diff --git a/src/printbox-md/PrintBox_md.ml b/src/printbox-md/PrintBox_md.ml
index 5c5d32b..5829347 100644
--- a/src/printbox-md/PrintBox_md.ml
+++ b/src/printbox-md/PrintBox_md.ml
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Config = struct
foldable_trees: bool;
multiline_preformatted: preformatted;
one_line_preformatted: preformatted;
+ non_preformatted: [`Minimal | `Stylized];
frames: [`Quotation | `Stylized];
tab_width: int;
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ module Config = struct
+ non_preformatted=`Minimal;
@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ module Config = struct
+ non_preformatted=`Stylized;
@@ -61,10 +64,19 @@ end
let preformatted_conf =
if multiline then c.Config.multiline_preformatted else c.Config.one_line_preformatted in
let stylized = in_span || preformatted_conf = Config.Stylized in
+ let code_block =
+ preformatted && not stylized && preformatted_conf = Config.Code_block in
+ let code_quote =
+ preformatted && not stylized && preformatted_conf = Config.Code_quote in
+ let handle_space = not code_block && not code_quote in
+ let pre_block =
+ handle_space && multiline && c.Config.non_preformatted = `Stylized in
let s =
(match bg_color with None -> [] | Some c -> ["background-color", encode_color c]) @
(match fg_color with None -> [] | Some c -> ["color", encode_color c]) @
- (if stylized && preformatted then ["font-family", "monospace"] else [])
+ (if stylized && preformatted then ["font-family", "monospace"] else []) @
+ (if handle_space && not multiline && c.Config.non_preformatted = `Stylized
+ then ["white-space", "pre"] else [])
let inline = in_span || not multiline in
let spec_pre, spec_post =
@@ -81,11 +93,7 @@ end
| false, _ -> "", ""
| true, false -> "**", "**"
| true, true -> "", "" in
- let code_block =
- preformatted && not stylized && preformatted_conf = Config.Code_block in
- let code_quote =
- preformatted && not stylized && preformatted_conf = Config.Code_quote in
- bold_pre ^ sty_pre, sty_post ^ bold_post, code_block, code_quote, inline
+ bold_pre ^ sty_pre, sty_post ^ bold_post, code_block, pre_block, code_quote, inline
let break_lines l =
let lines = List.concat @@ List.map (String.split_on_char '\n') l in
@@ -212,20 +220,22 @@ let pp c out b =
| B.Text {l; style} ->
let l = break_lines l in
let multiline = List.length l > 1 in
- let sty_pre, sty_post, code_block, code_quote, inline =
+ let sty_pre, sty_post, code_block, pre_block, code_quote, inline =
style_format c ~in_span ~multiline style in
let preformat =
pp_string_escaped ~tab_width:c.Config.tab_width ~code_block ~code_quote ~html:in_span in
pp_print_string out sty_pre;
if not inline && String.length sty_pre > 0 then fprintf out "@,%s" prefix;
if code_block then fprintf out "```@,%s" prefix;
+ if pre_block then fprintf out {|
(* use html for gb_color, fg_color and md for bold, preformatted. *)
~pp_sep:(fun out () ->
- if not code_block then pp_print_string out "
+ if not code_block && not pre_block then pp_print_string out "
fprintf out "@,%s" prefix)
preformat out l;
if not inline && String.length sty_pre > 0 then fprintf out "@,%s" prefix;
+ if pre_block then fprintf out "
if code_block then fprintf out "@,%s```@,%s" prefix prefix;
pp_print_string out sty_post
| B.Frame b ->
diff --git a/src/printbox-md/readme.ml b/src/printbox-md/readme.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/test/test_md.expected b/test/test_md.expected
