u00b6 The response to the discovery endpoint SHALL be an object containing a list of CDS Services. Field Description services array . An array of CDS Services . If your CDS server hosts no CDS Services, the discovery endpoint should return a 200 HTTP response with an empty array of services. Each CDS Service SHALL be described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description hook REQUIRED string The hook this service should be invoked on. See Hooks . title RECOMMENDED string The human-friendly name of this service. description REQUIRED string The description of this service. id REQUIRED string The {id} portion of the URL to this service which is available at {baseUrl}/cds-services/{id} prefetch OPTIONAL object An object containing key/value pairs of FHIR queries that this service is requesting the CDS Client to perform and provide on each service call. The key is a string that describes the type of data being requested and the value is a string representing the FHIR query. See Prefetch Template . usageRequirements OPTIONAL string Human-friendly description of any preconditions for the use of this CDS Service. Note that a CDS server can host multiple entries of CDS service with the same id for different hook s. This allows a service to update its advice based on changes in workflow as discussed in update stale guidance . HTTP Status Codes \u00b6 Code Description 200 OK A successful response. CDS Services MAY return other HTTP statuses, specifically 4xx and 5xx HTTP error codes. Discovery Example \u00b6 1 curl \"https://example.com/cds-services\" The above command returns JSON structured like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 { \"services\" : [ { \"hook\" : \"patient-view\" , \"title\" : \"Static CDS Service Example\" , \"description\" : \"An example of a CDS Service that returns a static set of cards\" , \"id\" : \"static-patient-greeter\" , \"prefetch\" : { \"patientToGreet\" : \"Patient/{{context.patientId}}\" } }, { \"hook\" : \"order-select\" , \"title\" : \"Order Echo CDS Service\" , \"description\" : \"An example of a CDS Service that simply echoes the order(s) being placed\" , \"id\" : \"order-echo\" , \"prefetch\" : { \"patient\" : \"Patient/{{context.patientId}}\" , \"medications\" : \"MedicationRequest?patient={{context.patientId}}\" } }, { \"hook\" : \"order-sign\" , \"title\" : \"Pharmacogenomics CDS Service\" , \"description\" : \"An example of a more advanced, precision medicine CDS Service\" , \"id\" : \"pgx-on-order-sign\" , \"usageRequirements\" : \"Note: functionality of this CDS Service is degraded without access to a FHIR Restful API as part of CDS recommendation generation.\" } ] } Calling a CDS Service \u00b6 HTTP Request \u00b6 A CDS Client SHALL call a CDS Service by POST ing a JSON document to the service as described in this section. The CDS Service endpoint can be constructed from the CDS Service base URL and an individual service id as {baseUrl}/cds-services/{service.id} . CDS Clients may add additional requirements for the triggering of a hook, based upon the user, workflow, CDS Service or other reasons (e.g. if the service is provided by a payer, the patient has active coverage with that payer). See Trusting CDS Services for additional considerations. The request SHALL include a JSON POST body with the following input fields: Field Optionality Type Description hook REQUIRED string The hook that triggered this CDS Service call. See Hooks . hookInstance REQUIRED string A universally unique identifier (UUID) for this particular hook call (see more information below). fhirServer CONDITIONAL URL The base URL of the CDS Client's FHIR server. If fhirAuthorization is provided, this field is REQUIRED. The scheme MUST be https when production data is exchanged. fhirAuthorization OPTIONAL object A structure holding an OAuth 2.0 bearer access token granting the CDS Service access to FHIR resources, along with supplemental information relating to the token. See the FHIR Resource Access section for more information. context REQUIRED object Hook-specific contextual data that the CDS service will need. For example, with the patient-view hook this will include the FHIR id of the Patient being viewed. For details, see the Hooks specific specification page (example: patient-view ). prefetch OPTIONAL object The FHIR data that was prefetched by the CDS Client (see more information below). hookInstance \u00b6 While working in the CDS Client, a user can perform multiple actions in series or in parallel. For example, a clinician might prescribe two drugs in a row; each prescription action would be assigned a unique hookInstance . This allows a CDS Service to uniquely identify each hook invocation. Note: the hookInstance is globally unique and should contain enough entropy to be un-guessable. Example \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 curl -X POST \\ -H 'Content-type: application/json' \\ --data @hook-details-see-example-below \"https://example.com/cds-services/static-patient-greeter\" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 { \"hookInstance\" : \"d1577c69-dfbe-44ad-ba6d-3e05e953b2ea\" , \"fhirServer\" : \"http://hooks.smarthealthit.org:9080\" , \"hook\" : \"patient-view\" , \"fhirAuthorization\" : { \"access_token\" : \"some-opaque-fhir-access-token\" , \"token_type\" : \"Bearer\" , \"expires_in\" : 300 , \"scope\" : \"user/Patient.read user/Observation.read\" , \"subject\" : \"cds-service4\" }, \"context\" : { \"userId\" : \"Practitioner/example\" , \"patientId\" : \"1288992\" , \"encounterId\" : \"89284\" }, \"prefetch\" : { \"patientToGreet\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Patient\" , \"gender\" : \"male\" , \"birthDate\" : \"1925-12-23\" , \"id\" : \"1288992\" , \"active\" : true } } } Providing FHIR Resources to a CDS Service \u00b6 CDS Services require specific FHIR resources in order to compute the recommendations the CDS Client requests. If real-world performance were no issue, a CDS Client could launch a CDS Service passing only context data (such as the current user and patient ids), and the CDS Service could obtain authorization to access the CDS Client's FHIR API, retrieving any resources required via FHIR read or search interactions. Given that CDS Services SHOULD respond quickly (on the order of 500 ms.), this specification defines mechanisms that allow a CDS Service to request and obtain FHIR resources more efficiently. Two optional methods are provided. In the first method, FHIR resources MAY be obtained by passing \"prefetched\" data from the CDS Client to the CDS Service in the service call. If data is to be prefetched, the CDS Service registers a set of \"prefetch templates\" with the CDS Client, as described in the Prefetch Template section below. These \"prefetch templates\" are defined in the CDS Service discovery response . The FHIR resources are passed as key-value pairs, with each key matching a key described in the discovery response, and each value being a FHIR