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How to bind methods or constructors to functional interfaces
To bind methods or constructors to functional interfaces we are going to use the FunctionalInterfaceFactory. FunctionalInterfaceFactory component uses to cache all generated functional interfaces for faster access. The complete source code of the following examples is avaliable here.
To bind constructors to functional interfaces we will use the following constructors:
private Service(String id, String name, String... items) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.items = items;
logInfo("\nMultiparameter constructor:\n\tid: {}\n\tname: {} \n\titems: {}", this.id, this.name, String.join(", ", this.items));
private Service(String name, String... items) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = name;
this.items = items;
logInfo("\nMultiparameter constructor:\n\tid: {}\n\tname: {} \n\titems: {}", this.id, this.name, String.join(", ", this.items));
private Service(String... name) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = name[0];
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nSingle parameter varargs constructor:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
private Service(String name) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = name;
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nSingle parameter constructor:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
private Service() {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = "no name";
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nNo parameter constructor:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
... And now let's see the code needed to bind and call the generated functional interfaces:
ComponentContainer componentContainer = ComponentContainer.getInstance();
FunctionalInterfaceFactory fIF = componentContainer.getFunctionalInterfaceFactory();
MultiParamsFunction<Service> serviceInstantiatorZero = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, String.class, String.class, String[].class);
Service serviceZero = serviceInstantiatorZero.apply(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "Service Zero", new String[] {"item 1", "item 2"});
BiFunction<String, String[], Service> serviceInstantiatorOne = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, String.class, String[].class);
Service serviceOne = serviceInstantiatorOne.apply("Service One", new String[] {"item 1", "item 2"});
Function<String[], Service> serviceInstantiatorTwo = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, String[].class);
Service serviceTwo = serviceInstantiatorTwo.apply(new String[] {"Service Two"});
Function<String, Service> serviceInstantiatorThree = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, String.class);
Service serviceThree = serviceInstantiatorThree.apply("Service Three");
Supplier<Service> serviceInstantiatorFour = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class);
Service serviceFour = serviceInstantiatorFour.get();
To bind methods to functional interfaces we will use the following methods:
private Long reset(String id, String name, String... items) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.items = items;
logInfo("\nMultiparameter method:\n\tid: {}\n\tname: {} \n\titems: {}", this.id, this.name, String.join(", ", this.items));
return System.currentTimeMillis();
private Long reset(String name, String... items) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = name;
this.items = items;
logInfo("\nMultiparameter method:\n\tid: {}\n\tname: {} \n\titems: {}", this.id, this.name, String.join(", ", this.items));
return System.currentTimeMillis();
private Long reset(String... name) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = name[0];
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nSingle parameter varargs method:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
return System.currentTimeMillis();
private Long reset(String name) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = name;
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nSingle parameter method:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
return System.currentTimeMillis();
private Long reset() {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = "no name";
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nNo parameter method:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
return System.currentTimeMillis();
... And now let's see the code needed to bind and call the generated functional interfaces:
ComponentContainer componentContainer = ComponentContainer.getInstance();
FunctionalInterfaceFactory fIF = componentContainer.getFunctionalInterfaceFactory();
MultiParamsFunction<Long> methodInvokerZero = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "reset", String.class, String.class, String[].class);
Long currentTimeMillis = methodInvokerZero.apply(service, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "Service Zero New Name", new String[] {"item 3", "item 4"});
MultiParamsFunction<Long> methodInvokerOne = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "reset", String.class, String[].class);
currentTimeMillis = methodInvokerOne.apply(service, "Service One", new String[] {"item 1", "item 2"});
BiFunction<Service, String[], Long> methodInvokerTwo = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "reset", String[].class);
currentTimeMillis = methodInvokerTwo.apply(service, new String[] {"Service Two"});
BiFunction<Service, String, Long> methodInvokerThree = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "reset", String.class);
currentTimeMillis = methodInvokerThree.apply(service, "Service Three");
Function<Service, Long> methodInvokerFour = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "reset");
currentTimeMillis = methodInvokerFour.apply(service);
To bind void methods to functional interfaces we will use the following methods:
private void voidReset(String id, String name, String... items) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.items = items;
logInfo("\nMultiparameter void method:\n\tid: {}\n\tname: {} \n\titems: {}", this.id, this.name, String.join(", ", this.items));
private void voidReset(String name, String... items) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = name;
this.items = items;
logInfo("\nMultiparameter void method:\n\tname: {} \n\titems: {}", this.name, String.join(", ", this.items));
private void voidReset(String... name) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = name[0];
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nSingle parameter void varargs method:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
private void voidReset(String name) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = "no name";
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nSingle parameter void method:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
private void voidReset() {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.name = "no name";
this.items = null;
logInfo("\nNo parameter void method:\n\tname: {}", this.name);
... And now let's see the code needed to bind and call the generated functional interfaces:
ComponentContainer componentContainer = ComponentContainer.getInstance();
FunctionalInterfaceFactory fIF = componentContainer.getFunctionalInterfaceFactory();
MultiParamsConsumer methodInvokerZero = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "voidReset", String.class, String.class, String[].class);
methodInvokerZero.accept(service, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "Service Zero New Name", new String[] {"item 3", "item 4"});
MultiParamsConsumer methodInvokerOne = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "voidReset", String.class, String[].class);
methodInvokerOne.accept(service, "Service One", new String[] {"item 1", "item 2"});
BiConsumer<Service, String[]> methodInvokerTwo = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "voidReset", String[].class);
methodInvokerTwo.accept(service, new String[] {"Service Two"});
BiConsumer<Service, String> methodInvokerThree = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "voidReset", String.class);
methodInvokerThree.accept(service, "Service Three");
Consumer<Service> methodInvokerFour = fIF.getOrCreate(Service.class, "voidReset");
Burningwave core is a fully indipendent, advanced, free and open source Java frameworks building library that contains AN EXTREMELY POWERFUL CLASSPATH SCANNER.
To include Burningwave Core library in your projects simply use with Apache Maven:
To use Burningwave Core as a Java module add the following to your module-info.java
requires org.burningwave.core;
- In depth look to and configuration guide
- USE CASE: retrieving all classes of the classpath
- USE CASE: retrieving all classes that implement one or more interfaces
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- USE CASE: finding all classes for module name (Java 9 and later)
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