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Feature Extraction


1. Abstract

Feature extraction plays a key role in image recognition, which serves to transform the input image into a fixed dimensional feature vector for subsequent vector search. Good features boast great similarity preservation, i.e., in the feature space, pairs of images with high similarity should have higher feature similarity (closer together), and pairs of images with low similarity should have less feature similarity (further apart). Deep Metric Learning is applied to explore how to obtain features with high representational power through deep learning.

2. Introduction

In order to customize the image recognition task flexibly, the whole network is divided into Backbone, Neck, Head, and Loss. The figure below illustrates the overall structure:


Functions of the above modules :

  • Backbone: Specifies the backbone network to be used. It is worth noting that the ImageNet-based pre-training model provided by PaddleClas has an output of 1000 for the last layer, which demands for customization according to the required feature dimensions.
  • Neck: Used for feature augmentation and feature dimension transformation. Here it can be a simple Linear Layer for feature dimension transformation, or a more complex FPN structure for feature augmentation.
  • Head: Used to transform features into logits. In addition to the common Fc Layer, cosmargin, arcmargin, circlemargin and other modules are all available choices.
  • Loss: Specifies the Loss function to be used. It is designed as a combined form to facilitate the combination of Classification Loss and Pair_wise Loss.

3. Methods

3.1 Backbone

The Backbone part adopts PP-LCNetV2_base, which is based on PPLCNet_V1, including Rep strategy, PW convolution, Shortcut, activation function improvement, SE module improvement After several optimization points, the final classification accuracy is similar to PPLCNet_x2_5, and the inference delay is reduced by 40%*. During the experiment, we made appropriate improvements to PPLCNetV2_base, so that it can achieve higher performance in recognition tasks while keeping the speed basically unchanged, including: removing ReLU and at the end ofPPLCNetV2_base FC, change the stride of the last stage (RepDepthwiseSeparable) to 1.

Note: *The inference environment is based on Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6271C CPU @ 2.60GHz hardware platform, OpenVINO inference platform.

3.2 Neck

We use BN Neck to standardize each dimension of the features extracted by Backbone, reducing difficulty of optimizing metric learning loss and identification loss simultaneously.

3.3 Head

We use FC Layer as the classification head to convert features into logits for classification loss.

3.4 Loss

We use Cross entropy loss and TripletAngularMarginLoss, and we improved the original TripletLoss(TriHard Loss), replacing the optimization objective from L2 Euclidean space to cosine space, adding a hard distance constraint between anchor and positive/negtive, so the generalization ability of the model is improved. For detailed configuration files, see GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml.

3.5 Data Augmentation

We consider that the object may rotate to a certain extent and can not maintain an upright state in real scenes, so we add an appropriate random rotation in the data augmentation to improve the retrieval performance in real scenes.

4. Experimental

We reasonably expanded and optimized the original training data, and finally used a summary of the following 17 public datasets:

Dataset Data Amount Number of Categories Scenario Dataset Address
Aliproduct 2498771 50030 Commodities Address
GLDv2 1580470 81313 Landmark address
VeRI-Wild 277797 30671 Vehicles Address
LogoDet-3K 155427 3000 Logo Address
SOP 59551 11318 Commodities Address
Inshop 25882 3997 Commodities Address
bird400 58388 400 birds address
104flows 12753 104 Flowers Address
Cars 58315 112 Vehicles Address
Fashion Product Images 44441 47 Products Address
flowerrecognition 24123 59 flower address
food-101 101000 101 food address
fruits-262 225639 262 fruits address
inaturalist 265213 1010 natural address
indoor-scenes 15588 67 indoor address
Products-10k 141931 9691 Products Address
CompCars 16016 431 Vehicles Address
Total 6M 192K - -

The final model accuracy metrics are shown in the following table:

Model Latency (ms) Storage (MB) product* Aliproduct VeRI-Wild LogoDet-3k iCartoonFace SOP Inshop gldv2 imdb_face iNat instre sketch sop
recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mrecall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP recall@1 mAP
PP-ShiTuV1_general_rec 5.0 34 65.9 54.3 83.9 83.2 88.7 60.1 86.1 73.6 50.4 27.9 9.5 97.6 90.3
PP-ShiTuV2_general_rec 6.1 19 73.7 61.0 84.2 83.3 87.8 68.8 88.0 63.2 53.6 27.5 71.4 39.3 15.6 98.3 90.9

*The product dataset is a dataset made to verify the generalization performance of PP-ShiTu, and all the data are not present in the training and testing sets. The data contains 7 major categories (cosmetics, landmarks, wine, watches, cars, sports shoes, beverages) and 250 subcategories. When testing, use the labels of 250 small classes for testing; the sop dataset comes from GPR1200: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Content-Based Image Retrieval, which can be regarded as " SOP" dataset.

  • Pre-trained model address: general_PPLCNetV2_base_pretrained_v1.0.pdparams
  • The evaluation metrics used are: Recall@1 and mAP
  • The CPU specific information of the speed test machine is: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz
  • The evaluation conditions of the speed indicator are: MKLDNN is turned on, and the number of threads is set to 10

5. Custom Feature Extraction

Custom feature extraction refers to retraining the feature extraction model according to your own task.

Based on the GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml configuration file, the following describes the main four steps: 1) data preparation; 2) model training; 3) model evaluation; 4) model inference

5.1 Data Preparation

First you need to customize your own dataset based on the task. Please refer to Dataset Format Description for the dataset format and file structure.

