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Perl 6 官方文档 【意译】

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HTML文档 这个是当前推荐的文档.

还有命令行工具 "p6doc"帮助文档.

(如果你通过GitHub浏览本数据仓, 大部分文件显示不正确, 缘由是GitHub 把 Perl 6 Pod识别成 Perl 5 POD).


English README

安装 p6doc

本模块可通过Perl 6模块生态系统提供. 使用命令

zef install p6doc

安装可执行文件, 让它在你的可执行行路径中可用.

使用 p6doc

针对 Rakudo perl6 执行本地路径, 尝试命令

./bin/p6doc Str

查看类Str文档, 或者

./bin/p6doc Str.split

查看类Strsplit方法. 你可以跳过./bin 部分如果你已经通过zef安装了它 . 你也可以使用

p6doc -f slurp

浏览标准函数的文档可能需要一段时间, 取决于你磁盘的速度和rakudo版本.

编译 HTML 文档


zef --deps-only install .

如果用 rakudobrew, 也可以运行下面命令, 升级已安装执行文件:

rakudobrew rehash

此外 Perl 6 的依赖, 需要安装 graphviz , 在 Debian 可执行下面命令

sudo apt-get install graphviz

编译web文档, 运行命令

$ make html

注意还需要安装 nodejs 生成 HTML 内容使用上面命令, 特别是node 命令在你滴环境变量 PATH可用.

页面生成后, 可本地查看通过运行 程序:

$ make run


需要安装 Mojoliciousnodejs 来展示高亮效果. 有可能需要一些附加模块; 通过下面安装它们

$ cpanm --installdeps .


Perl 6不是一种小语言,记录它需要付出很大的努力.任何帮助都值得赞赏.


  • 添加缺少的类, 角色, 方法 或运算符文档
  • 针对现有文档添加使用示例
  • 校对与更正文档
  • 通过github开放问题告诉我们缺少的文档.
  • 在本数据仓执行git grep TODO, �用实际文档替换TODO.

Issues page列出了当前的问题, 已知缺失部分的文档, CONTRIBUTING简要说明如何开始贡献文档.

Some notes:

Q: Why aren't you embedding the docs in the CORE sources?
A: Several reasons:

  1. This documentation is intended to be universal with respect to a given version of the specification, and not necessarily tied to any specific Perl 6 implementation.
  2. Implementations' handling of embedded POD is still a bit uneven; this avoids potential runtime impacts.
  3. A separate repo in the perl6 Github account invites more potential contributors and editors.

Q: Should I include methods from superclasses or roles
A: No. The HTML version already includes methods from superclasses and roles, and the p6doc script will be taught about those as well.

Q: Which license is this stuff under?
A: Both code and documentation are available under the Artistic License 2.0 as published by The Perl Foundation. See the LICENSE file for the full text.


I want p6doc and to become the No. 1 resource to consult when you want to know something about a Perl 6 feature, be it from the language, or built-in types and routines. I want it to be useful to every Perl 6 programmer.

-- moritz


  • P6_DOC_TEST_VERBOSE to a true value to display verbose messages during test suite run. Helpful when debugging failing test suite.
  • P6_DOC_TEST_FUDGE fudges skip-test code examples as TODO in xt/examples-compilation.t test


See LICENSE file for the details of the license of the code in this repository.

This repository also contains code authored by third parties that may be licensed under a different license. Such files indicate the copyright and license terms at the top of the file. Currently these include: