diff --git a/afro-asia.csl b/afro-asia.csl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..408dc49a275 --- /dev/null +++ b/afro-asia.csl @@ -0,0 +1,582 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> +<style xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" class="note" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="never" default-locale="pt-BR"> + <info> + <title>Afro-Ásia (Portuguese - Brazil)</title> + <title-short>AA</title-short> + <id>http://www.zotero.org/styles/afro-asia</id> + <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/afro-asia" rel="self"/> + <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/associacao-brasileira-de-normas-tecnicas-note" rel="template"/> + <link href="https://portalseer.ufba.br/index.php/afroasia/about/submissions#authorGuidelines" rel="documentation"/> + <author> + <name>Fabio Baqueiro Figueiredo</name> + <email>fabiobaq@gmail.com</email> + </author> + <category citation-format="note"/> + <category field="humanities"/> + <issn>0002-0591</issn> + <eissn>1981-1411</eissn> + <summary>Estilo de citação em nota da Revista Afro-Ásia (ISSN 1981-1411 | 0002-0591). Versão 1.0</summary> + <updated>2020-07-19T20:00:00-03:00</updated> + <rights license="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights> + </info> + <!-- :: D E V S E C T I O N :: --> + <!-- non-breaking hyphen= ‑ --> + <!-- non-breaking space=   --> + <!-- ordinal female= ª --> + <!-- :: T E R M O S L O C A I S :: --> + <locale xml:lang="pt-BR"> + <terms> + <!-- RESPONSABILIDADES --> + <!-- organizadores (Editor) --> + <term name="editor" form="short"> + <single>org.</single> + <multiple>orgs.</multiple> + </term> + <!-- editores (Book author) --> + <term name="container-author" form="short"> + <single>ed.</single> + <multiple>eds.</multiple> + </term> + <!-- coordenadores (Series Editor) --> + <term name="collection-editor" form="short"> + <single>coord.</single> + <multiple>coords.</multiple> + </term> + <term name="collection-editor" form="verb-short"> + <single>coord.</single> + <multiple>coord.</multiple> + </term> + <!-- tradutores (Translator) --> + <term name="translator" form="short"> + <single>trad.</single> + <multiple>trads.</multiple> + </term> + <term name="translator" form="verb-short"> + <single>trad.</single> + <multiple>trad.</multiple> + </term> + <!-- LOCALIZADORES --> + <!-- volumes --> + <term name="volume" form="short"> + <single>v.</single> + <multiple>v.</multiple> + </term> + <!--números de edição --> + <term name="issue" form="short"> + <single>n.</single> + <multiple>n.</multiple> + </term> + <!-- páginas --> + <term name="page" form="short"> + <single>p.</single> + <multiple>pp.</multiple> + </term> + <!-- capítulos --> + <term name="chapter" form="short"> + <single>cap.</single> + <multiple>cap.</multiple> + </term> + <!-- MISC --> + <term name="and">e</term> + <term name="et-al">et al</term> + <term name="in">in</term> + <term name="ibid">ibid</term> + <term name="edition">ed</term> + <term name="open-quote">“</term> + <term name="close-quote">”</term> + <term name="open-inner-quote">‘</term> + <term name="close-inner-quote">’</term> + <term name="page-range-delimiter">‑</term> + </terms> + </locale> + <!-- :: M A C R O S :: --> + <!-- TÍTULOS --> + <!-- principal --> + <macro name="title"> + <choose> + <if type="book report motion_picture map graphic" match="any"> + <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/> + </if> + <else> + <text variable="title" quotes="true"/> + </else> + </choose> + </macro> + <macro name="title-short"> + <choose> + <if type="book report motion_picture map graphic" match="any"> + <text variable="title" form="short" font-style="italic"/> + </if> + <else> + <text value="“"/> + <text variable="title" form="short"/> + <text value="”"/> + </else> + </choose> + </macro> + <!-- da obra principal em caso de parte --> + <macro name="container"> + <choose> + <if type="speech" match="any"> + <text variable="event" font-style="italic"/> + </if> + <else-if type="song" match="any"> + <text variable="collection-title" font-style="italic"/> + </else-if> + <else-if type="book report motion_picture map graphic" match="none"> + <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/> + </else-if> + <else> + <text variable="container-title"/> + </else> + </choose> + </macro> + <!-- da coleção editorial --> + <macro name="collection"> + <choose> + <if variable="collection-title"> + <text value="("/> + <text variable="collection-title"/> + <text variable="collection-number" prefix=", "/> + <text value=")"/> + </if> + </choose> + </macro> + <!-- AUTORES --> + <!-- principais --> + <macro name="producers"> + <names variable="author"> + <name form="long" sort-separator=", "></name> + <et-al term="et-al" prefix=" " font-style="italic"/> + <substitute> + <text macro="container-producers"/> + </substitute> + </names> + </macro> + <macro name="producers-short"> + <names variable="author"> + <name form="short"></name> + <et-al term="et-al" prefix=" " suffix="." font-style="italic"/> + <substitute> + <text macro="container-producers-short"/> + </substitute> + </names> + </macro> + <!