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Server backend for AntNupTracker.

AntNupTracker information banner

Copyright (C) Abouheif Lab, 2020-2022

Visit us at to learn more about our project. For the client app, see this repository. This application is a Django-based web app for recording, storing and accessing ant nuptial flight information. The web framework is written using Django, with a REST API added using Django REST Framework (to be documented...). Knox is used for authentication. This app should work on most major operating systems and should be compatible with the major database engines used by Django.

Notes on Licensing

  • This server-side application is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 (see COPYING). However, there are a few trademarked images that cannot be licensed in this form. These include social networking and app-distribution related image files. These files can be placed in a folder located at nuptialtracker/static/nuptiallog/images/proprietary. Due to the licensing restrictions, this folder is excluded from the repository in the .gitignore file. Future proprietary required images should be included in this directory, excluded from git remotes, and clearly documented with a comment and/or an alt text.

  • All files from Django Rest Framework are Copyright © 2011-present, Encode OSS Ltd.

  • The list of genera and species presented in the app (last updated summer of 2019) is found at nuptialtracker/nuptiallog/taxonomyRaw and was copied from Category:Extant species on AntWiki. In keeping with the original licensing, this list is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

  • Weather information from OpenWeatherMap, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL).

  • The website is typeset in Dosis by Impallari Type and Open Sans by Steve Matteson.

  • The Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy were obtained from TermsFeed. The necessary templates have been omitted from the repository. If you are forking this repository, please provide a Terms and Conditions and a Privacy Policy.

Note on Contributions

  • Do not push your configuration-specific changes to to this repo. This file is required for you to be able to run your modified web app on a development system. The production version uses its own
  • Do not push your changes to any environmental variable names unless they are necessary. Do not push your .env file to this repository.
  • Do not add proprietary social media icons. Instead, put an img tag (if in HTML) with descriptive alternate text.
  • Always go through a pull request. Don't commit to the main branch.

Documentation and Naming conventions

At the moment, very little of the code is documented. This will change soon.

In terms of naming conventions, there is a mix of snake_case and camelCase used in the code. This is due to the Django/Python® prevalence of snake_case coming into conflict with the prevalence of camelCase in other programming languages, such as Swift® and Dart™. At this point, the Python code for the server is mostly in snake_case, while JSON keys required for communication with clients are in camelCase.

The official name of this app is AntNupTracker. However, it was originally NuptialLog and then NuptialTracker. These names remain throughout the file hierarchy. Eventually, we may switch all references to AntNupTracker. If you want, feel free to put this in a pull request. Just make sure to fix all the imports.

Note on static and media

  • media is for user-uploaded flight images
  • static contains the static files for the project. It is the STATIC_ROOT and STATIC_URL

Note on Notifications

This app originally relied on purely APNs notifications. However, we have switched to using Firebase to support both iOS and Android™. In order to take advantage of notifications, you must use Firebase. The code is included in this repository, but you must generate your own credentials.

Note on Weather

All weather data stored on the server is obtained from OpenWeatherMap. This data is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL). In order to be able to fetch and parse weather data, you must obtain an API Key from OpenWeatherMap (free option available). Otherwise, simply comment out the lines in nuptialtracker/nuptiallog/ that create a new thread to fetch the weather.

Instructions for setting up a test server

In order to set up a test server, the following must be performed:

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Set up the web server with the WSGI configuration

  3. (Optional) Create a Firebase project for the app and a Firebase service account.

  4. Set up a virtualenv in the root directory of the repository:

    $ virtualenv env
    $ source env/bin/activate
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Set up the following environment variables (use a .env file)

     export SECRET_KEY=''
     export DB_PASS=''
     export DB_USER=''
     export EMAIL_PASS=''
     export EMAIL_ADDR=''
     export WEATHERKEY=''
     export TAXONOMY_FILE=''

    Note: Some of these variables are optional:

    • WEATHERKEY (obtained from OpenWeather) is required to fetch the weather information.
    • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS provides the path to the service account JSON file for Firebase.

    Make sure to edit the web server settings to pass these environment variables to the web server. In Apache, add the above declarations to /etc/apache2/envvars. If you need to rename any of the environmental variables, make sure to change them in relevant source files. MAKE SURE NOT TO COMMIT THESE CHANGES.

  6. Edit nuptialtracker/nuptialtracker/ to add your database and email settings. If your server does not have an SSL certificate, edit the security settings to prevent HTTPS redirect and to allow for insecure CSRF tokens. Also, change the settings to allow insecure cookies. This is required to use the admin interface. You must configure your database before moving on to the next steps.

  7. Perform the database migrations

    $ python migrate
  8. Restart the web server

  9. In order to report flights, the taxonomy database must be built. In order to do this, enter the Django shell. Make sure to run your .env file first to load the SECRET_KEY.

    $ source .env
    $ python shell

    A Python shell will launch. Use this shell to build the database:

    > from nuptiallog import taxonomy
    > taxonomy.create_Genus_Objects(taxonomy.GENERA)
    > taxonomy.create_Species_Objects(taxonomy.SPECIES)

Now, your development server will be able to work. Remember that if you want to test the mobile app with your modified server app, you must change the base in the url_manager.dart file of the app's source code (see this repository).

IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries. Swift, Apple and App Store are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Dart and the related logo are trademarks of Google LLC. We are not endorsed by or affiliated with Google LLC.

Firebase and Google are trademarks of Google LLC.

Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

Python is a registered trademark of the Python Software Foundation.

Django is a trademark of the Django Software Foundation.