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Lesson 3 - Basic anatomy of a protocol in Quint

1. Introduction

Progress: 0%

In this tutorial, we explain the standard structure of a Quint protocol. Although Quint does not impose a very rigid structure on protocol designers, we have found that following common practices helps protocol authors and their readers to cooperate more effectively.

As a running example, we are using the subcurrency smart contract that is introduced in the Solidity documentation, see Subcurrency. You do not have to know Solidity to understand this tutorial. On the contrary, you may acquire some basic understanding of Solidity contracts by reading the Quint protocol specification.

The subcurrency smart contract defines a basic protocol that has the following features:

  • A single user (the protocol creator) is assigned the "minter" role.

  • The minter may generate new coins on the balances of the users, including themselves.

  • The users may send coins to other users, provided that they have enough coins on their balance.

In this tutorial, you will see how to:

  • Specify basic type aliases.

  • Define handy functions that can be used independently of the protocol.

  • Define the structure of the protocol states.

  • Define helper functions that read the current state, but do not modify it.

  • Define actions that read and modify the current state of the protocol.

  • Define basic protocol invariants.

  • Write basic protocol tests.

  • Write protocol tests that use input non-determinism.

  • Run a basic randomized test to discover an invariant violation.

If you would like to see the complete code before diving into the details, check coin.qnt.

2. Declare a single module

Progress: 4%

Code snippet:

module coin {

Quint specifications are organized in modules, and may consist of one or many top-level module declarations. Nested module declarations are currently not supported.

In this tutorial, we declare a single module. In general, we recommend to start with a single module and introduce multiple modules only if you are going to reuse various parts of your protocol.

3. Declare types

Progress: 8%

Code snippet:


    // encode addresses as string literals
    type Addr = str

    // We declare a Solidity uint (256 bit) as an alias of Quint int.
    // Note that these UInt values are still integers, which can get
    // arbitrarily large. Hence, we have to take care of overflows.
    // In the future, Quint will have a standard library for that.
    type UInt = int

Similar to programming languages, it is common in Quint to declare type aliases for the types that appear in the protocol description often. A type alias is simply a declaration of the form:

type [name] = [tp];

In the above definition, [name] is a unique identifier that will be associated with the type, and [tp] is the type to be associated with the name, e.g., int or Set[int]. To see a complete description of all available types, visit the Section Type System 1.2 of the language manual.

Although it is convenient to declare type aliases, it is not mandatory. Protocol authors should decide together with their audience, whether they prefer minimal type definitions, or they like abundance of types. Quint replaces type aliases with the types on the right-hand sides of type. For example, it does not distinguish between different kinds of "integers", when they are referred to via different type aliases.

4. Declare pure functions

Progress: 13%

Code snippet:

    // Values and functions that are state-independent

    // the maximal value a Solidity UInt can carry
    pure val MAX_UINT = 2^256 - 1

    // does a big integer represent a Solidity UInt?
    pure def isUInt(i: int): bool = (0 <= i and i <= MAX_UINT)

It often happens that a protocol requires auxilliary definitions that do not depend on the protocol state, but only on the values of their parameters. Such computations are often called "pure". In the above code, we define two pure definitions:

  • The pure value MAX_UINT.

  • The pure definition isUInt that computes if a given integer i is within the range from 0 to MAX_UINT (inclusive).

The main property of pure values is that they always return the same value. Pure definitions always return the same value, if they are supplied with the same arguments.

To see that no state is needed, evaluate these definitions in REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop):

echo "MAX_UINT" | quint -r coin.qnt::coin
echo "isUInt(22)" | quint -r coin.qnt::coin
echo "isUInt(-1)" | quint -r coin.qnt::coin
echo "isUInt(MAX_UINT + 1)" | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

The functional layer is actually quite powerful; a lot of protocol behavior can be defined here without referring to protocol state.