resource. Note that in the case of searches, this resource may be a searchset Bundle. The second method enables the CDS Service to retrieve FHIR resources for itself, without the need to request and obtain its own authorization. If the CDS Client decides to have the CDS Service fetch its own FHIR resources, the CDS Client obtains and passes directly to the CDS Service a bearer token issued for the CDS Service's use in executing FHIR API calls against the CDS Client's FHIR server to obtain the required resources. Some CDS Clients MAY pass prefetched data, along with a bearer token for the CDS Service to use if additional resources are required. Each CDS Client SHOULD decide which approach, or combination, is preferred, based on performance considerations and assessment of attendant security and safety risks. CDS Services should be capable of accessing FHIR resources via either prefetch or from the CDS Client's FHIR server. For more detail, see the FHIR Resource Access section below. Similarly, each CDS Client will decide what FHIR resources to authorize and to prefetch, based on the CDS Service discovery response's \"prefetch\" request and on the provider's assessment of the \"minimum necessary.\" The CDS Client provider and the CDS Service provider will negotiate the set of FHIR resources to be provided, and how these data will be provided, as part of their service agreement. Prefetch Template \u00b6 A prefetch template is a FHIR read or search request that describes relevant data needed by the CDS Service. For example, the following is a prefetch template for hemoglobin A1c observations: 1 Observation?patient={{context.patientId}}&code=4548-4&_count=1&sort:desc=date To allow for prefetch templates that are dependent on the workflow context, prefetch templates may include references to context using prefetch tokens . In the above example, {{context.patientId}} is a prefetch token. The prefetch field of a CDS Service discovery response defines the set of prefetch templates for that service, providing a prefetch key for each one that is used to identify the prefetch data in the CDS request. For example: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"prefetch\" : { \"hemoglobin-a1c\" : \"Observation?patient={{context.patientId}}&code=4548-4&_count=1&sort:desc=date\" } } In this prefetch , hemoglobin-a1c is the prefetch key for this prefetch template. For a complete worked example, see below . A CDS Client MAY choose to honor zero, some, or all of the desired prefetch templates, and is free to choose the most appropriate source for these data. For example: The CDS Client MAY have some of the desired prefetched data already in memory, thereby removing the need for any network call The CDS Client MAY compute an efficient set of prefetch templates from multiple CDS Services, thereby reducing the number of calls to a minimum The CDS Client MAY satisfy some of the desired prefetched templates via some internal service or even its own FHIR server. The CDS Client SHALL only provide access to resources that are within the user's authorized scope. As part of preparing the request, a CDS Client processes each prefetch template it intends to satisfy by replacing the prefetch tokens in the prefetch template to construct a relative FHIR request URL. This specification is not prescriptive about how this request is actually processed. The relative URL may be appended to the base URL for the CDS Client's FHIR server and directly invoked, or the CDS Client may use internal infrastructure to satisfy the request in the same way that invoking against the FHIR server would. Regardless of how the CDS Client satisfies the prefetch templates (if at all), the prefetched data given to the CDS Service MUST be equivalent to the data the CDS Service would receive if it were making its own call to the CDS Client's FHIR server using the parameterized prefetch template. Note that this means that CDS services will receive only the information they have requested and are authorized to receive. Prefetch data for other services registered to the same hook MUST NOT be provided. In other words, services SHALL only receive the data they requested in their prefetch. The resulting response is passed along to the CDS Service using the prefetch parameter (see below . Note that a CDS Client MAY paginate prefetch results. The intent of allowing pagination is to ensure that prefetch queries that may be too large for a single payload can still be retrieved by the service. The decision to paginate and the size of pages is entirely at the CDS Client's discretion. CDS Clients are encouraged to only use pagination when absolutely necessary, keeping performance and user experience in mind. The CDS Client MUST NOT send any prefetch template key that it chooses not to satisfy. If the CDS Client encounters errors prefetching the requested data, OperationOutcome(s) SHOULD be used to communicate those errors to prevent the CDS Service from incurring an unneeded follow-up query. CDS Clients MUST omit the prefetch key if relevant details cannot be provided (e.g. intermittent connectivity issues). CDS Services SHOULD check any prefetched data for the existence of OperationOutcomes. If the CDS Client has no data to populate a template prefetch key, the prefetch template key MUST have a value of null . Note that the null result is used rather than a bundle with zero entries to account for the possibility that the prefetch url is a single-resource request. It is the CDS Service's responsibility to check prefetched data against its template to determine what requests were satisfied (if any) and to programmatically retrieve any additional necessary data. If the CDS Service is unable to obtain required data because it cannot access the FHIR server and the request did not contain the necessary prefetch keys, the service SHALL respond with an HTTP 412 Precondition Failed status code. Prefetch tokens \u00b6 A prefetch token is a placeholder in a prefetch template that is replaced by information from the hook's context to construct the FHIR URL used to request the prefetch data. Prefetch tokens MUST be delimited by {{ and }} , and MUST contain only the qualified path to a hook context field or one of the following user identifiers: userPractitionerId , userPractitionerRoleId , userPatientId , or userRelatedPersonId . Individual hooks specify which of their context fields can be used as prefetch tokens. Only root-level fields with a primitive value within the context object are eligible to be used as prefetch tokens. For example, {{context.medication.id}} is not a valid prefetch token because it attempts to access the id field of the medication field. Prefetch tokens identifying the user \u00b6 A prefetch template enables a CDS Service to learn more about the current user through a FHIR read, like so: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"prefetch\": { \"user\": \"{{context.userId}}\" } } or though a FHIR search: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"prefetch\": { \"user\": \"PractitionerRole?