All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed batch mode issue
- Fixed an issue where new Hierarchy Window would be created if they where hidden.
- Added proper bootup check to restore previous saves.
- Automatically Loading and Saving the hierarchy when opening and closing unity as well suggested here.
- Moved all unity scene hierarchy to a specific class
- Update to force the scene that contains any expanded item to be automatically expanded in playtime as well.
- Added support o force objects to always be expanded by the context menu (Right Click over a GameObject
-> Scene Keeper/Always Expanded
- Package information
- Added a selection keeper between opening and closing scenes
- Renamed the package to Scene Keeper
- Improved performance
- First selection keeper between editor time and play time
- First release as package