As you can see, we have omitted the type of MAX_UINT but specified the type of isUInt. Most of the time, the type checker can infer the types of values and operator definitions, and giving additional type annotations is up to you. In rare cases, the type checker may get confused, and then explicit type annotations will help you in figuring out the issue.

5. Declare the protocol parameters

Progress: 17%

Code snippet:

    // State-dependent definitions and actions

    // Currently, we fix the set of all addresses to a small set.
    // In the future, we will be using the commented-out constant declaration.
    // For now, we are using simple aliases instead of actual Ethereum addresses.
    //const ADDR: Set[Addr]
    pure val ADDR = Set("null", "alice", "bob", "charlie", "eve")

In this step, we are starting to describe the protocol structure and behavior in terms of a state machine.

It often happens that protocols are parameterized in the sense that the protocol may be instantiated for different parameter values, and different instances still make sense. The typical parameters are:

  • the set of all possible addresses,

  • the address that performs a special role,

  • minimal and maximal values,

  • timeout values.

For this purpose, Quint offers const declarations. You can see one of them in the commented out section of the code above. You may be wondering, what is the difference between const and pure val. They mean to express the same concept: A value that stays the same for all computations. However, they differ in the time when they are bound to a value:

  • The pure val values are immediately defined via an expression in the right-hand side.

  • The const values are first declared and later they are substituted with actual values via an instance declaration.

Constant declarations are not fully supported yet. They will be available as soon as the issue #528 is closed.

At the moment, we simply declare the value for a small set of addresses ADDR, in order to be able to iterate on the protocol specification quickly.

6. Declare the protocol state

Progress: 21%

Code snippet:

    // the minter's address
    var minter: Addr
    // the balances in the subcurrency tokens
    var balances: Addr -> UInt

As a next step, we declare state variables, which together represent a state of the protocol. In the above code, we introduce two such variables:

  • The variable minter to store the minter's address. The type of this variable is Addr.

  • The variable balances to store the balances of all users. The type of this variable is Addr -> UInt, which means a map from values of type Addr to values of type UInt.

Variable definitions always require type. Otherwise, it may be too hard for the type checker to infer the types of the state variables.

If you compare the above variable definitions to the relevant variable declarations in the Solidity contract, you should see that our variable declarations are conceptually similar, modulo the slightly different syntax of Solidity:

    // in Solidity:
    address public minter;
    mapping (address => uint) public balances;

7. Declare operators over states

Progress: 26%

Code snippet:

    // a handy definition to query the whole state in REPL at once
    val state = { minter: minter, balances: balances }

It is often convenient to define a few helper operators.

We start with the definition of state that represents the entire state as a record. This is what we do in the above code with the definition of state. Notice that the definition of state is prefixed with val, not pure val. Since state accesses state variables is it impure.

You can try to evaluate the definition of state in REPL right away:

echo "state" | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

If you tried that, you saw several error messages. The reason is that the state variables are not initialized by default. We would have to introduce an initialization action, which is usually called init. You will see how to do that a few steps later.

8. Declare require and totalSupply

Progress: 30%

Code snippet:

    // a helper function to make preconditions similar to Solidity
    def require(cond: bool): bool = cond

    // compute the total supply of coins over all balances
    val totalSupply = ADDR.fold(0, (sum, a) => sum + balances.get(a))

In the above code, we introduce a helper definition require that evaluates its Boolean parameter. As you might have noticed, this definition is not doing anything useful. We introduce it to make the code a bit more accessible for first-time readers who are familiar with Solidity.

The definition of totalSupply may look a bit complex, if you have never seen similar code before. Let's break it down into smaller pieces:

  • The definition of totalSupply defines a value, but not a pure one. Hence, even though totalSupply does not take any parameters, it implicitly depends on the state. As a result, totalSupply may evaluate to different values in different states, that is, in those states where the values of balances differ.