_id={{userPractitionerRoleId}}&_include=PractitionerRole:practitioner\" } } A prefetch template may include any of the following prefetch tokens: Token Description {{userPractitionerId}} FHIR id of the Practitioner resource corresponding to the current user. {{userPractitionerRoleId}} FHIR id of the PractitionerRole resource corresponding to the current user. {{userPatientId}} FHIR id of the Patient resource corresponding to the current user. {{userRelatedPersonId}} FHIR id of the RelatedPerson resource corresponding to the current user. No single FHIR resource represents a user, rather Practitioner and PractitionerRole may be jointly used to represent a provider, and Patient or RelatedPerson are used to represent a patient or their proxy. Hook definitions typically define a context.userId field and corresponding prefetch token. Prefetch query restrictions \u00b6 To reduce the implementation burden on CDS Clients that support CDS Services, this specification RECOMMENDS that prefetch queries only use a subset of the full functionality available in the FHIR specification. When using this subset, valid prefetch templates MUST only make use of: instance level read interactions (for resources with known ids such as Patient , Practitioner , or Encounter ) type level search interactions; e.g. patient={{context.patientId}} Resource references (e.g. patient={{context.patientId}} ) token search parameters using equality (e.g. code=4548-4 ) and optionally the :in modifier (no other modifiers for token parameters) date search parameters on date , dateTime , instant , or Period types only, and using only the prefixes eq , lt , gt , ge , le the _count parameter to limit the number of results returned the _sort parameter to allow for most recent and first queries Example prefetch token \u00b6 Often a prefetch template builds on the contextual data associated with the hook. For example, a particular CDS Service might recommend guidance based on a patient's conditions when the chart is opened. The FHIR query to retrieve these conditions might be Condition?patient=123 . In order to express this as a prefetch template, the CDS Service must express the FHIR id of the patient as a token so that the CDS Client can replace the token with the appropriate value. When context fields are used as tokens, their token name MUST be context.name-of-the-field . For example, given a context like: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"context\" : { \"patientId\" : \"123\" } } The token name would be {{context.patientId}} . Again using our above conditions example, the complete prefetch template would be Condition?patient={{context.patientId}} . Only the first level fields in context may be considered for tokens. For example, given the following context that contains amongst other things, a MedicationRequest FHIR resource: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 { \"context\" : { \"encounterId\" : \"456\" , \"draftOrders\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" : [ { \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"123\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }]}, \"subject\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" } } } ] } } } Only the encounterId field in this example is eligible to be a prefetch token as it is a first level field and the datatype (string) can be placed into the FHIR query. The MedicationRequest.id value in the context is not eligible to be a prefetch token because it is not a first level field. If the hook creator intends for the MedicationRequest.id value to be available as a prefetch token, it must be made available as a first level field. Using the aforementioned example, we simply add a new medicationRequestId field: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 { \"context\" : { \"medicationRequestId\" : \"123\" , \"encounterId\" : \"456\" , \"draftOrders\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"entry\" : [ { \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"123\" , \"status\" : \"draft\" , \"intent\" : \"order\" , \"medicationCodeableConcept\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm\" , \"code\" : \"617993\" , \"display\" : \"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension\" }]}, \"subject\" : { \"reference\" : \"Patient/1288992\" } } } ] } } } Example prefetch templates \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { \"prefetch\" : { \"patient\" : \"Patient/{{context.patientId}}\" , \"hemoglobin-a1c\" : \"Observation?patient={{context.patientId}}&code=4548-4&_count=1&sort:desc=date\" , \"diabetes-type2\" : \"Condition?patient={{context.patientId}}&code=44054006&category=problem-list-item&status=active\" , \"user\" : \"PractitionerRole?_id={{userPractitionerRoleId}}\" } } Here is an example prefetch field from a CDS Service discovery endpoint. The goal is to know, at call time: Key Description patient Patient demographics. hemoglobin-a1c Most recent Hemoglobin A1c reading for this patient. diabetes-type2 If the patient has an active condition of diabetes mellitus on their problem list. user Information on the current user. Example prefetch data \u00b6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 { \"prefetch\" : { \"patient\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Patient\" , \"gender\" : \"male\" , \"birthDate\" : \"1974-12-25\" , \"...\" : \"\" }, \"hemoglobin-a1c\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"type\" : \"searchset\" , \"entry\" : [ { \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Observation\" , \"code\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://loinc.org\" , \"code\" : \"4548-4\" , \"display\" : \"Hemoglobin A1c\" } ] }, \"...\" : \"\" } } ] }, \"user\" : \"123\" } } The CDS Hooks request is augmented to include two prefetch values, where the dictionary keys match the request keys ( patient and hemoglobin-a1c in this case). Note that the missing diabetes-type2 key indicates that either the CDS Client has decided not to satisfy this particular prefetch template or it was not able to retrieve this prefetched data. The CDS Service is responsible for retrieving the FHIR resource representing the user from the FHIR server (if required). FHIR Resource Access \u00b6 If the CDS Client provides both fhirServer and fhirAuthorization request parameters, the CDS Service MAY use the FHIR server to obtain any FHIR resources for which it's authorized, beyond those provided by the CDS Client as prefetched data. This is similar to the approach used by SMART on FHIR wherein the SMART app requests and ultimately obtains an access token from the CDS Client's Authorization server using the SMART launch workflow, as described in SMART App Launch Implementation Guide . Like SMART on FHIR, CDS Hooks requires that CDS Services present a valid access token to the FHIR server with each API call. Thus, a CDS Service requires an access token before