index d605cd8..169dcd2 100644
--- a/test/test_md.expected
+++ b/test/test_md.expected
@@ -66,52 +66,52 @@ Test default:
Test uniform unfolded:
-- child 1
-- child 2
-- line 1
- line 2
- line 3
-- a row 1
- a row 2.1
- a row 2.2
- a row 3
+- child 1
+- child 2
+- line 1
+ line 2
+ line 3
+- a row 1
+ a row 2.1
+ a row 2.2
+ a row 3
- b row 1
+ b row 1
- b row 2.1
- b row 2.2
- b row 3
+ b row 2.1
+ b row 2.2
+ b row 3
- c row 2.1
- c row 2.2
- c row 3
+ c row 2.1
+ c row 2.2
+ c row 3
- - header 3
- - subchild 3
+ - header 3
+ - subchild 3
- - header 4
- - \
- - \
- - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
+ - header 4
+ - \
+ - \
+ - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
header 5
header 5
- subchild 5
- body 5
- subbody 5
- one tab end of sub 5
subchild 5
+ body 5
+ subbody 5
+ one tab end of sub 5
end of 5
@@ -157,16 +157,16 @@ Test uniform unfolded:
-- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+ header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
Test foldable:
@@ -250,64 +250,64 @@ Test foldable:
Test uniform tab=2, text tables:
-- child 1
-- child 2
-- line 1
- line 2
- line 3
-- a row 1
- a row 2.1
- a row 2.2
- a row 3
+- child 1
+- child 2
+- line 1
+ line 2
+ line 3
+- a row 1
+ a row 2.1
+ a row 2.2
+ a row 3
- b row 1
+ b row 1
- b row 2.1
- b row 2.2
- b row 3
+ b row 2.1
+ b row 2.2
+ b row 3
- c row 2.1
- c row 2.2
- c row 3
+ c row 2.1
+ c row 2.2
+ c row 3
- - header 3
+ - header 3
- - subchild 3
+ - subchild 3
- - header 4
+ - header 4
- - <returns>
+ - <returns>
- - \
+ - \
- - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
+ - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
header 5
+ header 5
- subchild 5
- body 5
- subbody 5
- one tab end of sub 5
subchild 5
+ body 5
+ subbody 5
+ one tab end of sub 5
end of 5
@@ -315,87 +315,87 @@ Test uniform tab=2, text tables:
- a │looooooooooooooooooooooooo
- │oonng
- ─────┼──────────────────────────
- bx │ ┌─┬─┐
- │ │x│y│
- │ ├─┼─┤
- │ │1│2│
- │ └─┴─┘
- ─────┼──────────────────────────
- │
- │ x │y
- ? │ ──┼──
- │ 10│20
a │looooooooooooooooooooooooo
+ │oonng
+ ─────┼──────────────────────────
+ bx │ ┌─┬─┐
+ │ │x│y│
+ │ ├─┼─┤
+ │ │1│2│
+ │ └─┴─┘
+ ─────┼──────────────────────────
+ │ x │y
+ ? │ ──┼──
+ │ 10│20
+ │
-- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+ header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
Test single quote tab=2, text tables:
-- child 1
-- child 2
-- line 1
- line 2
- line 3
-- a row 1
- a row 2.1
- a row 2.2
- a row 3
+- child 1
+- child 2
+- line 1
+ line 2
+ line 3
+- a row 1
+ a row 2.1
+ a row 2.2
+ a row 3
- b row 1
+ b row 1
- b row 2.1
- b row 2.2
- b row 3
+ b row 2.1
+ b row 2.2
+ b row 3
- c row 2.1
- c row 2.2
- c row 3
+ c row 2.1
+ c row 2.2
+ c row 3
- - header 3
+ - header 3
- - subchild 3
+ - subchild 3
- - header 4
+ - header 4
- - <returns>
+ - <returns>
- - \
+ - \
- - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
+ - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
- header 5
+ header 5
- `subchild 5`
`body 5`
@@ -424,16 +424,16 @@ Test single quote tab=2, text tables:
-- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+ header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
diff --git a/test/test_md.expected.md b/test/test_md.expected.md
