A small (< 2kb minified), dependency-free library for deep linking headings - GitHub style. It does so by taking a headings text content, parsing it into URL format, adding an ID attribute, and inserting a link that appears on hover.
Download the repo, unzip it, and check out demo.html
Load the stylesheet.
<!-- only if hover links are enabled -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="heading-links.min.css">
Load the script.
<script src="heading-links.min.js"></script>
Create a new instance with your desired options. Defaults shown below.
var headingLinks = new HeadingLinks({
// options here, defaults shown below
selector: 'h1, h2, h3',
hoverLinks: true,
hoverHeadingAttr: 'data-heading',
hoverLinkAttr: 'data-heading-link'
Create a new instance of HeadingLinks
var headingLinks = new HeadingLinks({
// options here
Adds ID attribute to headings, based on the selector
This method is called automatically when creating a new instance.
Removes ID attribute from headings, based on the selector
Inserts hover links into headings, based on the selector
This method is called automatically when creating a new instance if hover links are enabled.
Removes hover links from headings, based on the selector
Returns a NodeList of all headings matched by the selector
for this instance.
var listOfHeadings = headingLinks.getList();
MIT. © Michael Cavalea.