-- principais, pelo sobrenome --> + <macro name="producers-surname"> + <names variable="author"> + <name form="long" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", "> + <name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/> + </name> + <et-al term="et-al" prefix=" " font-style="italic"/> + <substitute> + <text macro="container-producers-surname"/> + </substitute> + </names> + </macro> + <!-- da obra principal, em caso de parte --> + <macro name="container-producers"> + <names variable="editor"> + <name form="long" sort-separator=", "></name> + <et-al term="et-al" prefix=" " font-style="italic"/> + <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")" text-case="lowercase"/> + <substitute> + <names variable="container-author"/> + </substitute> + </names> + </macro> + <macro name="container-producers-short"> + <names variable="editor"> + <name form="short"></name> + <et-al term="et-al" prefix=" " font-style="italic"/> + <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")" text-case="lowercase"/> + <substitute> + <names variable="container-author"/> + </substitute> + </names> + </macro> + <!-- da obra principal, em caso de parte, pelo sobrenome --> + <macro name="container-producers-surname"> + <names variable="editor"> + <name form="long" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", "> + <name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/> + </name> + <et-al term="et-al" prefix=" " font-style="italic"/> + <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")" text-case="capitalize-first"/> + <substitute> + <names variable="container-author"/> + </substitute> + </names> + </macro> + <!-- INFORMAÇÕES COMPLEMENTARES --> + <!-- data de lançamento: completa ou apenas o ano --> + <macro name="issued-parts"> + <choose> + <!-- se o tipo for artigo de jornal ou revista, apresenta a data completa--> + <if type="article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any"> + <date variable="issued" delimiter=" "> + <date-part name="day" form="numeric" range-delimiter="‑"/> + <date-part name="month" form="short" range-delimiter="‑"/> + <date-part name="year" form="long" range-delimiter="‑"/> + </date> + </if> + <!-- para qualquer outro tipo, apenas o ano --> + <else> + <date variable="issued"> + <date-part name="year" form="long" range-delimiter="‑"/> + </date> + </else> + </choose> + </macro> + <!-- data de lançamento --> + <macro name="issued"> + <choose> + <!-- se for uma data incerta, acrescenta colchetes --> + <if is-uncertain-date="issued"> + <text macro="issued-parts" prefix="[" suffix="]"/> + </if> + <!-- caso contrário, apenas a data --> + <else> + <text macro="issued-parts"/> + </else> + </choose> + </macro> + <!--número da edição--> + <macro name="ednum"> + <!--para livros, capítulos e entradas de dicionário e enciclopédia, se houver--> + <choose> + <if type="book chapter map entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any"> + <choose> + <!--se o campo contiver um número, usa a forma padrão--> + <if is-numeric="edition"> + <group delimiter=" "> + <number variable="edition" form="numeric" suffix="ª"/> + <text term="edition" form="short" suffix="."/> + </group> + </if> + <!--se o campo contiver algo que não seja um número, apresenta o que estiver lá--> + <else-if variable="edition"> + <text variable="edition"/> + </else-if> + </choose> + </if> + </choose> + </macro> + <!-- internet--> + <macro name="access-info"> + <choose> + <if variable="DOI"> + <text variable="DOI" prefix="https://doi.org/"/> + </if> + <else-if variable="URL"> + <text variable="URL"/> + </else-if> + </choose> + </macro> + <!-- imprenta--> + <macro name="imprenta"> + <choose> + <if variable="publisher-place publisher issued" match="none"> + <text value="[s.l.: s.n., s.d.]"/> + </if> + <else-if variable="publisher-place publisher" match="none"> + <text value="[s.l.: s.n.], "/> + <text macro="issued"/> + </else-if> + <else-if variable="publisher issued" match="none"> + <text variable="publisher-place" suffix=": "/> + <text value="[s.n., s.d.]"/> + </else-if> + <else-if variable="publisher-place issued" match="none"> + <text value="[s.l.]: "/> + <text variable="publisher" suffix=", "/> + <text value="[s.d.]"/> + </else-if> + <else> + <choose> + <if variable="publisher-place" match="none"> + <text value="[s.l.]: "/> + </if> + <else> + <text variable="publisher-place" suffix=": "/> + </else> + </choose> + <choose> + <if variable="publisher" match="none"> + <text value="[s.n.], "/> + </if> + <else> + <text variable="publisher" suffix=", "/> + </else> + </choose> + <choose> + <if variable="issued" match="none"> + <text value="[s.d.]"/> + </if> + <else> + <text macro="issued"/> + </else> + </choose> + </else> + </choose> + </macro> + <!-- TODAS AS INFORMAÇÕES COMPLEMENTARES, INCLUINDO LOCALIZADORES FIXOS --> + <!-- imprenta e localizadores--> + <macro name="imprenta-locators"> + <!--número da edição, se houver --> + <text macro="ednum" prefix=", "/> + <!