  • ADDR.fold(0, f) iterates over the set of addresses in some order and for every address a, it applies f(s, a) for the accumulator value s, which is initialized with 0. In our example, the operator f is defined as an anonymous lambda operator: (sum, a) => sum + balances.get(a). For our definition of ADDR, the computed value would be equal to:

     ((((0 + balances.get("null")) + balances.get("alice")) + balances.get("bob"))
       + balances.get("charlie")) + balances.get("eve")

    Note that the order of the addresses in the brackets may be different from the one above. Hence, you should not rely on a particular order when using fold over sets. We are fine when using commutative operators such as + and *.

9. Declare an initializer init

Progress: 34%

Code snippet:

    // state initialization
    action init: bool = {
        // since the contract can be initialized by an arbitrary message sender,
        // we choose the sender from the set of all addresses non-deterministically.
        nondet sender = oneOf(ADDR)

As you may have seen in the previous steps, the state variables minter and balances are not initialized by default. In order to compute an initial state (there may be several!), we define a special action that we call an initializer. In our code, such an action is called init.

This definition is essential for describing the protocol. When you read somebody else's protocol, it is one of the key parts to look at.

If we go back to the Solidity code, it looks as follows:

    // in Solidity
    constructor() {
        minter = msg.sender;

In the Solidity code, the constructor is using an implicit parameter msg.sender, which is propagated from a user request by the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Quint does not have any built-in mechanism for reading user input. Instead, Quint offers a very powerful mechanism of non-deterministic choice. This is exactly what we do with the following line of code:

nondet sender = oneOf(ADDR)

This expression non-deterministically chooses one value from the set ADDR (assuming that the set is not empty) and binds this value to the name sender. The qualifier nondet indicates that the value of sender is special: the name sender is bound to a fixed value, but sender may evaluate to two different values when init is called twice or is called in different runs. This behavior may look complicated, but this is exactly what we expect from user input, too: The user may submit different inputs, even if the protocol resides in two identical states.

For more details, check oneOf in the reference manual.

10. Assign initial values to the state variables

Progress: 39%

Code snippet:

        all {
            minter' = sender,
            balances' = ADDR.mapBy(a => 0)

The rest of init is simple: The value of minter is set to the value of sender, and the value of balances is set to the map that maps all addresses from ADDR to value 0. Notice that the variables minter and balances are not assigned their new values immediately; they are assigned once init is evaluated completely (and only if init evaluated to true).

Now we can call init and evaluate an initialized state in REPL:

echo "init\n state" | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

Exercise: Call init multiple times in REPL and evaluate state after each call. Did you get the same initial states every time or were some states different?

Remember that we called init an initializer? This is because init only assigns new values to state variables, but does not read their previous values.

Exercise: Modify the assignment to balances in such a way that minter gets 1000 coins, while the other addresses get 0 coins, as before. Hint: use if (cond) value1 else value2.

11. Defining the action send

Progress: 43%

Code snippet:

    // Sends an amount of newly created coins to an address.
    // Can only be called by the minter, that is, the contract creator.
    // Note that we have to add `sender` as an action parameter,
    // which is accessed implicitly via `msg.sender` in Solidity.
    action mint(sender: Addr, receiver: Addr, amount: UInt): bool = all {
        require(sender == minter),
        val newBal = balances.get(receiver) + amount
        all {
            // Solidity does the overflow check under the hood.
            // We have to add it ourselves.
            // update the balances and keep the minter address
            balances' = balances.set(receiver, newBal),
            minter' = minter,

Similar to Solidity, we define the action mint. In contrast to init, we have decided to avoid non-deterministic choice in mint. Instead we are passing the user inputs as action parameters. You will see later that this makes debugging and testing easier.

If you understood how init works, the behavior of mint should be also easy to figure out. If you wonder what get and set are doing, here is the explanation:

  • balances.get(receiver) produces the value assigned to the key receiver in the map balances. If the key receiver has no value assigned in the map balances, REPL would show a runtime error. For more details, check get in the reference manual.

  • balances.set(receiver, newBal) produces a new map, that assigns the value of newBal to the key receiver, and keeps the other key-value pairs as in balances. For more details, check set in the reference manual.

