cd ~
mkdir .envs
cd .envs
mkdir mnist_cnn_tf
virtualenv --no-site-packages -p python3 ./mnist_cnn_tf
cd #project-directory
source ~/.envs/mnist_cnn_tf/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
cat requirements.txt
Methods in layers
module expect input tensors to have shape [batch_size, image_height, image_width, channels]
Under 'SAME'
padding scheme, output is calulated as such:
out_height = ceil(float(in_height) / float(strides[1]))
out_width = ceil(float(in_width) / float(strides[2]))
Under 'VALID'
padding scheme, output is calulated as such:
out_height = ceil(float(in_height - filter_height + 1) / float(strides[1]))
out_width = ceil(float(in_width - filter_width + 1) / float(strides[2]))
Input Layer (MNIST data)
Output Shape:
[-1, 28, 28, 1]
Convolution Layer 1
Input Shape:
[-1, 28, 28, 1]
Filter Shape:[5, 5]
Number of Filters:32
Strides Shape:[1, 1]
Output Shape (Same Padding):[-1, 28, 28, 32]
Activation Function:ReLU
Pooling Layer 1
Input Shape:
[-1, 28, 28, 32]
Filter Shape:[2, 2]
Strides Shape:[2, 2]
Output Shape (Valid Padding):[-1, 14, 14, 32]
Convolution Layer 2
Input Shape:
[-1, 14, 14, 32]
Filter Shape:[5, 5]
Number of Filters:64
Strides Shape:[1, 1]
Output Shape (Same Padding):[-1, 14, 14, 64]
Activation Function:ReLU
Pooling Layer 2
Input Shape:
[-1, 14, 14, 64]
Filter Shape:[2, 2]
Strides Shape:[2, 2]
Output Shape (Valid Padding):[-1, 7, 7, 64]
Dense Layer 1
Input Shape:
[-1, 7 * 7 * 64]
Number of Neurons:1024
Output Shape:[-1, 1024]
Activation Function:ReLU
Dropout Layer 1
Input Shape:
[-1, 1024]
Dropout Rate:0.4
Output Shape:[-1, 1024]
Dense Layer 2 (Logits)
Input Shape:
[-1, 1024]
Number of Neurons:10
Output Shape:[-1, 10]