--dados da edição (imprenta) --> + <choose> + <!--Se for tese, apresenta tipo, universidade, cidade, ano--> + <if type="thesis" match="any"> + <text value=", "/> + <text variable="genre" suffix=", "/> + <text variable="publisher" suffix=", "/> + <text variable="publisher-place" suffix=", "/> + <text macro="issued"/> + </if> + <!--Se for outro tipo de monografia, apresenta cidade, editora, ano--> + <else-if type="book motion_picture report map" match="any"> + <text value=", "/> + <text macro="imprenta"/> + </else-if> + <!--Se for capítulo, apresenta imprenta entre parênteses, volume, e paginação (se for o caso) --> + <else-if type="chapter entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia paper-conference song broadcast" match="any"> + <text value=" ("/> + <text macro="imprenta"/> + <text value=")"/> + <group> + <text term="volume" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/> + <text variable="volume"/> + </group> + <choose> + <!--Se houver localizador inserido diretamente na citação (on the fly)--> + <if variable="locator" match="any"> + <choose> + <!-- se não for um número de página, exibe a paginação--> + <if locator="page" match="none"> + <group> + <text term="page" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/> + <text variable="page"/> + </group> + </if> + </choose> + </if> + <!--Se não houver localizador inserido diretamente na citação (on the fly), exibe a paginação--> + <else> + <group> + <text term="page" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/> + <text variable="page"/> + </group> + </else> + </choose> + </else-if> + <!--Se for artigo de periódico científico, apresenta volume, número (ano), paginação--> + <else-if type="article-journal" match="any"> + <text value=", "/> + <group> + <text term="volume" form="short" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="volume"/> + </group> + <group> + <choose> + <if variable="volume"> + <text value=", "/> + </if> + </choose> + <text term="issue" form="short" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="issue"/> + </group> + <text macro="issued" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/> + <group prefix=", "> + <text term="page" form="short" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="page"/> + </group> + </else-if> + <!--Se for artigo de jornal ou revista, apresenta data e paginação--> + <else-if type="article-newspaper article-magazine" match="any"> + <text value=", "/> + <text macro="issued"/> + <group prefix=", "> + <text term="page" form="short" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="page"/> + </group> + </else-if> + <!--Se for legislação, comunicação pessoal, posts, documentos ou entrevista, apresenta o que estiver nas notas e a data--> + <else-if type="bill legal_case legislation patent personal_communication post post-weblog article manuscript interview" match="any"> + <text value=" "/> + <text variable="note" prefix="(" suffix=")"/> + <text variable="publisher-place" prefix=", "/> + <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/> + </else-if> + <!--Se for obra de arte, apresenta as características--> + <else-if type="graphic" match="any"> + <text variable="medium" prefix=", "/> + <text variable="genre" prefix=", "/> + <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/> + </else-if> + <!--Se for apresentação oral, apresenta nome do evento, lugar e data--> + <else-if type="speech" match="any"> + <group prefix=" (apresentação oral em " suffix=")"> + <text variable="event" font-style="italic"/> + <text variable="event-place" prefix=", "/> + <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/> + </group> + </else-if> + </choose> + </macro> + <!-- imprenta para a listagem bibliográfica--> + <macro name="imprenta-bibliography"> + <!--número da edição, se houver --> + <text macro="ednum" prefix=". "/> + <!--dados da edição (imprenta) --> + <choose> + <!--Se for tese, apresenta tipo, universidade, cidade, ano--> + <if type="thesis" match="any"> + <text value=". "/> + <text variable="genre" suffix=", "/> + <text variable="publisher" suffix=", "/> + <text variable="publisher-place" suffix=", "/> + <text macro="issued"/> + </if> + <!--Se for outro tipo de monografia, apresenta cidade, editora, ano--> + <else-if type="book motion_picture report map chapter entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia paper-conference song broadcast" match="any"> + <text value=". "/> + <text macro="imprenta"/> + </else-if> + <!--Se for artigo de periódico científico, apresenta volume, número (ano), paginação--> + <else-if type="article-journal" match="any"> + <text value=", "/> + <group> + <text term="volume" form="short" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="volume"/> + </group> + <group> + <choose> + <if variable="volume"> + <text value=", "/> + </if> + </choose> + <text term="issue" form="short" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="issue"/> + </group> + <text macro="issued" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/> + <group prefix=", "> + <text term="page" form="short" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="page"/> + </group> + </else-if> + <!