Now it's time to mint some coins in REPL! Try the following:

echo 'init\n mint(minter, "bob", 2023)\n state' | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

As you can see, we can mint coins for Bob.

Exercise: Mint more coins for Bob, actually, mint MAX_UINT coins. Do you understand what happened in this case?

12. Defining the action send

Progress: 47%

Code snippet:

    // Sends an amount of existing coins from any caller (sender)
    // to a receiver's address.
    // Note that we have to add `sender` as an action parameter,
    // which is accessed via implicit `msg.sender` in Solidity.
    action send(sender: Addr, receiver: Addr, amount: UInt): bool = all {
        require(not(amount > balances.get(sender))),
        if (sender == receiver) {
            balances' = balances
        } else {
            val newSenderBal = balances.get(sender) - amount
            val newReceiverBal = balances.get(receiver) + amount
            all {
                // Again, Solidity does an automatic overflow test.
                // We do it ourselves.
                balances' =
                    .set(sender, newSenderBal)
                    .set(receiver, newReceiverBal)
        // keep the minter unchanged
        minter' = minter,

If you understood the mechanics of the action mint, you should easily figure out the behavior of send.

Play with mint and send in REPL! The simplest scenario would be:

echo 'init\n mint(minter, "bob", 2023)\n send("bob", "eve", 1024)\n state' | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

13. Defining a protocol step

Progress: 52%

Code snippet:

    // All possible behaviors of the protocol in one action.
    action step: bool = {
        nondet sender = oneOf(ADDR)
        nondet receiver = oneOf(ADDR)
        nondet amount =
        // execute one of the available actions/methods
        any {
            mint(sender, receiver, amount),
            send(sender, receiver, amount),

Finally, we can put together mint and send to describe every possible transition of the protocol! To this end, we non-deterministically choose the sender, the receiver, and the amount (from the set of integers from 0 to MAX_UINT, inclusive). The expression any { ... } executes one of its arguments; if both could be executed, one of them is executed non-deterministically.

Exercise: Run REPL, execute init once and execute step multiple times. Do you understand why some of the occurrences of step evaluate to false and some evaluate to true? It may help you, if you print state after init and step.

We have defined the state variables, the initializer, and a step of the protocol. This is the minimal set of tasks for defining a working protocol. What we have achieved here is great! You can play with the protocol, feed it with different parameters in REPL, and experiment with your protocol.

Although you should definitely play with the protocol at this point, we urge you not to stop here! In the next steps, we show you the real magic of Quint.

14. Expected properties

Progress: 56%

Code snippet:


Having defined the protocol behavior with init and step, it is time to think about what we expect from the protocol. This is a good place for specifying protocol invariants and temporal properties.

15. Defining the most basic invariant

Progress: 60%

Code snippet:

    // One of the simplest properties is that all balances are within the uint range.
    // While it is automatically guaranteed by Solidity, our specification is using
    // big integers. Hence, it makes sense to check the range.
    val balancesRangeInv: bool = 
        ADDR.forall(a => isUInt(balances.get(a)))

One of the most basic properties that we expect from the protocol is defined by the property balancesRangeInv. This property goes over all addresses in ADDR and tests, whether the value stored in balances for every address is in the range from 0 to MAX_UINT (inclusive).

We can immediately check this invariant for a few states:

echo 'init\n balancesRangeInv\n mint(minter, "bob", 2023)\n balancesRangeInv\n send("bob", "eve", 1024)\n balancesRangeInv\n ' | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

Properties like balancesRangeInv are called invariants, because we expect them to hold in every state that could be produced by init and a number of step actions. Intuitively, whatever happens, the property should hold true.

It is important to distinguish between the properties that we would like to be invariants and the properties that we have proven to be invariants. To be precise, the former properties are called invariant candidates, whereas the latter are actually called invariants.