communicating with the CDS Client's FHIR resource server. While CDS Hooks shares the underlying technical framework and standards as SMART on FHIR, the CDS Hooks workflow MUST accommodate the automated, low-latency delivery of an access token to the CDS service. With CDS Hooks, if the CDS Client wants to provide the CDS Service direct access to FHIR resources, the CDS Client creates or obtains an access token prior to invoking the CDS Service, passing this token to the CDS Service as part of the service call. This approach remains compatible with OAuth 2.0's bearer token protocol while minimizing the number of HTTPS round-trips and the service invocation latency. The CDS Client remains in control of providing an access token that is associated with the specific CDS Service, user, and context of the invocation. As the CDS Service executes on behalf of a user, the data to which the CDS Service is given access by the CDS Client MUST be limited to the same restrictions and authorizations afforded the current user. As such, the access token SHALL be scoped to: The CDS Service being invoked The current user Passing the Access Token to the CDS Service \u00b6 The access token is specified in the CDS Service request via the fhirAuthorization request parameter. This parameter is an object that contains both the access token as well as other related information as specified below. If the CDS Client chooses not to pass along an access token, the fhirAuthorization parameter is omitted. Field Optionality Type Description access_token REQUIRED string This is the OAuth 2.0 access token that provides access to the FHIR server. token_type REQUIRED string Fixed value: Bearer expires_in REQUIRED integer The lifetime in seconds of the access token. scope REQUIRED string The scopes the access token grants the CDS Service. subject REQUIRED string The OAuth 2.0 client identifier of the CDS Service, as registered with the CDS Client's authorization server. 'patient` CONDITIONAL string If the granted SMART scopes include patient scopes (i.e. \"patient/\"), the access token is restricted to a specific patient. This field SHOULD be populated to identify the FHIR id of that patient. The scopes granted to the CDS Service via the scope field are defined by the SMART on FHIR specification . The expires_in value is established by the authorization server and SHOULD BE very short lived, as the access token MUST be treated as a transient value by the CDS Service. CDS Clients SHOULD revoke an issued access token upon the completion of the CDS Hooks request/response to limit the validity period of the token. Below is an example fhirAuthorization parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"fhirAuthorization\" : { \"access_token\" : \"some-opaque-fhir-access-token\" , \"token_type\" : \"Bearer\" , \"expires_in\" : 300 , \"scope\" : \"user/Patient.read user/Observation.read\" , \"subject\" : \"cds-service4\" } } CDS Service Response \u00b6 For successful responses, CDS Services SHALL respond with a 200 HTTP response with an object containing a cards array and optionally a systemActions array as described below. Each card contains decision support guidance from the CDS Service. Cards are intended for display to an end user. The data format of a card defines a very minimal set of required attributes with several more optional attributes to suit a variety of use cases, such as: narrative informational decision support, actionable suggestions to modify data, and links to SMART apps. Note that because the CDS client may be invoking multiple services from the same hook, there may be multiple responses related to the same information. This specification does not address these scenarios specifically; both CDS Services and CDS Clients should consider the implications of multiple CDS Services in their integrations and are invited to consider card attributes when determining prioritization and presentation options. HTTP Status Codes \u00b6 Code Description 200 OK A successful response. 412 Precondition Failed The CDS Service is unable to retrieve the necessary FHIR data to execute its decision support, either through a prefetch request or directly calling the FHIR server. CDS Services MAY return other HTTP statuses, specifically 4xx and 5xx HTTP error codes. HTTP Response \u00b6 Field Optionality Type Description cards REQUIRED array of Cards An array of Cards . Cards can provide a combination of information (for reading), suggested actions (to be applied if a user selects them), and links (to launch an app if the user selects them). The CDS Client decides how to display cards, but this specification recommends displaying suggestions using buttons, and links using underlined text. systemActions OPTIONAL array of Actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply. Each action follows the schema of a card-based suggestion.action . The CDS Client decides whether to auto-apply actions. If your CDS Service has no decision support for the user, your service should return a 200 HTTP response with an empty array of cards, for example: 1 2 3 { \"cards\" : [] } Clients SHOULD remove cards returned by previous invocations of a hook to a service with the same id when a new hook is triggered (see update stale guidance ). Card Attributes \u00b6 Each Card is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description uuid OPTIONAL string Unique identifier of the card. MAY be used for auditing and logging cards and SHALL be included in any subsequent calls to the CDS service's feedback endpoint. summary REQUIRED string One-sentence, <140-character summary message for display to the user inside of this card. detail OPTIONAL string Optional detailed information to display; if provided MUST be represented in (GitHub Flavored) Markdown . (For non-urgent cards, the CDS Client MAY hide these details until the user clicks a link like \"view more details...\"). indicator REQUIRED string Urgency/importance of what this card conveys. Allowed values, in order of increasing urgency, are: info , warning , critical . The CDS Client MAY use this field to help make UI display decisions such as sort order or coloring. source REQUIRED object Grouping structure for the Source of the information displayed on this card. The source should be the primary source of guidance for the decision support the card represents. suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestions Allows a service to suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity (e.g. changing the dose of a medication currently being prescribed, for the order-sign activity). If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided. selectionBehavior CONDITIONAL string Describes the intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card. Allowed values are: at-most-one , indicating that the user may choose none or at most one of the suggestions; any , indicating that the end user may choose any number of suggestions including none of them and all of them. CDS