Function | Definition | Arguments | Returns | | Creates a new fluid system | fluid parameter table ( | fluidsystem |
fluidsystem.update | Updates all fluid system simulations | delta time | nil |
fluidsystem.draw | Renders all fluid systems | nil | nil |
fluidsystem.get | Returns a reference to a specified fluid system | id | fluidsystem |
fluidsystem.destroy | Destroys a specified fluid system | id | nil |
fluidsystem.assignBoxCollider | Assigns a box collider to a specified object | object, w, h, mass, static, ox, oy | fluidcollider |
fluidsystem.assignCircleCollider | Assigns a circle collider to a specified object | object, radius, mass, static, offset x, offset y | fluidcollider |
fluidsystem.assignPixelCollider | Assigns a pixel collider to a specified object | object, scale x, scale y, imagedata, mass, static, offset x, offset y | fluidcollider |
fluidsystem.boxCollision | Performs a box collision test | collider a, collider b | boolean |
fluidsystem.circleCollision | Performs a circle collision test | collider a, collider b | boolean |
fluidsystem.pixelCollision | Performs a pixel collision test | collider a, collider b | boolean |
fluidsystem.boxResolution | Resolves collision for a box collider | collider a, collider b, friction, damping | nil |
fluidsystem.innerBoxResolution | Resolves collision for the inside edges of a box collider | collider a, collider b, friction | nil |
fluidsystem.circleResolution | Resolves collision for a circle collider | collider a, collider b, damping | float, float |
fluidsystem.pixelResolution | Resolves collision for a pixel collider | collider a, collider b | nil |
fluidsystem.confineResolution | Confines a collider in a given area | collider, friction, x, y, width, height | nil |
The collision functions have not been completely documented yet. There is commented guide to using these in the fluidsystem.lua file.
Function | Definition | Arguments | Returns |
system:addParticle | Creates a new particle | x, y, velocity x, velocity y, color, radius, mass | particle |
system:removeParticle | Removes a particle from a system | id | nil |
system:removeAllParticles | Removes all particles in a system | nil | nil |
system:returnParticleCount | Returns the sum of particles in a system | nil | int |
system:applyImpulse | Applies an impulse to all particles in a system | x, y, force, radius | nil |
system:addAffector | Creates a new force affect in a system | x, y, force, radius | affector |
system:removeAffector | Removes an affector from a system | id | nil |
system:removeAllAffectors | Removes all affectors from a system | nil | nil |
system:returnAffectorCount | Returns the sum of affectors in a system | nil | int |
system:addCollider | Assigns a new fluid collider to a system | collider | collider |
system:removeCollider | Removes a collider from a system | collider | nil |
system:removeAllColliders | Removes all colliders from a system | nil | nil |
system:returnColliderCount | Returns the sum of colliders in a system | nil | int |
system:newQuad | Generates a new quad for the system's quadtree | x, y, width, height, level, parent quad | quad |
system:updateQuadtreeCollider | Validates a collider for the quadtree | collider | nil |
system:constructVectorTable | Takes in a table and filters out the x and y variables into a new table | table | table |
system:generateFluidshader | Generates a system's fluidshader | nil | nil |
system:updateFluidshader | Updates a system's fluidshader | nil | nil |
system:simulate | Calculates a frame of a system's simulation | delta time | nil |
system:draw | Draws a frame of a system's simulation | nil | nil |