16. Defining the total supply invariant

Progress: 65%

Code snippet:

    // It is desirable that the total supply of tokens fits into UInt.
    // Otherwise, a blockchain implementation or the user interface
    // may run into an unexpected overflow when adding up the balances.
    val totalSupplyDoesNotOverflowInv: bool = {

Another basic invariant that we intuitively expect to hold is defined in totalSupplyDoesNotOverflowInv. It is so simple that it should hold true, right? If we have your attention now, read further!

Exercise: Extend the protocol with a state variable called totalMinted, initialize it with 0 and increase it in mint with the amount passed to mint.

17. Temporal properties

Progress: 69%

Code snippet:

    // The temporal property that says the following:
    // Assume that we want to check the temporal property `NoSupplyOverflow`
    // for every initial state. Then we have to check for every initial state
    // that it never produces a computation that ends in a state violating
    // `totalSupplyDoesNotOverflowInv`. In general, temporal properties may be
    // checked against any kinds of states, not only initial ones.
    temporal NoSupplyOverflow: bool = always(totalSupplyDoesNotOverflowInv)

After we have defined state invariants, we should normally think about temporal properties in general such as safety and liveness. However, temporal properties are an advanced topic, and smart contracts are typically focused on safety. Thus, it is safe to skip this topic for now. It is just important to know that temporal properties are labelled with the qualifier temporal.

18. Tests

Progress: 73%

Code snippet:

    // TESTS

    // send should not work without minting
    run sendWithoutMintTest = {
        init.then(send(minter, "bob", 5))

So far, we have been running sequences of actions in REPL, to get basic understanding of the protocol mechanics. While REPL is capable of replaying actions one-by-one, it would be more convenient to run something similar to unit tests or integration tests, which are ubiquitous in programming languages.

We normally add tests in the very bottom of the protocol module, or in a separate module.

Quint introduces runs to express "happy paths" and tests. The above code shows a simple test sendWithoutMintTest. In this test, the action init runs first. If it evaluates to true, then the action send(...) is run. Since this action is composed with fail(), the action send(...) is expected to evaluate to false.

Go ahead and see if this test goes through:

echo 'sendWithoutMintTest' | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

Exercise: Actually, if you look carefully at the code of send, you can find one value for amount that makes send work even without prior minting. What is this value?

19. A single data point test

Progress: 78%

Code snippet:

    // `mint`, then `send`
    run mintSendTest = {
        init.then(mint(minter, "bob", 10))
            .then(send("bob", "eve", 4))
            .then(all {
                assert(balances.get("bob") == 6),
                assert(balances.get("eve") == 4),
                minter' = minter,
                balances' = balances,

We can write longer tests that are similar to unit/integration tests in normal programming languages. For instance, the above test mintSendTest makes sure that the exact sequence of mint and send transactions goes through and the resulting balances have the expected values.

echo 'mintSendTest' | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

Exercise: Change some numbers in the test, run it again in REPL and observe what happens.

Although it is better to have a test like mintSendTest than no test at all, mintSendTest is testing only one data point. We can do better in Quint, see the next step.

20. Testing with non-deterministic inputs

Progress: 82%

Code snippet:

    // Mint some coins for Eve and Bob.
    // Test that Eve can always send coins to Bob,
    // if she has enough on her balance.
    // This test may fail sometimes. Do you see why?
    // If not, execute it multiple times in REPL, until it fails.
    run mintTwiceThenSendError = {
        // non-deterministically pick some amounts to mint and send
        nondet mintEve =
        nondet mintBob =
        nondet eveToBob =
        // execute a fixed sequence `init`, `mint`, `mint`, `send`
        init.then(mint(minter, "eve", mintEve))
            .then(mint(minter, "bob", mintBob))
                if (eveToBob <= balances.get("eve")) {
                    // if Eve has enough tokens, send to Bob should pass
                    send("eve", "bob", eveToBob)
                } else {
                    // otherwise, just ignore the test
                    all { minter' = minter, balances' = balances }

Instead of testing a sequence of transactions for a carefully crafted single input, we could fix a sequence of transactions and let the computer find the inputs that fail the test. This is exactly what we are doing in the above test mintTwiceThenSendError. The test non-deterministically chooses the amounts of coins to mint and send and then executes the actions mint, mint, and send. As the values are chosen non-deterministically, we know that some of the inputs should fail send. Our hypothesis is that send should never fail when Eve has enough coins on her account. If she does not, we simply ignore this choice of inputs in the else-branch.