Clients that do not understand the value MUST treat the card as an error. overrideReasons OPTIONAL array of Coding Override reasons can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations. The CDS service MAY return a list of override reasons to the CDS client. If override reasons are present, the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding . The CDS Client SHOULD present these reasons to the clinician when they dismiss a card. A CDS Client MAY augment the override reasons presented to the user with its own reasons. links OPTIONAL array of Links Allows a service to suggest a link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision. Source \u00b6 The Source is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string A short, human-readable label to display for the source of the information displayed on this card. If a url is also specified, this MAY be the text for the hyperlink. url OPTIONAL URL An optional absolute URL to load (via GET , in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link to learn more about the organization or data set that provided the information on this card. Note that this URL should not be used to supply a context-specific \"drill-down\" view of the information on this card. For that, use card.link.url instead. icon OPTIONAL URL An absolute URL to an icon for the source of this card. The icon returned by this URL SHOULD be a 100x100 pixel PNG image without any transparent regions. The CDS Client may ignore or scale the image during display as appropriate for user experience. topic OPTIONAL Coding A topic describes the content of the card by providing a high-level categorization that can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display of related cards in the CDS client's UI. This specification does not prescribe a standard set of topics. Below is an example source parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 { \"source\" : { \"label\" : \"Zika Virus Management\" , \"url\" : \"https://example.com/cdc-zika-virus-mgmt\" , \"icon\" : \"https://example.com/cdc-zika-virus-mgmt/100.png\" , \"topic\" : { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/topics\" , \"code\" : \"12345\" , \"display\" : \"Mosquito born virus\" } } } Suggestion \u00b6 Each Suggestion is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the text on a button tied to this suggestion). uuid OPTIONAL string Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions. isRecommended OPTIONAL boolean When there are multiple suggestions, allows a service to indicate that a specific suggestion is recommended from all the available suggestions on the card. CDS Hooks clients may choose to influence their UI based on this value, such as pre-selecting, or highlighting recommended suggestions. Multiple suggestions MAY be recommended, if card.selectionBehavior is any . actions OPTIONAL array of Actions Array of objects, each defining a suggested action. Within a suggestion, all actions are logically AND'd together, such that a user selecting a suggestion selects all of the actions within it. When a suggestion contains multiple actions, the actions SHOULD be processed as per FHIR's rules for processing transactions with the CDS Client's fhirServer as the base url for the inferred full URL of the transaction bundle entries. (Specifically, deletes happen first, then creates, then updates). Action \u00b6 Each Action is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description type REQUIRED string The type of action being performed. Allowed values are: create , update , delete . description REQUIRED string Human-readable description of the suggested action MAY be presented to the end-user. resource CONDITIONAL object A FHIR resource. When the type attribute is create , the resource attribute SHALL contain a new FHIR resource to be created. For update , this holds the updated resource in its entirety and not just the changed fields. Use of this field to communicate a string of a FHIR id for delete suggestions is DEPRECATED and resourceId SHOULD be used instead. resourceId CONDITIONAL string A relative reference to the relevant resource. SHOULD be provided when the type attribute is delete . The following example illustrates a create action: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"type\" : \"create\" , \"description\" : \"Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"medrx001\" , \"...\" : \"\" } } The following example illustrates an update action: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"type\" : \"update\" , \"description\" : \"Update the order to record the appropriateness score\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"ServiceRequest\" , \"id\" : \"procedure-request-1\" , \"...\" : \"\" } } The following example illustrates a delete action: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"type\" : \"delete\" , \"description\" : \"Remove the inappropriate order\" , \"resourceId\" : \"ServiceRequest/procedure-request-1\" } Reasons for rejecting a card \u00b6 overrideReasons is an array of Coding that captures a codified set of reasons an end user may select from as the rejection reason when rejecting the advice presented in the card. When using the coding object to represent a reason, CDS Services MUST provide a human readable text in the display property and CDS Clients MAY incorporate it into their user interface. This specification does not prescribe a standard set of override reasons; implementers are encouraged to submit suggestions for standardization. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 { \"overrideReasons\" : [ { \"code\" : \"reason-code-provided-by-service\" , \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/override-reasons\" , \"display\" : \"Patient refused\" }, { \"code\" : \"12354\" , \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/override-reasons\" , \"display\" : \"Contraindicated\" } ] } Link \u00b6 Each Link is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link). url REQUIRED URL URL to load (via GET , in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a \"deep link\" with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash. type REQUIRED string The type of the given URL. There are two possible values for this field. A type of absolute indicates that the URL is absolute and should be treated as-is. A type of smart indicates that the URL is a SMART app launch URL and the CDS Client should ensure the SMART app launch URL is populated with the appropriate SMART launch parameters. appContext OPTIONAL string An optional field that allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app. The appContext field should only be valued if the link type is smart and is not valid for absolute links. The appContext field and value will be sent to the SMART app as part of the OAuth 2.0 access token response, alongside the other SMART launch parameters when the SMART app is launched. Note that appContext could be escaped JSON, base64 encoded XML, or