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Software Function List
This document lists all software dependencies of the onebusaway-nyc project. For convenience, these dependencies are broken up into 3 categories:
- Software components
- Ruby packages via RVM
- Java dependencies via Maven
These are applications and programming languages necessary for onebusaway-nyc.
Software | Function |
Chef | Provisioning, Configuration, and Deployment of subsystem |
Java | Software Programming Language |
Ruby | Monitoring and Configuration Scripting Language |
Bash | Scripting Language |
Apache | Webserver |
Tomcat | JEE Web Container |
Eclipse | Development Environment |
Maven | Build Tool |
Git | Source Code Repository |
NTP | Network Time Protocol (clock synchronization) |
ZeroMQ | Enterprise Queueing |
Ruby is used for configuration and monitoring, and as such brings with it its own set of dependencies.
Software | Function |
bluepill | job scheduler daemon |
rails | web application framework |
rvm | version manager |
fog | cloud resources library |
nokogiri | HTML/XML parsing utilities |
fileutils | file utilities |
Java is a mature, enterprise class language that provides a rich feature set. Maven is build and versioning tool that allows Java software modules to be shared, especially open source software modules. Below is the complete list of Maven dependencies required for this project. Where possible, dependencies have been marked for phase required (compile, run, test) and version.
Note: The following was generated via this command:
$ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.5.1:list | cut -c 7- | sort | uniq | \ grep -e "^ " | sed -e 's/^/| /' | sed -e 's/:/ || /g' | sed -e 's/$/\n|-/'
group | artifact | resource type | version | dependency type |
antlr | antlr | jar | 2.7.6 | compile |
aopalliance | aopalliance | jar | 1.0 | compile |
asm | asm | jar | 3.1 | compile |
ca.umontreal.iro | ssj | jar | 2.4 | compile |
colt | colt | jar | 1.0.3 | compile |
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk | jar | 1.3.9 | compile |
com.caucho | hessian | jar | 3.1.6 | compile |
com.caucho | resin-hessian | jar | 3.1.6 | compile |
com.dmurph | JGoogleAnalyticsTracker | jar | 1.2.2 | compile |
com.eaio.uuid | uuid | jar | 3.2 | compile |
com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap | concurrentlinkedhashmap-lru | jar | 1.2 | compile |
com.google.code.findbugs | jsr305 | jar | 1.3.9 | compile |
com.google.code.gson | gson | jar | 1.7.1 | compile |
com.google.code.gson | gson | jar | 2.1 | compile |
com.googlecode.matrix-toolkits-java | mtj | jar | 0.9.14 | compile |
com.googlecode.netlib-java | netlib-java | jar | 0.9.3 | compile |
com.google.guava | guava | jar | 10.0.1 | compile |
com.google.guava | guava | jar | 11.0.1 | compile |
com.google.gwt | gwt-servlet | jar | 2.4.0 | runtime |
com.google.inject | guice | jar | 3.0 | compile |
com.google.protobuf | protobuf-java | jar | 2.4.0a | compile |
com.h2database | h2 | jar | 1.2.128 | compile |
com.lexicalscope.jewelcli | jewelcli | jar | 0.7.6 | compile |
commons-beanutils | commons-beanutils | jar | 1.7.0 | compile |
commons-beanutils | commons-beanutils | jar | 1.8.0 | compile |
commons-cli | commons-cli | jar | 1.2 | compile |
commons-codec | commons-codec | jar | 1.2 | compile |
commons-codec | commons-codec | jar | 1.3 | compile |
commons-collections | commons-collections | jar | 3.1 | compile |
commons-collections | commons-collections | jar | 3.2 | compile |
commons-dbcp | commons-dbcp | jar | 1.2.2 | compile |
commons-digester | commons-digester | jar | 1.8.1 | compile |
commons-digester | commons-digester | jar | 1.8 | compile |
commons-discovery | commons-discovery | jar | 0.4 | compile |
commons-fileupload | commons-fileupload | jar | 1.2.1 | compile |
commons-fileupload | commons-fileupload | jar | 1.2.2 | compile |
commons-httpclient | commons-httpclient | jar | 3.0.1 | compile |
commons-io | commons-io | jar | 1.3.2 | compile |
commons-io | commons-io | jar | 1.4 | compile |
commons-lang | commons-lang | jar | 2.5 | compile |
commons-lang | commons-lang | jar | 2.6 | compile |
commons-logging | commons-logging | jar | 1.0.3 | compile |
commons-logging | commons-logging | jar | 1.1.1 | compile |
