A lightweight PSR-7 implementation and highly customized CURL wrapper for making RESt calls.
This class implements:
- PSR-7 Request and Response;
- PSR-17 Http Factories;
- PSR-18 Http Client;
- Helper to create Request instances with the most common use cases;
- Wrapper to execute several requests in parallel;
Since the implementation follow the PSR7 implementation there is no much explanation about the usage.
The key elements are:
- URI - Will define the URI with parameters, path, host, schema, etc
- Request - Will set the request headers and method;
- Response - Will receive the response header, body and status code.
More information about the PSR-7 here.
The implementation to send the request object is defined by the class HttpClient
This class follow partially the PSR-18 implementation.
So, once you have a Request instance defined just need to call HttpClient::sendRequest($request);
$uri = \ByJG\Util\Uri::getInstanceFromString('http://www.example.com/page');
$request = \ByJG\WebRequest\Psr7\Request::getInstance($uri);
$response = \ByJG\WebRequest\HttpClient::getInstance()->sendRequest($request);
$uri = \ByJG\Util\Uri::getInstanceFromString('http://www.example.com/page')
$request = \ByJG\WebRequest\Psr7\Request::getInstance($uri);
$response = \ByJG\WebRequest\HttpClient::getInstance()->sendRequest($request);
The WebRequest package has Helper classes to make it easy to create Request instances for some use cases.
$uri = \ByJG\Util\Uri::getInstanceFromString('http://www.example.com/page');
$request = \ByJG\WebRequest\Helper\RequestJson::build(
'{teste: "value"}' // Support an associate array
$response = \ByJG\WebRequest\HttpClient::getInstance()->sendRequest($request);
$uri = \ByJG\Util\Uri::getInstanceFromString('http://www.example.com/page');
$request = \ByJG\WebRequest\Helper\RequestFormUrlEncoded::build(
["param" => "value"]
$response = \ByJG\WebRequest\HttpClient::getInstance()->sendRequest($request);
$uri = \ByJG\Util\Uri::getInstanceFromString('http://www.example.com/page');
// Define the contents to upload using a list of MultiPartItem objects
$uploadFile = [];
$uploadFile[] = new \ByJG\WebRequest\MultiPartItem('field1', 'value1');
$uploadFile[] = new \ByJG\WebRequest\MultiPartItem(
'{"key": "value2"}',
'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
$uploadFile[] = new \ByJG\WebRequest\MultiPartItem('field3', 'value3');
// Use the Wrapper to create the Request
$request = \ByJG\WebRequest\Helper\RequestMultiPart::build(Uri::getInstanceFromString($uri),
// Do the request as usual
$response = \ByJG\WebRequest\HttpClient::getInstance()->sendRequest($request);
The customizations options are:
$client = \ByJG\WebRequest\HttpClient::getInstance()
->withNoFollowRedirect() // HttpClient will not follow redirects (status codes 301 and 302). Default is follow
->withNoSSLVerification() // HttpClient will not validate the SSL certificate. Default is validate.
->withProxy($uri) // Define a http Proxy based on the URI.
->withCurlOption($key, $value) // Set an arbitrary CURL option (use with caution)
You can use the HttpClient to do several differents requests in parallel.
To use this funcionallity you need:
- Create a instance of the HttpClientParallel class
- Add the RequestInterface instance
- Execute
The results will be processed as soon is ready.
Below a basic example:
// Create the instances of the requirements
$httpClient = \ByJG\WebRequest\HttpClient::getInstance();
$onSucess = function ($response, $id) {
// Do something with Response object
$onError = function ($error, $id) use (&$fail) {
// Do something
// Create the HttpClientParallel
$multi = new \ByJG\WebRequest\HttpClientParallel(
// Add the request to run in parallel
$request1 = Request::getInstance($uri1);
$request2 = Request::getInstance($uri2);
$request3 = Request::getInstance($uri3);
// Start execute and wait to finish
// The results will be get from the closure defined above.
The class MockClient
has the same methods that HttpClient except by:
- Do not send any request to the server;
- You can add the expected Response object;
- You can collect information from the CURL after submit the request.
$expectedResponse = new Response(200);
$mock = $this->object = new MockClient($expectedResponse);
$response = $mock->sendRequest(new Request("http://example.com"));
assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
$expectedResponse = new Response(200);
$mock = $this->object = new MockClient($expectedResponse);
$response = $mock->sendRequest(new Request("http://example.com"));
$expectedCurlOptions = [
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)",
'Host: localhost:8080'
assertEquals($expectedCurlOptions, $mock->getCurlConfiguration());
The methods below are available after the execution of the method sendRequest()
- getCurlConfiguration()
- getRequestedObject()
- getExpectedResponse()
composer install "byjg/webrequest"
We provide a docker-compose to enable start the test server easily.
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
flowchart TD
byjg/webrequest --> psr/http-message
byjg/webrequest --> psr/http-client
byjg/webrequest --> ext-json
byjg/webrequest --> byjg/uri