A repo to track my progress over the years.
I'm following a hybrid version of teachyourselfcs, p1xt guides and OSSU and from progress files of my previous years :)
- Read 8 books (0 / 8)
- Finish 3 Courses at least (0 / 3)
- Drop to 50 to 55kgs weight by the end of 2nd Quarter
- Learn to cook a new (healthy preferred) dish every month
- Go for jogging / exercise daily
- Become a Senior UI Engineer
- Improve communication skills and influence people
- Write 15 articles on various topics (0 / 15)
- Give 6 talks on various topics of interest
- One QuickByte session every month
- Frontend Skills
- Deep dive into CSS (Css grid, css flexbox, rendering, CSS Houdini)
- Learn about CSS methodologies & naming schemes (BEM, SUIT, Atomic Design, etc) ()
- General productivity -> CSS Linting, Formating, PostCSS, Autoprefixer / Modernizr / Stylelint etc
- Accesibility & Performance
- Frameworks / Libraries:
- React Native
- VueJS, Vuepress, mobx etc
- ReactiveX
- D3.js
- Learn Multiple languages
- Frontend specific - Elm, ClojureScript
- Learn Golang, Kotlin
- Improve python, racket and lua proefficieny (in the given order)
- Technologies to master:
- REST APIs (KoaJS, Next.js, FeathersJS)
- GraphQL (Apollo, Relay, Falcor)
- SQL & Databases (specifically MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch)
- Linux (specifically Bash, Linux sys admin etc)
- Mobile development (React Native & Android development)
- Web Assembly
- Projects
- Build clones of Facebook & Twitter UI, preferably with their APIs
- Build 2 products entirely from scratch (Frontend + Backend)
- Improve communication skills and influence people
- Project: Redesign personal website with Gatsby
- Book: Pragmatic Programmer
- Specialization: Career Success Specialization
- Learn: Deep dive into CSS Grid, CSS Flexbox, CSS Animations
- Take sessions on CSS Grid, Flexbox and Animations
- Project: Revamp Modern Pomodoro
- Course: Agile Software Development
- Book: The Agile Samurai
- Project: Recipes full stack server
- Implement a full stack server by using agile methodologies to plan out the project
- TechStack:
- Frontend: VueJS, Vuex
- Backend: Django / Python (API), Search using ElasticSearch
- Database: PostgreSQL
- UI for BigOven API (http://api2.bigoven.com/)
- Scrap data from BigOven API
- Create server
- Create a search engine via elasticsearch
- Project: Web Artwork
- Create 1 HTML / CSS artwork every weekend
- Specialization: Achieving Personal and Professional Success Specialization
- Book: Javascript Design Patterns
- Specialisation: All FCC Certifications
- Book: Geek Girl Rising: Inside the Sisterhood Shaking Up Tech
- Project: Implement a full stack alternative to goodreads.
- Book: Cracking the Coding Interview
- Project: Implement a full stack alternative to twitter.
- Book: The Conquest Of Bread - Peter Krotopkin
- Course: Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS
- Assignment: Learn about CSS features in depth via MDN / Articles / Courses.
- Project: Create an artwork in HTML / CSS every weekend
- Course: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python
- Book: Automate the boring stuff with python
- Project: Automate your day to day life in 5 ways.
- Course: Introduction to Computer Science - CS50
- Project: Build an online Towers of Hanoi solver that accepts a tower height between 5 and 10, and then displays a graphical (animated) solution, iteratively moving each piece until the puzzle is solved
- Project: Build a game of life game clone
- Specialization: Creative Writing Specialization
- Project: Write 5 non-tech related articles!
- Book: How to design programs
- Course: How to Code: Simple Data
- Project: Implement a simple calculator in Racket
- Project: Write 5 articles on Racket
- Book: Beautiful Racket
- Project: Implement a web server in Racket
- Course: How to Code: Complex Data
- Project: Implement a hackernews clone in Racket
- Book: Realm Of Racket
- Project: Create a video game in Racket
- Project: Write 5 articles on Racket again!
- Course: Effective Thinking Through Mathematics
- Book: Alex's Adventures in Numberland by Alex Bellos
- Course: Algebra I
- Course: Algebra II
- Course: Trigonometry
- Course: Precalculus
- Course: Algorithms
- Specialization: Game Design: Art and Concepts Specialization
- Tutorial: Getting Started with Phaser
- Tutorial: Making Your First Phaser Game
- Bookmark: Phaser docs
- Bookmark: Phaser examples
- Bookmark: Tiled
- Bookmark: OpenGameArt
- Bookmark: Gimp
- Article: Pixel Art Tutorial
- Article: The Total Beginner’s Guide to Better 2D Game Art
- Course: Software Testing
- Game: Concentration (Reference Wikipedia)
- Game: Tic-Tac-Toe (unbeatable AI opponent) Wikipedia
- Game: Minesweeper Wikipedia
- Game: Sokoban Wikipedia
- Course: Google Computer Science Foundations Path
- Game: Snake Wikipedia
- Game: Pong (Reference Tutorial Pong - Tutorials 1 through 7)
- Game: Galaga
- Game: Breakout
- Course: The Science Of Well Being
- Project: Create a facebook clone
- Course: Software Construction: Data Abstraction
- Course: Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design
- Book: Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming
- Course: Software Engineering: Introduction
- Course: Software Development Capstone Project
- Project: Create a forum software
- Project: Create a simple content management system
- Course: Mathematics For Computer Science
- Book: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Videos for the book, Related lectures (much better and refined)
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Easy on CodinGame in JavaScript, Commonlisp, Racket
- Project: Do 3 projects in common lisp!
- Course: Build a Computer
- Book: The Elements of Computing Systems (Nand2Tetris)
- Project: 2 Projects related to the above book?
- Book: Computer Organization & Design by Patterson & Hennessy's
- Course: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture, past lectures
- Linear Algebra
- Book: Discrete Mathematics And Functional Programming by Thomas VanDrunen
- Single Variable Calculus
- Book: DOM Enlightenment
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Medium on CodinGame in JavaScript, Commonlisp, Racket
- Project: Create a note taking application
- Book: Open Data Structures
- Book: The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena
- Project: Solve 50 challenges from Project Euler
- Course: CS50's Introduction to Game Development
- Game: Your choice
- Game: Your choice
- Specialization: Leading People and Teams
- Course: Video Game Design History
- Course: Software Debugging
- Course: Nature of Code
- Project: Create 10 sketches in p5js
- Specialization: Introduction to Project Management Principles and Practices Specialization
- Course: Introduction to Programming for the Visual Arts with p5.js
- Project: Create 30 sketches in p5js
- Specialization: Digital Marketing Specialization
- Project: Build a better resume
- Project: Start my own magazine on Anarchism
- Project: Build a really good business portifolio
- Project: 5 more projects relevant to the above specialization
- Specialization: Business Foundations Specialization
- Course: Introduction to Algorithms
- Course: Design and Analysis Of Algorithms
- Challenge: Win 2 algorithms related hackathons
- Course: Introduction to Data Science in Python
- Course: Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code
- Course: Calculus One
- Course: Algorithms, Part I
- Course: Algorithms, Part II
- Project: Solve all of the EulerProject & RosettaStone challenges
- Challenge: Win 10 algorithms related hackathons
A list of things I really want to go through, but you can only do so many at a given time! I think this is the place I'll put anything else that comes up to my interest. Later on as I finish tasks, I will add tasks to the course. :)