commons-net | commons-net | jar | 2.0 | compile |
commons-pool | commons-pool | jar | 1.3 | compile |
com.notnoop.apns | apns | jar | 0.1.6 | compile |
com.sun.jersey.contribs | jersey-spring | jar | 1.9.1 | compile |
com.sun.jersey | jersey-bundle | jar | 1.10 | compile |
com.sun.jersey | jersey-core | jar | 1.9.1 | compile |
com.sun.jersey | jersey-server | jar | 1.9.1 | compile |
com.sun | tools | jar | 1.5.0 | system |
com.sun.xml.bind | jaxb-impl | jar | 2.1.3 | compile |
com.sun.xml.bind | jaxb-impl | jar | 2.1.8 | compile |
com.thoughtworks.xstream | xstream | jar | 1.2.2 | compile |
com.thoughtworks.xstream | xstream | jar | 1.3.1 | compile |
com.vividsolutions | jts | jar | 1.10 | compile |
dom4j | dom4j | jar | 1.6.1 | compile |
edu.washington.cs.rse | javaproj | jar | 1.0.4 | compile |
edu.washington.its | sdd | jar | 1.0.0 | compile |
gov.sandia.foundry | gov-sandia-cognition-common-core | jar | 3.3.2 | compile |
gov.sandia.foundry | gov-sandia-cognition-learning-core | jar | 3.3.2 | compile |
it.geosolutions.imageio-ext | imageio-ext-arcgrid | jar | 1.0.5 | compile |
it.geosolutions.imageio-ext | imageio-ext-customstreams | jar | 1.0.5 | compile |
it.geosolutions.imageio-ext | imageio-ext-utilities | jar | 1.0.5 | compile |
java3d | vecmath | jar | 1.3.2 | compile |
javassist | javassist | jar | 3.4.GA | compile |
javax.activation | activation | jar | 1.1 | compile |
javax.inject | javax.inject | jar | 1 | compile |
javax.mail | jar | 1.4 | compile | |
javax.media | jai_codec | jar | 1.1.3 | compile |
javax.media | jai_core | jar | 1.1.3 | compile |
javax.media | jai_imageio | jar | 1.1 | compile |
javax.servlet | jsp-api | jar | 2.0 | provided |
javax.servlet | jstl | jar | 1.1.2 | compile |
javax.servlet | servlet-api | jar | 2.4 | provided |
javax.transaction | jta | jar | 1.1 | compile |
javax.validation | validation-api | jar | 1.0.0.GA | compile |
javax.ws.rs | jsr311-api | jar | 1.1.1 | compile |
javax.xml.bind | jaxb-api | jar | 2.0 | compile |
javax.xml.bind | jaxb-api | jar | 2.1 | compile |
javax.xml.bind | jsr173_api | jar | 1.0 | compile |
javax.xml.stream | stax-api | jar | 1.0-2 | compile |
jdom | jdom | jar | 1.0 | compile |
joda-time | joda-time | jar | 2.0 | compile |
junit | junit | jar | 4.8.1 | test |
log4j | apache-log4j-extras | jar | 1.1 | compile |
log4j | log4j | jar | 1.2.16 | compile |
mysql | mysql-connector-java | jar | 5.1.17 | compile |
mysql | mysql-connector-java | jar | 5.1.18 | compile |
net.java.dev.javacc | javacc | jar | 5.0 | compile |
net.java.dev.jsr-275 | jsr-275 | jar | 1.0-beta-2 | compile |
net.sf.ehcache | ehcache-core | jar | 2.0.1 | compile |
net.sf.ezmorph | ezmorph | jar | 1.0.3 | compile |
net.sf.json-lib | json-lib | jar | 2.1 | compile |
net.sf.opencsv | opencsv | jar | 2.3 | compile |
net.sf.trove4j | trove4j | jar | 3.0.2 | compile |
net.sourceforge.cssparser | cssparser | jar | 0.9.5 | compile |
net.sourceforge.f2j | arpack_combined_all | jar | 0.1 | compile |
net.sourceforge.htmlcleaner | htmlcleaner | jar | 2.1 | compile |
net.sourceforge.nekohtml | nekohtml | jar | 1.9.7 | compile |
oauth.signpost | signpost-core | jar | | compile |
ognl | ognl | jar | 3.0 | compile |
opensymphony | sitemesh | jar | 2.4.2 | compile |
org.apache.axis | axis | jar | 1.4 | compile |
org.apache.axis | axis-jaxrpc | jar | 1.4 | compile |
org.apache.commons | commons-compress | jar | 1.2 | compile |
org.apache.commons | commons-lang3 | jar | 3.1 | compile |
org.apache.commons | commons-math | jar | 2.2 | compile |
org.apache.httpcomponents | httpclient | jar | 4.0.3 | compile |
org.apache.httpcomponents | httpclient | jar | 4.2-beta1 | compile |
org.apache.httpcomponents | httpcore | jar | 4.0.1 | compile |
org.apache.httpcomponents | httpcore | jar | 4.2-beta1 | compile |
org.apache.lucene | lucene-core | jar | 2.4.1 | compile |
org.apache.struts | struts2-convention-plugin | jar | | compile |
org.apache.struts | struts2-core | jar | | compile |
org.apache.struts | struts2-json-plugin | jar | | compile |
org.apache.struts | struts2-rest-plugin | jar | | compile |
org.apache.struts | struts2-sitemesh-plugin | jar | | compile |
org.apache.struts | struts2-spring-plugin | jar | | compile |