even a simple string, so long as the SMART app can recognize it. CDS Client support for appContext requires additional coordination with the authorization server that is not described or specified in CDS Hooks nor SMART. autolaunchable OPTIONAL boolean This field serves as a hint to the CDS Client suggesting this link be immediately launched, without displaying the card and without manual user interaction. Note that CDS Hooks cards which contain links with this field set to true, may not be shown to the user. Sufficiently advanced CDS Clients may support automatically launching multiple links or multiple cards. Implementer guidance is requested to determine if the specification should preclude these advanced scenarios. Considerations for autolaunchable and user experience \u00b6 The intent of this optional feature is to improve individual user experience by removing the otherwise unnecessary click of a link by the user. Appropriate support of this feature includes guardrails from both the CDS Service developer and the CDS Client, as well as additional local control by the organization using the service. The CDS Client ultimately determines if a link can be automatically launched, taking into consideration user interface needs, workflow considerations, or even absence of support for this optional feature. If a CDS Hooks response contains guidance in addition to an autolaunchable link, it's the CDS Service's responsibility to ensure that any decision support that exists in the CDS Hooks response's card(s) is communicated via the launched app. System Action \u00b6 A systemAction is the same Action which may be returned in a suggestion, but is instead returned alongside the array of cards. A systemAction is not presented to the user within a card, but rather may be auto-applied without user intervention. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 { \"cards\" : [], \"systemActions\" : [ { \"type\" : \"update\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"ServiceRequest\" , \"id\" : \"example-MRI-59879846\" , \"...\" : \"\" }, \"hemoglobin-a1c\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Bundle\" , \"type\" : \"searchset\" , \"entry\" : [ { \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"Observation\" , \"code\" : { \"coding\" : [ { \"system\" : \"http://loinc.org\" , \"code\" : \"4548-4\" , \"display\" : \"Hemoglobin A1c\" } ] }, \"...\" : \"\" } } ] }, \"user\" : \"123\" } } The CDS Hooks request is augmented to include two prefetch values, where the dictionary keys match the request keys ( patient and hemoglobin-a1c in this case). Note that the missing diabetes-type2 key indicates that either the CDS Client has decided not to satisfy this particular prefetch template or it was not able to retrieve this prefetched data. The CDS Service is responsible for retrieving the FHIR resource representing the user from the FHIR server (if required).","title":"Example prefetch data"},{"location":"specification/current/#fhir-resource-access","text":"If the CDS Client provides both fhirServer and fhirAuthorization request parameters, the CDS Service MAY use the FHIR server to obtain any FHIR resources for which it's authorized, beyond those provided by the CDS Client as prefetched data. This is similar to the approach used by SMART on FHIR wherein the SMART app requests and ultimately obtains an access token from the CDS Client's Authorization server using the SMART launch workflow, as described in SMART App Launch Implementation Guide . Like SMART on FHIR, CDS Hooks requires that CDS Services present a valid access token to the FHIR server with each API call. Thus, a CDS Service requires an access token before communicating with the CDS Client's FHIR resource server. While CDS Hooks shares the underlying technical framework and standards as SMART on FHIR, the CDS Hooks workflow MUST accommodate the automated, low-latency delivery of an access token to the CDS service. With CDS Hooks, if the CDS Client wants to provide the CDS Service direct access to FHIR resources, the CDS Client creates or obtains an access token prior to invoking the CDS Service, passing this token to the CDS Service as part of the service call. This approach remains compatible with OAuth 2.0's bearer token protocol while minimizing the number of HTTPS round-trips and the service invocation latency. The CDS Client remains in control of providing an access token that is associated with the specific CDS Service, user, and context of the invocation. As the CDS Service executes on behalf of a user, the data to which the CDS Service is given access by the CDS Client MUST be limited to the same restrictions and authorizations afforded the current user. As such, the access token SHALL be scoped to: The CDS Service being invoked The current user","title":"FHIR Resource Access"},{"location":"specification/current/#passing-the-access-token-to-the-cds-service","text":"The access token is specified in the CDS Service request via the fhirAuthorization request parameter. This parameter is an object that contains both the access token as well as other related information as specified below. If the CDS Client chooses not to pass along an access token, the fhirAuthorization parameter is omitted. Field Optionality Type Description access_token REQUIRED string This is the OAuth 2.0 access token that provides access to the FHIR server. token_type REQUIRED string Fixed value: Bearer expires_in REQUIRED integer The lifetime in seconds of the access token. scope REQUIRED string The scopes the access token grants the CDS Service. subject REQUIRED string The OAuth 2.0 client identifier of the CDS Service, as registered with the CDS Client's authorization server. 'patient` CONDITIONAL string If the granted SMART scopes include patient scopes (i.e. \"patient/\"), the access token is restricted to a specific patient. This field SHOULD be populated to identify the FHIR id of that patient. The scopes granted to the CDS Service via the scope field are defined by the SMART on FHIR specification . The expires_in value is established by the authorization server and SHOULD BE very short lived, as the access token MUST be treated as a transient value by the CDS Service. CDS Clients SHOULD revoke an issued access token upon the completion of the CDS Hooks request/response to limit the validity period of the token. Below is an example fhirAuthorization parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"fhirAuthorization\" : { \"access_token\" : \"some-opaque-fhir-access-token\" , \"token_type\" : \"Bearer\" , \"expires_in\" : 300 , \"scope\" : \"user/Patient.read user/Observation.read\" , \"subject\" : \"cds-service4\" } }","title":"Passing the Access Token to the CDS Service"},{"location":"specification/current/#cds-service-response","text":"For successful responses, CDS Services SHALL respond with a 200 HTTP response with an object containing a cards array and optionally a systemActions array as described below. Each card contains decision support guidance from the CDS Service. Cards are intended for display to an end user. The data format of a card defines a very minimal set of required attributes with several more optional attributes to suit a variety of use cases, such as: narrative informational decision support, actionable suggestions to modify data, and links to SMART apps. Note that because the CDS client may be invoking multiple services from the same hook, there may be multiple responses related to the same information. This specification does not address these scenarios specifically; both CDS Services and CDS Clients should consider the implications of multiple CDS Services in their integrations and are invited to consider card attributes when determining prioritization and presentation options.","title":"CDS Service Response"},{"location":"specification/current/#http-status-codes_1","text":"Code Description 200 OK A successful response. 