From 4e8c75a0ce051e1e865eb4d892e82aafaefa5156 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Heinrich Apfelmus <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 16:09:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add `elaborates` function for comparing specifications

 lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal               |  2 +
 .../src/Language/FineTypes/Elaborate.hs       | 69 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 71 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/fine-types/src/Language/FineTypes/Elaborate.hs

diff --git a/lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal b/lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal
index a604698..211df77 100644
--- a/lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal
+++ b/lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ library
+  other-modules:
+    Language.FineTypes.Elaborate
 test-suite unit
   import:      language, opts-exe
diff --git a/lib/fine-types/src/Language/FineTypes/Elaborate.hs b/lib/fine-types/src/Language/FineTypes/Elaborate.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0abb84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fine-types/src/Language/FineTypes/Elaborate.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+module Language.FineTypes.Elaborate
+    ( elaborates
+    ) where
+import Prelude
+import Language.FineTypes.Typ
+    ( Typ (..), OpTwo (..) )
+    Elaboration
+-- | Type A elaborates type B if it adds more specific information,
+-- such as field or constructor names, while representing the same structure.
+-- Specifically,
+-- * Every type elaborates 'Abstract'.
+-- * A record type with field names elaborates a product.
+-- * A sum type with constructor names elaborates a disjoint sum.
+elaborates :: Typ -> Typ -> Bool
+elaborates _ Abstract = True
+elaborates (Var name1) (Var name2) = name1 == name2
+elaborates (Zero c1) (Zero c2) = c1 == c2
+elaborates (One op1 a1) (One op2 a2)
+    = op1 == op2 && elaborates a1 a2
+elaborates (Two op1 a1 b1) (Two op2 a2 b2)
+    = op1 == op2 && elaborates a1 a2 && elaborates b1 b2
+elaborates (ProductN fields) a
+    | Just components <- matchProduct a =
+        elaboratesSeq (map snd fields) components
+    | otherwise = False
+elaborates (SumN fields) a
+    | Just summands <- matchSum a =
+        elaboratesSeq (map snd fields) summands
+    | otherwise = False
+elaborates _ _ = False
+-- | Check whether a sequence of types elaborates another sequence.
+elaboratesSeq:: [Typ] -> [Typ] -> Bool
+elaboratesSeq [] [] = True
+elaboratesSeq (x:xs) (y:ys) = elaborates x y && elaboratesSeq xs ys
+elaboratesSeq _ _ = False
+-- | Match a type @X@ against a product @A1 × A2 × … × An@
+-- with at least two components.
+-- Association does not matter, i.e. @(A × B) × C = A × (B × C)@ have
+-- the same components.
+matchProduct :: Typ -> Maybe [Typ]
+matchProduct typ = case typ of
+    e@(Two Product2 _ _) -> Just $ match e
+    _ -> Nothing
+  where
+    match (Two Product2 a b) = match a <> match b
+    match e = [e]
+-- | Match a type @X@ against a sum @A1 ⊎ A2 ⊎ … ⊎ An@
+-- with at least two summands.
+-- Association does not matter, i.e. @(A ⊎ B) ⊎ C = A ⊎ (B ⊎ C)@ have
+-- the same summands.
