Releases: bunq/sdk_java
Releases · bunq/sdk_java
Change Log
Implemented enhancements:
- Add optional parameters to constructor #50
- Monetary account joint cannot be retrieved. #45
- Add java 7 compatibility #42
Fixed bugs:
- SDK build fails on jitpack #6
Closed issues:
- Add oauth support #107
- Java 7 compatibility: java.util.Base64 #104
- Please share code formatter #103
- expose ApiEnvironmentType members and add pinnedKey #100
- Update Sandbox API key procedure #96
- Can not construct a BunqMeTabEntry to create a BunqMeTab #77
Merged pull requests:
- Oauth #107 #108 (OGKevin)
- Add java 7 support #42 #106 (OGKevin)
- #100 moved pinnedKey to ApiEnvironmentType #101 (tubbynl)
- UserContext building without static references. (#93) #99 (tubbynl)
- Update Sandbox API key procedure. (#96) #97 (sandervdo)
- Add constructor with request field #50 #95 (OGKevin)
- Fix monetary account joint retrieval #45 #91 (OGKevin)
0.13.0 (2017-12-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add zappr integration for better quality control #58
- Add more information to templates #56
- Add response id to error messages from failed requests #55
Fixed bugs:
- Token request ideal is missing id attribute in response. #65
- getCounterpartyAlias() returns null on payments #49
- Field ID is missing from MasterCardAction #48
- TokenQrRequestIdeal returns the wrong type #47
- Cannot list draft payments for monetary account #46
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Bunq update 7 #76 (OGKevin)
- Regenerate code for release #74 (OGKevin)
- Replaced httpclient with Okhttp. (#25) #73 (OGKevin)
- Regenerated code to add corerct object types. (#47) #70 (OGKevin)
- Fixed MonetaryAccountReferenceTypeAdapter to output proper value. (#49) #68 (OGKevin)
- Added missing field id for TokenQrRequestIdeal. (#65) #67 (OGKevin)
- Cannot list payments due to geolocation. (#46 ) #64 (OGKevin)
- Get counterparty alias returns null on payments. (#49 ) #63 (OGKevin)
- Added missing id field from mastercard action. (#48) #62 (OGKevin)
- (#55) add response id to request error #61 (OGKevin)
- Configure Zappr #59 (OGKevin)
- Improve issue and pr template. (#56) #57 (OGKevin)
0.12.4 (2017-12-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Introduce fromJson method #51
- Make sure received signatures headers are correctly cased #43
- Remove guava #41
- Return base class from createFromJsonString #40
- is empty #38
- Improve decoder to recognise child object #35
Fixed bugs:
- Remove guava #41
Merged pull requests:
- Added method to ensure that reponse headers are correclty cased befor… #53 (OGKevin)
- Feature/improve decoder bunq/sdk java#35 #52 (OGKevin)
- Removed guava as dependency. (#41) #44 (OGKevin)
- Generated 👏. (#38) #39 (OGKevin)
- Removed guava as dependency. \(bunq/sdk\_java\#41\) #44 (OGKevin)
A brand new release with some minor bug fixes and new features 💯 🌈
More Stricter
In this release:
- Stricter error handling
- Improved namespaces
- Minor bug fixes & general code clean up
In this release:
- Pagination
- Cleaner tests
- Multiple endpoint updates and fixes