Heffalump is an endless honeypot that gives malicious bots nightmares. To use, in your robots.txt tell robots not to go to a certain URL, which heffalump is reverse proxying. Any web agent that does go to the URL will receive an endless stream of random data, which will overflow its memory and/or storage if it doesn't have a max buffer size set or at the very least severely waste its time.
The source of the honeypot data is Once On a Time, one of A. A. Milne's most beloved and most public domain works.
Live example: Do not follow this link. It will flood your browser's memory and likely cause a crash.
First install Go.
If you just want to install the binary to your current directory and don't care about the source code, run
GOBIN=$(pwd) GOPATH=$(mktemp -d) go get github.com/carlmjohnson/heffalump
Usage of heffalump:
heffalump [opts]
heffalump serves an endless HTTP honeypot
-addr string
Address to serve (default "")
-path string
Path to serve from. Path ending in / serves sub-paths. (default "/")