index d605cd8..169dcd2 100644
--- a/test/test_md.expected.md
+++ b/test/test_md.expected.md
@@ -66,52 +66,52 @@ Test default:
Test uniform unfolded:
-- child 1
-- child 2
-- line 1
- line 2
- line 3
-- a row 1
- a row 2.1
- a row 2.2
- a row 3
+- child 1
+- child 2
+- line 1
+ line 2
+ line 3
+- a row 1
+ a row 2.1
+ a row 2.2
+ a row 3
- b row 1
+ b row 1
- b row 2.1
- b row 2.2
- b row 3
+ b row 2.1
+ b row 2.2
+ b row 3
- c row 2.1
- c row 2.2
- c row 3
+ c row 2.1
+ c row 2.2
+ c row 3
- - header 3
- - subchild 3
+ - header 3
+ - subchild 3
- - header 4
- - \
- - \
- - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
+ - header 4
+ - \
+ - \
+ - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
header 5
header 5
- subchild 5
- body 5
- subbody 5
- one tab end of sub 5
subchild 5
+ body 5
+ subbody 5
+ one tab end of sub 5
end of 5
@@ -157,16 +157,16 @@ Test uniform unfolded:
-- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+ header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
Test foldable:
@@ -250,64 +250,64 @@ Test foldable:
Test uniform tab=2, text tables:
-- child 1
-- child 2
-- line 1
- line 2
- line 3
-- a row 1
- a row 2.1
- a row 2.2
- a row 3
+- child 1
+- child 2
+- line 1
+ line 2
+ line 3
+- a row 1
+ a row 2.1
+ a row 2.2
+ a row 3
- b row 1
+ b row 1
- b row 2.1
- b row 2.2
- b row 3
+ b row 2.1
+ b row 2.2
+ b row 3
- c row 2.1
- c row 2.2
- c row 3
+ c row 2.1
+ c row 2.2
+ c row 3
- - header 3
+ - header 3
- - subchild 3
+ - subchild 3
- - header 4
+ - header 4
- - <returns>
+ - <returns>
- - \
+ - \
- - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
+ - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
header 5
+ header 5
- subchild 5
- body 5
- subbody 5
- one tab end of sub 5
subchild 5
+ body 5
+ subbody 5
+ one tab end of sub 5
end of 5
@@ -315,87 +315,87 @@ Test uniform tab=2, text tables:
- a │looooooooooooooooooooooooo
- │oonng
- ─────┼──────────────────────────
- bx │ ┌─┬─┐
- │ │x│y│
- │ ├─┼─┤
- │ │1│2│
- │ └─┴─┘
- ─────┼──────────────────────────
- │
- │ x │y
- ? │ ──┼──
- │ 10│20
a │looooooooooooooooooooooooo
+ │oonng
+ ─────┼──────────────────────────
+ bx │ ┌─┬─┐
+ │ │x│y│
+ │ ├─┼─┤
+ │ │1│2│
+ │ └─┴─┘
+ ─────┼──────────────────────────
+ │ x │y
+ ? │ ──┼──
+ │ 10│20
+ │
-- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+ header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
Test single quote tab=2, text tables:
-- child 1
-- child 2
-- line 1
- line 2
- line 3
-- a row 1
- a row 2.1
- a row 2.2
- a row 3
+- child 1
+- child 2
+- line 1
+ line 2
+ line 3
+- a row 1
+ a row 2.1
+ a row 2.2
+ a row 3
- b row 1
+ b row 1
- b row 2.1
- b row 2.2
- b row 3
+ b row 2.1
+ b row 2.2
+ b row 3
- c row 2.1
- c row 2.2
- c row 3
+ c row 2.1
+ c row 2.2
+ c row 3
- - header 3
+ - header 3
- - subchild 3
+ - subchild 3
- - header 4
+ - header 4
- - <returns>
+ - <returns>
- - \
+ - \
- - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
+ - & \*\*subchild\*\* 4
- header 5
+ header 5
- `subchild 5`
`body 5`
@@ -424,16 +424,16 @@ Test single quote tab=2, text tables:
-- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
- header 1 |header 2 |header 3
+ header 1 |header 2 |header 3
- cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
- cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3
+ cell 1.1 |cell 1.2|cell 1.3
+ cell 2.1|cell 2.2 |cell 2.3