+matchSum :: Typ -> Maybe [Typ]
+matchSum typ = case typ of
+    e@(Two Sum2 _ _) -> Just $ match e
+    _ -> Nothing
+  where
+    match (Two Sum2 a b) = match a <> match b
+    match e = [e]

From 16bee445ad169bd1bd937bc89ddbf116bf38e9e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Heinrich Apfelmus <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 16:30:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] wip: Add `Embedding` of `Typ`

 lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal               |   2 +
 .../src/Language/FineTypes/Embedding.hs       | 256 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../test/Language/FineTypes/EmbeddingSpec.hs  |  69 +++++
 3 files changed, 327 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/fine-types/src/Language/FineTypes/Embedding.hs
 create mode 100644 lib/fine-types/test/Language/FineTypes/EmbeddingSpec.hs

diff --git a/lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal b/lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal
index 211df77..f6ca95e 100644
--- a/lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal
+++ b/lib/fine-types/fine-types.cabal
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ library
     , yaml
+    Language.FineTypes.Embedding
@@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ test-suite unit
+    Language.FineTypes.EmbeddingSpec
diff --git a/lib/fine-types/src/Language/FineTypes/Embedding.hs b/lib/fine-types/src/Language/FineTypes/Embedding.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d64a429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fine-types/src/Language/FineTypes/Embedding.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
+{-# HLINT ignore "Use lambda-case" #-}
+module Language.FineTypes.Embedding where
+import Prelude
+import Control.Monad
+    ((>=>))
+import Language.FineTypes.Typ
+    ( Typ )
+import Language.FineTypes.Value
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Language.FineTypes.Typ as Typ
+    Embedding
+-- | An 'Embedding' from a type A into a type B
+-- is a many-to-one correspondence from the second type to the first.
+-- > from . to = id
+-- See Wadler's introduction to Agda
+data Embedding a b = Embedding
+    { to :: a -> b
+    , from :: b -> a
+    }
+-- | An 'EmbeddingV' is a dynamically typed embedding of 'Value' into 'Value'.
+-- Specifically, if @a `hasTyp` ta@ and @typecheck e ta == Just tb@,
+-- then @to e a == b@ and @b `hasTyp tab@.
+-- The result of @to e a@ can be 'undefined' if the value @a@ does
+-- not have the expected 'Typ', that is @typecheck e ta == Nothing tb@.
+data EmbeddingTyp = EmbeddingTyp
+    { embed :: Embedding Value Value
+        -- ^ Embedding of 'Value's from one 'Typ' into the other.
+    , typecheck :: Typ -> Maybe Typ
+        -- ^ Check whether the 'Embedding' works on the given 'Typ'.
+    }
+-- Design Question: Return the embedding as part of the type check?
+    Functorial operations
+-- | Composition of embeddings. Right-to-left.
+-- > to (embed (ebc <> eab)) = to (embed ebc) . to (embed eab)
+instance Semigroup EmbeddingTyp where
+    ebc <> eab = EmbeddingTyp
+        { embed = Embedding
+            { to = to (embed ebc) . to (embed eab)
+            , from = from (embed eab) . from (embed ebc)
+            }
+        , typecheck = typecheck eab >=> typecheck ebc
+        }
+instance Monoid EmbeddingTyp where
+    mempty = EmbeddingTyp
+        { embed = Embedding { to = id, from = id }
+        , typecheck = Just
+        }
+-- | Operate on the argument of an unary operation.
+map1 :: EmbeddingTyp -> EmbeddingTyp
+map1 ee = EmbeddingTyp
+    { embed = Embedding
+        { to = \a -> case a of
+            One x -> One (fmap' (to e) x)
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: map1, to"
+        , from = \b -> case b of
+            One x -> One (fmap' (from e) x)
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: map1, from"
+        }
+    , typecheck = \t -> case t of
+        Typ.One op a -> Typ.One op <$> typecheck ee a
+        _ -> Nothing
+    }
+  where
+    e = embed ee
+    fmap' :: (Value -> Value) -> OneF Value -> OneF Value
+    fmap' f (Option a) = Option (f <$> a)
+    fmap' f (Sequence a) = Sequence (f <$> a)
+    fmap' f (PowerSet a) = PowerSet ( f a)
+-- | Operate on the first argument of a 'Product' or 'Sum'.
