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Parsing Experiments on github


Parsing Expression Grammar

This project is mainly targetted to parsing Haskell programs. To do so it uses a parsing expression grammar. The grammar is written using variables which represent either terminal or non-terminal symbols, combined into expressions that represent the derivation of further non-terminals including the start symbol. The operators in the expressions represent how the symbols combine to derive the non-terminal.

In this project, rules create objects derived from ParserBase. These objects should be held in shared_ptr<ParserBase> variables. Having such an object, to use it to parse, one creates a shared_ptr<ParseState> from a string and passes it to the operator() of the ParserBase object.

Thus one combines the ParserBase objects using an expression that generates a more complex ParserBase object which represents the non-terminal.

The combinators, or means of combining the objects in this project are:

  • && -- The sequence operator
  • || -- The choice operator
  • Rloop -- A loop in which a pair of symbols alternates to make a list. One symbol, such as a comma, acts as the connector.
  • Rloop2 -- A form of Rloop in which the connector is expected to appear at the end.
  • Repeat0 -- Zero or more repetitions of one symbol
  • Repeat -- One or more repetitions of one symbol
  • Optional -- Zero or one appearances of one symbol

The simplest built-in ParserBase object is class tch<int> which recognizes one character whose value is that of the integer. Fixed sequences of characters can be recognized with ttoken<const char match[]>. So

auto space = make_shared<tch<' '>>(); // recognize one space
auto tab = make_shared<tch<'\t'>>(); // recognize one tab
auto whitespace = Repeat0(space || tab); // recognize an arbitrary sequence of spaces and tabs.

The peg.h library in this project actually has a template Skipwhite<> that skips whitespace and then invokes a parser of its argument's type, so a symbol can be recognized with white space coming before it. And explicit mention of whitespace is seldom necessary because all of the combinators except Repeat and Repeat0 skip whitespace.

Parsers, whether by themselves or combined, return ParseResult objects, which consist of an AST object and a ParseState object. The ParseState is just where parsing should continue from now that the symbol has been recognized, and the AST is some representation of the parsed symbol. The common AST types are CharAST from the tch template, StringAST from the ttoken template, and WSequence from the sequence operator && or the repetition combinators. The ParseState object also implements a memoization system. The time performance of PEG's can be poor without memoization. The ParserBase operator() which drives parsing consults the ParseResult cache before parsing a given symbol at a given position in the input and returns the previously-computed result if there is one.

In order to keep track of things either in a debugger or a log, it is handy to be able to attach names to parsers. ParserBase's constructor takes a name parameter for this reason. Most of the built-in parsers either construct a name from their parameters or accept a name as a parameter. Also, the ChoicesName function returns a Choices object with a name given to it, so that a multiple-choice expression is built into that Choices object and is given that name. Similarly SequenceName can be used to name sequences. This is easier to understand given an explanation of the sequence and choice operators. The choice operator|| is overloaded to take two combinations of operand pairs. One overload takes two ParserBase objects and makes a Choices object containing references to the two ParserBase objects. The other takes a Choices object as the left operand and a ParserBase as the right operand and returns the same Choices object with another ParserBase appended to the Choices' ParserBase collection. The operator&& is overloaded similarly with ParserBase and WSequence arguments. The W in the name WSequence represents that the sequence has implicit skipping of white space. The Choices object created by the ChoicesName function has no parsers. If used as follows, it helps naturally apply names within expressions:

auto operand = ChoicesName("factor") || identifier || literal;
auto oper = ChoicesName("oper") || make_shared<tch<'+'>> || make_shared<tch<'*'>>;
auto expression = SequenceName("expression") && operand && Repeat0(oper && operand); 

Occasionally a non-terminal will refer to itself directly or indirectly in a way that cannot be factored out. The 'ParserReference' object can be used to close a loop that arises this way. One names a ParserReference variable after the symbol it shall represent, references it in the right-hand sides of the expressions that need to refer to that symbol, and then writes the expression ' that defines the symbol. Then one 'resolves' the reference.