--Se for artigo de jornal ou revista, apresenta data e paginação--> + <else-if type="article-newspaper article-magazine" match="any"> + <text value=", "/> + <text macro="issued"/> + <group prefix=", "> + <text term="page" form="short" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="page"/> + </group> + </else-if> + <!--Se for legislação, comunicação pessoal, posts, documentos ou entrevista, apresenta o que estiver nas notas e a data--> + <else-if type="bill legal_case legislation patent personal_communication post post-weblog article manuscript interview" match="any"> + <text value=" "/> + <text variable="note" prefix="(" suffix=")"/> + <text variable="publisher-place" prefix=", "/> + <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/> + </else-if> + <!--Se for obra de arte, apresenta as características--> + <else-if type="graphic" match="any"> + <text variable="medium" prefix=", "/> + <text variable="genre" prefix=", "/> + <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/> + </else-if> + <!--Se for apresentação oral, apresenta nome do evento, lugar e data--> + <else-if type="speech" match="any"> + <group prefix=" (apresentação oral em " suffix=")"> + <text variable="event" font-style="italic"/> + <text variable="event-place" prefix=", "/> + <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/> + </group> + </else-if> + </choose> + </macro> + <!--localizadores inseridos diretamente na citação (on the fly)--> + <macro name="locators"> + <group> + <label variable="locator" form="short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/> + <text variable="locator"/> + </group> + </macro> + <!-- :: C I T A T I O N S T Y L E :: --> + <citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-names="true" name-delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text"> + <layout delimiter="; " suffix="."> + <choose> + <!-- apresenta a citação completa apenas da primeira vez que a obra for citada--> + <if position="first" match="any"> + <!-- apresenta autores e título--> + <text macro="producers" suffix=", "/> + <text macro="title"/> + <choose> + <!-- se for artigo, recurso web ou verbete, apresenta o título da publicação--> + <if type="article article-magazine article-newspaper article-journal webpage entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any"> + <text macro="container" prefix=", "/> + </if> + <!-- se for parte de obra coletiva, apresenta autores e título da obra--> + <else-if type="broadcast entry chapter paper-conference song" match="any"> + <text term="in" text-case="lowercase" font-style="italic" prefix=" " suffix=" "/> + <text macro="container-producers" suffix=", "/> + <text macro="container"/> + </else-if> + </choose> + <!-- imprenta--> + <text macro="imprenta-locators"/> + <!-- localizadores inseridos diretamente na citação (on the fly)--> + <text macro="locators" prefix=", "/> + <!--Se houver informações de acesso ao recurso na internet, apresenta--> + <text macro="access-info" prefix=", "/> + </if> + <!-- se não forma a primeira vez, apresenta apenas autor e título em forma curta--> + <else> + <text macro="producers-short" suffix=", "/> + <text macro="title-short"/> + <!-- localizadores inseridos diretamente na citação (on the fly)--> + <text macro="locators" prefix=", "/> + </else> + </choose> + </layout> + </citation> + <!-- :: B I B L I O G R A P H Y S T Y L E :: --> + <bibliography hanging-indent="false" entry-spacing="0" et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="3" name-delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text"> + <sort> + <!--Classificado por autor e título--> + <key macro="producers-surname"/> + <key macro="title"/> + </sort> + <layout> + <text macro="producers-surname" suffix=". "/> + <text macro="title"/> + <choose> + <!-- se for artigo, recurso web ou verbete, apresenta o título da publicação--> + <if type="article article-magazine article-newspaper article-journal webpage entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any"> + <text macro="container" prefix=". "/> + </if> + <!-- se for parte de obra coletiva, apresenta autores e título da obra--> + <else-if type="broadcast entry chapter paper-conference song" match="any"> + <text term="in" text-case="lowercase" font-style="italic" prefix=" " suffix=" "/> + <text macro="container-producers-surname" suffix=". "/> + <text macro="container"/> + </else-if> + </choose> + <!-- imprenta--> + <text macro="imprenta-bibliography"/> + <!-- número de volumes--> + <group> + <number variable="number-of-volumes" form="numeric" prefix=", "/> + <text term="volume" form="short"/> + </group> + <!-- informações sobre coleção--> + <text macro="collection" prefix=" "/> + <!--Se houver informações de acesso ao recurso na internet, apresenta--> + <text macro="access-info" prefix=". Disponível em: <" suffix=">"/> + <text value="."/> + </layout> + </bibliography> +</style>