After the preparation is complete, it is necessary to modify the content related to the data configuration in the configuration file, mainly including the path of the dataset and the number of categories. As is as shown below:

  • Modify the number of classes:
      name: FC
      embedding_size: *feat_dim
      class_num: 192612 # This is the number of classes
          name: Normal
          std: 0.001
      bias_attr: False
  • Modify the training dataset configuration:
        name: ImageNetDataset
        image_root: ./dataset/ # Here is the directory where the train dataset is located
        cls_label_path: ./dataset/train_reg_all_data_v2.txt # Here is the path of the label file corresponding to the train dataset
        relabel: True
  • Modify the query data configuration in the evaluation dataset:
        name: VeriWild
        image_root: ./dataset/Aliproduct/ # Here is the directory where the query dataset is located
        cls_label_path: ./dataset/Aliproduct/val_list.txt # Here is the path of the label file corresponding to the query dataset
  • Modify the gallery data configuration in the evaluation dataset:
        name: VeriWild
        image_root: ./dataset/Aliproduct/ # This is the directory where the gallery dataset is located
        cls_label_path: ./dataset/Aliproduct/val_list.txt # Here is the path of the label file corresponding to the gallery dataset

5.2 Model training

Model training mainly includes the starting training and restoring training from checkpoint

  • Single machine and single card training
    python3.7 tools/ \
    -c ./ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognitionV2/GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml
  • Single machine multi-card training
    export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3
    python3.7 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" \
    tools/ \
    -c ./ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognitionV2/GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml

Notice: The online evaluation method is used by default in the configuration file. If you want to speed up the training, you can turn off the online evaluation function, just add -o Global.eval_during_train=False after the above scripts.

After training, the final model files latest.pdparams, best_model.pdarams and the training log file train.log will be generated in the output directory. Among them, best_model saves the best model under the current evaluation index, and latest is used to save the latest generated model, which is convenient to resume training from the checkpoint when training task is interrupted. Training can be resumed from a checkpoint by adding -o Global.checkpoints="path_to_resume_checkpoint" to the end of the above training scripts, as shown below.

  • Single machine and single card checkpoint recovery training
    python3.7 tools/ \
    -c ./ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognitionV2/GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml \
    -o Global.checkpoints="output/RecModel/latest"
  • Single-machine multi-card checkpoint recovery training
    export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3
    python3.7 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" \
    tools/ \
    -c ./ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognitionV2/GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml \
    -o Global.checkpoints="output/RecModel/latest"

5.3 Model Evaluation

In addition to the online evaluation of the model during training, the evaluation program can also be started manually to obtain the specified model's accuracy metrics.

  • Single Card Evaluation

    python3.7 tools/ \
    -c ./ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognitionV2/GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml \
    -o Global.pretrained_model="output/RecModel/best_model"
  • Multi Card Evaluation

    export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3
    python3.7 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" \
    tools/ \
    -c ./ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognitionV2/GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml \
    -o Global.pretrained_model="output/RecModel/best_model"

Note: Multi Card Evaluation is recommended. This method can quickly obtain the metric cross all the data by using multi-card parallel computing, which can speed up the evaluation.

5.4 Model Inference

The inference process consists of two steps: 1) Export the inference model; 2) Model inference to obtain feature vectors

5.4.1 Export inference model

First, you need to convert the *.pdparams model file into inference format. The conversion script is as follows.

python3.7 tools/ \
-c ./ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognitionV2/GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="output/RecModel/best_model"

The generated inference model is located in the PaddleClas/inference directory by default, which contains three files, inference.pdmodel, inference.pdiparams, Where inference.pdmodel is used to store the structure of the inference model, inference.pdiparams and are used to store parameter information related to the inference model.

5.4.2 Get feature vector

Use the inference model converted in the previous step to convert the input image into corresponding feature vector. The inference script is as follows.

cd deploy
python3.7 python/ \
-c configs/inference_rec.yaml \
-o Global.rec_inference_model_dir="../inference"

The resulting feature output format is as follows:

wangzai.jpg: [-7.82453567e-02 2.55877394e-02 -3.66694555e-02 1.34572461e-02
  4.39076796e-02 -2.34078392e-02 -9.49947070e-03 1.28221214e-02
  5.53947650e-02 1.01355985e-02 -1.06436480e-02 4.97181974e-02
 -2.21862812e-02 -1.75557341e-02 1.55848479e-02 -3.33278324e-03
 -3.40284109e-02 8.35561901e-02 2.10910216e-02 -3.27066667e-02]

In most cases, just getting the features may not meet the users' requirements. If you want to go further on the image recognition task, you can refer to the document Vector Search.

6. Summary

As a key part of image recognition, the feature extraction module has a lot of points for improvement in the network structure and the the loss function. Different datasets have their own characteristics, such as person re-identification, commodity recognition, face recognition. According to these characteristics, the academic community has proposed various methods, such as PCB, MGN, ArcFace, CircleLoss, TripletLoss, etc., which focus on the ultimate goal of increasing the gap between classes and reducing the gap within classes, so as to make a retrieval model robust enough in most scenes.

7. References

  1. PP-LCNet: A Lightweight CPU Convolutional Neural Network
  2. Bag of Tricks and A Strong Baseline for Deep Person Re-identification