org.apache.struts.xwork | xwork-core | jar | | compile |
org.aspectj | aspectjrt | jar | 1.5.4 | compile |
org.aspectj | aspectjweaver | jar | 1.5.4 | compile |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-core-asl | jar | 1.9.2 | compile |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-jaxrs | jar | 1.9.2 | compile |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-mapper-asl | jar | 1.4.0 | compile |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-mapper-asl | jar | 1.9.2 | compile |
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-xc | jar | 1.9.2 | compile |
org.freemarker | freemarker | jar | 2.3.16 | compile |
org.geotools | gt-api | jar | 2.6.4 | compile |
org.geotools | gt-arcgrid | jar | 2.6.4 | compile |
org.geotools | gt-coverage | jar | 2.6.4 | compile |
org.geotools | gt-epsg-hsql | jar | 2.6.4 | compile |
org.geotools | gt-main | jar | 2.6.4 | compile |
org.geotools | gt-metadata | jar | 2.6.4 | compile |
org.geotools | gt-referencing | jar | 2.6.4 | compile |
org.geotools | gt-shapefile | jar | 2.6.4 | compile |
org.hibernate | ejb3-persistence | jar | 1.0.2.GA | compile |
org.hibernate | hibernate-annotations | jar | 3.4.0.GA | compile |
org.hibernate | hibernate-commons-annotations | jar | 3.1.0.GA | compile |
org.hibernate | hibernate-core | jar | 3.3.1.GA | compile |
org.hibernate | hibernate-validator | jar | 4.0.0.GA | compile |
org.hsqldb | hsqldb | jar | 2.0.0 | compile |
org.jdom | jdom | jar | 1.1 | compile |
org.json | json | jar | 20090211 | compile |
org.livetribe | livetribe-jsr223 | jar | 2.0.6 | compile |
org.mockito | mockito-all | jar | 1.9.0-rc1 | test |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-collections | jar | 1.1.2 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-container | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-core | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-csv-entities | jar | 1.0.3 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-everylastlogin | jar | 0.0.1 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-federations | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-geocoder | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-geospatial | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-gtfs-hibernate | jar | 1.2.6 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-gtfs-hibernate-spring | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-gtfs | jar | 1.2.6 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-gtfs-realtime-api | jar | 1.1.0 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-guice-jsr250 | jar | 1.0.1 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-api-core | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-api-webapp | war | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-presentation | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-queue-realtime | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-queue-subscriber | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-tcip-api-v305 | jar | 2.0.2 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-tdm-adapters | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-transit-data-federation | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-transit-data | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-util | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-vehicle-tracking | jar | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-vehicle-tracking-webapp | war | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-nyc-webapp | war | 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-presentation | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-realtime-api | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-siri-api-v10 | jar | 1.0.1 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-siri-api-v13 | jar | 1.0.0 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-siri-api-v13 | jar | 1.0.1 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-siri-core | jar | 1.0.4 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-transit-data-federation-builder | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-transit-data-federation | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-transit-data | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-users | jar | 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-wiki-integration-api | jar | 0.0.2 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-wiki-integration-tags | jar | 0.0.2 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-wiki-integration-xwiki-impl | jar | 0.0.2 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-wiki-integration-xwiki-macros | jar | 0.0.2 | compile |
