To develop and running typhoon on your local machine you need to understand the basic about docker and have docker installed. To install docker you can follow the link here.
First clone typhoon into your local machine
git clone
Copy env.sample to .env
cp env.sample .env
First we need to create Docker image for our app and load-test container
docker-compose build app load-test
Run the command below to create db, migrate and seed the data
docker-compose run --rm app dockerize -wait tcp://mysql:3306 -timeout 20s bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
There are several ways to run the server from docker compose:
- Normal Way. To exit the app simply use Ctrl+C
docker-compose up app
- Detach or running in the background.
docker-compose up -d app
Use this command to stop the server
docker-compose down
Grafana is used to visualize realtime data that being generated by typhoon. To setup and run grafana follow the instruction below
- Run grafana
docker-compose up -d grafana
- Access grafana from http://localhost:3001
- Login into grafana using credential below:
- username: typhoon
- password: typhoon
You can access the Dashboard for Stress Testing or Load Testing from dashboard manager.