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Releases: caleb531/automata


26 Aug 01:23
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Automata v6 is a major new release with new features and a few breaking changes that keep the library moving forward. Big thanks to @abhinavsinha-adrino and @eliotwrobson for most of these improvements.

New Features

  • A new GNFA class to represent generalized non-deterministic finite automata (thanks @abhinavsinha-adrino!)
    • Please see the README for documentation on this new class
  • A new automata.base.regex module with utilities for working with
    automata-style regular expressions; a new NFA.to_regex method has also been added
    • Please see the README for documentation on this new module
  • A new NFA.eliminate_lambda method to return an NFA with lambda/epsilon
    transitions removed (#31)
  • Significant performance optimizations to various DFA methods (thanks
    • DFA.from_nfa
    • DFA.isempty
    • DFA.isfinite
    • DFA.__eq__

Breaking Changes

  • Added networkx as a required dependency, providing substantial performance improvements for certain DFA/NFA methods, and also streamlining the code to improve maintainability
  • Dropped Python 3.6 support, since it has been end-of-life since December 2021. Python 3.7 is currently the minimum version of Python required by this library.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with NFA.kleene_star() where outgoing transitions for every final state were required (but shouldn't be)
  • Fixed a bug where the DFA union and intersection operations were not returning the correct type if you had subclassed from DFA


16 Aug 19:55
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Automata v5 is a major new release with new goodies and also some backwards-incompatible changes:

New Features

New DFA/NFA Operations

  • Added a plethora of new DFA and NFA operations (big thanks to @Tagl for contributing!); please see the README for documentation on all new methods/operators:
    • DFA Operations
      • Empty check (dfa1.isempty())
      • Finite check (dfa1.isfinite())
      • Disjoint check (dfa1.isdisjoint(dfa2))
      • Subset check (dfa1 <= dfa2)
      • Superset check (dfa1 >= dfa2)
      • Strict subset check (dfa1 < dfa2)
      • Strict superset check (dfa1 > dfa2)
      • Equivalence check (dfa1 == dfa2)
      • Complement (~dfa1)
      • Union (dfa1 | dfa2)
      • Intersection (dfa1 & dfa2)
      • Set difference (dfa1 - dfa2)
      • Symmetric difference (dfa1 ^ dfa2)
    • NFA Operations
      • Reversal (reversed(nfa1))
      • Concatenation (nfa1 + nfa2)
      • Kleene Star (nfa1.kleene_star())
  • Added new visualization capability for DFAs using pydot (thanks to @lewiuberg)
    • Please note that pydot is now a dependency of this library
    • To use, call the DFA show_diagram() method; see the README for usage
    • On macOS, run brew install gprof2dot to allow pydot to function fully

Breaking Changes

  • Dropped Python 3.5 support, since it has been end-of-life since
    September 2020. Python 3.6 is now the minimum supported version of Python.
  • Added pydot as a required dependency (per the new visualization feature below)
  • No backwards-incompatible API changes otherwise

Flag to Enable Partial DFAs

  • Added an allow_partial parameter for DFAs that permits a state to not have transitions for every input symbol; see the README for usage (#36)

Other improvements

  • Improved the performance of the DFA.minify() method
  • Improved handling of automata with non-string state names (i.e. an InvalidStateError is no longer raised)


20 Sep 19:44
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  • Dropped support for Python 3.4 because it has reached end-of-life
  • There have been no API changes from v3 to v4 otherwise


09 Feb 03:46
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New Features

  • Added a new (optional) acceptance_mode parameter for DPDAs and NPDAs. Accepted values are 'final_state', 'empty_stack', or 'both'; the default value is 'both'


21 Jan 04:23
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New Features

  • Added a new NPDA class for nondeterministic pushdown automata

    • A new PDAConfiguration class has also been added, which is immutable and hashable; it is essentially a tuple of state, remaining input, and stack
  • Added a new NTM class for nondeterministic Turing machines

    • A new TMConfiguration class has also been added, which is immutable and hashable; it is essentially a tuple of state and tape
  • Added N direction for DTM and NTM to indicate no tape movement

Breaking changes

  • PDAStack is now immutable and hashable; it still represents the current stack of a PDA
  • TMTape is now immutable and hashable; it still represents the tape of a TM and the current cursor position
  • The copy methods on TMTape and PDAStack have been removed, since they are now immutable types


29 May 02:43
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  • Added a new minify() method for DFAs, which removes unreachable states and merges equivalent states


05 May 22:38
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  • Refactored DFA.from_nfa() to improve its efficiency and handle more complex cases (thanks @YtvwlD)
  • Added to every module to improve compatibility with interpreters like bpython (also @YtvwlD)


30 Apr 03:04
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  • Automata v2 introduces a number of backwards-incompatible API changes to clean up and improve the API
  • Added a new input method, accepts_input(), which returns a boolean
    • For more details, see the README


09 Jul 04:17
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  • Included all sub-packages in PyPI distribution


07 Jul 20:21
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  • Rebuilt the .egg-info file with the compiled reST README (for the PyPI project page)