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Formatting Events using Liquid

Akinori Musha edited this page Jan 11, 2025 · 47 revisions


Liquid is a template engine developed by Shopify, it was designed to have a simple markup and to be non evaluating and secure. You can read more about it at it's homepage or the GitHub repository.

Basic usage of Liquid

For some simple examples have a look at the HipChat or Pushbullet agents. Given the payload of the event your agents consumes is a hash with just one key named message you would just need to write {{message}} to dynamically use the value of this key.

To format the output you can use filters, they basically work like UNIX pipes:
{{ 'hello' | replace: 'hello', 'hi' | upcase }} would output HI.
(See docs for replace, and upcase.)

For a complete list of build-in filters have a look at the documentation at Shopify.

Objects provided by Huginn


An Event object is essentially a hash created by an upstream Agent. There are also some special keys listed below, which are available unless the hash has keys with the same name.

Key Description
_location_ contains location information bound to the event, which has the following keys: latitude (alias lat), longitude (alias lng), radius, course and speed. This is set by some agents that deal with location.
agent refers to the upstream Agent which created the Event.
created_at refers to the timestamp of the Event.


An Agent object has the following keys (excerpt).

Key Description
type returns the type name, e.g. "HipchatAgent".
name returns the name.
options returns the options hash.
memory returns the memory hash.
sources returns an array of the upstream Agents.
receivers returns an array of the downstream Agents.
disabled returns a boolean value that indicates if the Agent is in a disabled state.

Filters added by Huginn

Filter Description
uri_escape returns a URI escaped string, useful when generating URL query strings.
to_uri parses an input into a URI object, optionally resolving it against a base URI if given.
rebase_hrefs takes a fragment of HTML/XML and replaces all relative URL references in it with their absolute URLs, using a given URL as base.
uri_expand returns the destination URL of a given URL by recursively following redirects, up to 5 times in a row.
unescape unescapes (basic) HTML entities in a string. This currently decodes the following entities only: ', ", <, >, &, &#dd; and &#xhh;.
to_xpath returns an XPath literal or expression that evaluates to the original string for use in a WebsiteAgent.
regex_extract extract a matching substring found in a string. It takes a regex pattern followed by an optional group index. e.g. To capture a version number from a phrase {% assign phrase = "Product version 1.0.5 has been released." %}, try this: {{ phrase | regex_extract: "[\d.]+" }} or more specifically: {{ phrase | regex_extract: "version (?<ver>[\d.]+)", "ver" }} / {{ phrase | regex_extract: "version ([\d.]+)", 1 }} (New feature since 2023-02-19)
regex_replace & regex_replace_first replace all/first regex matching strings with a substring. Very similar to the built in replace.
json takes the object provided and serializes it into a JSON string: {{ data | json }}
as_object Returns a Ruby object
group_by groups an array of items by a a property (analogous to array.group_by(&:property_name) in ruby)



A URI object will have the following properties: scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, and fragment. You'll have to "assign" the result to a variable in order to access these properties.


A typical use case is in the template option of a WebsiteAgent, where it takes an extracted HTML fragment to resolve relative references in it like this: {{ content | rebase_hrefs: _request_.url }}


If a given string is not a valid absolute HTTP URL or in case of too many redirects, the original string is returned. If any network/protocol error occurs while following redirects, the last URL followed is returned.

e.g. When a variable short_url contains a URL "", {{ short_url | uri_expand }} expands to "".


For example, suppose you are making a WebsiteAgent that receives an event with a word to look up on a glossary web page to create a new event. It would have to dynamically build an XPath expression like this:

//dl/dt[text()={{word | to_xpath}}][1]/following-sibling::dd[1]/text()

It is more robust to use the filter here than to put '{{word}}' or "{{word}}", in that it wouldn't blow up the whole expression even if word contained the apostrophe, quotation mark, or both. You can also use this with the _response_ object to do extract and escape some header, such as {{ _response_.headers.Content-Type | to_xpath }}.

regex_replace & regex_replace_first

For example, if foobar contains the string "foobaz foobaz", then {{ foobar | regex_replace: '(\S+)baz', 'qux\1' }} would result in "quxfoo quxfoo". You can use any regex supported by the Ruby Regexp class, as documented here.

You can use escape sequences in both the regex and the replacement parameters of these filter functions, such as \t, \r, \n, \xXX and \u{XXXX}. In the replacement parameter, numbered capture groups \1..\9 are supported, as well as named capture groups \k<name>, \&, \`, \', etc.

