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Releases: bwssytems/ha-bridge

Added Handling for UDP packets.

07 Dec 22:37
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Finished implementation of generic UDP handling. This will support the
LimitlessLED Bridge. Updated Readme for UDP and more on configuration
setup. Fixed issue with HueMulator handliong due to devices without

Fixes for no harmony hub configration

03 Dec 20:37
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Fixed handling when no harmony hub is given. dev.mode was updated as well.

Multiple Harmony Hub and GUI Fixes

02 Dec 21:46
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Final release of multiple harmony hubs and fixes for GUI. Update filtering capability. Still errors in html/angular. Updated VeraInfo to use default http client.

Device configuration tracking added.

18 Nov 22:33
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Added device, scene and activity tracking, updated upnp handling,
updated HUE API config handling and test on and off calls.

CORS processing and HUE emulation updates.

13 Nov 17:45
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Added CORS processing for http requests, updated HUE responses for devices to match HUE LUX replies, updated brightness handling to be more consistent with the HUE interface, updated readme documentation.

Updated jar build to include missing classes

04 Nov 17:03
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Due to maven minimize jar function, certain clases were deprecated from the release jar.

Added Harmony Hub control natively and version class

03 Nov 21:30
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Added Harmony hub control natively into the HA-Bridge. UI Helpers available for configuring actions. Updated release for version class that was missing.

Added Harmony Hub control natively

03 Nov 21:17
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Added Harmony hub control natively into the HA-Bridge. UI Helpers available for configuring actions.

Update device configs returned to be Hue Lux type

23 Oct 21:18
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Since this bridge does not deal with any color settings, the device configs should emulate hue lux devices.

Updated file handling, UI control if no Vera and math handling for custom variable handling.

13 Oct 21:35
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Updated math variable execution to use package. Safer and more robust than using JavaScript Engine Eval. Also, added checks if a default vera address is uses , "", that we ignore the vera helpers to not throw errors. Updated math to use Math.round to help get better values. Updated code for determining if Vera is available so as to not show those screens. Updated file handling as there were issues due to no checks for file handling, this will improve for windows.