A simple keyword-based antispam bot for Telegram, written in Go.
- Keyword-based message filtering
- Easy to set up and deploy
- Dockerized for easy deployment
- Go 1.22 (for building the binary)
- Docker (for containerized deployment)
The app uses environment variables to configure it. For example, .env
file with the following content can be used:
TELEGRAM__TOKEN=xxx:yyyyy # bot token from @BotFather
TELEGRAM__ADMIN_ID=123456789 # admin id
CENSOR__BLACKLIST='x,y,z' # list of banned words, separated by comma
Replace placeholders with your actual values.
The simplest way to run the app is to use Docker.
docker run -d --name censor-tg-bot --env-file .env capcom6/censor-tg-bot
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
Distributed under the Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE for more information.