Indicators | Candlestick patterns | Rule patterns
The following shows supporting indicators (test code covered)
Full name (candle) | Full name (tuple) | Extension |
AccumulationDistributionLine | AccumulationDistributionLineByTuple | AccumDist |
Aroon | AroonByTuple | Aroon |
AroonOscillator | AroonOscByTuple | AroonOsc |
AverageDirectionalIndex | AverageDirectionalIndexByTuple | Adx |
AverageDirectionalIndexRating | AverageDirectionalIndexRatingByTuple | Adxr |
AverageTrueRange | AverageTrueRangeByTuple | Atr |
BollingerBands | BollingerBandsByTuple | Bb |
BollingerBandWidth | BollingerBandWidthByTuple | BbWidth |
ChandelierExit | ChandelierExitByTuple | Chandlr |
CommodityChannelIndex | CommodityChannelIndexByTuple | Cci |
Momentum | N/A | Mtm |
RateOfChange | N/A | Roc |
N/A | DifferenceByTuple | Diff |
DirectionalMovementIndex | DirectionalMovementIndexByTuple | Dmi |
DynamicMomentumIndex | DynamicMomentumIndexByTuple | Dymoi |
EfficiencyRatio | EfficiencyRatioByTuple | Er |
ExponentialMovingAverage | ExponentialMovingAverageByTuple | Ema |
ExponentialMovingAverageOscillator | ExponentialMovingAverageOscillatorByTuple | EmaOsc |
N/A | HighestByTuple | Highest |
HighestClose | N/A | HighClose |
HighestHigh | N/A | HighHigh |
N/A | HistoricalHighestByTuple | N/A |
HistoricalHighestClose | N/A | HistHighClose |
HistoricalHighestHigh | N/A | HistHighHigh |
N/A | HistoricalLowestByTuple | N/A |
HistoricalLowestClose | N/A | HistLowClose |
HistoricalLowestLow | N/A | HistLowLow |
IchimokuCloud | IchimokuCloudByTuple | Ichimoku |
KaufmanAdaptiveMovingAverage | KaufmanAdaptiveMovingAverageByTuple | Kama |
N/A | Lowest | Lowest |
LowestClose | N/A | LowClose |
LowestLow | N/A | LowLow |
Median | MedianByTuple | Median |
MinusDirectionalIndicator | MinusDirectionalIndicatorByTuple | Mdi |
MinusDirectionalMovement | MinusDirectionalMovementByTuple | Mdm |
ModifiedMovingAverage | ModifiedMovingAverageByTuple | Mma |
MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence | MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceByTuple | Macd |
MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceHistogram | MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceHistogramByTuple | MacdHist |
NetMomentumOscillator | NetMomentumOscillatorByTuple | Nmo |
OnBalanceVolume | OnBalanceVolumeByTuple | Obv |
ParabolicStopAndReverse | ParabolicStopAndReverseByTuple | Sar |
N/A | PercentageDifferenceByTuple | PcDiff |
Percentile | Percentile | Percentile |
PlusDirectionalIndicator | PlusDirectionalIndicatorByTuple | Pdi |
PlusDirectionalMovement | PlusDirectionalMovementByTuple | Pdm |
RawStochasticsValue | RawStochasticsValueByTuple | Rsv |
RelativeMomentumIndex | RelativeMomentumIndexByTuple | Rmi |
RelativeStrength | RelativeStrengthByTuple | Rs |
RelativeStrengthIndex | RelativeStrengthIndexByTuple | Rsi |
SimpleMovingAverage | SimpleMovingAverageByTuple | Sma |
SimpleMovingAverageOscillator | SimpleMovingAverageOscillatorByTuple | SmaOsc |
StandardDeviation | StandardDeviationByTuple | Sd |
StochasticsMomentumIndex | StochasticsMomentumIndexByTuple | Smi |