org.onebusaway | onebusaway-wiki-integration-xwiki-struts-macros | jar | 0.0.2 | compile |
org.opengis | geoapi | jar | 2.3-M1 | compile |
org.opengis | geoapi-pending | jar | 2.3-M1 | compile |
org.openid4java | openid4java-consumer | jar | 0.9.5 | compile |
org.openid4java | openid4java-nodeps | jar | 0.9.5 | compile |
org.opentripplanner | opentripplanner-graph-builder | jar | 0.4.1 | compile |
org.opentripplanner | opentripplanner-routing | jar | 0.4.1 | compile |
org.python | jython-standalone | jar | 2.5.1-xwiki | compile |
org.seleniumhq.selenium.client-drivers | selenium-java-client-driver | jar | 1.0.2 | compile |
org.slf4j | slf4j-api | jar | 1.5.6 | compile |
org.slf4j | slf4j-log4j12 | jar | 1.5.6 | compile |
org.springframework.security | spring-security-acl | jar | 2.0.4 | compile |
org.springframework.security | spring-security-core | jar | 2.0.4 | compile |
org.springframework.security | spring-security-core-tiger | jar | 2.0.4 | compile |
org.springframework | spring-aop | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-asm | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-aspects | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-beans | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-context | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-context-support | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-core | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-expression | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-jdbc | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-orm | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-support | jar | 2.0.8 | runtime |
org.springframework | spring-test | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-tx | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-web | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework | spring-webmvc | jar | 3.0.3.RELEASE | compile |
org.tuckey | urlrewritefilter | jar | 3.1.0 | compile |
org.tuckey | urlrewritefilter | jar | 3.2.0 | compile |
org.w3c.css | sac | jar | 1.3 | compile |
org.wikimodel | org.wikimodel.wem | jar | 2.0.7-20100520 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-bridge | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-component-api | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-component-default | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-configuration-api | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-context | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-model | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-observation-local | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-properties | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-query-manager | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-rendering-api | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-rendering-macro-box | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-rendering-macro-code | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-rendering-macro-html | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-rendering-macro-toc | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-rendering-syntax-wikimodel | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-script | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.xwiki.platform | xwiki-core-xml | jar | 2.3.1 | compile |
org.zeromq | jzmq | jar | 053c2d7 | compile |
postgresql | postgresql | jar | 8.4-701.jdbc4 | compile |
pygments | pygments | jar | 1.3.1-xwiki | runtime |
quartz | quartz | jar | 1.5.2 | compile |
spy | spymemcached | jar | 2.8.1 | compile |
taglibs | standard | jar | 1.1.2 | compile |
xml-apis | xml-apis | jar | 1.0.b2 | compile |
xmlunit | xmlunit | jar | 1.3 | compile |
xpp3 | xpp3_min | jar | | compile |
xpp3 | xpp3_min | jar | 1.1.4c | compile |