+first' :: EmbeddingTyp -> EmbeddingTyp
+first' ee = EmbeddingTyp
+    { embed = Embedding
+        { to = \a -> case a of
+            Product [x,y] -> Product [to e x, y]
+            Sum 0 x -> Sum 0 $ to e x
+            Sum 1 _ -> a
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: first', to"
+        , from = \b -> case b of
+            Product [x2,y2] -> Product [from e x2, y2]
+            Sum 0 x2 -> Sum 0 $ from e x2
+            Sum 1 _ -> b
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: first', from"
+        }
+    , typecheck = \t -> case t of
+        Typ.Two fun a0 b
+            | fun == Typ.Sum2 || fun == Typ.Product2
+                -> (\a1 -> Typ.Two fun a1 b) <$> typecheck ee a0
+        _ -> Nothing
+    }
+  where
+    e = embed ee
+-- | Operate on the first argument of a 'Product' or 'Sum'.
+second' :: EmbeddingTyp -> EmbeddingTyp
+second' ee = EmbeddingTyp
+    { embed = Embedding
+        { to = \a -> case a of
+            Product [x,y] -> Product [x, to e y]
+            Sum 0 _ -> a
+            Sum 1 y -> Sum 1 $ to e y
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: second', to"
+        , from = \b -> case b of
+            Product [x2, y2] -> Product [x2, from e y2]
+            Sum 0 _ -> b
+            Sum 1 y2 -> Sum 1 $ from e y2
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: second', from"
+        }
+    , typecheck = \t -> case t of
+        Typ.Two fun a b0
+            | fun == Typ.Sum2 || fun == Typ.Product2
+                -> Typ.Two fun a <$> typecheck ee b0
+        _ -> Nothing
+    }
+  where
+    e = embed ee
+-- | Associative law for products.
+-- > (A × B) × C  =>  A × (B × C)
+assocR :: EmbeddingTyp
+assocR = EmbeddingTyp
+    { embed = Embedding
+        { to = \t -> case t of
+            Product [Product [a,b],c] -> Product [a, Product [b,c]]
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: assocR, to"
+        , from = \t -> case t of
+            Product [a, Product [b,c]] -> Product [Product [a,b],c]
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: assocR, from"
+        }
+    , typecheck = \t -> case t of
+        Typ.Two Typ.Product2 (Typ.Two Typ.Product2 a b) c
+            -> Just $ Typ.Two Typ.Product2 a (Typ.Two Typ.Product2 b c)
+        _ -> Nothing
+    }
+    Basic algebra
+-- | Unit law for a monoid.
+-- > () ↦0 A  =>  A
+unit0 :: Value -> EmbeddingTyp
+unit0 zero = EmbeddingTyp
+    { embed = Embedding
+        { to = \a -> case a of
+            Two (FiniteMap m)
+                -> Map.findWithDefault zero (Zero Unit) m
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: unit0, to"
+        , from =
+            Two . FiniteMap . Map.singleton (Zero Unit)
+        }
+    , typecheck = \t -> case t of
+        Typ.Two Typ.FiniteSupport (Typ.Zero Typ.Unit) s -> Just s
+        _ -> Nothing
+    }
+-- | Exponential law(s)
+-- > (A ⊎ B) ↦0 C  =>  (A ↦0 C) × (B ↦0 C)
+-- > (A ⊎ B) ↦  C  =>  (A ↦ C)  × (B ↦ C)
+exponential :: EmbeddingTyp
+exponential = EmbeddingTyp
+    { embed = Embedding
+        { to = \a -> case a of
+            Two (FiniteMap m) ->
+                Product
+                    [ Two $ FiniteMap (left m)
+                    , Two $ FiniteMap (right m)
+                    ]
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: exponential, to"
+        , from = \b -> case b of
+            Product
+                [ Two (FiniteMap ml)
+                , Two (FiniteMap mr)
+                ]
+                -> Two $ FiniteMap (plus ml mr)
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: exponential, from"
+        }
+    , typecheck = \t -> case t of
+        Typ.Two fun (Typ.Two Typ.Sum2 a b) c
+            | fun == Typ.FiniteSupport || fun == Typ.PartialFunction
+            -> Just $ Typ.Two Typ.Product2 (Typ.Two fun a c) (Typ.Two fun b c)
+        _ -> Nothing
+    }
+  where
+    plus ml mr
+        = Map.mapKeys (Sum 0) ml <> Map.mapKeys (Sum 1) mr
+    left = withKeys matchLeft
+    right = withKeys matchRight
+    withKeys f
+        = Map.mapKeys fromSum
+        . Map.mapMaybeWithKey f
+    fromSum (Sum _ x) = x
+    fromSum _ = error "exponential: expected Sum"
+    matchLeft (Sum 0 _) v = Just v
+    matchLeft _ _ = Nothing
+    matchRight (Sum 1 _) v = Just v
+    matchRight _ _ = Nothing
+    Conversions
+-- | Representation of finite maps as sequences of pairs.