StochasticsRsiOscillator | StochasticsRsiOscillatorByTuple | StochRsi |
Stochastics.Fast | Stochastics.FastByTuple | FastSto |
Stochastics.Full | Stochastics.FullByTuple | FullSto |
Stochastics.Slow | Stochastics.SlowByTuple | SlowSto |
StochasticsOscillator.Fast | StochasticsOscillator.FastByTuple | FastStoOsc |
StochasticsOscillator.Full | StochasticsOscillator.FullByTuple | FullStoOsc |
StochasticsOscillator.Slow | StochasticsOscillator.SlowByTuple | SlowStoOsc |
TrueRange | TrueRangeByTuple | Tr |
The candlestick pattern is under development, some are implemented but not tested yet
Name | Status |
Bearish | Not tested |
BearishAbandonedBaby | Not tested |
BearishEngulfingPattern | Not tested |
BearishLongDay | Not tested |
BearishShortDay | Not tested |
Bullish | Not tested |
BullishAbandonedBaby | Not tested |
BullishEngulfingPattern | Not tested |
BullishLongDay | Not tested |
BullishShortDay | Not tested |
DarkCloudCover | Not tested |
Doji | Not tested |
DownsideTasukiGap | Not tested |
DownTrend | Not tested |
DragonflyDoji | Not tested |
EveningDojiStar | Not tested |
EveningStar | Not tested |
FallingThreeMethods | Not tested |
GravestoneDoji | Not tested |
Hammer | Not implemented |
HangingMan | Not implemented |
Harami | Not tested |
HaramiCross | Not implemented |
InvertedHammer | Not implemented |
LongDay | Not tested |
LongLeggedDoji | Not implemented |
LongLowerShadow | Not tested |
LongUpperShadow | Not tested |
Marubozu | Not implemented |
MorningDojiStar | Not tested |
MorningStar | Not tested |
PiercingLine | Not implemented |
RisingThreeMethods | Not tested |
ShootingStar | Not implemented |
ShortDay | Not tested |
ShortShadow | Not implemented |
SpinningTop | Not implemented |
Stars | Not implemented |
StickSandwich | Not implemented |
ThreeBlackCrows | Not implemented |
ThreeWhiteSoldiers | Not implemented |
UpsideGapTwoCrows | Not implemented |
UpsideTasukiGap | Not tested |
UpTrend | Not tested |
The following shows supporting indicators
+ | - |
IsBullish | IsBearish |
IsAccumDistBullish | IsAccumDistBearish |
IsObvBullish | IsObvBearish |
IsInBbRange | |
IsAboveBbUp | IsBelowBbLow |
IsRsiOverbought | IsRsiOversold |
IsFastStoOverbought | IsFastStoOversold |
IsFullStoOverbought | IsFullStoOversold |
IsSlowStoOverbought | IsSlowStoOversold |
IsAboveSma | IsBelowSma |
IsAboveEma | IsBelowEma |
IsSmaBullish | IsSmaBearish |
IsSmaOscBullish | IsSmaOscBearish |
IsEmaBullish | IsEmaBearish |
IsEmaOscBullish | IsEmaOscBearish |
IsMacdOscBullish | IsMacdOscBearish |
IsFastStoOscBullish | IsFastStoOscBearish |
IsFullStoOscBullish | IsFullStoOscBearish |
IsSlowStoOscBullish | IsSlowStoOscBearish |
IsSmaBullishCross | IsSmaBearishCross |
IsEmaBullishCross | IsEmaBearishCross |
IsMacdBullishCross | IsMacdBearishCross |
IsFastStoBullishCross | IsFastStoBearishCross |
IsFullStoBullishCross | IsFullStoBearishCross |
IsSlowStoBullishCross | IsSlowStoBearishCross |
IsBreakingHistoricalHighestHigh | IsBreakingHistoricalLowestLow |
IsBreakingHistoricalHighestClose | IsBreakingHistoricalLowestClose |
IsBreakingHighestHigh | IsBreakingLowestLow |
IsBreakingHighestClose | IsBreakingLowestClose |