Let's run this test:

echo 'mintTwiceThenSendError' | quint -r coin.qnt::coin

If you lucky, it fails right away. If it does not fail, run it multiple times, until it fails. To see why it failed, evaluate state after executing the test. Do you understand why our hypothesis was wrong?

Exercise: Fix the condition in mintTwiceThenSendError, so that the test never fails.

If you carefully look at mintTwiceThenSendError, you will see that it is still a single data point test, though the data point (the inputs) are chosen non-deterministically every time we run the test. In fact, REPL implements non-determinism via random choice.

If you do not want to sit the whole day and run the test, you could integrate it into continuous integration, so it runs from time to time for different inputs. Quint comes with the command test that is designed for exactly this purpose. Try the command below. Most likely, it would find a violation after just a few tests.

quint test --match mintTwiceThenSendError coin.qnt

Also, we had to fix the sequence of actions in our test. We can do better with Quint.

21. Testing with non-deterministic inputs and control

Progress: 86%

Code snippet:

    // to run the random simulator for 10000 executions, each up to 10 actions,
    // execute the following in the command line:
    // $ quint run --invariant totalSupplyDoesNotOverflowInv coin.qnt

It is often hard to find a good sequence of actions that breaks an invariant. Similar to how we let the computer to find the right inputs, we can use the computing power to look for bad sequences of actions.

Quint REPL actually supports random search for sequences of actions that violate an invariant. Its UX is a bit ad hoc at the moment. We will improve it in the future. You can try it right away:

quint run --invariant totalSupplyDoesNotOverflowInv coin.qnt

The above command in REPL randomly produces sequences of steps, starting with init and continuing with step, up to 20 steps. It checks the invariant totalSupplyDoesNotOverflowInv after every step. If the invariant is violated, the random search stops and returns false. If no invariant violaion is found, the search returns true after enumerating the specified number of runs, which is 10000 in our example. The search parameters such as the number of runs and steps can be tuned. Check the options of run:

quint run --help

22. Does random testing always find bugs?

Progress: 91%

To be honest, our example is relatively simple, and we were quite lucky that the invariant totalSupplyDoesNotOverflowInv was often violated by a completely random search. For more complex protocols, random search often gets stuck while looking for non-interesting inputs or sequences of actions. Hence, if you have a hunch about where an error could potentially be, you could restrict the scope of the search by:

  • Restricting the scope of non-determinstic choices, e.g., by making every set in oneOf(S) smaller.

  • Restricting the choice of actions, e.g., by removing non-essential actions from step.

Although the above tricks may help you in detecting some bugs, it is well known that there is always a probability of missing a bug with random search.

If you are looking for better guarantees of correctness, Quint will be soon integrated with the Apalache model checker. The model checker looks for counterexamples more exhaustively, by solving equations. In some cases, it may even give you a guarantee that there is no bug, if it has not found any.

23. Suming it up

Progress: 95%

This was a long tutorial. We have specified the whole protocol, experimented with it, wrote several tests and even found some surprising behavior of this protocol. We hope that by going through this tutorial you have got an idea of how you could specify your own protocol in Quint and make Quint useful for solving your problems with protocols!

We have used a Solidity contract as the running example. Actually, there is not much special about Solidity in this coin protocol. A similar protocol could be implemented in Cosmos SDK or Cosmwasm.

We are experimenting with different kinds of tutorials. It would be great to learn whether you liked this tutorial format, or not. Please vote in the discussion.

The end

You have made it!