+-- > A ↦ B   =>  (A × B)*
+-- > A ↦0 B   =>  (A × B)*
+representMap :: EmbeddingTyp
+representMap = EmbeddingTyp
+    { embed = Embedding
+        { to = \a -> case a of
+            Two (FiniteMap m) -> valueFromList (Map.toList m)
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: representMap, to"
+        , from = \b -> case b of
+            One (Sequence xs) ->
+                Two $ FiniteMap
+                    $ Map.fromList [ (x,y) | Product [x,y] <- xs ]
+            _ -> error "Typ(e) error in: representMap, from"
+        }
+    , typecheck = \t -> case t of
+        Typ.Two Typ.PartialFunction a b
+            -> Just $ Typ.One Typ.Sequence (Typ.Two Typ.Product2 a b)
+        Typ.Two Typ.FiniteSupport a b
+            -> Just $ Typ.One Typ.Sequence (Typ.Two Typ.Product2 a b)
+        _ -> Nothing
+    }
+  where
+    valueFromList = One . Sequence . map (\(a,b) -> Product [a,b])
diff --git a/lib/fine-types/test/Language/FineTypes/EmbeddingSpec.hs b/lib/fine-types/test/Language/FineTypes/EmbeddingSpec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f46d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fine-types/test/Language/FineTypes/EmbeddingSpec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+module Language.FineTypes.EmbeddingSpec
+    ( spec
+    ) where
+import Prelude
+import Language.FineTypes.Embedding
+    ( assocR
+    , exponential
+    , first'
+    , map1
+    , representMap
+    , second'
+    , typecheck
+    , unit0
+    )
+import Language.FineTypes.Module
+    ( Module (..), resolveVars )
+import Language.FineTypes.Parser
+    ( parseFineTypes )
+import Language.FineTypes.Typ
+    ( OpTwo (..), TypName, Typ (..), everywhere )
+import Test.Hspec
+    ( Spec
+    , describe
+    , it
+    , shouldBe
+    )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Language.FineTypes.Value as Value
+    Tests
+spec :: Spec
+spec = do
+    describe "Embedding" $ do
+        it "works on UTxO types" $ do
+            Just hs <- parseFineTypes <$> readFile "test/data/HaskellUTxO.fine"
+            Just js <- parseFineTypes <$> readFile "test/data/JsonUTxO.fine"
+            let hsValue = forgetNames $ resolve hs "Value"
+                jsValue = forgetNames $ resolve js "Value"
+                zero = Value.Zero (Value.Integer 0)
+                emb = second' (map1 assocR <> representMap)
+                    <> first' (unit0 zero)
+                    <> exponential
+            typecheck emb hsValue `shouldBe` Just jsValue
+-- | Resolve the 'Typ' corresponding to a name.
+-- The result will not contain 'Var'.
+resolve :: Module -> TypName -> Typ
+resolve m name = resolveVars declarations typ
+  where
+    typ = declarations Map.! name
+    declarations = moduleDeclarations m
+-- | Forget all field and constructor names.
+forgetNames :: Typ -> Typ
+forgetNames = everywhere forget
+  where
+    forget (ProductN nas@(_:_)) =
+        foldr (Two Product2 . snd) (snd $ last nas) (init nas)
+    forget (SumN  nas@(_:_)) =
+        foldr (Two Sum2 . snd) (snd $ last nas) (init nas)
+    forget x = x