412 Precondition Failed The CDS Service is unable to retrieve the necessary FHIR data to execute its decision support, either through a prefetch request or directly calling the FHIR server. CDS Services MAY return other HTTP statuses, specifically 4xx and 5xx HTTP error codes.","title":"HTTP Status Codes"},{"location":"specification/current/#http-response","text":"Field Optionality Type Description cards REQUIRED array of Cards An array of Cards . Cards can provide a combination of information (for reading), suggested actions (to be applied if a user selects them), and links (to launch an app if the user selects them). The CDS Client decides how to display cards, but this specification recommends displaying suggestions using buttons, and links using underlined text. systemActions OPTIONAL array of Actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply. Each action follows the schema of a card-based suggestion.action . The CDS Client decides whether to auto-apply actions. If your CDS Service has no decision support for the user, your service should return a 200 HTTP response with an empty array of cards, for example: 1 2 3 { \"cards\" : [] } Clients SHOULD remove cards returned by previous invocations of a hook to a service with the same id when a new hook is triggered (see update stale guidance ).","title":"HTTP Response"},{"location":"specification/current/#card-attributes","text":"Each Card is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description uuid OPTIONAL string Unique identifier of the card. MAY be used for auditing and logging cards and SHALL be included in any subsequent calls to the CDS service's feedback endpoint. summary REQUIRED string One-sentence, <140-character summary message for display to the user inside of this card. detail OPTIONAL string Optional detailed information to display; if provided MUST be represented in (GitHub Flavored) Markdown . (For non-urgent cards, the CDS Client MAY hide these details until the user clicks a link like \"view more details...\"). indicator REQUIRED string Urgency/importance of what this card conveys. Allowed values, in order of increasing urgency, are: info , warning , critical . The CDS Client MAY use this field to help make UI display decisions such as sort order or coloring. source REQUIRED object Grouping structure for the Source of the information displayed on this card. The source should be the primary source of guidance for the decision support the card represents. suggestions OPTIONAL array of Suggestions Allows a service to suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity (e.g. changing the dose of a medication currently being prescribed, for the order-sign activity). If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided. selectionBehavior CONDITIONAL string Describes the intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card. Allowed values are: at-most-one , indicating that the user may choose none or at most one of the suggestions; any , indicating that the end user may choose any number of suggestions including none of them and all of them. CDS Clients that do not understand the value MUST treat the card as an error. overrideReasons OPTIONAL array of Coding Override reasons can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations. The CDS service MAY return a list of override reasons to the CDS client. If override reasons are present, the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding . The CDS Client SHOULD present these reasons to the clinician when they dismiss a card. A CDS Client MAY augment the override reasons presented to the user with its own reasons. links OPTIONAL array of Links Allows a service to suggest a link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision.","title":"Card Attributes"},{"location":"specification/current/#source","text":"The Source is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string A short, human-readable label to display for the source of the information displayed on this card. If a url is also specified, this MAY be the text for the hyperlink. url OPTIONAL URL An optional absolute URL to load (via GET , in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link to learn more about the organization or data set that provided the information on this card. Note that this URL should not be used to supply a context-specific \"drill-down\" view of the information on this card. For that, use card.link.url instead. icon OPTIONAL URL An absolute URL to an icon for the source of this card. The icon returned by this URL SHOULD be a 100x100 pixel PNG image without any transparent regions. The CDS Client may ignore or scale the image during display as appropriate for user experience. topic OPTIONAL Coding A topic describes the content of the card by providing a high-level categorization that can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display of related cards in the CDS client's UI. This specification does not prescribe a standard set of topics. Below is an example source parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 { \"source\" : { \"label\" : \"Zika Virus Management\" , \"url\" : \"https://example.com/cdc-zika-virus-mgmt\" , \"icon\" : \"https://example.com/cdc-zika-virus-mgmt/100.png\" , \"topic\" : { \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/topics\" , \"code\" : \"12345\" , \"display\" : \"Mosquito born virus\" } } }","title":"Source"},{"location":"specification/current/#suggestion","text":"Each Suggestion is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the text on a button tied to this suggestion). uuid OPTIONAL string Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions. isRecommended OPTIONAL boolean When there are multiple suggestions, allows a service to indicate that a specific suggestion is recommended from all the available suggestions on the card. CDS Hooks clients may choose to influence their UI based on this value, such as pre-selecting, or highlighting recommended suggestions. Multiple suggestions MAY be recommended, if card.selectionBehavior