Beware that Liquid itself does not have the concept of backslash escaping, so you cannot escape quote characters like "\"". Instead, use \x22 when you need to put the double quote character in a double quoted string literal, e.g. {{ text | regex_replace: "\x22(.*?)\x22", "\1" }}.


It can be used as a JSONPath replacement for Agents that only support Liquid:

Event:   {"something": {"nested": {"data": 1}}}
Liquid:  {{something.nested | as_object}}
Returns: {"data": 1}

Splitting up a string with Liquid filters and return the Array:

Event:   {"data": "A,B,C"}
Liquid:  {{data | split: ',' | as_object}}
Returns: ['A', 'B', 'C']

as_object ALWAYS has to be the last filter in a Liquid expression!

Note that as_object will explicitly cast an integer without the quotes when input that way, whereas normally integers would be output as strings by Liquid formatting. For example if in JSON you need to return an object in format { "id": 123 } you would likely need to use as_object like { "id": {{item | as_object }} }. Using { "id": {{item}} } would change the result to { "id": "123" } perhaps unexpectedly.


Example usage:

{% assign posts_by_author = site.posts | group_by: "author" %}
{% for author in posts_by_author %}
    {% for post in author.items %}
        <dd><a href="{{post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a></dd>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Tags added by Huginn

Tag Description
credential returns the stored user credential for the given credential name.
line_break evaluates to a literal line break in the text, i.e. a \n character.
regex_replace & regex_replace_first replace every occurrence of a given regex pattern in the first "in" block with the result of the "with" block in which the variable match is set for each iteration



Usage: {% credential USER_CREDENTIAL_NAME %}

Note: there are no back-quotes around the credential name; the name is case sensitive and has to match the store user credential name exactly.


Usage: {% line_break %}

Note: that there are no quotes or back ticks around the tag.
(Note: for HTML emails, you may want to use <br> instead.)

regex_replace & regex_replace_first

Can be used as follows:

  • match[0] or just match: the whole matching string
  • match[1]..match[n]: strings matching the numbered capture groups
  • match.size: total number of the elements above (n+1)
  • match.names: array of names of named capture groups
  • match[name]..: strings matching the named capture groups
  • match.pre_match: string preceding the match
  • match.post_match: string following the match
  • match.***: equivalent to match['***'] unless it conflicts with the existing methods above

If named captures ((?<name>...)) are used in the pattern, they are also made accessible as variables. Note that if numbered captures are used mixed with named captures, you could get unexpected results.

Example usage:

{% regex_replace "\w+" in %}Use me like this.{% with %}{{ match | capitalize }}{% endregex_replace %}
{% assign fullname = "Doe, John A." %}
{% regex_replace_first "\A(?<name1>.+), (?<name2>.+)\z" in %}{{ fullname }}{% with %}{{ name2 }} {{ name1 }}{% endregex_replace_first %}

Use Me Like This.

John A. Doe

More complete usage example

In this example a HipchatAgent will consume events emitted by an BasecampAgent.

Basecamp events will look like this (trimmed down for better readability):

    "creator": {
        "name": "Dominik Sander",
    "excerpt": "test test",
    "summary": "commented on whaat",
    "action": "commented on",
    "target": "whaat",
    "html_url": ""

Now we generate a nice HTML formatted message using Liquid. This is the HipchatAgent options hash:

    "auth_token": "token",
    "room_name": "test",
    "username": "{{}}",
    "message": "{{summary}}<br>{{excerpt}}<br><a href='{{html_url}}'>View it on Basecamp</a>",
    "notify": false,
    "color": "yellow"

More Examples

  • Removing newlines from a string: {{foo | strip_newlines}}

  • Handling dates in Liquid: Dates are stored as the number of seconds since the epoch (1st Jan 1970) and can be handled as an integer using Filters. For example, an integer variable dateVar which stores the date in milliseconds can be output as a formatted date string by first dividing by 1000, and then using Liquid's date formatting Filter as follows:

    {{ dateVar | divided_by: 1000 | date: "%c" }}

    To insert the current date and time:

    {{ 'now' | date: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' }}

    Other readable date output formats are available, see the reference page:

  • See this comment for an example of extracting data in a loop.

  • Limit the description of an RSS feed to 500 characters with the following code for the EventFormattingAgent:

        "instructions": {
            "title": "<a href=\"{{url}}\">{{title}}<\/a>",
            "description": "{{description | truncate: 500 }}"
        "matchers": [],
        "mode": "clean"
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