update Result.flatZip signature
update Result.flatZip signature
update signatures
update signatures
Merge branch 'async-stuff' into test-case-extension
Merge branch 'async-stuff' into test-case-extension
add tests for Result.all & Result.validate
add tests for Result.all & Result.validate
add Result.all & Result.validate
add Result.all & Result.validate
add Result.all & Result.validate
add Result.all & Result.validate
fix Option.flatZip nesting
fix Option.flatZip nesting
add branching tests for option
add branching tests for option
add more exhaustive branching tests
add more exhaustive branching tests
clarify test suite names
clarify test suite names
add permutation tests
add permutation tests
fix ctx contamination (poc - map and flatMap)
fix ctx contamination (poc - map and flatMap)
fix ctx contamination (poc - map and flatMap)
fix ctx contamination (poc - map and flatMap)
add branching tests
add branching tests
fix broken test cases
fix broken test cases
fix flatZip error slot check
fix flatZip error slot check
Merge branch 'dev' into async-stuff
Merge branch 'dev' into async-stuff
update result internals to be async chainable (zip, flatZip left)
update result internals to be async chainable (zip, flatZip left)
fix: remove the nesting for tap function example
fix: remove the nesting for tap function example
refactor/docs: add real life examples, elaborate the functions on Res…
refactor/docs: add real life examples, elaborate the functions on Res…