Including Conventions with Examples
> Step angle: 1.8 degrees
> Steps: 200
> Rated Voltage: 3.3V DC
> Rated Current: 1.5A
> Rated speed: 1-1000rpm
> Rated torque: 0.4NM
> Ambient Temperature: -20 - 50℃
> Length: 34mm
> Weight: 275g
> Coils: 2
> Phase Resistance: 2.2 ohm +- 10% (20 degrees Celsius)
> Phase Inductance: 3.8mH +- 20% (1khz 1V rms)
> Motor Inertia: 57g. cm^2
- NOTE: Second coil leads identified as
are sometimes marked as A` and B`
Fig 1.a
1 (A) ───────) ** **
) * *
) * MOTOR *
) * *
3 (C) ───────) ** **
│ │
│ │
(B) (D)
4 6
- NOTE: below 'JST-PH' connector (Fig 1.b) is common on stepper motors and correspond to labels in above coil wiring diagram (Fig 1.a)
Fig 1.b
│ │
│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 │
(A) (C)(B) (D)
Fig 2.a
Direction | STEP | A | B | C | D | Direction
↓ |:-----:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| ↑
↓ | 1 | + | + | - | - | ↑
↓ | 2 | - | + | + | - | ↑
↓ | 3 | - | - | + | + | ↑
↓ | 4 | + | - | - | + | ↑
CW |_______|____|____|____|____| CCW
Fig 1.c
JST-XH 2.54mm connector
2B 2A 1A 1B
│ │
│ O O O O │
│ │
PIN (1) (2) (3) (4)
JST-PH 2.0mm connector - specifications
NOTE: this is the connector on the wire side (not the connector found on the motor itself)
Fig 2.b
_____________ ______________
│ NC │ │ NC │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ ││
│ │ │ ││
│ │ │ ││
│ └────────────────────────────┘ ││
│ ││
│ └─┘ └─┘ └─┘ └─┘ └─┘ └─┘ ││
│ ││
PIN (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
- 1/2 indicates which motor coil
- A/B indicates Neg(-) or Pos(+)
- Wire Color is arbitrary but follows conventions described in linked additional reference1
Fig. 2.c
| Controller | Wire | Motor | Coil | Wire | Motor | Motor | Multimeter |
| Pinout | Color | Coil | Polarity | Color | Input | Coil | Continuity |
| | | | | | | |______________|
| 2B >---┼---RED---┼-- #2 --┼--- (+) ---┼---RED----┼--- (1) --┼--A---8) | |
| | | | | | | ( | 1-3 (BEEP!) |
| 2A >---┼---BLU---┼-- #2 --┼--- (-) ---╳---GRN----┼--- (3) --┼--?---8) |______________|
| 1A >---┼---GRN---┼-- #1 --┼--- (-) ---╳---BLU----┼--- (4) --┼--?---8) | |
| | | | | | | ( | 4-6 (BEEP!) |
| 1B >---┼---BLK---┼-- #1 --┼--- (+) ---┼---BLK----┼--- (6) --┼--D---8) |______________|
| | | | | | | | |
Legend: X cross wiring
8) motor coil
TMC2209 Pinout Labels and Functions 2
| PIN | Num | Function | SKR MINI E3 v3 (PIN) | MOTOR | INPUT | Multimeter | |:---:|:---:|:-------------:|:--------------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----------:| | OB2 | 1 | Coil B #2 (-) | 2B ──────────────── | A | PIN 1 | ---B | | | | | | NC | | E | | OA2 | 21 | Coil A #2 (-) | 1B ──┐ ┌────────── | C | PIN 3 | E ---B | | OA1 | 24 | Coil A #1 (+) | 1A ─┐└──│────────── | B | PIN 4 | ---P E | | | | | └─────┐ | NC | | E | | OB1 | 26 | Coil B #1 (+) | 2A ─────┘ └──────── | D | PIN 6 | ---P |
NOTE: above "motor" referrs to 'LDO-42STH40-1684MAC'
Below illustrates how the JST-XH pinouts on the SKR board are tied to the TMC driver chip. We can trace (bypassing BTT confusing pinout labels) the physical wire connection from driver chip to the motor coils by comparing the motor wiring datasheet[^LDO] to TMC2209 Datasheet2.
Together, they
'TMC2209 pinout schematic' and
- References:
- TMC2209 Datasheet rev1.08 2
- BTT SKR Mini E3 v3 Schematic 3
- BTT SKR Mini E3 v3 Driver Example Pinout Schematic
...but much better documented
Notice the connector to coil wiring differences (ACBD vs. ABCD) for motors 42STH38-1684MAC
vs. 42STH47-1684MAC
- remember to use
to verify the direction of motors. See Verify stepper motors
When testing continuity on motor input pins, you will find continuity between each of the pos/neg pins for each of the coils.
This way you can verify your wiring from the controller's pinout is mostly correct, at least for each of the coils.
Consult your motor's specifications for exactly what polarity is expected.
It actually does matter which coil is which and what the polarity of the coils are. However, if they're wrong, the motor just turns the wrong way,
Switching the polarity of either (one) coil, like swapping motor input pins 1/4 (RED/BLUE) or 3/6 (GREEN/BLACK)
Motor direction can also be reversed in the firmware, so keep this in mind before possibly destroying your cable or connector.
BigTreeTech EZ Driver Specs: [EZ2208]4, EZ22095, EZ21306, EZ51607
Product EZ 5160 Pro EZ 5160 RGB EZ 2130 EZ 2209 EZ 2208 EZ 2226 EZ 6609 Driver TMC5160-TA TMC5160-TA TMC2130-LA TMC2209-LA TMC2208-LA TMC2226-SA GC6609 Voltage 8-48V 8-48V 12-24V 12-24V 12-24V 12-24V 12-24V Max Current 2.5A 4.7A 2A(QFN) 2A 2A 2A 2A RMS Current 1.6A 3A 0.9A 1.3A 1.2A 1.3A 1.2A Mode SPI SPI SPI UART UART UART UART Resistance 0.075 Ω 0.05 Ω 0.11 Ω 0.11 Ω 0.11 Ω 0.11 Ω 0.11 Ω StealthChop ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SpreadCycle ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ StallGuard ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