🌱 I’m currently learning
- Software Engineering
- Data Science, Machine learning and Artificial Inteligence
Let`s Talk about #coding #softwareengineering #softawearchitecture #datascience #machinelearning
- Use of the FITS file and the astropy library to analise HorseHead Nebula: https://github.com/carsimoes/brightest-pixel-horsehead
- .NET Core 6 integration with Elasticsearch using Facade Pattern: https://github.com/carsimoes/Elasticsearch_Indice_Worker
- Data analysis on the Spotify database: https://github.com/carsimoes/space-is-rock
- Fish obesity classifier with Support vector Classifier (SVM) concept: https://github.com/carsimoes/FishObesity
- Python model that performs the prediction of happiness by GDP (Gross Domestic Product): https://github.com/carsimoes/MoneyAndHappiness
- Builder Pattern in C#: https://github.com/carsimoes/design-pattern-builder
- Avoid If: https://github.com/carsimoes/avoid-if