auto expressionRef = make_shared<ParserReference>();
auto operand = ChoicesName("factor") || identifier || literal 
				|| (make_shared<tch<'('>>() && expressionRef && make_shared<tch<')'>>())
auto oper = ChoicesName("oper") || make_shared<tch<'+'>> || make_shared<tch<'*'>>;
auto expression = SequenceName("expression") && operand && Repeat0(oper && operand); 

The AST objects generated by this generic framework can be printed out and understood as a representation of the syntax tree of the input text, but leave something to be desired in representing the potential semantics of the constructs recognized. This deficiency can be remedied using the ActionCaller parser and the Action combinator. The Action combinator takes a transformation function and a parser and returns an ActionCaller parser which will call the transformation function if the parser is successful. This stuff is being used in a small way, mostly to log that certain constructs have been recognized. Use of it can be made to generate specific AST objects from generic ones, and to restructure the AST of a non-terminal based on semantics. For example, a proper ExpressionAST could be generated from the SequenceAST that the expression parser above would generate:

class ExpressionAST : public AST { ... };
ASTPtr Expression(const ASTPtr& ast)
	SequenceAST* sequence = dynamic_cast<SequenceAST*>(ast.get());
	auto newAST = make_shared<ExpressionAST>();
	// work on rearranging sequence into expression
	return newAST;
auto expression = Action(Expression, 
	SequenceName("expression") && operand && Repeat0(oper && operand));

A brief comparison with implementation possibilities in other libraries and languages is in order. The Boost Spirit library aims at the same goal and on review appears to be more complete and to do more at compile time. The ParSec library for Haskell lets the recognizers be functions instead of objects and Haskell offers more flexibility in defining operators AND their precedence AND their associativity, possibly giving a cleaner notation. If one understands that the result of my operators and combinators is not the process of parsing but the specification of how the process will be done, then one begins to see that this is possible in languages even less advanced than C++. For example in C the terminals could be recognized with individually-written functions, a few struct's could be developed that specified how to use combinations of parsers and the templates and operator overloads are not strictly necessary.

The Haskell-specific code in peghs.cpp contains objects for recognizing the lexemes of Haskell, including its very specific versions of literals and comments. These are used in a first layout pass to determine where to insert semicolons and curly braces, and then in a second pass to recognize the program. The reference syntax of Chapter 10 of the Haskell 2010 report has been more-or-less faithfully translated into the PEG framework above, in a series of expressions spanning roughly 400 lines, supported by Haskell-specific parsers for Haskell lexemes spanning an additional 1000 lines. The resulting parser has been tested and found to recognize a small number of Haskell programs. It may well recognize even more, but it is too early to make extravagant claims.

I don't think GHC uses a PEG to parse Haskell. A report from the early 90's on a Haskell implementation project done for a master's degree used a custom lexer driving a layout layer into a yacc parser and barely managed (as I would describe it) to parse Haskell in that LALR(1) framework. I wrote part of a parser in C++ in recursive descent and the syntax part was looking very tedious. It did recognize a couple of Haskell fragments that did not originate with me, but there were a lot of productions left to do and some of them didn't look amenable to classic recursive descent.

Why write a Haskell implementation? Why did Frege write Begriffsschrift? Well obviously Frege was doing something much more original than this work. I've done two Scheme implementations, the compiler somewhat less complete than the interpreter that the compiler ran on. I am ultimately interested in much more dynamic programs than compilers. The programs I am interested in are usually considered far too dynamic and demanding to be implemented in languages other than C or C++, but I want to explore the space at its frontier instead of its cozy interior. Eventually I will most likely turn to compilers maintained by others when I get back to writing these dynamic programs.

This code has been compiled with VS Express 2010 and with GCC 4.5.3.


Parsing Experiments on github






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