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101 lines (82 loc) · 4.79 KB

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101 lines (82 loc) · 4.79 KB


Auf Deutsch

This is a little command line tool which generates a list of memorable passwords in German language. It uses the DeReWo corpus of German words, which is ordered by common word frequency. The program makes shorter and more common words appear more often in the passwords via a manually tweaked formula.


Despite the weight of the words being differently, the program makes sure that the specified entropy is reached. The entropy is some measure how many tries an attacker would need if he wanted to try every password (brute force).

The program prints a list of passwords to the console output. Passwords which appear later in the list have a larger individual entropy to compensate the selection of a (possibly weak) password of the user. So the number of printed passwords does not affect password strength as long as the tool is not invoked multiple times per password.

Note the cryptographic security of the passwords depends on the randomness available on the machine the tool is executed. It uses seedrandom as pseudo random number generator which uses the Node.js cryptography API.

Although the output looks safe, the author cannot guarantee that this software works as expected.


To run this tool the following prerequisites must be installed:

Then run the following commands to generate a list of passwords:

git clone
cd passwort-generator
yarn build
yarn -s start

Example output:

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tanzkaffee konzertbesuch 70 65 herzlich
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You can choose any password from the list (generated on your computer). The author’s favorite from the example list is: tanzkaffee konzertbesuch 70 65 herzlich

To generate the file dereGrundformlistClean.txt, which exists to speed up password generation, run:

./node_modules/.bin/ts-node extractWordsFromDeReWoGrundformliste.ts


Currently there is no configuration outside the code. The password entropy and count can be adapted at the top of the file index.ts using a text editor.