is any . actions OPTIONAL array of Actions Array of objects, each defining a suggested action. Within a suggestion, all actions are logically AND'd together, such that a user selecting a suggestion selects all of the actions within it. When a suggestion contains multiple actions, the actions SHOULD be processed as per FHIR's rules for processing transactions with the CDS Client's fhirServer as the base url for the inferred full URL of the transaction bundle entries. (Specifically, deletes happen first, then creates, then updates).","title":"Suggestion"},{"location":"specification/current/#action","text":"Each Action is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description type REQUIRED string The type of action being performed. Allowed values are: create , update , delete . description REQUIRED string Human-readable description of the suggested action MAY be presented to the end-user. resource CONDITIONAL object A FHIR resource. When the type attribute is create , the resource attribute SHALL contain a new FHIR resource to be created. For update , this holds the updated resource in its entirety and not just the changed fields. Use of this field to communicate a string of a FHIR id for delete suggestions is DEPRECATED and resourceId SHOULD be used instead. resourceId CONDITIONAL string A relative reference to the relevant resource. SHOULD be provided when the type attribute is delete . The following example illustrates a create action: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"type\" : \"create\" , \"description\" : \"Create a prescription for Acetaminophen 250 MG\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"MedicationRequest\" , \"id\" : \"medrx001\" , \"...\" : \"\" } } The following example illustrates an update action: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { \"type\" : \"update\" , \"description\" : \"Update the order to record the appropriateness score\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"ServiceRequest\" , \"id\" : \"procedure-request-1\" , \"...\" : \"\" } } The following example illustrates a delete action: 1 2 3 4 5 { \"type\" : \"delete\" , \"description\" : \"Remove the inappropriate order\" , \"resourceId\" : \"ServiceRequest/procedure-request-1\" }","title":"Action"},{"location":"specification/current/#reasons-for-rejecting-a-card","text":"overrideReasons is an array of Coding that captures a codified set of reasons an end user may select from as the rejection reason when rejecting the advice presented in the card. When using the coding object to represent a reason, CDS Services MUST provide a human readable text in the display property and CDS Clients MAY incorporate it into their user interface. This specification does not prescribe a standard set of override reasons; implementers are encouraged to submit suggestions for standardization. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 { \"overrideReasons\" : [ { \"code\" : \"reason-code-provided-by-service\" , \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/override-reasons\" , \"display\" : \"Patient refused\" }, { \"code\" : \"12354\" , \"system\" : \"http://example.org/cds-services/fhir/CodeSystem/override-reasons\" , \"display\" : \"Contraindicated\" } ] }","title":"Reasons for rejecting a card"},{"location":"specification/current/#link","text":"Each Link is described by the following attributes. Field Optionality Type Description label REQUIRED string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link). url REQUIRED URL URL to load (via GET , in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a \"deep link\" with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash. type REQUIRED string The type of the given URL. There are two possible values for this field. A type of absolute indicates that the URL is absolute and should be treated as-is. A type of smart indicates that the URL is a SMART app launch URL and the CDS Client should ensure the SMART app launch URL is populated with the appropriate SMART launch parameters. appContext OPTIONAL string An optional field that allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app. The appContext field should only be valued if the link type is smart and is not valid for absolute links. The appContext field and value will be sent to the SMART app as part of the OAuth 2.0 access token response, alongside the other SMART launch parameters when the SMART app is launched. Note that appContext could be escaped JSON, base64 encoded XML, or even a simple string, so long as the SMART app can recognize it. CDS Client support for appContext requires additional coordination with the authorization server that is not described or specified in CDS Hooks nor SMART. autolaunchable OPTIONAL boolean This field serves as a hint to the CDS Client suggesting this link be immediately launched, without displaying the card and without manual user interaction. Note that CDS Hooks cards which contain links with this field set to true, may not be shown to the user. Sufficiently advanced CDS Clients may support automatically launching multiple links or multiple cards. Implementer guidance is requested to determine if the specification should preclude these advanced scenarios.","title":"Link"},{"location":"specification/current/#considerations-for-autolaunchable-and-user-experience","text":"The intent of this optional feature is to improve individual user experience by removing the otherwise unnecessary click of a link by the user. Appropriate support of this feature includes guardrails from both the CDS Service developer and the CDS Client, as well as additional local control by the organization using the service. The CDS Client ultimately determines if a link can be automatically launched, taking into consideration user interface needs, workflow considerations, or even absence of support for this optional feature. If a CDS Hooks response contains guidance in addition to an autolaunchable link, it's the CDS Service's responsibility to ensure that any decision support that exists in the CDS Hooks response's card(s) is communicated via the launched app.","title":"Considerations for autolaunchable and user experience"},{"location":"specification/current/#system-action","text":"A systemAction is the same Action which may be returned in a suggestion, but is instead returned alongside the array of cards. A systemAction is not presented to the user within a card, but rather may be auto-applied without user intervention. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 { \"cards\" : [], \"systemActions\" : [ { \"type\" : \"update\" , \"resource\" : { \"resourceType\" : \"ServiceRequest\" , \"id\" : \"example-MRI-59879846\" , \"...\" : \" None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily None - 2024-01-05 + 2024-01-31 daily \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sitemap.xml.gz b/sitemap.xml.gz index f28d0a5b..39523475 100644 Binary files a/sitemap.xml.gz and b/sitemap.xml.gz differ